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Just a moment... | There’s a well-established principle in control systems and human factors design: views must be coupled to the task. A “picture of everything” isn’t useful unless it helps the operator do something specific. The failure mode is not a lack of data, it’s mismatched context and role-agnostic framing. There is no universal big picture, only role-specific, moment-specific views that are good for a particular purpose. The dream of a single, unified, evergreen dashboard is seductive but misleading. Clarity comes from designing views that serve a specific job and ensuring people know when and how to use them. |
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Between the tepid bath and the cloud of vapour:... | First the bait: an invitation to contribute to a multi-year strategy or plan. The service team marshal their best ideas. From their experience of performing live service at scale, they know these things would really shift the dial if stuck at for a sustained period. They have a set of initiatives, from the quick and easy to the higher value and more challenging to implement. |
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Trump administration’s blockchain plan for USAI... | Giulio Coppi, a senior humanitarian officer at the nonprofit Access Now who has researched the use of blockchain in humanitarian work, says that blockchain technologies, while sometimes effective, offer no obvious advantages over other tools organizations could use, such as an existing payments system or another database tool. “There’s no proven advantage that it’s cheaper or better,” he says. “The way it’s been presented is this tech solutionist approach that has been proven over and over again to not have any substantial impact in reality.” There have been, however, some successful instances of using blockchain technology in the humanitarian sector. In 2022, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) ran a small pilot to give cash assistance to Ukrainians displaced by the Russia-Ukraine war in a stablecoin. Other pilots have been tested in Kenya by the Kenya Red Cross Society. The International Committee of the Red Cross, which works with the Kenya team, also helped to develop the Humanitarian Token Solution (HTS). One representative from an NGO that uses blockchain technology, but wasn’t authorized to speak to the media with regards to issues relating to USAID, says that particularly with regards to money transfers, stablecoins can be faster and easier than other methods of reaching communities impacted by a disaster. However, “introducing new systems means you’re setting up a new burden” for the many organizations that USAID partners with, they say. “The relative cost of new systems is harder for small NGOs,” which would often include the kind of local organizations that would be at the front line of response to disasters. The proposed adoption of blockchain technology seems related to an emphasis on exerting tight controls over aid. The memo seems, for example, to propose that funding should be contingent on outcomes, reading, “Tying payment to outcomes and results rather than inputs would ensure taxpayer dollars deliver maximum impact.” A USAID employee, who asked to remain anonymous because they were not authorized to speak to the media, says that many of USAID’s contracts already function this way, with organizations being paid after performing their work. However, that’s not possible in all situations. “Those kinds of agreements are often not flexible enough for the environments we work in,” they say, noting that in conflict or disaster zones, situations can change quickly, meaning that what an organization may be able to do or need to do can fluctuate. |
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AI Blindspots | Blindspots in LLMs I’ve noticed while AI coding. Sonnet family emphasis |
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Modern Agile is Stupid: on why all great ideas ... |
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Engineers should state the obvious | It’s worth stating the obvious |
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Startup-CTO-Handbook/ at m... | THE STARTUP CTO’S HANDBOOK Essential Skills And Best Practices For High Performing Engineering Teams |
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Free ATS Resume Checker | AI Resume Checking To... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Just a moment... |
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Diagnosis in engineering strategy. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Reviewing monkey patches when updating gems | Permalink / Edit | |||||
PgBouncer is useful, important, and fraught wit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Wokeness Is Not to Blame for Trump |
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The reality of long-term software maintenance f... |
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The heart of it - Raw Signal Group |
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Electronic Signatures with Rails | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Resigning as Asahi Linux project lead | Thin blue line link has interesting commentary that rhymes with Rails experience |
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My 'Rules' for Running My Membership Program |
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The future belongs to idea guys who can just do... |
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The latest companies to pivot from DEI, sociall... |
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Fundamentals - Futility Closet | A lot of people think or believe or know they feel — but that’s thinking or believing or knowing; not feeling. And poetry is feeling — not knowing or believing or thinking. Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself. To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. As for expressing nobody-but-yourself in words, that means working just a little harder than anybody who isn’t a poet can possibly imagine. Why? Because nothing is quite as easy as using words like somebody else. We all of us do exactly this nearly all of the time — and whenever we do it, we’re not poets. |
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Just a moment... |
With note of JFK and Peace Corps |
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Is engineering strategy useful? | Good strategy examples in here. |
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Reddit: Stop Overcomplicating Agile: How Wabi-S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Seven things I know after 25 years of development |
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Turbo Frames and the Extra DOM Node – How to Ha... |
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Examples of Great URL Design | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Blog - Harrison Broadbent | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stealthly Browsing and Scraping with Ferrum | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What I've learned about writing AI apps so far ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Guide to Twilio + OpenAI Realtime on Rails (Wit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Brainwash An Executive Today! — Ludicity | Because management in large, dysfunctional (read: typical) companies is a game about promising to ship things to people further up your chain, people are broadly incentivized to say that everything has shipped no matter what has happened unless it is impossible to lie about this easily. What ends up developing gradually is a network of people who are selected for their ability to support convenient social narratives, and if you’re going to be negative at all, you aren’t allowed in the club. When someone is asked to be a team player, what is really being said is “shut the fuck up and we’ll let you into the club”. That is precisely why people use phrases like team player — it isn’t hard to pick something less clumsy and upsetting, but then you might not realize it’s a threat which is the whole point! |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | Action mailer and mandrill customization |
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Inside the Booming Diversity-Equity-and-Inclusi... | Via |
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Bridging theory and practice in engineering str... | As explored in Making engineering strategies more readable, documents that feel intuitive to write are often fairly difficult to read, That’s because thinking tends to be a linear-ish journey from a problem to a solution. Most readers, on the other hand, usually just want to know the solution and then to move on. That’s because good strategies for direction (e.g. when a team wants to understand how they’re supposed to solve a specific issue at hand) far more frequently than they’re read to build agreement (e.g. building stakeholder alignment during the initial development of the strategy). However, many organizations only produce writer-oriented strategy documents, and may not have any reader-oriented documents at all. If you’ve predominantly worked in those sorts of organizations, then the first reader-oriented documents you encounter will see artificial. |
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Just a moment... | Rockstar. Mark all as read.
Also here: |
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Software Design is Knowledge Building | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Every Tip I Know For Shipping Products That Mat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cognitive load is what matters | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Wardley mapping the LLM ecosystem. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Upgrading from Selenium to Cuprite | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pluralistic: Nurses whose shitty boss is a shit... | Carerev also lets bosses send nurses home early without paying them for the whole day – and they don’t pay overtime if a nurse stays after her shift ends in order to ensure that their patients are cared for. The librarian scholar Fobazi Ettarh coined the term “vocational awe” to describe how workers in caring professions will endure abusive conditions and put in unpaid overtime because of their commitment to the patrons, patients, and pupils who depend on them: |
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Is AI progress slowing down? | For example, if a model works poorly in translating to a low-resource language because it isn’t aware of idiomatic phrases in that language, the model can’t reason its way out of this. |
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Refresh a single Turbo frame | addresses the challenge of reloading specific sections of a webpage without triggering a full page refresh in Rails applications using Turbo. He critiques the native refresh action for being too broad, as it reloads the entire page, which can be inefficient and may disrupt the state of Stimulus controllers. |
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Cloudflare Tunnel: a free ngrok alternative for... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Just a moment... | To understand how “best practice” is used productively, we need to step back and realize that all problem domains are not alike (analysis stolen from Cynefin): Chaotic problems have no clear link between action and effect. Best practices are expected to have predictable effects, so they fail when applied to chaotic problems. Better to act first and analyze later. With a chaotic problem, almost any action will produce useful feedback. |
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Debanking (and Debunking?) | Did that require top-down direction? You can, in fact, generate nationwide programs with local offices doing strikingly similar things without top-down direction. The combination of a monoculture plus a policy direction that lower-level staffers believe in is often sufficient to make it happen. We have extensive experience of this in tech and finance, as discussed later. Japanese has a beautiful world, sontaku, for the attitude and actions a diligent subordinate would take without his superior’s explicit instruction, believing them to anticipate his boss’ desires. Sontaku is a core skill in the American professional class. People possessing it are sometimes described as “motivated self-starters”, “high-agency”, “bold”, ”takes initiative”, ”acts like an owner”, etc. |
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Measuring developer experience, benchmarks, and... |
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Nobuild with Rails and Importmap | For sharing JavaScript code with the host application, like Stimulus controllers, create a partial Importmap configuration file and set the engine to merge it with the main one in the host application. |
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International Law Strikes Back at The 'Rules-Ba... |
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Chapter 19: Threads | Ruby Hacking Guide | Thread.pass vs kernel context switch |
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Why are we using LLMs as calculators? |
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Everything I've learned so far about running lo... |
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A Checklist for Making Faster, Better Decisions | Write down five preexisting company goals or priorities that will be impacted by the decision. Focusing on what is important will help you avoid the rationalization trap of making up reasons for your choices after the fact. |
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Writing a Technical Book | Permalink / Edit | |||||
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Interview With Björn Ottosson, Creator Of The O... | Many people know about CIE Lab. It’s quite close to human perception of color, but the handling of hue is not great. For example, a gradient between blue and white turns out purple in CIE Lab, similar to in sRGB. Some color spaces handle hue well but have other issues to consider. When I left my job in gaming to pursue education and consulting, I had a bit of time to tackle this problem. Oklab is my attempt to find a better balance, something Lab-like but “okay”. |
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George Saunders: what writers really do when th... |
But it is more compassionate. Bob has gone from “pure asshole” to “grieving widower, so overcome with grief that he has behaved ungraciously to a young person, to whom, normally, he would have been nice”. Bob has changed. He started out a cartoon, on which we could heap scorn, but now he is closer to “me, on a different day”. How was this done? Via pursuit of specificity. I turned my attention to Bob and, under the pressure of trying not to suck, my prose moved in the direction of specificity, and in the process my gaze became more loving toward him (ie, more gentle, nuanced, complex), and you, dear reader, witnessing my gaze become more loving, might have found your own gaze becoming slightly more loving, and together (the two of us, assisted by that imaginary grouch) reminded ourselves that it is possible for one’s gaze to become more loving. Or we could just stick with “Bob was an asshole,” and post it, and wait for the “likes”, and for the pro-Bob forces to rally, and the anti-barista trolls to anonymously weigh in – but, meanwhile, there’s poor Bob, grieving and misunderstood, and there’s our poor abused barista, feeling crappy and not exactly knowing why, incrementally more convinced that the world is irrationally cruel. |
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Public Work by Cosmos | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What makes concurrency so hard? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GitButler | Git Branching, Refined | Permalink / Edit | |||||
JD Vance is bad at this | Fascism in the digital age really only has one coherent unifying goal which is false consensus. |
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How to self-publish a programming book | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Engineers Do Not Get To Make Startup Mistakes W... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Good forms | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Connected and Disconnected Target Callbacks wit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Every webpage deserves to be a place | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Thread API : Concurrent, colorless Ruby | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Beaches are for people who enjoy the bureaucrac... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Launch a Turbo Modal with URL Params Using Stim... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Discovering New Music in 2024 – Pixel Envy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nested Forms With Turbo (without dependencies) | Interesting usage of formmethod in a button_to nested in another form 🤯 |
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An underrated software engineering interview qu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Reckoning: Part 2 — Object Lesson - Infrequentl... | Performance of getcalfresh vs benefitscal |
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8 Copywriting Hacks Backed By Science | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Introduction to Minitest Mocks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hotrails - Learn modern Ruby on Rails with Hotwire | The Turbo Rails Tutorial |
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A quote from Malte Ubl |
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The business of check cashing | That is to say: bank tellers work for an American corporation with an HR department. And bank tellers, in their hearts and in their actions, internalize the class that they must, must, must present as. There are classes of people that the bank does not want to do business with. (Banks are, as we have frequently covered, not allowed to say this in as many words.) The tellers do not want to speak to them, either, and this disdain radiates from them as palpable waves. The clerk at a check cashing business is not a bank teller. She does not disdain talking to poor people; being able to do that in such a way that most poor people end up liking her is her job. Don’t take my word for it; take the customers’. We have studied this industry extensively. We ran surveys. The customers keep saying things like “I like my local check cashing place because the girl behind the counter is kind and doesn’t judge me like those #%*(#%( at the bank.” You can present as being kind to almost all of your customers and be obviously unemployable as a bank teller. |
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Discovering Turbo 8 refreshes in Ruby on Rails | Julián Pinzón Eslava dives into a test case that explains the behaviour of page refreshes in Turbo. He will show a simple Rails app and progressively enhances the user experience using Turbo. |
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YouTube Summaries - AI Powered summaries and co... | Get a summary of any youtube video. Summarize podcasts, lectures, product launches, tech reviews and more. Quickly revise educational and how-to videos, enabling effective learning. |
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slash pages | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Debugging in Ruby with Debug | AppSignal Blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Chatting with Chris Wanstrath (Err the Blog/Git... |
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Advantages of incompetent management | And thus, you have people with spare bandwidth making up their own goals, so that they have something to show in the performance review. If we now revisit the situation from the employer’s point of view, it is no longer trivially wasteful, because everyone is always busy. However, it’s likely more wasteful than before, because people are building stuff you didn’t really need, and yet you almost certainly need now, because actually productive activities are hopelessly intertwined with this stuff. This is a big reason why successful software companies end up with mountains of code. The cycle repeats and branches out exponentially, as every team who’s built the once-needless and now-necessary thing asks for more headcount, gets it, and inevitably ends up with some of it idle some of the time. Then these new people invent more goals to pursue, persuade everyone that these fake goals are actual sub-goals of the real goals, and entangle existing systems with their new systems. |
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Widget state synchronisation across tabs | Using LocalStorage event listener to sync changes |
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Microfeatures I Love in Blogs and Personal Webs... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HTTP redirects in a Turbo-Rails app |
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Secure CSRF Token Storage in Rails 7 using Encr... |
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Just a moment... |
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How to refresh the full page when submitting a ... | The singular challenge. |
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An immersive mismanagement experience — Raw Sig... | This is a story about passion Most orgs will tell you they’d love to have a passionate, engaged community using their products. And most will tell you a passionate, engaged workforce sounds way better than the alternative. So far, there’s not much to dispute. But as two folks who spent decades building free, open source software, um, there’s a difference between saying you want that and actually wanting that. Because…passionate and engaged people are a pain in the ass to deal with. The heat that they bring to your work cuts both ways. Your biggest advocates and your biggest detractors are often the same people. This is true for community management and for regular old management management. These folks have high expectations. They will check you, loudly (and often publicly), if you veer off course. That’s not to say you can never screw up, but if you invite a group of people to follow along closely, you can’t be mad when they notice. And then want to talk about it. Courting near-obsessive engagement means courting a level of scrutiny that most corporations find uncomfortable. |
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Your Work is Not Academic |
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How (some) good corporate engineering blogs are... | How (some) good corporate engineering blogs are written |
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Rails Generator Cheat Sheets | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Automating PostgreSQL backups to Digital Ocean ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Visual design rules you can safely follow every... | Visual design rules you can safely follow every time |
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The Tower and the Sewer | Mark Lilla |
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An Interview with Author A.R. Moxon About 'Very... |
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Contra Stone On EA |
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The Ghosts Of New Atheism Still Haunt Us | Defe... |
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Reverse Dictionary – Find words that fit your d... |
Have you ever had difficulty finding the right words to use but you know the meaning of said word. Enter the phrase, definition or description you are thinking of and this Reverse Dictionary will find the word that best fits that description. |
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Platform teams don’t need to act like companies |
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The age of average (encore) — Alex Murrell |
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How uses AI to make it easy to... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Was the Future of Work a ZIRP? — Raw Signal Group |
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Weight loss from Wegovy sustained for up to fou... |
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Once a Maintainer: Rafael França |
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HouseFresh disappeared from Google Search resul... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
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Estimates are Fine. They Build Trust When You P... |
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The Alternative Implementation Problem |
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The beauty and drama of video games and their c... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Labs Practices Site | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Constraints on giving feedback. | an industry around delivering good feedback, such as the Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) framework, and these things are useful guide rails for giving feedback. In particular, I think they’re the sort of thing you can actively practice for three months (e.g. spend time proactively framing every piece of your feedback this way) and reflexively deploy without much effort from that point onward. However, I see them get misused in two different ways. First, often folks never really get comfortable with them and end up viewing them as “too heavy to apply quickly” so they start pocketing more and more feedback rather than delivering it. This is often net-negative because these trainings trying to help deliver better feedback result in folks getting significantly less feedback. If this seems surprising, then draw the Econ 101 supply/demand chart, and model the impact of the price of delivering feedback going up: the supply will naturally go down at any given point on the line. Second, I see folks reject feedback because they don’t like how it was delivered. Essentially, they become feedback lawyers who fixate on the weakness in how feedback was delivered rather than trying to understand the content within the feedback itself. This lets someone feel justified in ignoring feedback because it wasn’t properly formatted, but doesn’t accomplish anything other than discouraging future feedback. Again, if we look at the impact of this behavior, it’s just shifting the demand curve on the Econ 101 chart down, once again resulting in less feedback. The advice I give to people is that feedback recipients are obligated to extract the kernel of insight from feedback, even if it isn’t well delivered. Other approaches might feel better short term, but they don’t work. |
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Rails: Easy Sitemaps | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pivotal Alumni Codex | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dan Solove on Privacy Regulation - Schneier on ... |
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AI isn't useless. But is it worth it? |
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Helsinki Bus Station Theory of Creativity |
10 years of experience or 1 year of experience 10 times |
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FactoryBot: the secret weapon called @overrides |
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SQLite on Rails | Fractaled Mind | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Unified Configuration in Rails |
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A Conversation with Siva Vaidhyanathan About "T... |
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Lessons after a half-billion GPT tokens - Ken K... |
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The Function of Colour in Factories, Schools & ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The LLMentalist Effect: how chat-based Large La... | Even the ratings themselves are suspect. Most, if not all, of the workers who provide this feedback to AI vendors are low-paid workers who are unlikely to have specialised knowledge relevant to the topic they’re rating, and even if they do, they are unlikely to have the time to fact-check everything. |
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Welcome to the video bloat era |
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» Jedi Knight (Plus, Notes on an Expanded Unive... |
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Aral Balkan — How Web 2.0 killed the Internet |
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Bayesian inference with informative priors is n... |
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Democracy and Fun |
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Democracy and Fun |
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“Against Flow” and Beyond | Mentioned here: |
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These thoughts might help: Don’t ask for feedback, ask for advice Cheap tricks for starting discussions in lectures |
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Designing The Light Source for IRIS « bunnie's ... |
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Is Your AI-First Strategy Causing More Problems... |
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The Messy Reality Behind a Silicon Valley Unicorn |
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Rails is back isn’t enough |
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How web bloat impacts users with slow devices | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rack apps mounted in Rails — how to protect acc... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rails — narrative vs model centric approach - M... |
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Hourly Billing Is Nuts by Jonathan Stark | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Goodbye, Pivotal Tracker | Jared Norman |
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Fetching the top n per group with a lateral joi... |
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(Ab)using Rails 7.1's #generates_token_for for ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
90% of designers are unhirable? | Matej Latin |
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Optimism vs Pessimism in Distributed Systems - ... |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | Interactive tool for showing the names of URL components. |
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Forest Gregg (@[email protected]) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
[EN] Zeitwerk Internals - Xavier Noria | Permalink / Edit | |||||
JSDoc as an alternative TypeScript syntax | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What It’s Like to Be a Sociopath | But when you say “extend that feeling,” is it cognitive understanding that you’re describing or an emotional response? At first it is cognitive. Then, over time, that does grow into the emotion. It’s the understanding of it that leads to the feeling. I’m sure you’ve had a situation where someone is explaining something to you, and at first you’re like, I don’t care. |
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Man throws 3-month birthday party for pothole c... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
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The Art of Forking: Unlocking Scalability in Ruby | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Software Has Eaten The Media |
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Using Jemalloc 5 with | Jemalloc configuration |
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Just a moment... | Pretty good list of behaviors and some interview questions to suss them out |
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How to turn off sharpening for ActiveStorage va... | How options are passed back to lib-vips from Active Storage; also details on libvips automatically adding sharpening / unsharp mask |
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The Right to Speak Freely Online | David Cole |
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That's not how any of this works — Raw Signal G... |
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GitHub - charlax/professional-programming: A co... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Blocked | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Speed up your Docker builds with –cache-from | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Popular git config options | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What it was like working for GitLab |
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Programming Language and Theorem Prover — Lean | Via |
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Navigating Prioritization: Four Approaches | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Thoughts on a Global Design System |
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Using the term “visualization” for non-visual r... |
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How to deal with PostgreSQL Backups using Kamal... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Handy statistical lexicon | Statistical Modelin... | The Javert Paradox: Suppose you find a problem with published work. If you just point it out once or twice, the authors of the work are likely to do nothing. But if you really pursue the problem, then you look like a Javert |
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What is Gluten Free Flour? A Guide to the Glute... | Via r/glutenfreebaking |
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a bulldozer for every fence | sara hendren | Andreessen has mashed various trendy philosophical and political influences together in an attempt to sell the spirit of his manifesto. He has tried to weld together the techno-progress cult of Silicon Valley, the boundless liberationism of free-market individualist liberalism, the Nietzschean vitalism of the neo-pagan and “neo-reactionary” corners of the online right, and the anti-Woke, anti-communist, anti-bureaucratic bonafides of American conservativism. This doesn’t work. |
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The road to better recognition and fairer compensation for accessibility professionals is long, but it’s a journey we must take. By understanding the true breadth and depth of accessibility as a profession, adjusting our expectations and valuing these professionals for the specialists they are, we can create a job market that not only attracts but retains the talent needed to make our world more inclusive. |
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Mourning Google | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Initial Ruby on Rails app commits | Nice list of Rails linting and security tooling |
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The digital equivalent of wearing a fake Chanel... |
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A Rubric for Evaluating Team Members’ Contribut... |
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About |
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Resource links for Society 4.0 talk | Lessons from Grassroots Data Projects in the USA |
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NanoRaptor (@[email protected]) | Apple’s classic Pascal poster, remade as a nice clean vector image. Print at any size with the PDF link. |
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Juicy Fruit - Wikipedia | When William Wrigley Jr. started his new business in Chicago, he began by selling his father’s Scouring Soap, which he would entice customers to purchase by adding a free gift of baking powder. The baking powder offered ended up being far more popular than the Scouring Soap, so he switched to selling the baking powder instead. In 1892, Wrigley Jr. decided to give his baking powder customers a free gift, this time, attaching a few sticks of chewing gum to the box of baking powder. The chewing gum was far more popular than the baking powder, so Wrigley Jr. again switched his business this time to chewing gum. In 1893, Wrigley Jr. introduced a new flavor of gum, Juicy Fruit, which helped the Wrigley Company to become the most popular and successful chewing gum company in the world. |
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How to deploy Rails with Kamal, PostgreSQL, Sid... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Respecting Anxiety | When I see my coworkers’ anxiety spike, I no longer treat that as a problem to resolve at the symptoms level. Instead, I respect that the intelligent people I’m working with have life experiences and knowledge that is leading them to be stressed about the current situation. Anxiety is high, which means we need to sort through the situation. Sometimes this just means they are lacking necessary information. Incomplete context can generate stress. But sometimes it means that the situation is bad, and we need to intervene in whatever ways are possible to modify the situation. Addressing the symptoms will not work, it is only by identifying the root causes and changing them that we can actually resolve the anxiety. To do that, you have to trust that anxiety is a useful signal, and be curious about it. |
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Pagy Out, Turbo In: Transforming Pagination wit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GPT in 500 lines of SQL | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Object Lessons #3: Megadungeon | Unwinnable | A megadungeon only remains interesting when it’s both cohesive in its whole and distinctive in its parts. To return to that essay on aesthetic flaws, “whenever there are multiple forms of representation working together, there is the possibility of different aesthetic values about those kinds of representations clashing.” The smoothness of In Stars and Time greatly contributes to each loop feeling like an individual “floor” of something larger: every time something little changes, it feels sufficiently new. In contrast, each repetitive Diablo dungeon is alike in its structure and design, and since the differences mostly extend to visuals, I see that smoothness as a flaw. The next step past this kind of repetitive design, or maybe a relative to it, is procedural generation; for instance, One Page Dungeon, which produces dungeon floor layouts and basic item descriptions. Using it feels like the place I eventually got to with my dungeon, when I ran out of inspiration: googling fantasy tropes or flipping through novels to imagine appropriate things to put in empty rooms. In other words, using it feels a little like cheating. With no shade to these kinds of tools – they do require human input, after all – I can’t not think of how people use AI to generate inspiration, a process that cuts off one’s ability to do so on their own. |
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It's 2023, here is why your web design sucks. | TLDR: At some point, we told design they couldn’t sit with us anymore, and surprise! It backfired! Now, not only has the field and profession of web design suffered, but also, we build shitty websites. |
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The science of decision-making: why smart peopl... | The three decision-making styles |
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2023 in review – Rachel Andrew |
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coworker made it obvious she didn’t want the gi... |
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13 quick links for Monday morning | Some posts about OKRs (mostly the bad stuff) from The Uncertainty Project |
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The science of decision-making: why smart peopl... | The three decision-making styles |
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Alternative BigInt ID identifiers for Rails | Alternative BigInt ID identifiers for Rails |
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Turbo 8 Page Refreshes (+ Morphing) Explained a... | Turbo 8 Page Refreshes (+ Morphing) Explained at Length |
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Stop saying “technical debt” - Stack Overflow |
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Footer — The only footer gallery on earth. | Footer gallery |
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Steel and Air -a new film of a poem by John Ash... |
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A Management Maturity Model for Performance - I... |
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The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted |
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Questions for a new technology. | Questions for a new technology. |
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Building personal and organizational prestige | In my experience, engineers confronted with a new problem often leap to creating a system to solve that problem rather than addressing it directly. I’ve found this particularly true when engineers approach a problem domain they don’t yet understand well, including building prestige. For example, when an organization decides to invest into its engineering brand, the initial plan will often focus on project execution. It’ll include a goal for publishing frequency, ensuring content is representationally accurate across different engineering sub-domains, and how to incentivize participants to contribute. If you follow the project plan carefully, you will technically have built an engineering brand, but my experience is that it’ll be both more work and less effective than a less systematic approach. |
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GitHub - palkan/faqueue: Researching background... |
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TBM 260: The Thoughtful HIPPO |
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On software engineering hermeneutics | Structur... |
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How an agency principal should oversee a major ... | How modern software is made To know how software gets built today, there are six core concepts that agency leaders need to grasp: User-centered design |
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A Cultural Critique of the Tesla Cybertruck – P... |
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TBM 257: How to Make the Case for Slowing Down ... | TBM 257: How to Make the Case for Slowing Down to Speed Up |
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Components | The component gallery |
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Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by Americ... |
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Why I continue to support the science reform mo... |
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How Load-Bearing Is Your Ideology? | Kronopath | Good arguments don’t rest their weight on load-bearing ideologies. They’re so common-sensically good that they work with a wide variety of ideological or moral systems. |
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The 6 Types of Conversations with Generative AI | The 6 Types of Conversations with Generative AI Summary: When interacting with generative-AI bots, users engage in six types of conversations, depending on their skill levels and their information needs. Interfaces for UI bots should support and accommodate this diversity of conversation styles. |
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TBM 256: The Slide | TBM 256: The Slide |
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An example of an HTML Web Component | An example of an HTML Web Component |
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Hixie's Natural Log: Reflecting on 18 years at ... | Reflecting on 18 years at Google |
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Hey, check this out! Here’s how to read and the... | Here’s how to read and then rewrite the title and abstract of an academic paper. |
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Seeing like a Bank |
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Spotify’s Failed #SquadGoals | Spotify doesn’t use “the Spotify model” |
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11 Dutch Oven Chicken Recipes | 11 Dutch oven chicken recipes |
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PgBouncer is useful, important, and fraught wit... | PgBouncer |
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TBM 249: Return on Investment (and Allocation) |
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Preparing Conference Talk Delivery | Preparing Conference Talk Delivery |
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50 years later, is Two-Phase Locking the best w... |
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TBM 245: The Magic Prioritization Trick | A prioritization exercise.
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Optimizing for Taste / |
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From Projects to Products | Silicon Valley Prod... | In the project model, the best you can really ask for is time-to-market. But in the product model, you can focus on the much more impactful time-to-money. What is especially ironic is that you might think that a time-to-market project at least would get done faster than a time-to-money product team would achieve an outcome. But so often it is just the opposite. |
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an enabling form of limit | sara hendren | All sports involve some kind of disabling impediment, in the form of rules that restrict the ways in which one can achieve the object of the game. |
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Writing better Action Mailers: Revisiting a cor... | Writing better Action Mailers: Revisiting a core Rails concept |
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Ultimate guide to Rack::Attack | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TBM 242: The Simplicity Fetish | Let me requote Cat Hicks’ wonderful Twitter thread on this: Doing research with developer teams, something that really strikes me is how much people look for ways to make complex problems easy rather than make it easy to work on complex problems What I mean is, sometimes it’s really useful to admit we just are trying to accomplish tough things. Asking how we can support our teams who NEED the time and space to work through that, it’s often a much more tractable lever than trying to change the inherent nature of the work I think it behooves me to say as a psychologist here that I think people are actually really excellent at working on complex problems! It’s one of the reasons research with developers is so great. Overall devs love to learn, love to be curious, love to innovate. It is core stuff. What would it look like if we could ask, “how do I make this the absolute best environment for complex problem-solving” instead of “how do I take away all these annoying hard problems.” The stuff we want to accomplish in the world is hard. But can be joyful to accomplish. |
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Against LLM maximalism · Explosion | However, LLMs are not a direct solution to most of the NLP use-cases companies have been working on. They are extremely useful, but if you want to deliver reliable software you can improve over time, you can’t just write a prompt and call it a day. Once you’re past prototyping and want to deliver the best system you can, supervised learning will often give you better efficiency, accuracy and reliability than in-context learning for non-generative tasks — tasks where there is a specific right answer that you want the model to find. Applying rules and logic around your models to do data transformations or handle cases that can be fully enumerated is also extremely important. |
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Throttling Rails logins with Rack Attack | Throttling Rails logins with Rack Attack |
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The Grug Brained Developer | The Grug Brained Developer |
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The most important articles ever written about ... | |
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Supporting your customer support staff with int... | Supporting your customer support staff with internal service design |
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What Does it Mean to be Wholesome in 2023: An A... | What Does it Mean to be Wholesome in 2023: An Analysis of the 2023 Wholesome Direct |
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Postgres Lock Conflicts | PostgreSQL Lock Conflicts This tool shows all commands and locks in postgres. If you select a command, it lists the locks that it acquires, commands that conflicts with it and commands are allowed to run concurrently with it without conflict. If you select a lock it lists commands that acquire the lock and what are the other conflicting locks. |
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The Source of Readability | The Source of Readability |
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The Hidden Complexities of Running Shell Comman... | The Hidden Complexities of Running Shell Commands in Ruby |
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Personality tests and nazis |
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When the Worst Happens (OS Feels 2016) – Subfic... | When the Worst Happens (OS Feels 2016) What follows is the text I used as my guide during my 2016 Open Source and Feelings talk When the Worst Happens. You can also view a video recording of the talk. |
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Unravelling the Digital Markets Act – Pixel Envy | Breakdown of dam, like gdpr |
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Moving faster | This post is part of a series, starting at Reflections on a decade of coding. |
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Credit card debt collection |
Administrative burden in the (regulated) private sector |
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Freakonomics and global warming: What happens t... |
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Idea To Impact |
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Eventual Business Consistency | Bi-temporal data has been around since the early 1990’s, based on the pioneering work of Richard Snodgrass Track both the date it actually happened and the date that the system became aware of it (effective date and posted date) |
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Just a moment... | When social apps launched select features |
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Ruby and Jupyter Notebooks | Jupyter notebooks and Ruby |
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What we talk about when we talk about System De... | What we talk about when we talk about System Design |
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Forecasting the future | Ruby ML |
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5 years of Active Storage in production: lesson... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Don’t reinvent the wheel with Rails exception h... | Rails rescue_responses |
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Promote Ruby article: best locations | Ruby promotion |
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Against the "Eat Your Vegetables" Approach to T... |
People who argue that certain information should be pushed to everyone on a social media platform eventually need to just admit that the reason behind their belief is one of two things: either they agree with the viewpoints they’re saying we need more of, or they are simply unaffected by the consequences of those viewpoints. I think it might just be that simple. |
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How to Make Sense of Any Mess | HOW MAKE SENSE OF ANY MESS |
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Finnish Salmon Soup (Lohikeitto) • authentic re... | Salmon soup |
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Building personal and organizational prestige |
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The Long Annoying Tradition of Anti-Patriotism |
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Yes, video game loading bars are fake, indie de... |
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Ruby Option Parser | Alchemists | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"Do what works" was the hard part | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Little Baby With Really Good Taste | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The List (updated 12/30/2023) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Upgrading from Selenium to Cuprite | Cuprite configuration |
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The king of brand safe nothingness |
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On being CDO of California. Yesterday I left my... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Design without Designers |
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People can read their manager's mind | People can read their manager’s mind |
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GitHub - zakirullin/cognitive-load: 🧠 Cognitive... | Cognitive Load Developer’s Handbook |
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Practical Design Tips And Guidelines For Beginn... | Nice visual design tweaks, like centering irregular images. |
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Diátaxis | A systematic framework for technical documentation authoring. |
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Jura Capresso-Impressa Oval Head Screw | Jura Instructions |
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Google "We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI" | Nice list of open source llm models |
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Rules of Thumb for Software Development Estimat... | Estimation. Cone of uncertainty. Some good lists. |
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How to scale a JavaScript project over time (pa... | How to scale a JavaScript project over time:
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12 Branches of Geomancy — American School of Ge... |
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Succession: Kill List | So even beyond The Thick of It and Veep and In the Loop—the latter of which features David Rasche, AKA Karl, as the nastiest US senator ever put on-screen—Armstrong has done a lot of work that begins from the worldview that, because those in power can choose what veneer gets presented as “sane” and “rational,” the world’s afflictions arise from that dissonance between the things we’re conditioned to accept and the reasons we’re being conditioned to accept them in the first place. From this vantage point, Logan is basically the horrors of the world manifested in human form: he holds no illusions, except that nothing else is possible, and alternates between a weary man who barely cares about the trappings he’s waltzing through and the sheer fury he fires off at anyone who dares to suggest that there’s more to the world than this. Via phil gyford |
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Excuse me, is there a problem? | Nice chart of what goes wrong with product market fit and startup stuff |
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The “const” Deception | Values and labels and variables. A nice definition |
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Winning "bring me a rock" | The equivalent of: I’ll know it when I see it. |
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Deskilling on the Job | danah boyd | apophenia |
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Before your next offsite — Raw Signal Group | Nice offsite or conference planning tips |
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9-slide presentations | I appreciate that it makes a distinction between the order to create the presentation, and the order of the presentation. |
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April King — Refresh vs. Long-lived Access Tokens | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Systems design 2: What we hope we know | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Number System Invented by Inuit Schoolchildre... | Math is great. |
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Replacing my best friends with an LLM trained o... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| Creating Custom Rails Generators | Rails generators can help remove significant friction from the process of spinning up new ideas, but you don’t have to limit yourself to the included generators. You can also create custom generators as long as you’re familiar with the available APIs and know where the speed bumps are. |
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Data science is different now | Permalink / Edit | |||||
“Test & Roll: Profit-Maximizing A/B Tests” by F... | One of the comments:
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Building a data team at a mid-stage startup: a ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
'Keys To The VIP' Unlocked The Modern Manospher... |
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Are blockchains decentralized? | Via Rob:
They also have a BOM tool. |
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The behavioral economists’ researcher degree of... | A few years ago we talked about the two modes of pop-microeconomics:
Argument 1 is associated with “why do they do that?” sorts of puzzles. Why do they charge so much for candy at the movie theater, why are airline ticket prices such a mess, why are people drug addicts, etc. The usual answer is that there’s some rational reason for what seems like silly or self-destructive behavior. Argument 2 is associated with “we can do better” claims such as why we should fire 80% of public-school teachers or Moneyball-style stories about how some clever entrepreneur has made a zillion dollars by exploiting some inefficiency in the market. The trick is knowing whether you’re gonna get 1 or 2 above. They’re complete opposites! |
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The Eternal Mystery Of A Rich Man's Politics | ... |
Socialism and barbarism are now both back on the menu, and each on the ascent. But for members of a generation who saw their politics as inseparable from themselves without ever thinking nearly as hard about the former as they did about the latter, this is all still a matter of performance. Such politics are easy to change because they were never really anchored to any actual system of belief. An obliterating narcissism and sawed-off selfishness is latent in American culture like lead in contaminated water; in the absence of countervailing principles, it will naturally make its presence felt over time. If your politics is just about Opposing Authority, for instance, with no regard for or sense of the structural and material realities of actual power, then remaining true to those politics is just a matter of propping up new authority figures to rage against. Any idiot can do that, and many idiots have. |
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Review of "We Go Where They Go: The Story of An... |
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AI and the Value of Imagination | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CS183B Lecture 5: Peter Thiel "Business Strateg... | Lecture 5: Peter Thiel "Business Strategy and Monopoly Theory" Notes |
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Neurodiversity Design System | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Great Replacement (Not That One, the Real One) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Solo Founde... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?—S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Abolition Requires Struggle | What a time it is to be a prison abolitionist! Millions of people filled the streets during the 2020 uprisings, forcing a national conversation around defunding and abolishing the police. The abolitionist lexicon broke into the mainstream. Suddenly everyone had—and had to have—an opinion on the movement. The newly invigorated abolitionist movement has faced swift […] |
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A Historical Reference of React Criticism—zachl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Exactly-once message delivery · Exactly Once | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Artificial scarcity, artificial fatigue | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Real-world Engineering Challenges #8: Breaking ... | A deep dive into how Khan Academy took a 1 million-line Python monolith and split it into ~40 Go services in a more than 3 year-long project. |
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People can read their manager's mind | Permalink / Edit | |||||
You're probably wrong about how things have cha... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How img2img Diffusion Works · Chris McCormick | Also img2prompt |
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Migrate a Rails App from Heroku to Dokku [Step ... | Dokku is dev ops for dummies and a cheaper alternative to Heroku. Recently I've migrated a couple of my projects to it. In this blog post, I will describe how to setup and migrate a Rails app to Dokku with PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis and Let's Encrypt or Cloudflare for free SSL. |
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What Colour are your bits? - Ansuz - mskala's h... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MotherDuck: Big Data is Dead | MOST PEOPLE DON’T HAVE THAT MUCH DATA |
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Chocolate Crumb Cake • moist and fudgy! | Chocolate crumb cake is a moist coffee cake topped with big fudgy crumbs ~ breakfast doesn’t get any better than this! |
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Using Erb with Jekyll | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Replacing a SQL analyst with 26 recursive GPT p... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Software and its Discontents, Part 2: An Explos... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
We invested 10% to pay back tech debt; Here's w... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Vanilla Rails view components with partials | S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
DovAmir/awesome-design-patterns: A curated list... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"The community spectrum: caring to combative" -... | Via |
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OpenAI Cookbook: Techniques to improve reliability | Permalink / Edit | |||||
openai-cookbook/techniques_to_improve_reliabili... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
20 Things I've Learned in my 20 Years as a Soft... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
ScrollyVideo.js | Responsive scrollable videos without obscure video encoding requirements. Compatible with React, Svelte, Vue, and plain HTML. |
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On Fascism and the Three Way Fight (Guest Post) |
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Nginx Proxy: upstream sent too big header while... | If you’re running an Nginx proxy configuration, you can run into the following error in your logs. |
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200. Writing a Book on Substack | Substack is a new and improved way to write and distribute a book, communicate, and build a community while doing so. |
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Dealing with Decline — Rob Henderson | Voice, Exit, Loyalty |
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copilot-explorer | Hacky repo to see what the C... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Remove Background from Image – | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From byebug to ruby/debug | Permalink / Edit | |||||
This Week In Rails Wrapped: An Overview Of Rail... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Everything I learned about accidentally running... | Normconf was amazing! |
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Exit, by Hari Kunzru. about Wired UK | The political economist Albert O. Hirschman famously characterized the choice that is faced by people within declining institutions as being between “voice” and “exit.” Either you speak up to change things, or you leave and look for something better. |
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David Copeland's Rails new template | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Working in Their Sleep | Alice Driver | “The body has a memory,” she told me, and looked at her hands. On one finger she wore a gold ring with a fuchsia stone. If you got close you could read, engraved in capital letters below the stone, TYSON. The ring, a gift from the company, had belonged to her husband. Her hands always hurt, pulsing as if they had been hit. She could no longer lift or open things—her fingers didn’t work as she wished. Yet in her sleep, she processed birds with such a ferocity that she would wake up covered in scratches and cuts. Her doctor gave her a cast-like glove to wear at night. |
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The Uses of Friction - by Byrne Hobart - The Diff | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What I learned from pairing by default | I never used to pair program, and then I spent four months on a pair-by-default team. Here’s what I learned. |
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A gentle introduction to Domain Driven Design |... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An Interactive Guide to Flexbox | When we truly learn the secrets of the Flexbox layout mode, we can build absolutely incredible things. Fluid layouts that stretch and shrink without arbitrary breakpoints. In this action-packed interactive tutorial, we’ll pop the hood on the Flexbox algorithm and learn how to do remarkable things with it. ✨ |
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TBM 49/52: Pyramid of Leadership Self/Other Awa... | How can you work more effectively with diverse individuals and teams as a product leader? We all tend to have our “go-to” explanations when things go wrong at work. A couple of examples: You can usually boil things down to leadership issues. That and grit and perseverance. |
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Diátaxis | A systematic framework for technical documentation authoring. |
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Only positive reinforcement for researchers in ... | Thought: “action without strategy is chaos” |
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Pins app for | A modern Pinboard app for 2022. |
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Myron’s Maxims – Heart of the Art | People own what they help create via |
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Consenting to decisions | A Working Library | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Out of time |
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Verica - Inhumanity of Root Cause Analysis | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TBM 47/52: Prompts for Exploring Strategic Tens... | Here are some strategy prompts to guide you through the perverse holiday ritual we call annual planning. Are these meant to be challenging? Yes. You’ll notice that each prompt explores a tension and/or polarity. Do organizations AVOID statements like this like the plague? Yes. Most do. Why? Because focus is a threat to whatever political stalemate exists. |
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Home invasion, about Mastadon and Endless Septe... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nick Cammarata On Jhana - by Scott Alexander | Permalink / Edit | |||||
what to blog about | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Things your manager might not know | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Richard D. Wolff | Critics of Capitalism Must I... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
cohost! - "The "baseline" scene was actually wr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
4.2 Gigabytes, or: How to Draw Anything - ⌨️🤷🏻♂️📷 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
6 Simple and Useful PostgreSQL Features that I ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Home | The Component Gallery | Permalink / Edit | |||||
1,000 shops in your pocket (Interconnected) | The thing is with shops on the web is that once upon a time they made a ton of sense because people spent time actually browsing the web. Today? Not so much. Which is why we individual stores resort to aggressive email marketing, and the rest is dominated by retailed large enough to colonise mental real estate: Amazon basically. |
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The X of Generation X | Permalink / Edit | |||||
3 Reasons Why I Think 50% Coding 50% Marketing ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Positano, the Instagram capital of the world, i... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Illustrated Stable Diffusion – Jay Alammar ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Detect anomalies in user behavior using Rails a... | You probably use some type of error monitoring software to notify you when an exception is raised in your application, but are you being notified when there is an anomaly in user behavior? |
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TinyKiwi - Image editor for indie makers. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Designing Better Inline Validation UX — Smashin... | Inline validation in web forms is useful when it works, but frustrating when it fails. Too often it leads to an endless stream of disruptive error messages or dead-ends without any chance of getting out. Let’s fix it. |
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Retrospection and Learnings from Dgraph Labs - ... | When a market is saturated, a better product wins. For example, it makes sense to build a better SQL because the market is already well educated about the usage of the technology. When a market is new, better marketing wins. For example, it makes sense to educate the market about graphs, even with a simpler product, so devs understand when to use it and how. Not knowing how to position or market the software cost us dearly. |
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Deploying Rails with Docker and AWS Fargate - H... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Design Systems For Figma | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Aidan W Steele on Twitter: "After using AWS for... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
musicForProgramming(); | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Timeless Way of Programming - Tomas Petricek | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Business "Ethics" (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Design of Everyday Things — Book Summary & ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The little con and the big con — Raw Signal Group | The stories are individual and nuanced, but the pattern is consistent. What they tell us about their people and about themselves is a thing you already know. When you are doing work that… you give a shit about in an environment that supports you …you are unstoppable. And when you aren’t, you aren’t. Those two ingredients come up again and again. They’ve been the same ingredients since Andy Grove was writing about them when we were the kids playing with our dessert. They’ve been the same since Drucker before him. There’s a whole trade press devoted to re-discovering and re-naming them every five years. Is it “giving a shit,” or “ambition,” or “employee engagement,” or “hustle”? Is it “Quiet Quitting,” or is it “work to rule,” or is it “presenteeism”? |
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Ruby | Thread Life Cycle & Its States - Geeksfo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Decolonizing Games Resource List « Oppression A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Level Up Your Headings Game · Matthias Ott – Us... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Polypane, The browser for ambitious developers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Working With Ruby Threads Sockets Processes... ... | System programming for Ruby programmers. |
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Platform Engineering KPIs. In this post, we wil... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using Sorbet and Tapioca with Rails - Zach Ahn | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Failure to Cope "Under Capitalism" | Petersen’s most acute insight is perhaps in identifying a link between relentlessly optimized childhoods designed to prevent downward mobility, and the professionally competent but profoundly enervated millennials overwhelmed by the prospect of canceling plans, of keeping plans, of cooking food, of texting their mothers. I think she is correct. I think it’s possible that for many, considering the shape of your life and then living it with vigor is so difficult because it cannot be externally validated. Unlike education and work, it offers no socially obvious meritocratic path. The moments where, like sourdough, it proves, are largely invisible — in cooking, in walking, corresponding with a friend, in chatting with a neighbor or registering to give blood. They cannot be tallied up and put on a resume. They are never “finished.” The progress you make is spiraling rather than linear; circling steadily, slowly, around your weak points, taking two steps forward and one step back, building habits so slowly that only in retrospect can you see your life become different than it was. And there is no one who can tell you that you did it right. But this is not the condition of life under capitalism, this is life itself. And it is a sad irony that though the fear of life may be produced by class imperatives within capitalism, the impulse to restrict it to a problem of capitalism is itself part of the same fearful rejection of the task of living. |
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The secret to getting to the Staff+ level? Leve... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GDPR For Developers By Example | Blether | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My Other 5 Bitter Lessons as a Design Manager |... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Making the world’s fastest website, and other m... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Taking the most out of Stimulus.js | Coming from SPA frameworks, Stimulus.js might feel underwhelming or frustrating. Here are some guides to help us take the best out of it. |
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The Diablo is in the details | This Week in Bus... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From Visibility to Representation – Rethinking ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Slow March of Progress in Programming Langu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
7 concurrency models in 7 days | Permalink / Edit | |||||
SOC2: The Screenshots Will Continue Until Secur... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Electronic Dan... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
1x Engineer | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ruby Monstas Zürich | Ruby Rails meetup |
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Ruby Call Path Analysis using TracePoint | ALEX... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Docs for Developers – Documentation for Everyone | Permalink / Edit | ||||| - Software Engineering - The Sof... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
35 Impactful Questions Managers Should Ask Them... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Freedom-Specificity Tradeoff | “indifference curves” |
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README - Uncurled | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Your Book Review: Consciousness And The Brain | Finalist #1 of the Book Review Contest |
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The Demise of the Mildly Dynamic Website | mildly dynamic websites and the hackish state of jamming with php |
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Tools for a Culture of Writing | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What a Healthy Team Looks Like. The concept of ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Michael Tsai - Blog - A Cautionary Tale From th... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
values clarification | sara hendren |
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Venting doesn’t work. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Amazon Way of Writing - Network Capital | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mailbag: Resources for Engineering Directors. |... | Recently I got an interesting question from someone looking for resources for Engineering Directors, as distinct from general engineering management: |
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Business Review Template | Infrastructure Engin... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
amplitude 1-pager checklist | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Change for Social Design: The Social Design Too... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Abstraction: Not What You Think It Is | Path-Se... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Don't You Use ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Anna Shipman : selling infrastructure and micro... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Agile and the Long Crisis of Software | What is Agile? And where does it come from?
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YOUR ATTENTION IS SOVEREIGN, Jay Springett – WA... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
High Growth Handbook – By Elad Gil | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Criticize Coworkers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
postmodern - how to use activerecord in a library | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Twin Anxieties of the Engineer/Manager Pendulum... | I have written a lot about the pendulum swing between engineering and management, so I often hear from people who are angsting about the transition. A quick recap of the relevant posts: The Engineer/Manager Pendulum Engineering Management: the Pendulum or the Ladder If Management Isn’t A Promotion, Engineering Isn’t A Demotion There are two anxieties… |
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He’s a devops engineer and he wants to set some... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TBM 12/52: The Basics (of product management) -... | I’m not a process freak, but I do believe teams should have their house in order. You can get by with very little process overhead. Too many teams are spinning in circles (or sprints). It often isn’t their fault, but still…the level of reactivity is so draining. |
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Energy Management for Newer Managers – Accident... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The origin of soft skills | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to design better APIs | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tymbals : The MetaCryptoVerse | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hard to work with. | Irrational Exuberance | What I’ve found effective in these cases is to lead with constructive energy directed towards a positive outcome. Even if you can’t get your peer’s performance addressed directly, you can often overcome your peer’s bad performance by generating excitement in the direction you want to go. Enough excitement will give the resolution avoidant manager a way to solve their problem without actually engaging with the situation that they’re unwilling to address. |
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Some benefits of simple software architectures ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Contributing to Complex Projects – Mitchell Has... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Code Review Pyramid - Gunnar Morling | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Managing people 🤯 | Andreas Klinger | Permalink / Edit | |||||
J. Kenji López-Alt Says You’re Cooking Just Fine |
Certainly, I understand why you would read it that way, and why a lot of people would read it that way, but that’s definitely not where I am right now. My views on a lot of these things have changed in the last six or seven years. Even when I was writing “The Food Lab,” when I said something like “the best,” what I really meant was: “I’m going to give you some basic descriptions that I think a lot of people would agree are what ‘the best mac and cheese’ is. There are certain things that maybe not everybody agrees on, but here are my specific goals right now, which I think probably a lot of people agree are good goals to have for macaroni and cheese. And now I’m going to show you ways you can optimize those specific things. If you disagree that those are good things in mac and cheese, well, I want to provide you with enough background information so that you can then modify the recipe to make it to what you think is best.” |
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Optimizing Postgres Text Search with Trigrams -... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Aphorism Considered Harmful | Structure and Int... |
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Managing for Business Effectiveness |
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Beej's Guide to Network Programming | Permalink / Edit | |||||
136 facts every web dev should know before they... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From the classroom to the cubicle: UX in the re... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Götz Bachmann’s Ethnographic Research on Dynami... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GitHub - RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives: ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Say No | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Best Practices Around Production Ready Web Apps... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Leaving Facebook / | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An Examination of the Bug Bounty Marketplace - ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pairing with Junior Developers « Sarah Mei | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The forgotten medieval habit of 'two sleeps' - ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Instrumenting Your Flywheels w/ Amplitude Produ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Single-Page-App Morality Play – Baldur Bjar... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
know how your org works (or how to become a mor... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Late Romanticism | by Anahid Nersessian | The N... | Perhaps understandably for a scholar with an interest in utopia, if less expectedly for a scholar of criticism, Nersessian believes in the importance of pressing forward with new visions rather than just critiquing existing ideas and systems. “I think lots of people believe the world right now is pretty bad—politically, ecologically—and that capitalism is responsible for a very large part of the situation. But being against capitalism doesn’t entail being for anything else,” she said: It’s all very well to say “capitalism turns us into commodities, that’s degrading, human beings shouldn’t be degraded.” But how should we be treated, and how should we live? What would love and sex—among other things, like health care or having a job—look like in a good world? It’s important to take the risk of answering those questions, even if the answers are messy and provisional. |
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Benefit of office face time a myth | CNN | Permalink / Edit | |||||
High Fidelity Remote Communication | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Small Guide for Naming Stuff in Front-end Cod... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Preemptive commit comments – Arialdo Martini | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Instant search with Rails and Hotwire · | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The perils of writing request specs using concu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Asymmetry of Open Source — Matt Holt | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Schelling Points in Organizations | by Alex ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Transactionally Staged Job Drains in Postgres —... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to design great keyboard shortcuts | Knock | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Shottr – Screenshot Annotation App For Mac | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Some reasons to measure | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Learning Containers From The Bottom Up - Ivan V... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Token Disconnect |
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Your Board of Directors is Probably Going to Fi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Transferring your manager skills when returning... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Consentful Tech Project – The Consentful Te... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
slime molds and activation energy | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | A comprehensive, curated list of open-source Ruby on Rails applications. |
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Michael Tsai - Blog - Old Apple Human Interface... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Silicon Valley Is Turning Into Its Own Worst Fear | In psychology, the term “insight” is used to describe a recognition of one’s own condition, such as when a person with mental illness is aware of their illness. More broadly, it describes the ability to recognize patterns in one’s own behavior. It’s an example of metacognition, or thinking about one’s own thinking, and it’s something most humans are capable of but animals are not. And I believe the best test of whether an AI is really engaging in human-level cognition would be for it to demonstrate insight of this kind. Insight is precisely what Musk’s strawberry-picking AI lacks, as do all the other AIs that destroy humanity in similar doomsday scenarios. I used to find it odd that these hypothetical AIs were supposed to be smart enough to solve problems that no human could, yet they were incapable of doing something most every adult has done: taking a step back and asking whether their current course of action is really a good idea. Then I realized that we are already surrounded by machines that demonstrate a complete lack of insight, we just call them corporations. Corporations don’t operate autonomously, of course, and the humans in charge of them are presumably capable of insight, but capitalism doesn’t reward them for using it. On the contrary, capitalism actively erodes this capacity in people by demanding that they replace their own judgment of what “good” means with “whatever the market decides.” |
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Who Is the Bad Art Friend? - The New York Times | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TBM 40/52: Why Limiting WIP, Starting Together,... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gently Down the Stream | kafka explained with otters |
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GIT PURR! Git Commands Explained with Cats! – G... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Poetry Chaikhana Blog » Clare of Assisi – Place... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Mirror of Eternity - Blue Mountain Center o... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Making world-class docs takes effort | daniel.h... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Doesn't Software Show Up in Productivity? -... | |
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Structure Eats Strategy – Software Driven World | Permalink / Edit | |||||
20 ideas for better data visualization | by Tar... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
interfluidity » We’re already paying for it | argues letting the rich keep their money can be deflationary as taxing it. |
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Stress systems. — Ethan Marcotte | On feeling overwhelmed by systems. remove the stress first before fixing the system. |
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Adversarial Interoperability | Electronic Front... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Mistakes To Avoid as a Software Development ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Storytelling: The art of telling spoken stories | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From Engineer to Tech Lead - Doubts and Challen... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Get Started Contributing to Open Source Project... | Discover the easiest way to get started contributing to open source. Over 61,239 devs are helping 6,439 projects with our free, community developed tools |
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Privacy is an afterthought in the software life... | Compliance vs. respect |
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Niles Public Library Being Destroyed from the I... | “Once we realized we weren’t being offered a seat at the table, we pulled up our own with AFSCME. The people who work here have invested too much in this library to be so easily dismissed, and we hope to work as a union to protect our ability to serve anyone who relies on us.” |
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Eric Laursen Owes Me a Lamp: Some Reactions to ... | This denialism-as-counter-insurgency works because it goes beyond the political: it resonates with those who suffer a spiritual deficit. That is to say, those who turn away from these moments of cathartic rebellion do so out of spiritual poverty. Or perhaps, more generously, we might attribute this abhorrent lack to a fear response that has been conditioned by deep trauma. The uprising calls us to live up to the historical task of our generation, but we turn away out of fear of repression, violence, prison, losing our friends or family. And then we deny the rebellion happened at all, or we deny it had any “legitimacy,” to avoid the shame of our own failure. |
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How to win at kettling | The Anarchist Library | |
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Building a data team at a mid-stage startup: a ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
When covering car crashes, be careful not to bl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Don't Do This - PostgreSQL wiki | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Facebook, Twitter pledge to fight abuse of wome... | “Not only is it a burden on recipients,” she added, “but also, the senders still know that the recipients have to read [the posts] in order to [report them]. [The abusers] still get the satisfaction. It really needs to be disincentivized.” |
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How Twitter can ruin a life: Isabel Fall’s comp... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Things you're allowed to do | Things you’re allowed to do |
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1 truth and 3 lies about Critical Race Theory -... | CRT embraces “race consciousness in the service of racial justice.” But, CRT teaches, we should be aware of racial inequality not because people of different races are inherently different, but because they are the same. |
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Sensemaking: Django for Startup Founders: A bet... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Successful People Focus on the Bottom End o... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An incomplete list of skills senior engineers n... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Choosing Your North Star Metric - Future | Permalink / Edit | |||||
evolving accessibility from compliance to inclu... | Share your videos with friends, family, and the world |
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Best Practices for Maintainers | Open Source Gu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Agile as Trauma — Dorian Taylor | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Santa Clara Principles on Transparency and ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
ongoing by Tim Bray · Testing in the Twenties | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ask a Boss: ‘I Got a Terrible Review on Glassdoor’ | The reality is, when you’re a manager, not everyone will like working for you. You could be the greatest boss in the world and some people still wouldn’t like you. Partly that’s because being a good manager means giving feedback, addressing problems, and holding people accountable in ways they might not like. If you need to correct someone a lot, or have difficult conversations with them about their work, or say no to something they wanted, it’s human nature that you might not end up being their favorite person. Or you might have a style that doesn’t align well with theirs — maybe you’re very direct and matter-of-fact and that feels brusque to them, or maybe you’re a planner and a devotee of process and they work more spontaneously. That wouldn’t mean either of you is in the wrong; it would just mean you don’t mesh well together. Sometimes, too, people dislike a job or a manager for reasons that aren’t as much about the manager as they are about other things going on with that person — a dislike of their career path, stressors outside of work, a generally bad fit with the role, or all kinds of things. Or, frankly, you might be an imperfect manager — most of us are — but that doesn’t mean you’re a horrible one. Managing people is hard, and every manager will get things wrong now and then. Ideally you’ll establish a track record of fairness, transparency, and good judgment so your mistakes are judged within that context … but you still might encounter an employee who judges your mistakes harshly. You’re basically on a stage when you’re the boss; you’re going to be scrutinized by the people under you, and there will be things they take issue with. It’s part of the job, and you’ve got to be okay with that. Or, yes, you might be a terrible manager! It’s possible. There are lots of terrible managers out there. But I’m skeptical that you’re terrible in the specific ways the review described (mean and intolerant of mistakes), because your detailed explanation of your approach to mistakes sounds pretty healthy and because you sound genuinely thoughtful and caring toward team members. People can delude themselves, of course, and managers aren’t always reliable narrators of their own management styles. But the way you talk about how you operate — and your reaction now — doesn’t seem to line up with that review or with the feedback people have given your boss about you. That doesn’t mean that review is definitely wrong. I obviously can’t say that with certainty. But I don’t think it warrants the self-flagellation you’re doing. |
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Is Journalism a Form of Activism? | What is the difference between a bias and expertise? In a previous newsroom she worked in, there were a few people who had pilots’ licenses. When a plane crash happened, those people were looked to as experts. Similarly, newsrooms seek to hire people with military experience, seeing that as expertise as opposed to bias. Many news outlets sent reporters to cover Hurricane Maria who were either Puerto Rican or had lived in Puerto Rico. Ho believes she’s a better business reporter because she worked in banking for three and a half years. So why do we consider some lived experiences — being a woman, being a person of color, being queer, having had an abortion — biases, and others expertise? |
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Protobuffers Are Wrong :: Reasonably Polymorphic | At the root of the problem is that Google conflates the meaning of data with its physical representation. When you’re at Google scale, this sort of thing probably makes sense. After all, they have an internal tool that allows you to compare the finances behind programmer hours vs network utilization vs the cost to store Outside of the top five tech companies, none of us is within five orders of magnitude of being Google scale. Your startup cannot afford to waste engineer hours on shaving off bytes. But shaving off bytes and wasting programmers’ time in the process is exactly what protobuffers are optimized for. Let’s face it. You are not Google scale and you never will be. Stop cargo-culting technology just because “Google uses it” and therefore “it’s an industry best-practice.” |
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What Would Open Source Look Like If It Were Hea... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| - lofi music 🎧 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Coinbase and Tech's New Anti-Culture Philosophy... | As is often the case with tech companies, instead of having a thoughtful, careful analysis of what’s going on and creating a framework around that, they have simply cut out the process and thrown it in the trash. Negotiation around compensation is something that can, will, and in many cases should happen - if someone doesn’t feel as if they’re getting what they want, they should be able to express that, and a company should be open to that discussion. The blunt-force “no negotiations” policy doesn’t actually solve any problems because it doesn’t offer any solutions - it doesn’t address pay equity, it doesn’t address bias, it doesn’t address…anything? It mostly just says “trust us, we’ll pay people better, and we intend to pay people we think are doing good work more, because they’re good. Somehow this will not be biased.” |
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De-risking government technology | 18F | The De-risking Government Technology Project provides expert, actionable guidance to the public sector for delivering federally-funded, custom technology projects successfully. |
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The Paranoid Style in Adam Curtis | by Sasha Fr... | “Because there must be no bad surprises,” Sedgwick writes, “and because learning of the possibility of a bad surprise would itself constitute a bad surprise, paranoia requires that bad news be always already known.” In Curtis films, the bad news seems to be the only real news and it is always uncovered in roughly the same way. The banks take over, a high-minded experiment fails, the sexy Soviets come marching in, and an unidentified Black American nods off, too high to act. “There’s this kind of left figure, but sometimes not really on the left, who tends to think of power entirely in terms of organizations and figures at the top and elites,” UC Berkeley lecturer Jasper Bernes wrote to me. “I think of Julian Assange as a kind of figure like that, or maybe Glenn Greenwald. There’s a left media sphere which really doesn’t see anything happening except these powerful people making decisions and producing discourse, which is really not the way societies and economies work.” |
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🚨 How Basecamp blew up - Platformer | Racism [and] white supremacy are not things that are so convenient that they only happen when full intention is present, or true malice is present,” the employee said. “Evil is not required. We’re not so lucky as for this to come down to good and evil. It’s as simple as creating a space where people do not feel welcome.” The employee continued: “The silence in the background is what racism and white supremacy does. It creates that atmosphere that feels suffocating to people. It doesn’t require active malice. It’s not that convenient.” |
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Taking Nonprofit Meeting Minutes Like a Pro - C... | How to take nonprofit board minutes that move your nonprofit forward and and don’t subject your nonprofit to unnecessary risks. |
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How I set up my Mac - DEV Community | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Head-voice vs. quiet-mind – Armed and Dangerous | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Thought I’d share my design process and how I s... | 181 votes, 13 comments. This isn’t a professional “how to design 101” it’s just a process I have used to build and design websites without a design … |
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La Cocina Responds to Claims of ‘Gentrification... | great statement |
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Serving ActiveStorage uploads through a CDN wit... | Serving ActiveStorage uploads through a CDN with Rails direct routes |
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Fed up with the Mac, I spent six months with a ... | if you try to cherry-pick any single issue, you’re missing the forest for the trees. |
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Pluralistic: 10 Apr 2021 – Pluralistic: Daily l... | Sometimes, Youtube wants us to think of its self-serve, algorithmic ad/publishing system as untouched by human hands, an interplay of pure math, initiated and steered by third parties whose choices are not Youtube’s responsibility. Other times, Youtube wants us to think of it as a corporate person, with identities and values, priorities and ethics. The selective demand that Youtube be considered a moral actor – but only for the outcomes that reflect well on the company – leads to this contradiction. |
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A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Compon... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
inessential: How NetNewsWire Handles Threading | Some developers I’ve known seem to think that being good at concurrency makes them badass. Others seem to think that senior developers must be great at concurrency, and so they should be too. But what senior developers are good at is eliminating concurrency as much as possible by developing a simple, easy, consistent model to follow for the app and its components. And this is because concurrency is too difficult for humans to understand and maintain. Maybe you can create a system that makes extensive use of it, and have it be correct for one day. But think of your team! Even if you’re a solo developer, you and you-plus-six-months makes you a team. |
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The SPACE of Developer Productivity - ACM Queue | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Finance for non-finance directors: Part 1 | Finance for non-finance directors: Part 1 |
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I have one of the most advanced prosthetic arms... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
UI Design Testing Tools I Use All The Time — Sm... | Our lives as UI designers have never been easier with a host of amazing tools at our disposal. In this article, Paul Boag explores some of the useful tools that he keeps close at his work. |
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Measures of engineering impact. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
NFTs and CBGBs: How’s that for a clickbait titl... | scheduling points |
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Elad Blog: When Executives Break | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Cantillon Effect and GameStop - BIG by Matt... | .The basic problem that GameStop is revealing in our economy writ large is that as a society, we are increasingly putting our time, energy, capital and talent we could use to build fun or useful things into gambling or acquiring market power. |
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The New Ruling Class | Meritocracy and its Disc... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
PostgreSQL at Scale: Database Schema Changes Wi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
“Jootsing”: The Key to Creativity | Gain a deep understanding of a particular system and its rules. |
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How to present to executives. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Favicon in 2021: Six files that fit most... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Opinion | ‘I’m Haunted by What I Did’ as a Lawy... | The trade-off wasn’t worth it. In giving voice to those trying to destroy the rule of law and dignifying their efforts with our talents and even our basic competence, we enabled that destruction. Were we doing enough good elsewhere to counterbalance the harm we facilitated, the way a public health official might accommodate the president on the margins to push forward on vaccine development? No. |
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The Games People Play With Cash Flow - Commonpl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Handling Short And Long Content In CSS | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Build HTML Forms Right: Security | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Rules of CSS Margin Collapse | css |
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The UI & UX Tips Collection: Volume One. | Marc... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love wit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Turn the Ship Around! summary from anna shipman | Permalink / Edit | |||||
LifeLabs Learning: DEI Playbook | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My skepticism towards current developer meta-pr... |
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Technical debt as a lack of understanding - dav... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Collections: The Practical Case on Why We Need ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
23 Alternative Career Paths that Software Devel... | Alternatives jobs and roles for software engineers. |
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cultural cheet codes | civic tech internal organizational culture change tactics |
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The Border Wall Is a National Monument to Trump... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Silicon Valley has so many Bad Managers (an... | Why Silicon Valley has so many Bad Managers (and what to do about it) |
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Domains Of Work And Cynefin: A Primer For The B... | when to use agile or lean |
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Is it too late for the US to execute a pandemic... | Rather than simply letting people check a box for will/won’t participate in contact tracing, they broke down the process into its component parts. Those involve contacting public health officials, sharing personal information with them, and then self-isolating if conditions call for it. |
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Shreyas Doshi on Twitter: "“My team has a prior... | lots of product ans strategy lists. |
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My proposal is to place criticism within the sc... | A psychology professor whom I’ve never met once wrote to me a mini-manifesto, disparaging my efforts as a critic. He wrote: There are two kinds of people in science: bumblers and pointers. Bumblers are the people who get up every morning and make mistakes, trying to find truth but mainly tripping over their own feet, occasionally getting it right but typically getting it wrong. Pointers are the people who stand on the sidelines, point at them, and say “You bumbled, you bumbled.” These are our only choices in life. If one is going to choose to do the easier of these two jobs, then one should at least know what one is talking about. Sorry, but I think by and large you don’t. I think this dualism is counterproductive. If, instead of dividing the world into “bumblers” and “pointers” (and let me not even comment on the ridiculousness of a research psychologist making such a categorization and saying “these are our only choices in life”), we were to consider “bumbling” and “pointing” to be two essential activities conducted by any scientist—and, for that matter, if we were to recognize that one can and should spend lots of time criticizing one’s own work (that is, “pointing” at our “bumbling”) and that we can and should consider criticism to itself be an ongoing development (that is, “bumbling” in our “pointing”)—then, I think our research and our criticism could improve. To draw a humble analogy from my experiences on the street: If each of us were to spend some time as a pedestrian, some time as a bicyclist, some time as a bus rider, and some time as a car driver, than I think we’d all be able to interact more efficiently and considerately. But if we associate each person (or, in the sociology example, each area of expertise) with only one role, we get all kinds of trouble, as indicated by various psychology and biology researchers who can’t seem to handle open criticism. |
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My design systems reading list. — Ethan Marcotte | A friend asked me to share a few favorite resources on design systems. I thought I’d share them with you, too. |
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Fuck It, Steal Home | Defector | It was, Rays manager Kevin Cash confirmed afterward, all Margot’s call. That’s part and parcel of how these Rays operate, seeking every edge to shorten the odds against what is undeniably a more talented Dodger team. It’s not just nerd shit, either. Those edges can be found on spreadsheets and in payroll forms, but on the diamond as well. If Margot, a fast and decently smart baserunner, saw something from third base that his coaches couldn’t see from the dugout, they’ve specifically empowered him to try to take advantage. “We try to do things and make decisions that allow players to be athletic and be the athletes they are,” Cash said. “If Manny felt he had a read on it, for whatever reason, it’s tough for me to say yes or no just because he’s a talented baserunner. He might be seeing something that certainly I’m not or can’t appreciate in the moment right there. He’s trying to do something to pick his team up.” |
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Flamethrowers and Fire Extinguishers – a review... | There are many phenomenal critics speaking out about technology these days. To name only a few: Safiya Noble has written at length about the ways that the algorithms built by companies like Google and Facebook reinforce racism and sexism; Virginia Eubanks has exposed the ways in which high-tech tools of surveillance and control are first deployed against society’s most vulnerable members; Wendy Hui Kyong Chun has explored how our usage of social media becomes habitual; Jen Schradie has shown the ways in which, despite the hype to the contrary, online activism tends to favor right-wing activists and causes; Sarah Roberts has pulled back the screen on content moderation to show how much of the work supposedly being done by AI is really being done by overworked and under-supported laborers; Ruha Benjamin has made clear the ways in which discriminatory designs get embedded in and reified by technical systems; Christina Dunbar-Hester has investigated the ways in which communities oriented around technology fail to overcome issues of inequality; Sasha Costanza-Chock has highlighted the need for an approach to design that treats challenging structural inequalities as the core objective, not an afterthought; Morgan Ames expounds upon the “charisma” that develops around certain technologies; and Meredith Broussard has brilliantly inveighed against the sort of “technochauvinist” thinking—the belief that technology is the solution to every problem—that is so clearly visible in The Social Dilemma. To be clear, this list of critics is far from all-inclusive. There are numerous other scholars who certainly could have had their names added here, and there are many past critics who deserve to be named for their disturbing prescience. the matter at hand is not to ask “what kind of computers do we want?” but to ask “what kind of society do we want?” and to then have the bravery to ask how (or if) computers really fit into that world—and if they do fit, how ubiquitous they will be, and who will be responsible for the mining/assembling/disposing that are part of those devices’ lifecycles. Certainly, these are not easy questions to ask, and they are not pleasant questions to mull over, which is why it is so tempting to just trust that the Center for Humane Technology will fix everything, or to just say that the problem is Silicon Valley. |
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Six Lessons from Six Months at Shopify – alexda... | “In your first 6 months here, here is your number one job. Familiarize yourself with the dozen senior people at Shopify who have the final call on really important decisions, from Tobi and Harley on down. You need to familiarize yourself with their operating philosophy around business and around how Shopify works. Go consume every written memo and every podcast episode (we have a great internal podcast called Context) they’ve ever done, get inside their heads, learn their perspectives and their preferences, and learn what gets them to say Yes to things. “Here’s why this is your most important job. In your first six months, you’re gonna be useless anyways. You’re going to be drowning in new information and context and it’ll take you a few months to learn how to swim. But then once you do, you need to become effective. And in order to be effective, you need to know how to get those people to say Yes to things, and how they would think through a decision down to a detailed level. If you can do that, then you can get basically anything you want done. If you can’t do that, then you’re never going to get anything done. Therefore, this is your most important job right now.” I remember thinking at the time, wow, that sounds like really important advice, I should listen. And I did put in some effort; not nearly enough, in retrospect, but more than zero. Now, six months in, I’m not nearly at a point where I would consider myself “effective” yet – I still have a long way to go in that department. But that advice is paying huge dividends already; not only with my own initiatives but actually more so with helping other groups with theirs. |
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What happens if you become a director without b... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Grand Unified Theory of Product Ideation – ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Beyond Best Intentions | build trust first |
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Transitions. Stepping down as CEO of CircleUp, ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
To Stop an Electoral Coup, Study What Went Wron... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
And this is why we test with users… – Digital a... |
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Twitch staff call the company out on sexual ass... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Black LinkedIn Is Thriving. Does LinkedIn Have ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
on backgound | And perhaps one reason for that is that we decided early on that we would not participate in “on background” conversations with company officials and spokespeople. We tell every company that we contact for a comment that we need an on-the-record statement, and if they can’t provide one, we will not use any comment at all. |
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The SaaS Website Content You Need to Close Sale... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
how to sell and how to strategy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What's so hard about PDF text extraction? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Learning to love meta productivity | LeadDev | Is there anything I do as a manager that’s particularly helpful for you or the team? |
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Structure and Interpretation of Computer Progra... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Oliver Burkeman's last column: the eight secret... | Oliver Burkeman’s book Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management For Mortals |
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Emotional Labour | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How We Got Here | Defector | Lately I’ve been thinking of Deadspin as a strange machine. For more than a decade, the people charged with the maintenance of that machine were allowed to tinker with it according to their whims and idiosyncratic tastes. The result of all that tinkering was a machine which, for all its apparent wonkiness, worked brilliantly. The problem with a machine like that is that it’s difficult for anyone who didn’t build it, or doesn’t respect those who did, to understand exactly how or why it works. When Deadspin’s staffers and readers looked at the machine, they saw a wonderful and whirring contraption, but all Spanfeller and Great Hill saw was an odd collection of valves and pistons. They saw parts, but not the whole. |
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Attention is your scarcest resource | | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stories of reaching Staff-plus engineering role... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
These Rails apps are overpacking their JavaScri... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
24 Key Capabilities to Drive Improvement in Sof... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Accountability: Leaders are Accountable Too - I... | Douglas Squirrel and Jeffrey Fredrick discuss the final chapter of Agile Conversations. They look at how leaders can not only provide accountability for others, but be accountable themselves, including stories from the early days of agile and from today’s clients. |
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Testing my top 10 tips against the Government C... | Yesterday I published the top 10 tips that came out of my research into job ads and descriptions for DDaT roles in public service. Then the new Government Chief Digital Officer role was published so I thought I would test my ideas against this high profile role! Now for the record I’m not having a… |
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Revisiting Adaptive Design, a lost design movem... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Trans streamers need better discoverability on ... | One reason that Twitch is apparently resistant to the tag because of the potential for harassment, a fear that was also brought up to me by an anonymous non-binary streamer. “A Twitch representative told me that when there was a trans tag, moderation actions increased, which was ‘unacceptable’ to them,” Loehr explains. Twitch did not respond to a request for comment on this article. It is, unfortunately, unsurprising that some would use the tag to target trans streamers with abuse. But tags are optional, meaning that any streamer who chooses to use them is making an informed decision. “Instead of either doing something to moderate their webpage themselves, or giving minorities the ability to opt into this responsibility, they removed the choice altogether,” Loehr says. “That’s just letting trolls have the ultimate victory, and hiding trans people away.” |
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Designing and evaluating metrics. The five prop... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Moira Weigel — Palantir Goes to the Frankfurt S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to stop procrastinating by using the Fogg B... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Writing better StimulusJS controllers | Boring ... | Stimulus sprinkles interactive behavior on top of your boring HTML pages. By keeping your controllers small, generic, and composable you can build a front-end without the typical JavaScript mess. |
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swyx Writing | Notes on RSI for Developers Who ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cover - Ruby Regexp | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How many Heroku dynos do you need, and which si... | The ultimate guide to dynos on Heroku. If you've ever asked "how many dynos do I need?" or "which dyno type is right for my app?", this is the guide for you. |
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Anti Patterns Catalog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why is This Idiot Running My Engineering Org? |... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stories of reaching Staff-plus engineering role... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Saint-Exupéry of metrics. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Advice to Myself When Starting Out as a Softwar... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Some SQL Tricks of an Application DBA | Haki Be... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Your Mid-Year Leadership Check-in – Rands in Re... | Are you a manager, manager of managers, or manager of directors? When was your last promotion, and what was your internal headline for that promotion? (Example: “Reliable manager finally gets the promotion to a senior manager after the successful release of X.”) Who are your credible sources of actionable feedback? What the most recent memorable feedback from one of these sources? Why was it memorable? What are your areas of strength? How do you know that? Where are you focusing on improving your leadership skills? Why? Have you identified your next role? If so, what is it, and what’s your current plan to get there? What’s your current most significant challenge with your direct reports? (A specific issue with one of your directs or an overall issue with all/many) What’s your current most significant challenge with your manager? What do you want to be when you grow up? |
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Essays on programming I think about a lot | ben... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Guide to Internal Communication, the Basecamp Way | Permalink / Edit | |||||
System of a test: Proper browser testing in Rub... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Donald Clark Plan B: Bogus pyramids: Learning m... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GitHub - toptal/active-job-style-guide: This Ba... | This Background Jobs style guide is a list of best practices working with Ruby background jobs. - toptal/active-job-style-guide |
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Six Ways to Think Long-term: A Cognitive Toolki... | Human beings have an astonishing evolutionary gift: agile imaginations that can shift in an instant from thinking on a scale of seconds to a scale of years or even centuries. Our minds constantly dance across multiple time horizons. One moment we can be making a quickfire response . . . Read More |
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Initial findings from jobs descriptions survey ... | 257 people responded to my survey about what job seekers are looking for from job desscriptions/ads. There is a lot to dig into properly and I intend to do some follow up interviews - and then share a bunch of the raw data (maybe not the free text? Will have a think.) Here are a… |
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How Developers Stop Learning: Rise of the Exper... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Weird Monopolies and Roll-Ups: Horse Shows, Sch... | Inevitably, I also notes from people who assert that financier domination is just capitalism in America, and always has been. Some (usually on the right) like this model of development, others (usually on the left) find it dystopian, but they are unified in a pervasive view that such market structures are both inevitable and long-standing. I find such an attitude bizarre, not for any philosophical reason, but because concentrating wealth and power in monopolized markets was just not accepted as a legitimate way to do business for most of American history. From the 1600s to the 1970s, asking the question of how to constrain wealth and regulate prices was a core part of our tradition and ideology. Here is, for example, something from a 1779 pamphlet passed out in Philadelphia against profiteering during the Revolutionary War: “You that have money, and you that have none, down with your prices, or down with yourselves.… We have turned out against the enemy and we will not be eaten up by monopolizers and forestallers [aka speculators].” That legacy, hundreds of years old, is why Americans are mad when we are mistreated or overcharged. We aren’t cynics and never have been, and we don’t believe that our corporations and governing institutions should be corrupt. We know at one point they weren’t. And that populist sentiment is bubbling up, in every nook and cranny of our society, because we know something about how we do business today is very wrong. In the 1980s, most of our elites on the right and left were persuaded that monopolies were natural and, good or bad, simply the American Way. They changed policy accordingly, which is why most of the monopolies we know about were formed during or after that decade. But corruption and monopolization isn’t natural, or inevitable. It’s a choice we’ve made, and a choice we can always undo. Remember that. With that in mind, here are a few more sectors that have been monopolized. At the end, I’ll offer ideas for what we can do about this problem (which isn’t actually that difficult to address.) |
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36 questions and a 4-minute gaze: Will the ‘lov... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Opinion | Zuckerberg and Facebook Never Fail to... | Of course, Ms. Sandberg, who has increasingly played blocker for Mr. Zuckerberg’s very bad calls, posted about the report in a who-me style that has now become a joke for those of us who follow the company. Noting that the report was “the beginning of the journey, not the end” for Facebook, she concluded that “what has become increasingly clear is that we have a long way to go.” |
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The Harper’s letter has an eerie closeness to D... | Whose essential freedoms were put at risk by the Bennet-Cotton episode? In the world of the Harper’s letter, the threat that mattered was the one to the careers of veteran editors—not the threat that had bullets and bayonets behind it, a threat that the president himself would offer again in his Independence Day remarks. The promoters of the letter cast themselves as persecuted heroes, putting their names on the line to defend an embattled conception of liberty. The people putting themselves in front of police lines have a more expansive vision of what freedom means, and what risks they’re prepared to take for it |
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Ask the EM: Can You Really Measure Individual D... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How many of you know deep down that the team is... | How many of you know deep down that the team is working on something that no customer wants? |
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Easily rename your Git default branch from mast... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Configuring Webpacker for Rails 6 with Bootstra... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The webpack plugin I can't live without - rosst... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A visual guide to React Mental models, part 2: ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Working Backwards: A New Version Of Amazon’s “P... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Positioning Crash Course | Go Make Things | This is not an article about CSS positioning. |
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Better (more accessible) active link styling | ... | Until this morning, I always styled the current link in my navigation menu by doing this. .nav .active a { border-bottom: 0.125em solid #fa7176; color: #272727; } It gives users a clear visual indication that “you are here.” |
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run rails system tests and chromedriver inside ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Coronavirus Is Rewriting Our Imaginations | Margaret Thatcher said that “there is no such thing as society,” and Ronald Reagan said that “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” These stupid slogans marked the turn away from the postwar period of reconstruction and underpin much of the bullshit of the past forty years. We are individuals first, yes, just as bees are, but we exist in a larger social body. Society is not only real; it’s fundamental. We can’t live without it. And now we’re beginning to understand that this “we” includes many other creatures and societies in our biosphere and even in ourselves. Even as an individual, you are a biome, an ecosystem, much like a forest or a swamp or a coral reef. Your skin holds inside it all kinds of unlikely coöperations, and to survive you depend on any number of interspecies operations going on within you all at once. We are societies made of societies; there are nothing but societies. This is shocking news—it demands a whole new world view. And now, when those of us who are sheltering in place venture out and see everyone in masks, sharing looks with strangers is a different thing. It’s eye to eye, this knowledge that, although we are practicing social distancing as we need to, we want to be social—we not only want to be social, we’ve got to be social, if we are to survive. It’s a new feeling, this alienation and solidarity at once. It’s the reality of the social; it’s seeing the tangible existence of a society of strangers, all of whom depend on one another to survive. It’s as if the reality of citizenship has smacked us in the face. Advertisement As for government: it’s government that listens to science and responds by taking action to save us. Stop to ponder what is now obstructing the performance of that government. Who opposes it? Right now we’re hearing two statements being made. One, from the President and his circle: we have to save money even if it costs lives. The other, from the Centers for Disease Control and similar organizations: we have to save lives even if it costs money. Which is more important, money or lives? Money, of course! says capital and its spokespersons. Really? people reply, uncertainly. Seems like that’s maybe going too far? Even if it’s the common wisdom? Or was. |
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Spotify’s Failed #SquadGoals | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Writing my accessibility statement. — Ethan Mar... | It was long overdue, but I’ve added an accessibility statement to my website. Here are a few reasons why. |
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Optimised Docker builds for Rails apps | has_ma... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| - Homemade Mask Patterns | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Setting Up Git Identities · Micah Henning | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Inside Elon Musk’s plan to build one Starship a... | “The problem with the MK1 stuff was that I didn’t have my eye fully on the ball, because I was still taking care of a lot of Tesla stuff,” Musk said. “Now Tesla, I think, is in a good situation here, so that’s why I’m pretty much camped out in Boca. The MK1 was a failure not because the rocket failed at low pressure, but because we failed to build a production line.” Now he has built the production system. It’s not finished. It’s not perfect. But it’s starting to pay dividends. The factory is beginning to flow linearly, from one station to another. And after last week’s flurry of hiring, the company has the workers it needs to produce rockets one after another. “If you’re just trying to make one of something, it can all basically just be made by the engineering team,” he said. “But if you want to actually make something at reasonable volume, you have to build the machine that makes the machine, which mathematically is going to be vastly more complicated than the machine itself. The thing that makes the machine is not going to be simpler than the machine. It’s going to be much more complicated by a lot. Things need to be translated into instructions that the average person can understand. You can’t have somebody with an engineering master’s degree from MIT hand-making every single part. It’s not possible. There just aren’t enough. MIT’s not graduating enough people.” |
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PDF text extraction | FilingDB | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Requirements volatility is the core problem of ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Piotr Murach - Writing a Ruby Gem Specification | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Telling the story of performance | list of tools for measuring performance like web page test and pagespeed |
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A Man’s Guide To Miscarriage : Pregnant Pause: ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Comment on Foucault and the Iranian Revolution |
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The Horrifically Dystopian World of Software En... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Creative Process Talk | Permalink / Edit | |||||
hacker-laws/ at master · dwmkerr/hacke... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Addendum to “Targeting Meritocracy” | Slate Sta... | mistake theory and government policy |
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To Regain Policy Competence: The Software of Am... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why you, as a web developer, shouldn't use Goog... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Design Systems, Agile, and Industrialization | Permalink / Edit | |||||
w/e 2020-02-02 | This week I searched old emails and made a page containing all the nice things strangers have sent me about it, mainly because this makes me feel good. The lessons here are: Making simple little online tools is totally worth it, especially if the alternatives are usually covered in ads and tracking |
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Integrated systems for integrated programmers | pro monolith |
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The US–Saudi Story, Through the Eyes of an Aram... | In Ahlam Mosteghanemi’s novel Memory in the Flesh, the narrator recalls a saying: “A man spends his first years learning how to speak, and the Arab regimes teach him silence for the rest of his life.” |
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We Keep Having The Same Video Game Arguments An... | If games are art, we must treat them that way. An essential part of that is breaking cyclical discourse, discarding the debates of yesterday and contextualizing games within the new reality the media exists in. The broadening of an audience means accounting for shifting tastes and sensibilities. This means acknowledging the growing concerns of queer players, disabled persons, people of color and other voices that were not traditionally heard within the culture’s earlier days. Did you really beat a game? Should we even care about “casuals”? Do we have our Citizen Kane? Stop, please. We don’t need to keep asking “are games art” until we all die in the upcoming Resource Wars. |
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Delivering digital service: this much I have le... | Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) Framework |
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On Hiring, But Not Your Everyday Advice | managing the emotional and time of hiring |
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Resources for designers looking to sketch more ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to manage a program in a product-mode organ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using the iPad Pro as my development machine · ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"It's Not Art - It's A Business" - An Interview... | t-shirt interview |
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What TDD is -- and isn't -- like. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Pair Programming | Permalink / Edit | |||||
This Is How to Build a Collaborative Text Edito... | realtime sync of text |
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World of anti-Warcraft: the activists turning o... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Money Stuff: Keep the Clowns Out of Email | Of course one of the biggest proponents of the public-markets-don’t-care-about-the-long-term thesis is Elon Musk, the chief executive officer of Tesla Inc., who went so far as to pretend he was going to take Tesla private to get away from the short-termist public shareholders who gave his money-losing future-focused company the highest valuation of any American car maker ever. The problem with public markets is not that they can’t stomach short-term losses in pursuit of higher long-term value. The problem with public markets is that they have a diversity of opinion. Some people will think that the short-term losses are acceptable in the pursuit of long-term vision, and they’ll buy the stock. Other people will think that the short-term losses demonstrate a long-term problem, and they’ll short the stock. In private markets, the only investors you deal with are the believers. Some people won’t believe in your long-term vision, but you’ll never hear from them. In public markets you will, and you might not like it. |
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Elena Ferrante's Form and Unform | by Sarah Chi... | In a way, thinking and feeling through Ferrante make me wonder if the whole project of literary criticism, for some of us, might be one of un-pleasure reading. To me, the joy of writing about a text is the twisting, rupturing, pleasurable unpleasure of unforming and being unformed as I work to shape an argument. To read a book to its core, to get under its skin and let it get under yours, is to engage with it in a mutual process of transformation and sometimes-ecstatic contortion. This is, some might say, highly un-professional (whatever this profession is), definitely un-objective, possibly even un-ethical. But for me, to write a piece of living interpretation, to share in gutsy, real conversation with a piece of art, is always to invoke form as a verb, not just to submit to the noun of its existence—a forming that is process-oriented but not simply procedural—and to somehow animate that constant movement in words. In my life as a critic, as in Ferrante, this is an impossible yet irresistible desire: the little stories I’ve told you along the way here, my shape-making narrative impulses, are the legible coverings that skim over the roiling blurriness of ongoing forming-unforming beneath, the frantumaglia—that dialect word that Ferrante uses to mean “bits and pieces,” magma, a jumbled tangle that refuses reduction—of reading and being read (shades of Calvino here, too). This is the last thing I’d call pleasure—and yet… |
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The Seven Habits of One Highly Effective Manage... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ruby on Rails Scope patterns and activerecord n... | Lots of nice Rails SQL queries. |
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Worker-in-the-loop of mixing AI/ML with humans | Worker-in-the-loop |
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There Is No Document Outline Algorithm | Adrian... | exhasting reading about html5 |
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Front-End Performance Checklist 2020 [PDF, Appl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A short history of body copy sizes on the Web | a summary of font/text sizing techniques |
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Simon Wardley's 100-day Corporate get fit plan ... | business planning |
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best Ask a manager posts of the decade | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Effective Executive | It is more productive to convert an opportunity into results than to solve a problem – which only restores the equilibrium of yesterday. |
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Wealth Ladder Lens | Stevan Popovic | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Post-Watergate Liberals Killed Their Populi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Hamilton Hustle | Matt Stoller | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Build A Service-Based Business — The For... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How I structure my vanilla JS projects | Go Mak... | 14kb is rhe magic payload size |
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The Only Way to Beat Algorithms is to Retrain Y... | The problem isn’t the algorithms. The problem is that everyone is stuck on social media. The problem is that social media networks are centralised platforms that aim to monopolise their users’ attention and time. |
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Try an Internal Press Release before starting n... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Running a Website Monitoring Service with a Bor... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Thinking in React Hooks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Product Value: Hands, Shovel, or Tractor? - Tyl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Angel VC: The Three Rules of Freemium | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Product Zeitgeist Fit: A Cheat Code for Startup... | When you have PZF, the product resonates with users not because it’s better, but because it feels extremely culturally relevant at that particular moment in time for a particular group of people. |
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In praise of blame | postmortems that are blameful but shameless |
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Integration and Its Discontents: Germany’s Bold... | Foremost among these has been the return of an old “integration debate”—about whether people from non-European countries can successfully become part of German society—even though no one can agree on what exactly German society is. “The question is not who we are, but who we can become,” the late British social theorist Stuart Hall argued, but Germany is poised uneasily in that polarity. |
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Product in Practice: Getting Started with Oppor... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Better presentations through storytelling and S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The epistemology of software quality – Incremen... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Last Day Of Spring and seeing trans lives throu... |
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The care and feeding of software engineers (or,... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Land-book - the finest hand-picked website insp... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Now Page | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Everyone Working in DevOps Should Read The ... | Two examples stuck in my mind: the story of the senior leader who did nothing but watch the production line for four hours so he could see for himself what was going on, and the minivan chief designer who insisted on personally driving in all 50 US states and Canada. The minivan designer then went back to the drawing board and made significant changes to the design that made sense in North America, but not in Japan (such as having multiple cup-holders for thelong journeys typical of that region) |
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👋 Em B-Shao | Permalink / Edit | |||||
kegslist: where all the kegs at | Travis’s website |
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You only learn when you reflect. | “twenty-forty rule.”: spend twenty minutes working a problem before asking a question. dont spend more than 40 minutes. |
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The feature constraint |
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How Do You Define “Success” in T.I. Swimming? |
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Sending weekly 5-15 updates. | 15 minutes to write. 5 min to read |
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Facebook Ads and the Magic Bullet | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Just Culture – Suzette Woodward | on safety, just and no blame. |
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The value of the things on the left | the state of agile. with a nice point:
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Qa With Chair Of New Ad Hoc Committee On Divers... |
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Community-centered and Audience-Engagement and ... | Many people saw Instagram museums as the ultimate non-mission driven, too far on the visitor-engagement. I might argue that their mission is to give people experiences, and they do well by their missions as their bank accounts show. And, understanding these orgs help museums, as Koven Smith brought up. It’s important to interrogate what lines they’ve crossed and why. |
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Financial Incentives Are Weaker Than Social Inc... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Steam Community :: Guide :: All Coin, Item, Ten... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Zen and the Art of Software Maintenance | Real life comes at you fast, though. When you’re working on version 1, you want to do as little work, as quickly as possible, to get to the point where you can validate that there are enough customers who derive enough value to make the product worthwhile. But by the time you come to work on version 1.0.1, you wish you’d taken the time to make version 1 maintainable and easy to change. Most subsequent versions are a little from column A and a little from column B, as you try new things and iterate on the things that worked. As fast as possible, but no faster, I guess. |
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Astros GM Jeff Luhnow Keeps Digging And Digging | When public figures so unabashedly follow a PR checklist, regular people can be seduced into judging mainly the quality of the checklist, and viewing these things purely as PR successes or failures. Let’s dispense with that, quickly: Luhnow’s PR advisors should be fired. They’re real bad at their jobs. But as a series of human actions, this is all hideous. The Astros have a culture where a person could even develop the specific anger behind Taubman’s taunts, to say nothing of shouting those taunts at someone in public; where the kind of person who would both feel that specific shit-hearted triumph and then weaponize it is otherwise considered a good guy with high character; where the organization’s inclination is to take the word of internal “witnesses” who would have obvious professional incentives for obscuring the truth over a first-person report from a journalist; where the action that flows from that misguided trust involves publicly accusing the journalist of fabrication; where a group of adults would need whole days in order to determine that even a general apology is appropriate; where orchestrating a happy ending to this disastrous sequence in a press conference is more urgent than personally apologizing to the only person who was actually wronged; and where you’d even need a PR playbook to sort this out in the first place. |
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How Advertising Works | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Public-Interest Technology Resources | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How the internet is changing language as we kno... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nobody cares about quality. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
12 Signs You’re Working in a Feature Factory - ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Beyond Help: User Assistance and the User In... | Browse – I want to explore to see what’s available |
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What do executives do, anyway? - apenwarr | amazing summary of high output management that is clearer than the entire book. |
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To Pay Attention, the Brain Uses Filters, Not a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Not to Expect | on pregnancy, community, and what goes unacknowledged |
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Best practices when writing a Dockerfile for a ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
12 motiviations of gamers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Power of Imagining Ten Thousand Dollars | It wasn’t long before I was dreaming up hundreds of dollars every day. It seemed to get easier and easier. Around the time I was imagining a thousand dollars a day, I knew I’d hit on something big. Heck, if I could imagine a thousand dollars a day, couldn’t anyone? I mean, I’m not so special. |
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[Link] Your Attention is Sovereign by Jay Sprin... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How we doubled the representation of women in E... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
[Link] Jenny Turner · Who Are They?: The Instit... | RCP stuff |
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Clarence Thomas’s Radical Vision of Race |
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Is COBOL holding you hostage with Math? - Maria... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
✌️ Pair Design in practice | Permalink / Edit | |||||
JavaScript Systems Music | Permalink / Edit | |||||
College students think they learn less with an ... | about active learning. interesting comments |
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Stop apologizing for bugs | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Don’t We Just Call Agile What It Is: Femini... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Monopolies Broke the Federal Reserve | what his argument does imply is that large profits that cannot go into productive capital investment or to workers will instead go into government bonds, pushing interest rates for ‘safe assets’ down quite low, or even into negative territor |
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Introduction to animation in React Native | Wha... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
At Least | What is it you do? Whatever it is, you write for a living. Memos, proposals, emails, commit messages, performance reviews, user stories, code – you write for a living. The better you write anything – the better you write everything. You write an email and then you decide that it is better not to send it. So you delete it. You find the code that is never called and you eliminate it. It is just noise. What about that code that is called all the time? I hope it is good. I hope it has been tested and profiled. This is where working your magic can really pay off. |
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Some Thoughts on Estimation | Suppose we find that counting small stories is part of giving management the information they need Remember that as we split small stories, we often come up with slices that can be deferred. This is the sweet spot of Agile Software Development! It seems that there’s always too much to do, and too little time to do it. |
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Interviewing at senior levels | Lara Hogan | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The ABCs of Design Systems - Curiosity by Desig... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Build Good Software | • Reusing good software is easy; it is what allows you to build good things quickly; |
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Accountability, Equity, and Flat Teams in Tech ... | decision making from a quaker perspective |
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How I Wrote Shape Up | good process |
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The Arc of Collaboration - collaboration modes ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using strftime in a Rails view is probably a mi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Notes on Escaping the Build Trap |
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Evaluating Civic Technology Design for Citizen ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The little legacy code that could: a fable of s... | i like renaming legacy code “legendary” |
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How much to charge to build a web app? : rails | Take your current annual take-home pay before tax and divide by 80. Quote that as your daily rate and negotiate from there. Edit: here's why: • Fixed-price work is toxic for all parties. Never take a fixed-price job. They pay for your time. • Hourly billing is for lawyers and hookers. You think by the day. • In regular employment you (probably) work ~240 days a year. But as a freelancer the income is very lumpy. You will have downtime, you will have cashflow timing issues especiall... |
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Fail Fast, Move On: The problem with Agile Tran... | some expectations will be met, others don’t. |
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Describing fault domains. | This moves you away from the challenges of measuring nines of uptime, etc, which are output metrics that can be the result of luck rather than effective planning, and towards measures that you can directly invest into and impact. |
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Wrk: Does It Matter If It Has Native No-Keepalive? | performance testing |
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How to Optimize jQuery Code for Performance | j... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
You Ask, I Answer: Growing Organic Traffic? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Forget monoliths vs. microservices. Cognitive l... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The business case for diversity is a sinking sh... | How do we maintain the progress that the business case for diversity has made in the corporate world without perpetuating more harm? How might we fix the “business case?” |
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All the best engineering advice I stole from no... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Risk Tolerance – AVC |
Second, employees can feel like raising issues to the LT is like throwing a suggestion over a big wall. They don’t know what happens to the suggestion, what the process is for dealing with it, and a final resolution isn’t adequately communicated back. It’s a black hole that they resent. |
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Résumé Tips for Programmers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Struggling to support new PO to write good back... | r/agile: Interesting bits about Agile Development. Includes Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Lean, Kanban, etc. |
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All the best engineering advice I stole from no... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Forgotten Navy: U.S. minesweeper fleet in d... |
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Some things that might help you make better sof... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The case study factory | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Most Common Type of Incompetent Leader | Absentee leaders are people in leadership roles who are psychologically absent from them. They were promoted into management, and enjoy the privileges and rewards of a leadership role, but avoid meaningful involvement with their teams. |
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Elizabeth Yin on Twitter: "What the @#*($&#... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The web without the web - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 | about the social problems of papering over everythinf with react |
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Making Peace With The Feast Or Famine Of Freela... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness Probes: How t... | Good distinctions between different probe types |
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Dealing with legacy and externally loaded code ... | externals, expose, provide and friends. |
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Ruby on Whales: Dockerizing Ruby and Rails deve... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What to do when Individuals are Unhappy in thei... |
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Teaching Tech Together | Permalink / Edit | |||||
84 cognitive biases you should exploit to desig... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Defining good work - for managers | interesting topic about asymetry between report and manager |
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15 Steps to Building Better Nonprofit Bylaws - ... | It’s a good idea to omit hard and fast deadlines in nonprofit bylaws where possible. Also, avoid high voting thresholds where they aren’t required. Particularly for new organizations, a rigid structure of meeting dates, odd quorum and voting requirements, and notice provisions are more likely to promote inadvertent bylaw violations than good governance. If greater specificity or higher voting thresholds are desired down the road, they can always be added once the organization has some operational experience under its belt. |
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Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Simple Genius of Checklists, from B-17 to t... | The year is 1935, and the U.S. Army Air Corps is holding a competition for airplane manufacturers vying to secure a contract to build the military’s... |
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Dan McKinley :: Whom the Gods Would Destroy, Th... | It’s important to divorce the concepts of operational metrics and product analytics. Confusing how we do things with how we decide which things to do is a fatal mistake. |
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What I Learned Trying To Secure Congressional C... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to invest in technical infrastructure. | some nice models and experience working with teams |
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My experience speaking at 7 tech conferences in... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Digital Desk Deep Dive - DockYard | nice list of mac configurations and utilities for productivity |
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Mastering Programming | Facebook | The flow in this outline seems to be from reducing risks by managing time and increasing learning to mindfully taking risks by using your whole brain and quickly triaging ideas. |
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Reasoning about Leverage in Engineering Organis... | thinking as lift |
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DANI DONOVAN — I’ve been working on being more ... | email like a boss graphic of email phrases |
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SHAPE UP | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Generalise, don't specialise: why focusing too ... |
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Quick change that helps iOS users sign in quick... | setting up password autofill for react-native |
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On Retention |
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Startup idea checklist | defmacro | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Crazy Eights - design method |
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The Murderer, the Writer, the Reckoning |
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An Alternative Approach to Re-Orgs At Your Comp... | The first thing we worked on as a leadership team was the objectives for 2019. What did we need to achieve next year to be successful? We then went to the product managers, designers, and engineering managers and explained the objectives. We then tasked them to propose the organizational structure that would help them with these objectives. |
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The Heretic – AVC | Permalink / Edit | |||||
inside the machine book | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Some thoughts on fascism and the current moment | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How FZF and ripgrep improved my workflow - Sidn... | shell autocomplete tool |
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carrier bag theory of fiction by ursula leguin | novels are bags of people, hero narratives are sticks bashing through stuff. |
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Debugging Your Startup: What to Do When Things ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Superhuman is Spying on You » Mike Industries | good stuff on product ethics |
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Choose Boring Technology | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Agile, Lean & HCD are not puzzle pieces which c... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cover | Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Thr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to write great container images - Ricard Be... | docker for production |
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Backup Heroku PostgreSQL to AWS S3 Bucket [Step... | Heroku offers a robust backups system for it's PostgreSQL database plugin. Unfortunately, you can irreversibly lose all your data and backups just by typing a single command. It might seem improbable, but still, I would rather not bet my startup's existence on a single faulty bash line. In this tutorial, I will describe how to set up a proprietary Heroku Postgres backups system to a secure AWS S3 bucket. |
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Everything You Need to Know About Date in JavaS... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
3 ways of thinking about accessibility – UX Col... | Confidence is often in anticipation of what will happen. Many people are not confident that the transport system will be accessible and thus they do not go out. Many people lose confidence as they become more and more tired by the stresses of differing forms of inaccessible design that accrue over the day. |
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7 absolute truths I unlearned as junior developer | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Your Work Peak Is Earlier Than You Think - The ... | about happiness curve |
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Government design principles - GOV.UK | 1. Start with user needs 2. Do less 3. Design with data 4. Do the hard work to make it simple 5. Iterate. Then iterate again 6. This is for everyone 7. Understand context 8. Build digital services, not websites 9. Be consistent, not uniform 10. Make things open: it makes things better |
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On money as narrative |
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‘The Lehman Trilogy’ and Wall Street’s Debt to ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bootstrap 3 to 4: Changes in how font size, lin... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CircleCI, Docker and Systemd · Lindsay Hill | smoke testing ansible playbooks |
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Usability Hike: Find usability problems | chrome plugin rhat looks like a nice accessibility companion |
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Use class properties to clean up your classes a... | going deep on writing clean react code witb properties. |
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How I Promoted My SMMW Speaking Session - Jon L... | Example of geotargeting/geofencing for facebook advertising |
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Rails 6 boot sequence – Blog de Capsens | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Long Interview as I say Goodbye to the MAH (a... |
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My Favorite Resources for Learning Inclusive De... | At Center Centre, the UX design school where I’m a faculty member, I get to review many resources on inclusivity and accessible design. I collect the best resources I find and review them with my… |
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Privilege's upward-facing window. | Often times when you’re having a discussion around privilege and signaling, particularly in the context of hiring, you’ll end up having a discussion around the “unimpeachable efficiency of bias”, where someone cedes the moral superior of biased evaluation, but argues there isn’t a pursuable alternative. I understand that perspective, and would have agreed with it at certain points. The path to doing better is to have a clear understanding of the behaviors and skills that make someone impactful in your organization and evaluating precisely for those skills. Many interview processes are unclear about what they’re evaluating, and those are the most susceptible to testing for signaling over skills. The good news is that designing interview formats that effectively test the identified skills is a very mechanical skill that anyone can develop with practice: I’ve gotten to participate in several interview loop revamps that took that approach to good effect. On the other hand, getting to clear alignment on what makes someone impactful at your organization, that’s really hard, and is the stuff of effective, courageous leadership. |
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The 4px Baseline Grid — The Present | Why vertically spacing text is hard because text bounding box margins do not fully represent the whitespace |
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From capybara-webkit to Headless Chrome and Chr... | Lots of helpful driving tips like this: To deal with this, you can close all popups on the page, and scroll down to the element before clicking it. |
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The Negotiability of "Severity" Levels » Adapti... | In any case, “severity” levels are not objective measures of anything in practice, even if they’re assumed to be so in theory. They are negotiable constructs that provide an illusion of control or understanding, or footholds for people as they attempt to cope with complexity. |
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The Automator’s Dilemma |
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The Empty Promise of Data Moats – Andreessen Ho... |
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Targets and Estimations in Software Deveo – Nic... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
anti-agile: One trick to build better products,... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dota 2’s paid “avoid player” option is part of ... |
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The Metrics of Backpacks | Art Practical | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Superhuman Built an Engine to Find Product/... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Anti-Globalization and “Diversity of Tactics” –... | . I will explore how a “diversity of tactics” emerged as a viable tactical orientation within this new anti-capitalist movement and eventually turned against itself, when the conditions for such diversity no longer existed. |
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Why I Don’t Believe in Empathic Design | Adobe ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Are Enterprises So Slow? – zwischenzugs | polygon of pain |
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Culture is the Behavior You Reward and Punish –... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My Losing Battle with Enterprise Sales – Writin... |
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LeanEssays: What If Your Team Wrote the Code fo... |
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OK, UX designers. Let's talk about your portfol... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Email Hospitality: Copywriting A Personable Ema... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Turns Out, 85% of the World Likes "Contact Me".... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A 'Blockchain Bandit' Is Guessing Private Keys ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Good Vimrc | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A11Y Style Guide | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nothing Fails Like Success – A List Apart | Permalink / Edit | |||||
4 laws of user experience that make for a bette... | “Productivity soars when a computer and its users interact at a pace (<400ms) that ensures that neither has to wait on the other.” |
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Data Feminism · MIT Press Open | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Creating Flow and Value in Product Development | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Unlocking the Invisible Elevator: Accessibility... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Making the Hook Model actionable | Motivating toward a behavior Motivation can be defined as the energy for an action5: how much we want to do something. Fogg suggests 3 core motivation drives to focus our motivation efforts toward: |
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"Ethics" and Ethics - iA | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Making Uncommon Knowledge Common – kwokchain | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Feedback Rarely Does What It’s Meant To | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Counting the Countless — Real Life | So perhaps a more accurate definition of data science would be: The inhumane reduction of humanity down to what can be counted. |
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The Founder’s Guide to Discipline: Lessons from... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
OKRs aren't going to fix your communication iss... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GitHub - botandrose/capybara-headless_chrome: A... | A nice and tidy Capybara driver for headless Chrome. Even supports file downloads |
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Privacy UX: Better Cookie Consent Experiences | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Saved by the Schema: Using JSON Schema to Docum... | using JSON Schema to validate an API |
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PostgreSQL DBaaS Calculator | Barnabas Kendall | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Write Effective Problem Statements & Del... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The 3 kinds of non-fiction books | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Everything you need to know about Loading Anima... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Agile as a Corollary to Twyman’s Law – Columbus... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Productivity Isn’t About Time Management. It’s ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rules of thumb for org design. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Writing clearer error messages – UX Collective | copy and microcopy |
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Five uncomfortable truths about A/B testing (an... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ilhan Omar’s Embattled First Months in Office | “I don’t have a way of making myself less threatening as a black person, as a black woman, as a Muslim person. And so it is just living with the reality that there are people who will see you as a threat. And figuring out how do you not allow that to deter the work that you have to get done.” |
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A Complete React Redux Tutorial for Beginners (... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Find And Make The Most Of The Unplanned ... | pretty good breakdown of how to use analytics to think through dropoff points |
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Wading Through the Sludge | by Cass R. Sunstein... | on administrative burdens and government paperwork |
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Jacinda Ardern Has Rewritten the Script for How... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Status as a Service (StaaS) — Remains of the Day | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CSS performance revisited: selectors, bloat and... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Do This Now: 8 Ways to Focus your Product Team ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hudl styleguide | microcopy and mwsaaging styleguide |
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iOS App Analytics a Necessary Evil, or Maybe Ju... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hindsight | honest looking reflections on a bootstrap saas product |
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The myth that design systems solve easy problem... | Why we should stop saying design systems solve the easy problems, so you can focus on the hard ones |
Permalink / Edit | |||| - Colors that look and work great ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Here’s the high-priced advice college applicant... | the workplace is just like college admissions. You learn the rules and use them to your advantage. So teach your kids when they’re young that the higher the stakes the game is, the more arcane the rules are. And the more arcane the rules, the more likely it is that you can find a backdoor route to the top. But pretending the system is a meritocracy encourages more discrimination –– so says economist Robert Frank. And belief that one has succeeded inside a meritocracy leads to more self-congratulatory, selfish behavior. Frank says people who accept that all of life is about skill and luck are much more likely to be thankful and therefore more generous. Bottom line: Gaming the system is a great idea, but you can’t game the system if you don’t have good grades. Hard work counts too. So raise a kid who has gratitude. Because when it comes to being a happy person, having gratitude is much more important than having a fancy diploma. |
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Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Performance Budgets That Stick - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Division 2 and the Severing of Politics fro... |
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The WebAIM Million - An accessibility analysis ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
It’s Not About the Number | on streaks and stats and gamification |
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Headspace run streaks: building a meditation pr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Review: “Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Trust and Integrity |
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Understanding Jest Mocks – Rick Hanlon II – Medium | GitHub is where people build software. More than 28 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 79 million projects. |
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On being an Engineering Manager | Nick McHardy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Prepare for a Board Meeting to Make Sure... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Web Page Footers 101: Design Patterns and When ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Introducing doubt into User Research | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Greg Bloom, Open Referral, on co-creating data ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Testability Costs Too Much · An A List Apart Ar... | The problem with testability is that even the most reasonable of success criteria can be non-testable—and if a success criterion is not considered testable, it isn’t included in WCAG 2.0. Whether the criterion is an otherwise useful technique that improves accessibility is now irrelevant to whether it gets included in WCAG 2.0. Due to the testability requirement, many useful success criteria have been removed from WCAG 2.0, and others watered down. |
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The TypeScript Tax – JavaScript Scene – Medium | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Writing Animations That Bring Your Site to Life... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Taming the Demon | Commonweal Magazine | “Getting over it is a spiritual discipline” |
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Data science is different now · Vicki Boykis | Learn the skills needed for data science today |
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Selling Accessibility – Learn Accessibility | We can easily see from these few examples the business value of an accessible website. Accessibility is more than just “the blind people” and actually pays out. |
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A Taylorism For All Seasons – sam[ ]zdat | about social media anxiety |
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Understanding Job Burnout | more from Christina maslach |
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Anna Shipman : JFDI | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Time management and prioritization for user res... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Artificial (Affective) Intelligence | Why we should teach machines to help us privately reflect instead of publicly read our minds. |
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Introducing a Rails 5.1 development environment... | has chromedriver setup |
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Don't Let the Internet Dupe you, Event Sourcing... |
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The Cost of Fixing Things | deep dive on burnout and recovery |
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The 6 Causes of Professional Burnout And How To... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Talk at PDX.rb in May 2015 about SQL tricks in ... | Good Rails SQL activerecord tricks (including lateral join) |
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Contents — Professional Software Development 20... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies | had these with serena. she added chopped crystalized ginger. underbake for softness. |
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35 quick tips about web performance | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using plain language in UX Writing | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Manage Your Fear of Public Speaking – Be... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Operable Software | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tell Me It’s Going to be OK | Miya Tokumitsu | Self-care and social retreat under neoliberalism |
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The Right’s Case Against AOC’s Plan to Soak the... |
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Developer to Manager | interviews with engineers who became managers |
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Ruby Conferences ‘n’ Camps in 2019 - What’s Upc... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Deal with Difficult People on Software P... | Software is easy. People are hard. A taxonomy of people on software projects, each assigned a cute animal icon. |
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The Black Box of Product Management | Shining light on the PM discipline. Product management blog recommended by a coworker |
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3 ActiveRecord Mistakes That Slow Down Rails Ap... | Look for uses of present?, none?, any?, blank? and empty? on objects which may be ActiveRecord::Relations. Are you just going to load the entire array later if the relation is present? If so, add load to the call (e.g. @my_relation.load.any?) Be careful with your use of exists? - it ALWAYS executes a SQL query. Only use it in cases where that is appropriate - otherwise use present? or any other the other methods which use empty? Be extremely careful using where in instance methods on... |
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How To Lead – Wilson Galyean – Medium | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Instant Pot Zucchini Bolognese - Nom Nom Paleo® | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Scarcity in UX: The psychological bias that bec... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Polarization in Poland: A Warning From Europe -... | about authoritorianism and politics |
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What we found when we tested tools on the world... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
“When You Get That Wealthy, You Start to Buy Yo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jared Live — UX Strategy Means Business | UX Strategy Means Business |
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Top 10 errors from 1000+ Ruby on Rails projects... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On the Design of Women’s Spaces – Kat Marchán –... | If what you want is a space away from patriarchy in general, then don’t call it a “women’s space”. Don’t call it a “women’s conference”. Don’t call it “Women in Technology”. Yes. I know that word carries a lot of weight for you. |
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More speed, lower velocity | agile process |
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Everything Breaks - scaling a simple game | simple rules can play out radically differently vased on team size |
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6 Critical Mistakes You're Making with Your Lan... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Build up Your Leadership Toolbox | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jerry Saltz: How to Be an Artist | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How readable - code readability testing | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Big on Heroku: Scaling Fountain without losing ... | A good summary of all things Heroku |
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Notes on Hyperfocus - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 | time management |
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Justifying Diversity | Permalink / Edit | |||||
UX brutalism | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Things Nobody Told Me About Being a Software En... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Three Sales Mistakes Software Engineers Make | “mistaking interest for demand” is ⭐️ |
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What is heuristic evaluation and why do you nee... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why hire an internet-era CTO? What will they ac... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Write Clear and Concise Sentences (With ... | I will provide you with suggestions on your performance so you can overcome the challenges you encounter every day while working for a difficult boss, so you can feel less stressed. |
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43 Words You Should Cut From Your Writing Immed... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Agile Goes Awry — and How to Fix It | Permalink / Edit | |||||
ColorBox by Lyft Design | a color picker |
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Stephanie Hurlburt on Twitter: "I’ve been doing... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Describing Personas – Indi’s Essays – Medium | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 things I wish I knew before my first corpora... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tim Ottinger on Twitter: "A: How long is a stor... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Progress, Plans, Problems: Sync Your Team with ... | Progress: What were your three biggest accomplishments this week? |
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Rise of Worse Is Better | Permalink / Edit | |||||
how can I brace myself for my toxic new job? |
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Midnight at the Gemba – Gemba Academy |
A story about hosting a manager meeting during the overnight shift at a factory. |
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The Scientist Who Lost America's First Climate ... | a proposal to align political jurisdictions with watersheds. |
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The "Developer Experience" Bait-and-Switch | In... | performance web |
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Organizing for Your Ethical Principles | Liz Fong-Jones discusses how to effectively accomplish change in our working conditions or our employer's products through grassroots employee advocacy. |
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How To Use The System Usability Scale (SUS) To ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The ultimate guide to proper use of animation i... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Techie to tech lead: My five biggest mistakes |... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The 10 Secrets to Indie Game Success (and Why T... | What’s the first thing someone sees when they start your game? |
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Takeaways from my talks with 24 MailChimp desig... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My magic response to "Hey, can I pick your brain?" | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Advice for a new executive | Lara Hogan | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dockerize a Rails 5, Postgres, Redis, Sidekiq a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
horizon scanning system | Hinesight....for Fore... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Visualize Impacts to Your Workflow & Met... | lots of ways to measure work across portfolios, projects and teams |
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How Web Reader Modes Modes Work | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Medium “bookmarks” feature — a UX case study | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The misguiding mindset that you are using and h... | Microservices is about team independence and alignment, not DRYness and entanglement. The team should suppress the urge to create a new service for each new feature that appears, and instead think about how it will fit into the broader picture of the architecture. |
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How to run your first meeting as a new manager | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The 25 best icebreaker questions for team-build... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Read an RFC | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Getting Real(time) with Rails | stimulus, actioncable |
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How VCs See Your KPIs | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Validating JSON Schemas with an RSpec Matcher | Use RSpec and JSON Schema to create a test-driven process in which changes to the structure of your JSON API drive the implementation of new features. |
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Getting UnHooked from Technology | nice set of browser extensions for overriding UI to be less clicky |
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How to write a good software design doc – freeC... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Don't Step on a Rake, Use Rake::DSL | Super Goo... | DSL is a module that provides task, desc, namespace, etc. Use this when you’d like to use rake outside the top level scope. |
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Jxnblk Writing | Defining Component APIs in React |
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Accessibility at a Glance | Accessibility at a Glance |
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Doing the right things and doing things right: ... | nice graphic of methods and activities for design research i like |
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My first task-based usability test | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Testing and Customizing the Primo Interface - R... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How do I run multiple processes on a dyno? - He... | For my Ruby on Rails and Que needs. web: puma -C config/puma.rb & sidekiq & wait -n |
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TestProf: Ruby tests profiling and optimization... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GitHub - coed-ethics/ Ethi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Newsletters spam test by | test deliverability of email |
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How To Craft The Perfect Web Developer Résumé | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Everything You Need To Know About Transactional... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The “Basecamp MBA” Reading List | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Succeed as an eCommerce Brand in an Era ... |
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Moving Projects Forward |
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The Psychology of Money · Collaborative Fund | “investing is not the study of finance. It’s the study of how people behave with money” |
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Other People's Code and the Intentional Fallacy | My broader point is that code, once written, can only be questioned by its function and the reader's understanding of it. It cannot be questioned through the lens of the author's intent in any reliable way, even if you have access to the original author. |
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Becoming a dramatically better programmer - Hen... | some stuff on learning |
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The Agile way: grow instead of build – Jean-Pie... | “Growing is the proper software development mindset” |
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Automated Lies, with one line of code – Karl Gr... | common accessibility issues |
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Newest 'accessibility' Questions - User Experie... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Inclusive Components | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Takeaways from Jan Chipchase’s Field Research M... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Civic Tech, #MeToo and Toxic Ecosystems: Invest... | While these people are right to ask someone like me what should come next, repeating myself is one of my least favorite things to do, working for free is not in my values system and re-explaining in this context is an exhausting labor that is not my actual paid job. So this post is in the interest of helping me do less of that and in hopes these ideas will help seed some solutions for a space people for whom I care for are invested in. |
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Be a Better Scrum Master: 10 Practices to Take ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Second Life: Rethinking Myself Through Exercise... |
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Focusing Talks: Three Questions | From Kent Beck on Conference talks |
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Getting Started With CSS Layout | Comprehensive coverage of all the positioning methods |
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How to Build a Better Product with UX Writing |
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GDPR Hysteria · Jacques Mattheij | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Creating Success, Together – Accidentally in Code |
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Why you should never have a data room — the mos... | Kai taught me that the key metric to whether a sales process is going well is “engagement.” If they’re giving you time then you owe them more data and if they don’t give you time then you shouldn’t share you data. I tried it, it worked incredibly well and meeting with people (in person, in a web conference or on the phone) is ALWAYS better for you to understand their buyer needs and them to better understand you. |
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Developers Should Abandon Agile | I’d make it clear that every two weeks at most, I would like to review their running tested product slice. They’d show me what they had planned to build, and what they built. It would have to actually work, and to contain visible capabilities that I could understand. We’d talk about what they should do over the next interval. And I’d make it clear that one week would be better than two, and that one day would be better than one week. I’d provide help |
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Org Physics: The 3 faces of every company – Nie... | Compliance Leadership — emerging from Formal Structure. |
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Google Conversions: Highlights |
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The Real Horror Of the Trump Doctrine: There Is... | This metaphor:
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Here’s The Technique That Ambitious People Use ... |
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Adding Thor Commands to Rails |
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Steve Jobs’ Secret for Eliciting Questions, Ove... |
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How to manage your career if you’re black | Pen... |
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Setting up Rails with Webpack(er), React and Jest. | has jest/enzyme test configuration too |
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Ten Things I Learned from a Job Hunt for a Seni... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Building successful online communities: Evidenc... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Best Place for Error Messages on Forms | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Book: Org Design for Design Orgs | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What I have learned at Google as a designer | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Up or out: tech company leveling and mandatory ... | some dark side of engineering ladder
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Measuring Websites With Mobile-First Optimizati... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Agile at Scale | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HOW TO DECIDE THINGS - UNF*CK YOUR BRAIN | • If I knew I could feel however I wanted, what would I choose? • If I knew I wasn’t going to feel anxiety, guilt, shame, or regret, which option would I prefer? • If I knew I could feel proud, happy, and confident with any decision I made, which would I choose? • If I knew it didn’t really matter which I chose—that it wouldn’t impact my feelings or well-being—which one sounds more fun? The truth is that, under all the fear and anxiety, you know what you want. |
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How to work with Londoners: a guide for foreign... | nice advice format, and probably general principles are pretty good. |
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Gaining Buy-in For Accessibility | Permalink / Edit | |||||
100 Example UX Problems | Permalink / Edit | ||||| - developer resources for self-care | Permalink / Edit | |||||
You Ask, I Answer: GDPR 101 for Marketers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Patterns Failed. Why? Should We Care? by Brian ... | About metis |
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Better Cross-Platform React Native Components –... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Lessons Learned Reproducing a Deep Reinforcemen... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GitHub - ankane/the-ultimate-guide-to-ruby-time... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Performance of Performance Reviews – Learning B... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An Engineer’s Bill of Rights (and Responsibilit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
agile In The Large | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Public_Speaking/ at master · vmbrasseu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why inheritance never made any sense | Structur... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The GDPR and what it means for affiliates | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GDPR, Webgains and You | WEBGAINS GIVES YOU TH... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Luke W product principles presentation | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"Agile" Sorta Bores Me Now — intentionally adap... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to run a premortem with your team | Atlassi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A list of cool Chrome DevTools Tips and Tricks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Check In | Live In Greatness - core protocols f... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Effective Navigation in Pair Programming | Thou... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to pair program effectively in 6 steps - Go... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ten Tips for More Powerful Public Speaking | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using Ethics In Web Design | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Custom Form Builders in Rails (Example) | A protip by mcmillion about rails, forms, markup, slim, and html. |
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The meaning of snafu, clusterfuck, and shitshow... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Kickstarter and Business Advice | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Email Busy People - humbledMBA | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A techie’s rough guide to GDPR — Cennydd Bowles | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Adding Redux to the React Native TaskList App |... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
11 mistakes I’ve made during React Native / Red... | After working almost a year with React Native I decided to describe mistakes that I’ve made while being a beginner. 1) You need to estimate layout for iOS and Android versions separately! Of course —… |
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Ethical Design: The Practical Getting-Started G... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What a Good Continuous Discovery Team Looks Lik... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Consciousness Deniers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
preload associations with `find_by_sql` · Prath... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Good to great UI animation tips – UX Collective | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GDPR - A Practical Guide For Developers - Bozho... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
When is a senior engineer not a senior engineer... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Resilient Web Design | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphic... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Revised Agile Fluency Model | lifecycle stages for agile. |
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Why Great Pitches Come From Customers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What to do when tech jobs go bad – Alejandro Wa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design – Refac... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
PAPERS, PLEASE - The Short Film (2018) 4K SUBS ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Writing Software Well | videos from DHH about how ruby and rails is written for Basecamp |
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Advanced Eager Loading in Rails - Kevin Sylvestre | Using window functions (partition) to eager_load “most recent post/comment” for a collection. |
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Developers On Call | Permalink / Edit | |||||
It's About Time (Zones) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Recurring Events in Rails | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Working with time zones in Ruby on Rails — Varvet | Permalink / Edit | |||||
“I don’t know“ – Mule Design Studio – Medium | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Scaling design: the case for narrative transfor... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How we switched from Sprockets to Webpack - ros... | In this post, we describe the challenges we faced while replacing the Rails asset pipeline with Webpack, how we solved those issues, and what we learned along the way. |
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Advanced SQL - window functions – Michał Konarski | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Winners Really Differentiate | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Slack’s Rachel Hepworth on bringing growth mark... | continuous onboarding accelerator |
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Why is pop culture obsessed with battles betwee... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Safari Bookshelf Learning Path: Data Visualization | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GDPR and Google Analytics | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Fellow Engineers: This is where your money come... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tumblr Engineering — How I review code | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Siqi Chen, former VP of Growth at Postmates, on... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Keeping your logs from becoming an unreadable m... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Optimizing Sketch Files: Lessons Learned In Cre... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Color in UI Design: A (Practical) Framework - M... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The 25 most popular icebreaker questions based ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
16 Cooking Tips That'll Make You Say "Why Didn'... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Limit Rails memory usage, fix R14 and save mone... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
liz abinante - Getting hired without getting bu... | recommended by a colleague for job interview prep |
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threewayfight: Fascism Today Conversation Part ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Crowdfire: Grow your audience and build a brand | Millions of Creators - YouTubers, bloggers, artists, sellers, freelancers, small businesses, use Crowdfire to go big online on YouTube, Medium, Etsy, Shopify, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Drive traffic to your creations |
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4 lessons for modern software developers from 1... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Coaching | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Strange Brands in Your Instagram Feed - The... | ecommerce and ad tech |
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Honeycomb says… | a logging monitoring tool ive seen before |
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Email Layout Calculator | Julie Ng | Create a responsive email grid with tables. Use this tool to calculate required integer widths and generate HTML and CSS, including an extra wrapper table for Microsoft Outlook. |
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Cold Email: a simple format that received a lot... | Depending on your industry and target market, a cold email may be the best form of communication to make initial contact with a prospect. |
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Tweaking the Persona | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Don't Be Evil - Fred Turner in Logic | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Robust Client-Side JavaScript – A Developer’s G... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Questions to ask yourself when writing tests - ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Content Marketing Handbook | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Your Software Company's Blog is Not a Journal | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Designing Better Design Documentation – Muzli -... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
zen-rails-security-checklist/ at maste... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Self Hosted Config: Introducing the Sprockets m... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The War To Sell You A Mattress Is An Internet N... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Relationship Between Service Design and UX ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Inclusive Components | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Isn’t Agile Working? – Hacker Noon | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
‘The Basic Grossness of Humans’ - The Atlantic | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The marshmallow method: a new technique to incr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Effective Public Speaking: Winning The Room | Permalink / Edit | |||||
conference video about principles | Amazon and Sun and Uber’s principles and values |
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The Front-End Checklist - 🔥 Your NEW Front-End ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Ultimate Product Announcement Checklist for... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stacking the Bricks: The Anatomy of Launching a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why your programmers just want to code – Maker ... | why “build the right thing” turns into “build the thing right” |
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Document Your Confusion | Hashrocket | Permalink / Edit | |||||
PostgreSQL Configuration for Humans // Speaker ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Lint the Web Forward With Sonarwhal | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Capybara and Selenium for Testing and Scraping | Using Capybara for web driving. |
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The Case Against Pattern Recognition | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Find and Fix 14 Technical SEO Problems T... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
sonarwhal - build better web sites, lint the we... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stencil | The fastest way to double your social... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The problem with telling music school grads to ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Co-ordination and communication: the secret to ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Delightful Secret of Successful User Onboar... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Context Canvas | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Useful Tips: How to make users read your web... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to identify your business’s strengths: 45 i... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sharon Kaibel: First Break all the Rules - the ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Boldly ASK for What You Want and Need | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Beyond Agile: Why Agile Hasn’t Fixed Your Probl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What nobody tells you about documentation - Blo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why “SEO Keywords” don’t matter and what to do ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Science Behind Viral Apps (and How to Build... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Grammarly Quietly Grew Its Way to 6.9 Milli... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Twitter and Slack Product Leader on Eliminating... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Best Interview Questions We've Ever Publish... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Achieve Balance through HEART Goals • Day Desig... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The 5 Key Measurements of Product Success – Hac... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How we Bootstrapped our SaaS Startup to Ramen P... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Practical Guide to Using ActionCable | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Here's my PR tip for people (like me) who are t... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Copy Hackers’ Joanna Wiebe on crafting copy tha... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Relationship Between Service Design and UX ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Testing for accessibility - Service Manual - GO... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Voice Guidelines | Clearleft | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Skip 1:1s – Accidentally in Code | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Whiteboarding and Group Exercises | A huge mess of retro tools and charts |
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Front-End-Checklist/ at master · theda... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A #NoEstimates tool: The slicing meeting, repla... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Activity Corner: Fourth Week Survey | a nice survey for a classroom but modifiable for other contexts |
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On social workers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Death by 'Best Practices': Why They Can Kill Yo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
6 decision-making techniques all Product Manage... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Writing Product Roadmaps – Gaurav Oberoi | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Great Feedback Fuels Great Website Design |... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nine Great Muffin Recipes to Bake ASAP | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Reality Check — Dorian Taylor | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Things I've learned transitioning from engineer... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Austin Church's 17 step mega-guide to writing b... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Research: Vague Feedback Is Holding Women Back | Before you begin evaluations, either written or verbal, outline the specific criteria you are employing to evaluate individuals. Articulate the specific results or behaviors that would demonstrate mastery. Use the same criteria for all employees at this level. |
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6 Mistakes Growth Candidates Make in the Interv... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Introduction - 18F Method Cards | 18F’s method cards describe how our organization puts human-centered design into practice. |
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The Modern Javascript Tutorial | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Events Live Cheatsheet | Permalink / Edit | |||||
There Never Was a West | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What I Learned Analyzing 13 Years of Basecamp H... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ruthless Prioritization – The Black Box of Prod... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
React cheat sheet | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Writing Imperfect Code – Prolific Interactive | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Is It Like to Apply for SNAP and Other Wor... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
little ui details | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Perspective | Mindfulness would be good for you... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Identity Theft, Credit Reports, and You | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Meet XRespond Testing Tool: Let’s Make Building... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Design Better Co | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Call-to-Action Buttons: The Ultimate Guide for ... | Call-to-Action buttons are one of the most important elements of conversion. This is a thorough guide that lays out everything from how to write persuasive copy, to how to optimize the color and design of your CTAs. You’ll also find more than 60 examples of CTAs from companies like Airtable, ConvertKit, Dropbox, Shopify, Square, and Zendesk. |
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How I’m Transforming My Life by “Cold Emailing”... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Design & Vulnerability | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Here's a list of 14 free keyword research tools... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to be polite | Via |
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What Makes a Good, Un-Sleazy Lead Magnet? 9 Utt... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Code Guide by @mdo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
8 PR Strategies for Bootstrapped Startups | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using mind mapping to clarify your job and brin... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Share RuboCop rules across all of your repos – ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why does John get the STEM job rather than Jenn... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Intro to React Native for an iOS Developer - Ar... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
here's how open source is supposed to work | a laundry list of functions and disfunctions |
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A simple approach to improving form design | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The 1,000 Floor Elevator: Why Most Designers Fa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
7 Ways to Test Your Product Idea & Gather Real-... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Intercom’s Karen Church on product analytics | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Empty States? More like You-Have-No-Idea-How-Mu... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How “Demo-or-Die” Helped My Career | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
grabient css gradient generatoe | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Code for America Fellowship Reader | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Bullseye Framework for Getting Traction | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Building a Sales Pipeline from Scratch, Part 1:... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Honeycomb charity majors on management and oper... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
All Meetings Are Terrible... Except for One (on... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Contempt Culture | Permalink / Edit | |||||
the question protocol: A simple approach to imp... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Is it really safe to start using CSS Grid Layout? | “This is what it is to build for the web” |
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Stardew Valley 1.1 Newbie Guide | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google Employees Weighed In on What Makes a Hig... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Extreme Programming vs. Interaction Design | When two development design visionaries meet, there’s room for consensus—but not much. Kent Beck and Alan Cooper |
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Startup Growth Handbook | An advanced guide to growth. This handbook is a comprehensive growth marketing reference. It leaves you with an agency-level proficiency in user acquisition and conversion optimization. |
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Good Sales Emails | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Production Rails Best practices for running Rai... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
5 Surprising Things I’ve Learned About Teaching | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Making RSpec Feature Tests More Semantic By Div... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Abyss of Observation Alone | “transcending politics is easier done than engaging in them, with the unsatisfactory moral compromises that are entailed.” |
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Receivinf advice and heuristics for living | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Domain-Driv... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
12 steps to creating landing pages that convert | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Programmer's Guide to Pairing on Pregnancy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to negotiate salary (reddit) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Web performance auditing with chrome | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Railsconf 2017: The Performance Update | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Low-Hanging Fruits For Enhancing Mobile UX | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What everyone ought to know about subject lines | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Design the Team You Need to Succeed | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Smart city ‘killer use case’ doesn’t exist | Smart city ‘killer use case’ doesn’t exist |
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Don’t work with psychopaths / Delta File | About keeping Delta Files |
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Email Campaigns Underperforming? Here’s Your Em... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Postgres tips for Rails developers | Citus Data | Permalink / Edit | |||||
12 Signs You’re Working in a Feature Factory | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Growth hacking was invented with a mint julep a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CEO-ing Your Business: The 3 Metrics that Matte... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
13 Investor update emails that turned our dots ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Configure new rails projects with .railsrc | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rails 5.1 Deprecations | Permalink / Edit | |||||
LambdaConf 2016 Controversy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Is the “Greatest Sales Deck” Great for Savvy Pr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rails security checklist | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why isn't Rails Server Generated JavaScript Res... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rails Ajax with HTML the way it's meant to be | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Programming font recommendations | Fira has ligatures |
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Spending money to make money: How we measure ou... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Your Powerful Promotion Email Blueprint: Writin... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Class Struggle in the Third Sector: Still Messi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Testing your Jekyll Website with Capybara | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Making Public Services Explorable | Making forms more accessible and descriptive of the application process as a whole. |
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The Fine Art of the Webpack 2 Config | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The magic of microcopy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rails tip: display association validation error... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Target Your Facebook Audience (Even if Y... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Building and Motivating Engineering Teams | Nice comments of treating software engineers as adults and collaborators. |
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When Your Code Has To Work: Complying With Lega... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Different Approach to Teaching Kids and Teens... | A lovely collaborative game for the classroom |
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The Google Analytics Setup I Use on Every Site ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why We Always Go Back to TPS, circa 1987 |
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Balancing early and later project risks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Great Alternatives to Hamburger Menus | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Calculating Summary Statistics · Advanced SQL R... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Stop Solving the Wrong Problem | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Culture | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 things I learned making the fastest site in ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Isn’t our code just the *BEST* 🙄 Views from the... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Best Practices for Cards | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Things you probably didn’t know you could do wi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How terrible code gets written by perfectly san... | When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. —Goodhart’s law |
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How to Choose a Social Media Marketing Agency | Good list of questions to ask generally in any context |
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How Ariel Kennan Solves NYC's Most Intractable ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The 3-Step Startup Marketing Framework We Creat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Day Zero: A new way to define customer success | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Here’s The Content Marketing Assembly Line Base... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Your 2017 Marketing Quick Tuneup Checklist | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Set Your Consulting Billing Rates and Fees | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Personal OKRs, Three Years Later | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Write The Software |
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The Best SaaS Articles of 2016 From Around the Web | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Russian tea cookies | Add chocolate chips. |
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Today I improved… my headline chops | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Trump, Putin and the Pipelines to Nowhere You c... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Client Emails Generator | Permalink / Edit | |||||
We Ran Our Company’s First Sales Hackoff | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Developing a Consistent Taxonomy for Behavioral... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Computer Patterns for dealing with uncertainity | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mexican Chocolate Icebox Cookies | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CTO/CIO PERSPECTIVES Intensely practical tips o... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On being lost – wardley business mapping | Permalink / Edit | |||||
5 insights revealed from analyzing 25,537 B2B s... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Uptime website monitoring ping service | Has nice pricing. |
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33 Writing Tweaks That Will Turn You into a Cop... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bring clarity to your monolith with Bounded Con... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What’s Wrong With Git? A Conceptual Design Anal... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
50 Shades of #FAFAFA A moderately inappropriate... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CFA: Team Salt Lake Mid-Year Report | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Email Prospecting Tips From A Former Spammer | Permalink / Edit | |||||
12 sections to consider including on your about... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
9 Powerful Customer Success Emails Your SaaS Ne... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Artsy's Engineering Compensation Framework | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Specs on ErrorsController in Rails | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rocket—Slack-style emoji everywhere on your Mac | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Web Bloat Score Calculator | Permalink / Edit | |||||
reddragdiva: jean-paul sartre on the alt-right,... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Teach Access Portal - accessibility voice over ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Modern Software Over-Engineering Mistakes | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Vision vs. Leverage - agile stuff | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Reflections of an "old" programmer | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Diversity Programs Fail | A number of companies have gotten consistently positive results with tactics that don’t focus on control. They apply three basic principles: engage managers in solving the problem, expose them to people from different groups, and encourage social accountability for change. </blockquote |
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Ken Iverson: The Cure for the Common MBA | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen" in The... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Here Are All Of The Emails We Send At Drift | Content emails, onboarding emails, abandonment emails and NPS emails. Here are all of the emails we send at Drift. |
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How To Design Lead Nurturing, Lead Scoring, and... | In this guide, I will make an attempt to describe how SaaS/enterprise companies design lead nurturing campaigns and how lead scoring can help prioritize leads and improve conversions, as well as how lead nurturing strategy affects the creation of drip email campaigns. |
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Misconceptions about "Agile" | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen – The Mi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Amazon (company): What is Amazon's approach to ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Being Lazy with ActiveRecord | In programming language terms, “laziness” refers to code whose evaluation is delayed until the last possible moment. |
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HOWTO scrape websites with Ruby & Poltergeist | nice simple howto. Also checkout Puffing Billy for testing |
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What Great Listeners Actually Do | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to get engineering teams to eat their veget... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Form Objects and Rails' Form Builders | | How to get the proper form url into the form object |
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Writing Copy For The Web: The 80/20 Guide to Co... | brainstorming worksheet and advice to write for a single person in mind. |
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How to tame your growing users table | Has example of how to log a calling function |
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S(GH)PA: The Single-Page App Hack For GitHub Pa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Evaluating Alternatives to Google AdWords Keywo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Here's exactly how to grow your service busines... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why I'm not a big fan of Scrum | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"Productivity Journaling" | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mockery and the appropriation of Spanish in Whi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The way we work: Books we recommend: A reading ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Getting Practical With Microcopy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Stay in Control of Your Meetings | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Vox Product Accessibility Guidelines | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Brief Guide to Better 1:1’s — For Makers and ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Sense of Where You Are — Elegant Tools | Design process for understand, model, design, build, launch |
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Design like an Astronaut | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Growth Story: facebook retargeting and Adspresso | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Faster JSON Generation with PostgreSQL - The Ha... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dealing With Time Zones Using Rails and Postgre... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
I started reading volume 1 of das Kapital and I... | Marx |
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Unorthodocs: Abandon your DVCS and Return to Sa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ruby Sprintf: What the Format? | Ruby comes with a structured alternative to classic string interpolation: This episode will explore format strings, also known as the sprintf syntax. |
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40 part series on "Growth" | The businessy/startup kind of growth |
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What 3 Million Visitors Taught Us About Content... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using ES6 with Asset Pipeline on Ruby on Rails ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to upgrade to Rails 5 — Medium | Last week I have upgraded our Dockbit application to Rails 5. The codebase is rather small, so it’s been a relatively painless process. In this post, I would like to summarize the practices that I follow when upgrading to major Rails releases, which have been pretty common for me since Rails 2. I also wanted to gather all the things I had to consider in one place, hence this blog post. |
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Good Copy • Email copy from great companies | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Product Feedback You Can Act On | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Finding side project ideas | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Atomic Design by Brad Frost | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Lessons learned from some of the best Ruby code... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Link anatomy - | Anatomy of a link |
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SPF Query Tool | Permalink / Edit | |||||
OpenPGP Best Practices | Permalink / Edit | |||||
5 Things I Wish Somebody Told Me Before I Found... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How r/entrepreneur: to build a profitable t-shi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
$9 Marketing Stack: A Step-by-Step Guide | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Look at the Hourly Rates of Freelance Designe... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Proven Path to Creating Unique and Meaningf... | Stay on the fucking bus. |
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FactoryGirl Beyond the Database, by Miguel Palh... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
digitalocean/engineering-code-of-conduct: Code ... | engineering-code-of-conduct - Code of Conduct for DigitalOcean's Engineering Team |
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Sharing Our Latest Investor Update In Public — ... |
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On-Page SEO: Anatomy of a Perfectly Optimized Page |
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40+ resources, tools, products, and services cu... | This is a list of both free and paid products and services as well as blog articles that have helped me over the past few years. I’m constantly sharing these with my clients and other entrepreneurs and thought everyone here would benefit. |
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Some Thoughts on Leadership Going into 2016 |
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Fundamentals of Piano Practice | This is the best book ever written on how to practice at the piano! Most books list what skills are needed (scales, arpeggios, trills, etc.), but not how to acquire them. This book teaches how to solve technical problems, step by step. Learn practice methods, how to acquire technique and memorize hours of repertoire, sight reading, musical playing, relaxation, etc., and, most importantly, Mental Play in which you learn to play the piano in your mind. |
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Choosing an HTTP Status Code -- Stop Making It ... | nice flowchart/decision tree |
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What To Do When You Need To Get To Minimum Viab... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Case Study: How to Sell a $5,000 Consulting Pro... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
2. We work with an empowered product owner - 18... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rails Validations vs Postgres Check Constraints | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pinboard on the Next Economy Conference (with t... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Render Rails views with locals, not instance va... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
No Dickheads! A Guide To Building Happy, Health... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
DHH - RECONSIDER - startups and business | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Socratic Method | For the Socratic method to work as a teaching tool and not just as a magic trick to get kids to give right answers with no real understanding, it is crucial that the important questions in the sequence must be logically leading rather than psychologically leading. |
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rscss - Reasonable System for CSS Stylesheet St... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
If Math Is The Aspirin, Then How Do You Create ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Philip Roberts: What the heck is the event loop... | JavaScript programmers like to use words like, “event-loop”, “non-blocking”, “callback”, “asynchronous”, “single-threaded” and “concurrency”. We say things like “don’t block the event loop”, “make sure your code runs at 60 frames-per-second”, “well of course, it won’t work, that function is an asynchronous callback!” If you’re anything like me, you nod and agree, as if it’s all obvious, even though you don’t actually know what the words mean; and yet, finding good explanations of how JavaScript actually works isn’t all that easy, so let’s learn! With some handy visualisations, and fun hacks, let’s get an intuitive understanding of what happens when JavaScript runs. Transcript: |
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Hacking Your Webpage's Head Tags for Speed and ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Space Yourself – all about unicode spaces | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nested forms and validations with ActiveModel::... | One thing that I think many have found lacking, however, is has_many and accepts_nested_attributes_for functionality. I found myself in this boat recently when I wanted to use these form objects to create multiple records. How can I have a form that can create arbitrarily many records and have validation errors appear for each record I'm trying to create, without associations? |
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Ludicrously Fast Page Loads - A Guide for Full-... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
chasing the shiny and new | | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Do not let your CDN betray you: Use Subresource... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| - The freshest backlinks. ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How I spent two weeks hunting a memory leak in ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Click™ | Apple Watch Adapter | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Writing Robust Bash Shell Scripts : programming | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Like other romantics of violence and heroism, G... | Like other romantics of violence and heroism, Greenberg and Ahimeir were blind to the fact that being part of an aggressive, uninhibited movement can also be a form of self-interest. As Isaiah Berlin shrewdly observed, their followers who terrorized the British “seemed to put the satisfaction of their own emotional needs above the attainable goals of the cause which they supported.”3 |
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How de Blasio Should Expand Computer Science Ed... | Trying to scale up a result by working backwards from successful examples is a common source of failure in many well-meaning social programs. (Social scientists call this selecting on the dependent variable which is appropriate for some questions, or for microbes, but rarely works well for humans). |
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AWS in Plain English | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Trayvon Martin Killing and the Myth of Blac... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
You’ve Got Mail: Action Mailer + Letter_Opener ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Keeping your logs from becoming an unreadable m... | How much do you use the Rails logger in your apps? Have you tried tagged logging? If you haven’t, try finding a place for it. Tagging actions taken by your users is a good start. It’ll help you out the next time you have to debug a crazy multi-step bug. |
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Agile in a nutshell | Permalink / Edit | |||||
RailsApps: Rails Examples and Tutorials | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Canvassing a project: project canvas | If I were to ask you four simple questions about the project you are working on right now, they would be easy to answer, right? What are you doing? Who is it for? How are you going to achieve it? Why are you doing it? |
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Rspec Matchers Cheat Sheet | Interactive cheat sheet for Rspec matchers |
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Jan Tschichold: Penguin composition rules (1947) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Bloom filters work the way they do | DDI | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Hamburger Menu Doesn't Work - Deep Design | good desirn breakdown for memory |
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Managing Hearts with Kim and Flo – The New Inquiry | marx and work |
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Ahimsa Online — The Message — Medium | “never internet angry” |
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solnic/virtus (ActiveModel defaults that never ... | Virtus allows you to define attributes on classes, modules or class instances with optional information about types, reader/writer method visibility and coercion behavior. It supports a lot of coercions and advanced mapping of embedded objects and collections. |
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OSCON Keynote: Making Architecture Matter | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A cookie based approach to handling guest users | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Is Wrong with the West’s Economies? |
Permalink / Edit | |||| - Your Daily Source of Natural Rain ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nuclear Throne’s Vlambeer: “If The Customer Was... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My Two Years as an Anthropologist on the Photos... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Web Design - The First 100 Years | Idle Words > Talks > Web Design: The First 100 Years |
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Importance Of Moderating Effectively In Usabili... | As UX professionals, we know the value of conducting usability research. But UX research initiatives — even when designed well — are not perfect. A lab study to… |
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Let's Build: Instagram with Rails. Log in and t... | Nice comprehensive tutorial of building somethign that actually works |
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CodeDorm: sample applications | bunch of example rails projects |
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eS6 javascript style guide from airbnb | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Inside an online content mill—or, writing 4,156... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
This Is Professionalism : | Permalink / Edit | |||||
More on conversational UIs | lots of text bots |
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A week with a Rails Security Strategy: More sec... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
jlevy/the-art-of-command-line | the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page |
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Wayback: Principles of the American Cargo Cult | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stitch Fix design document | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to simplify Active Record scopes that refer... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CQRS for the Common Application — msdn.microsof... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Agency - | Around 8:30 a.m. on Sept. 11 last year, Duval Arthur, director of the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness for St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, got… |
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Flip the Script! | The extension lists all of the JavaScript and CSS on page, allowing you to double click a file to see the source. Using the Cleanup JavaScript button you can de-minify it on the fly. Once it’s cleaned up, you can edit it: |
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How To Use Autoloading And A Plugin Container I... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Readability Tools That Will Help Improve Your S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An introduction to Swift for Ruby Developers — ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
leasot | Parse and output TODOs and FIXMEs from comments in your files |
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The RESTful cookbook | REST |
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5 Prototyping Tips That Will Improve Your Process | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Ruby Uses Memory | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Psychology of Pricing: A Gigantic List of Strat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The secret ingredient that makes some teams bet... | In large organizations, I’ve seen pairs of people choose to work out their problems this way. A functional head will challenge a regional head and then they will reverse roles. This way, they learn the exigencies and contingencies of both positions; they start to see common themes, ways they can help and support each other, and empathy grows. |
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Scroll Back: The Theory and Practice of Cameras... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Cancer Survivor Designs the Cards She Wishes ... | Empathy cards that are actually nice |
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Being busy is lazy | on productivity and boundaries |
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Flame graphs in Ruby MiniProfiler | Permalink / Edit | |||||
British Library's Photostream: Vintage Woodcuts | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Vintage Printable - Botanical, 2 | Vintageprint... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
7 Deadly Sins of Ruby Metaprogramming | Permalink / Edit | |||||
planetruby/awesome-activerecord | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Christopher Booker’s 7 basic plots of how stori... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"Better Living Through Statistics: Monitoring D... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Interview with Brunello Cucinelli, the king of ... | Dubbed the “king of cashmere” by The New Yorker, Brunello Cucinelli is the founder of the eponymously named fashion house that is well-known for making luxury… |
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Teach and Frisk - The Awl | The resolution included a commitment to “restorative justice,” which the school district describes as “a philosophy and an approach to discipline that moves away from punishment” and that regards students who misbehave as engaged members of a community rather than as problems to be managed by adults. |
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Lessons Learned in Software Development | Henri... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to pick startup ideas | Once upon a time there was __. Every day, __. One day __. Because of that, __. Because of that, __. Until finally __. |
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Boiling React Down to a Few Lines in jQuery | A reminder you don’t need React to do 1-way binding and view decomposition with Backbone and LayoutManager. But a nice explanation nonetheless. |
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How to Select Database Records in an Arbitrary ... | Activerecord ordering |
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RSpec Rails Examples | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Researching ResearchKit - Peter Steinberger | iOS code from Apple |
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Criticism and Ineffective Feedback | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to annoy all moose a little less (by buildi... | Some people and most cats hate mice. Try to make all parts of your website keyboard accessible. Tab through it and make sure there is a :focus state for every :hover state. Be extra careful with any custom widgets, especially modal windows. |
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Designing for Disability - The New Yorker | Three years ago, Liz Jackson, a thirty-three-year-old Harlem resident, noticed that her feet had begun doing something she describes as “plopping”: the front of… |
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Ultimate Guide to Link Types for Hyperlinks | bookmark and nofollow |
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How to Design for Virtual Reality | The Nintendo “Virtual Boy” was released in the United States in 1995 and discontinued in 1996 — making it the white whale of gaming tech in our little home… |
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Lost Garden: Minimum Sustainable Success | Minimum Sustainability What are the borderline cases? Imagine a glider that slowly drifts downwards, but manage to catch just enough of an updraft to never quite crash. The following are some ideas pertinent to surviving long term in a hit driven media industry. Defining success: Success rates, Size of success, Variability Tactics for surviving the odds: Budgeting, Prototyping, Hobbies, Revenue streams |
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Time Extend: Star Wars Galaxies | The game’s scope could belong to an unlikely sounding Kickstarter pitch, so perhaps it’s little wonder that Sony Online Entertainment shuttered its Star Wars… |
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The Economist’s Tom Standage on digital strateg... | LONDON — The past few months have been full of change at The Economist. In January, Zanny Minton Beddoes was appointed the magazine’s new editor after her… |
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How We Use Trello for Product Design and Develo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A New Method to Deal With Would-Be Terrorists |... | give em a scare |
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David Sedaris's Guide to Writing Brilliant Firs... | David Sedaris’s Guide to Writing Brilliant First Sentences - Copyblogger |
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15 Years of Dao | by ALA Staff · April 07, 2015 |
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Chrome’s Console API: Greatest Hits | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Ruby | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gotchas From Two Years With Node | we use node-blocked to get visibility into whether our production apps are blocking on the event loop |
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Piety: like sparklines, but not | Peity (sounds like deity) is a simple jQuery plugin that converts an element’s content into a simple |
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App Store Optimization (ASO): Improve Your App ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Your Dick Pics Are About to Be All Over the Int... | Matt Rainwaters |
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Ruby Survey Results | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sunless Sea Sales and Funding Deep Dive, Part I... | Hello! This is the final post in our series on Sunless Sea’s sales and funding. So far, we’ve covered Kickstarter in part I and pre-orders and Greenlight in… |
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Instant Cocoa iOS Framework | Permalink / Edit | |||||
No Dickheads! A Guide To Building Happy, Health... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Message to the 21st Century by Isaiah Berlin ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
""Anarchism is a movement for human freedom. It... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"What is Software Design?" | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Paradise Lost: How Moreover Won & Lost The Real... | News aggregator Moreover was born in the late 1990s, at the same time as Google. At one point, Moreover dominated Google in the delivery of real-time news. So… |
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John Madden Hockey: The making of NHL ’94 – Rea... | Ken Baumgartner was angry. |
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Video Games Are Better Without Characters | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Refactoring code that accesses external services | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Class Inheritance: Part 2 (Singletons and Eigen... | This blog post is part of a series on Class Inheritance. Read Part 1 here. |
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How to Leave a Company Well – | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Joyless World of Data-Driven Startups — Bac... | “Data is the ultimate scapegoat.” |
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Patterns are for People | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The CHECKS Pattern Language of Information Inte... | Any program that accepts user input will need to separate good input from bad, and to make sure little of the latter gets recorded. This pattern language tells… |
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A couple of callback gotchas (and a Rails 5 fix) | activerecord callbacks, database transactions |
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My Weird Ruby « Thomas Reynolds | contracts gem and lazy search |
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OneShot, a one week design case study | Yesterday, March 2nd, we released OneShot, an iOS app for highlighting and tweeting screenshots of text. I thought it would be fun to share a little bit about… |
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CWC Texts : Rolling Thunder : Say You Want an I... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Blogging - start from the middle | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Innocent misperception: the linguistics of Star... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
[Special Feature] | Burn After Reading, by Gabr... | William Powell, the author of The Anarchist Cookbook, in 1971 © JP Laffont/Sygma/Corbis |
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The Beginners Guide to jQuery.Deferred and Prom... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How we manage design work in Pivotal Tracker - ... | Drew Mckinney Thursday, February 26, 2015 |
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Engineering ethics | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Developer’s Guide to Growth Hacking – Tech Ta... | February 27th, 2015 by Gareth Wilson (10 min read) Given the media hype that surrounds the term ‘Growth Hacking’, you can be forgiven for dismissing the whole… |
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Japan’s Most Legendary Samurai Tale—In Comics | The tale of the 47 ronin is one of Japan’s most treasured stories. It’s a story of honor, betrayal and revenge. Many consider it to be one of the best… |
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The Entrant's Guide to The Automobile Industry | Like a siren, it calls. |
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Using PostgreSQL and jsonb with Ruby on Rails -... | PostgreSQL 9.4 introduced jsonb, the binary version for JSON columns. See how you can use it with Ruby on Rails 4.2+. |
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Twitter’s Dilemma | Twitter is two things. It is a concept — everyone in the world connected in real time — that’s so obvious in retrospect that it is impossible to imagine it not… |
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Hardware by the Numbers (Part 1: Team + Prototy... | This is part 1 of a series on what building a scalable hardware business looks like. Read part 2, part 3, and part 4. Written by @BenEinstein. |
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Yanis Varoufakis: How I became an erratic Marxist | In 2008, capitalism had its second global spasm. The financial crisis set off a chain reaction that pushed Europe into a downward spiral that continues to this… |
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Oliver Sacks on Learning He Has Terminal Cancer | A MONTH ago, I felt that I was in good health, even robust health. At 81, I still swim a mile a day. But my luck has run out — a few weeks ago I learned that I… |
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The MBTA's long, winding, infuriating road to f... | The Red Line’s woes had riders lined up for shuttle buses Wednesday at a Quincy T station. (Pat Greenhouse/Globe Staff Photo) |
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Spambot barf | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Chasing the Scream | It is now 100 years since drugs were first banned in the United States. On the eve of this centenary, journalist Johann Hari set off on an epic three-year,… |
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RadioShack Suffered as Free Time Evaporated | In 1963, the year his company bought a nine-store chain then known by the two-word name Radio Shack, Charles D. Tandy explained to the New York Times why it… |
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Filtered for SAAS | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Year of Reflection | Last week I spoke at the IxDA conference in San Francisco. A number of people asked for a copy of the talk + slides. It’s not verbatim, but near enough. Based… |
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Peter Molyneux Interview: “I haven’t got a repu... | When Peter Molyneux agreed to speak to me, I knew the interview was going to be tense. I knew that an article we’d posted on Monday, asking what was going on… |
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Tiberian Origins: 20 Years of Command & Conquer | The original Command & Conquer will this year celebrate the 20th anniversary of its release. |
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How to Write a Book in Three Days: Lessons from... |
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How to Be a Chinese Democrat: An Interview with... | “Yes, it is also related to the notion that “China is rising, the West is in decline.” In the West, such self-critical voices are everywhere, and many Chinese take it literally, thinking, “We now represent the future,” without realizing that such pessimism in the West is in a way a signaling system for them to improve their institutions and policies. I lived in the West for many years, and I know that people are complaining how terrible things are. Are things really that bad there? No. But are such complaints wrong? No, because the improvement of the system depends on such complaints.” |
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The Rails API Mini Guide | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Land-book Product landing pages gallery | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Entrepreneurs: Why You Need Both a Personal Wor... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
In Search of Authenticity by Tim Parks | “Are these real concerns? Is this work convincing?” Behind all the other questions one asks oneself about a novel, these are perhaps the most determining—and… |
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The home and the mobile supply chain | For the last 30 years PCs and the PC supply chain dominated the technology industry, and PCs and their components were used for all sorts of things that weren’t… |
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Jobs to be Done | Christensen Institute | The jobs-to-be-done framework emerged as a helpful way to look at customer motivations in business settings. Conventional marketing techniques teach us to frame… |
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Stuff Goes Bad: Erlang in Anger | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Knowledge, London's Legendary Taxi-Driver T... | The examination to become a London cabby is possibly the most difficult test in the world — demanding years of study to memorize the labyrinthine city’s 25,000… |
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Google Analytics Measurement Protocol Developer... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mixpanel Rack Middleware | Pattern for pulling data out of cookies: |
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SEO in 2015: How Search Has Changed & How Marke... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Website Style Guide Resources | Permalink / Edit | |||||
DeathHacks — The Message — Medium | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Job Security, Career Stability, and Employabili... | I was recently asked to answer a question on Quora about startups and stability, and as I read some of the other replies I noticed a trend. The question was… |
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Talking User Onboarding With Samuel Hulick | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Debugging Super Methods in Ruby 2.2 | Debugging a large codebase is hard. Ruby makes debugging easier by exposing method metadata and caller stack inside Ruby’s own process. Recently in Ruby 2.2.0… |
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Going the Distance - How Levenshtein Spelling S... | I’m not what you would cosider an algorithm guy, but after needing to use a bit of spell checking in some code, I became facinated with the Levenshtein… |
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CSS Background Shorthand Property | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Refinements over Monkey-patching | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Be Honest About Whether Your Product Really Mak... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Here’s Why a Booming Tech Market May Fool You i... | Since 2009 we’ve been in an unequivocal bull market. Venture capitalists have raised increasing amounts of money from their investors (LPs) every year. An… |
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Jeremy Bytes: Becoming a Social Developer: A Gu... | I’m not an extrovert. I know that’s hard to believe for anyone who’s met me at a developer event. When I’m presenting, I appear to be anything but introverted… |
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Why Remote Engineering Is So Difficult!?#@% | I have spent a lot of time trying to manage work so it is successful outside of a single location. I’ve had mixed results and have found only three patterns… |
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Tips on Mental Models | Just as a single color can have conflicting associations between different cultures, mental models can vary widely between users. If you haven’t heard of mental… |
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Lessons Learned - Three years of running a soft... | This year’s story is one of how we nearly went out of business twice yet still managed to pull off our most successful year yet. |
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Revisiting Shedding bytes an... | Weeknotes #66 By Jeremy Keith |
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Meet for Learning ◆ 24 ways | “I’ve never worked in a place like this,” said one of my direct reports during our daily stand-up meeting. |
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Maker Pro: Soylent Supply Chain « bunnie's blog | A few editors have approached me about writing a book on manufacturing, but that’s a bit like asking an architect to take a photo of a building that’s still on… |
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The Phone Screen - Joel on Software | It happens all the time: we get a resume that everyone thinks is really exciting. Terrific grades. All kinds of powerful-sounding jobs. Lots of experience.… |
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The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing (version 3.... | A motley gang of anarchists, free-love advocates, and banana-rights agitators have hijacked The Love Boat out of Puerto Vallarta and are threatening to sink it… |
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Have You Heard the One About…? | “We are in the midst of hard times now,” A. O. Scott recently lamented in the Sunday edition of a certain newspaper of record. “And it feels as if art is… |
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h5bp/Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions | Front-end Job Interview Questions This file contains a number of front-end interview questions that can be used when vetting potential candidates. It… |
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William Van Hecke - Your App Is Good and You Sh... | You can find William on Twitter at, and his annotated version of the talk at |
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Dada Data and the Internet of Paternalistic Things | This piece of speculative fiction exploring a possible data-driven future first appeared in Internet Monitor project’s second annual report, Internet Monitor… |
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Clean Coder Blog | When you first learn Test Driven Development, it sounds simple and easy. If you learned it in 1999, like I did, the rule was to simply write your unit tests… |
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How to lose touch, relevance, and customers - I... | Co-founder @intercom. |
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The Introvert Owner’s Manual ◆ 24 ways | Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.Albert Camus |
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American torture | Here’s the sad fucking truth: |
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Talking Tech with Non Tech People - Inside Inte... | Success Engineer and Backup CEO at @intercom who does comedy to pay the bills. Moved from Boston to SF for the job and the consistent weather. If you write into… |
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Better globals with a tiny ActiveSupport module | ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry |
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An Inside Look at a Flat Organization That Serv... | When Sahil Lavingia founded Gumroad in 2012, he got a lot of attention. At age 19, he was one of the youngest entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, and the press… |
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What Doesn't Seem Like Work? | January 2015 |
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Michael Tsai - Blog - The Design Philosophy of ... | Friday, January 23, 2015 |
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Molyneux warns Microsoft: Don't overpromise on ... | By James Brightman |
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The Real Story Behind Jeff Bezos's Fire Phone D... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Make a Hit App (Volume One) | Loading… |
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How to write | SkyLightRain | Today’s guest post comes from Ben Moor – author, actor and Edinburgh Fringe regular – and offers a unique, and sometimes bewildering, insight into his personal… |
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How to Email with an Old Friend After Falling O... | An old friend of mine was on the Internet and came across an article that I had written, so she emailed to say hello. I was glad to hear from her. She and I… |
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"Will you deny that your jails are filled with ... | lucy parsons |
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Getting started with JavaScript for Automation ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Being a Black Male, Six Feet Four Inches Tal... | By Cassie Wright/Getty Images for SXSW |
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Resize UICollectionViewCells to always fill UIC... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mobile platforms and technical debt | One of the fundamental problems that killed Nokia, Palm and RIM was that in 2000 or so they designed their platforms around presumptions and tradeoffs that were… |
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The Truth About Your Smile | Teeth and dental advice. |
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Instrumenting Rails applications with ruby-prof | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter | 13th Jan 2015 from TwitLonger |
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To Change Everything, an anarchist appeal | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The NY Police vs. the Mayor | Permalink / Edit | |||||
12 Steps to Creating Landing Pages That Convert | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sass Guidelines | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rubocop and Rails: Getting started | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Profile a Leaky Sidekiq Job in Heroku | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The God Login | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Klein vs. Klein – The New Inquiry | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Happened When Marissa Mayer Tried to Be St... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
‘A Mile Wide, an Inch Deep’ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
lunr- JS full text search | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Wait for Javascript and AJAX changes in Capybar... | I've ran into a handful of things capybara doesn't automatically wait for, and had to roll my own waitloops. The names should be pretty self explanatory. |
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How to Create Great Content That Drives Traffic... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Microservices - A Reality Check(point) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Chan-Style Anonymous Culture Shapes #gamerg... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Email, calendars and contacts done right. | I can never remember this email provider. But an alternative to Google |
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Callback for changed ActiveRecord attributes? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Hacker's Guide to User Acquisition | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies - Handle the Heat | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How a bumpy ride turned into a golden ticket | great civic app development story |
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Bad code isn’t Technical Debt, it’s an unhedged... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From Alibaba skeptic, to top 1% selling Amazon ... | Good description of selling stuff on amazon |
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Node Way | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Confreaks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
has_one view - The Hashrocket Blog | Using postgres views is Rails associations |
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Why Shark Tank is Terrible for Your Business | Permalink / Edit | |||||
5 Ways to Protect Your Entrepreneurial Confidence | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Psychology of a VC and how to take advantage of it | In the startup community, we often hear and read a lot about the entrepreneurial struggle — the daily difficulties and challenges facing those building… |
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3 ways to do eager loading (preloading) in Rail... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to make your code self-documenting? | CodeU... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Build products | Christina Cacioppo |
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Developing and stuff: Disable dangerous rake ta... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI (Part 1) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Q.A. Mindset | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Use an Experience Map to Make Your Custo... | pretty amazing actually |
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How to structure a Sass project | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Eloquent JavaScript | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Schneier on Security: "Cooperating with the Fut... | This is an interesting paper — the full version is behind a paywall — about how we as humans can motivate people to cooperate with future generations. |
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Web apps, native apps, and app ecosystems | November 27, 2014 6:56 AM PT |
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Ze Frank: Happiness and choices | The video I look up multiple times a year. |
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How an eBay bookseller defeated a publishing gi... | Sometimes all it takes to alter the course of history is one pissed-off person. Supap Kirtsaeng wasn’t a crusader or lone nut; he was just an eBay trader who… |
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Frog and toad, willpower, and microservice arch... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What I Learned From Building An App For Low-Inc... | Better than average apps-for-poverty article |
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links to web accessibility | select buttons and waria stuff. |
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The Rise of the Professional Cyber Athlete | I confess to being bewildered, still, by what is often said to be the greatest game of StarCraft II ever played. Fall, 2013. New York’s Hammerstein Ballroom.… |
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On HTML5 and the Group That Rules the Web | You might have read that, on October 28th, W3C officially recommended HTML5. And you might know that this has something to do with apps and the Web. The… |
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Specifying Ruby on Rails Controllers with RSpec... | OMG, I’m still using partial doubles and did not know about class_spy |
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Building blocks of commerce website | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Book Apart, You’re My Favorite Client | You’re My Favorite Client has a new look and feel! Learn more about paperback design and format updates. |
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The Sixth Stage of Grief is Retro-Computing | Over the last few days I’ve been crazy for emulation—that is, simulating old, busted computers on my sweet modern laptop. I’ve been booting up fake machines and… |
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Stop Trying to Save the World | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pricing determines your business | It’s often said that you shouldn’t talk about price during customer development interviews. The usual justification is that your goal is to uncover the details… |
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An Interview with Flickr cofounder Stewart Butt... | Stewart Butterfield |
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The Secret Life of Passwords | Howard Lutnick, the chief executive of Cantor Fitzgerald, one of the world’s largest financial-services firms, still cries when he talks about it. Not long… |
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Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture | There has been a shift in service based architectures over the last few years towards smaller, more focussed “micro” services. There are many benefits with this… |
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The Free Code Camp Blog: A Cautionary Tale of L... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ruby DSLs for fun & profit | Using a DSL (domain specific language) is an excellent way to improve your codebase’s readability and ensure it can be extended easily. I’m very much a fan of… |
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Speed Up JavaScript Capybara Specs by Blacklist... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Is American Teaching So Bad? | an excellent assessment of the perils of teaching |
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Server-Side Google Analytics Event Tracking wit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Old Guard – Rands in Repose | Dunbar’s Number is a favorite blunt diagnosis for the pains that affect rapidly growing teams. The number, which is somewhere between 100 and 250 describes a… |
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SASS: Understanding placeholder selectors | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pixel perfect design | an ebook |
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Mr. Miller Doesn’t Go to Washington | It’s a blazing hot Memorial Day weekend in Hermosa Beach, seven miles south of LAX, and the holiday festival has drawn thousands of people. It’s the kind of… |
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The man who made a game to change the world | “Every MMO is a political statement. I should know: I designed them that way.” |
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On Consent as a Felt Sense | This started as a comment on Ozy Frantz’s post about Consent as a Felt Sense, which rehashes some arguments we’ve seen before (such as “Shhh! Talking about rape… |
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A Birth Story | Meaghan O’Connell | Longreads | Nov. 6, 2014 | 57 minutes (14,248 words) |
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Rails Rumble Gem Teardown | Rails gem profile. Check out devise::invitable |
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7 Principles of Rich Web Applications | | 7 Principles of Rich Web Applications |
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Backbone.LayoutManager: How to prepend a view? ... | insert a view before the other views |
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My Move from MAMP Pro to Vagrant for WordPress ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
I Did A Thing On A Hill: On Meaning And Purpose... | Rob Sherman’s Black Crown crept into parts of my brain that hadn’t been touched by literature for years. I didn’t expect a game to reach them. Some of the… |
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Fighting to make games worse | I’ve been struggling for weeks to come up with something to say about “GamerGate.” One can’t have a nuanced conversation about something so utterly without… |
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Why we should stop using Grunt & Gulp | What if you want to have both checkstyle reports (for ci) and a developer reports for developer usage? There are no rules for the task names you have, other than your own conventions - so we could steal a convention from Grunt, and namespace our tasks with :, like so: |
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Anita Sarkeesian on Video Games’ Great Future | SAN FRANCISCO — I remember, when I was a kid, desperately trying to persuade my mom and dad to buy me a Game Boy. They were very reluctant. The conventional… |
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Faraday: One HTTP Client to Rule Them All | Int... | Good example of how to use Faraday and middlewares |
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Glenn's Path to Becoming a Ruby/Rails Programme... | Glenn's Path to Becoming a Ruby/Rails Programmer (Sept 2014 - Sept 2015) - Gist is a simple way to share snippets of text and code with others. |
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7 Things You Should Know About Make | Alexey Sh... | Make is a simple and powerful tool for automatically building any type of files out of others. However, some programmers experience issues writing makefiles and |
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Why Use Make | I love Make. You may think of Make as merely a tool for building large binaries or libraries (and it is, almost to a fault), but it’s much more than that. Makefiles are machine-readable documentation that make your workflow reproducible. |
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Why Your Cat Thinks You’re a Huge, Unpredictabl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What do you think are some of the best written,... | Some examples of Rails projects |
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Just History, Not Common and Not Core - NYTimes... | Everyone who loves history encountered, somewhere along the line, a teacher who connected the dots, who imparted the revelation that history isn’t memorizing… |
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Jerry Seinfeld's Clio Acceptance Speech | Loading… |
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This is Phil Fish | Using Phil Fish, the person responsible for critically acclaimed indie game Fez, this video by Ian Danskin explores what it means to be internet famous,… |
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gelstudios/gitfiti | gitfiti - abusing github commit history for the lulz |
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2 Questions to ask Yourself About the "Equal Od... | I watched Woody Allen’s Sleeper last night. It’s an early 70’s faux-future weirdness movie… in a good way. There’s an orgasm machine. |
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Clean Blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cleaner specs with custom RSpec example groups ... | Using ActiveSupport::Concerns to extract methods |
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Assembly Made (mostly Rails) apps | A great place to see full-sizes Rails apps’ code |
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How Much Should I Charge? | Fresh Education For Creative Professionals Search for: Let’s Go |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | This is a todo app! There are many like it, but this one was written from nothing following as best I was able TDD design processes. Built entirely using Javascript technologies, it also provides a great practical example of how a variety of modern NodeJS tools work together to build a modern app. |
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Don't Work for Free -- or Even Cheap -- for Ric... | Lena Dunham, the New York Times revealed Monday, was not planning to pay the seven artists she selected via YouTube auditions to open for her on her Not That… |
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Markdown throwdown: what happens when FOSS soft... | ”"”Exploitation of the user is a dominant business model on today’s Web. Whether that’s in the form of data being gathered about you, onerous terms of service you need to abide by, or privacy policies that treat you like a commodity, it’s hard not to feel like everything is designed to turn you into a device for making someone else massive amounts of money. Today’s Web is short on humanity, and that’s something we do need to fix. But the problem is deep and systemic. Fixing it will not happen overnight; it may well not happen at all.””” |
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Three Words Entrepreneurs (and VC’s) Should Tak... | “I dont know.” |
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I Demand Pocket Equality | ””” |
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The Top 10 Essays Since 1950 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
computers a classroom distraction | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Lapto... | I teach theory and practice of social media at NYU, and am an advocate and activist for the free culture movement, so I’m a pretty unlikely candidate for… |
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Validating JSON Schemas with an RSpec Matcher | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Size Matters: Balancing Line Length And Font Si... | still not a solid recommendation. |
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How to build a Civilization: Behind the scenes ... | Further ReadingCivilization Beyond Earth preview: Learning to speak techno-babbleReplacing history with sci-fi means learning a whole new language of… |
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5 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Simplify You... |
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Liberalism and Gentrification | Jacobin | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Does Ethical Social Networking Software Lo... | I have written this article because I literally could not write any other. I was, in fact, in the middle of several useful articles which I could have completed… |
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David Verhasselt - Different Ways to Set Attrib... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Writing fast Ruby | Permalink / Edit | |||||
6 Ways to Remove Pain From Feature Testing in R... | Writing feature tests in Ruby on Rails used to be the most painful part of my development work flow. Now I kind of like it. Here's what's different. |
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JavaScript Performance For The Win | hot code! |
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Rails: Useful Patterns | extracting service objects and listening. |
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Using Gestalt Principles for Natural Interactions | Permalink / Edit | |||||
ActiveRecord Eager Loading with Query Objects a... | interesting use of window functions and POROs to clean up n+1 queries |
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What We Talk About When We Talk About What We T... | ” |
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Tech's tunnel vision | amazing description of personal reflection on tech dislikes |
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EVE At War: Documenting The Pipebomb | Rock, Pa... | EVE Online would make a poor spectator sport. Reading written reports about huge battles and stalking Titans can be jolly fascinating, but they’re no fun to… |
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50 years of Moog, the analog synth that still b... | This time last year, I walked into a Toronto store called Moog Audio and walked out with a Teenage Engineering OP-1—a curious little portable digital… |
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When VCs Play Defense | “Offense is spending time thinking about a theme you care about, doing research and then trying to meet every major company in that category” |
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Instructions for living a life | Instructions for living a life. |
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Man Spends 15 Years Building Elaborate Home for... | Greg Krueger has spent the better part of the last 15 years bringing together his three passions: “trails and paths…AND CATS!” Now his four cats have a more… |
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iOS 8, thoroughly reviewed | “Huge for developers. Massive for everyone else.” |
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Improving Smashing Magazine’s Performance: A Ca... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dead simple view layer with Opal and jQuery | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Difficult conversations will grow your product ... | An inherent challenge for all early stage startups is deciding whether to focus on growth or product/market fit. |
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This Is How You Get People to Trust Your Product | Most new tech companies simply would not work without consumer trust. People wouldn’t get into an Uber, list their home on Airbnb, or even buy shoes on Zappos… |
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Rails validation contexts | Flags to limit the validations that get run on a model. |
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Medium’s CSS is actually pretty f***ing good. | I’ve been meaning to write something about the CSS at Medium for a while because I’m not completely ashamed of it… |
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Brendan's Correct Way to Scratch | [We’re trying something a little different here. Brendan recently wrote an article about scratchcards on his blog which we thought was rather special. He’s… |
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8 Tips For Writing Like You Mean It - Inside In... | One of my goals since joining Intercom has been to encourage more of the talented engineers, designers, product managers and business execs that work here to… |
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I’m leaving Mojang | | I don’t see myself as a real game developer. I make games because it’s fun, and because I love games and I love to program, but I don’t make games with the… |
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Write Reliable, Asynchronous Integration Tests ... | We’ve come to rely on integration tests as part of a balanced testing approach. They support outside-in development, they catch regressions, and they bridge the… |
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Pluralizing I18n Translations in Your Rails App... | Say we have some I18n text that tells users how many notifications they have. One option for dealing with a singular vs plural situation would look like… |
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Designing Your RESTful API for Longevity | Java... | Ross founded the open source Mule® project in 2003. Frustrated by integration “donkey work,” he set out to create a new platform that emphasized ease of… |
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Metafoundry 6: Accident Blackspot | September 15, 2014 by Deb Chachra Identity crisis; age of non-consent.COORDINATES: Bits of this were written all around southern England and somewhere over the… |
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The Fantasy and Abuse of the Manipulable User | Skip to main content |
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BDD story anti patterns | I recently took some timout out of reading the many BDD blogs and resources to reflect on my current state of BDD. How I look to enhance communication and how I… |
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How to maintain programmer's health | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The hidden structure of the Apple keynote | One of Apple’s most successful products—which rarely gets recognized as such—is made not of aluminum and glass, but of words and pictures. The Apple keynote is… |
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Chartist - Simple responsive charts | Permalink / Edit | |||||
In Search of a Common Language | Marten van Valkenborsch, Construction of the Tower of Babel (c. 1600) This past Wednesday, we hosted a fascinating conversation with three innovative thinker-doers: Ben Berkowitz, the co-founder of… |
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Introducing AM - Attribute Modules for CSS - Gl... | An alternative go BEM |
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MindBEMding – getting your head ’round BEM synt... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Configuring Rails Environments | Grouper Engine... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Where are all the intermediate Rails resources? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pico | php markdown cms |
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Service objects in Rails will help you design c... | more service object bludgeoning |
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Kitematic | docker docker |
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factory_girl-preload | Like fixtures, but FactoryGirl |
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Thinking for Programmers (Channel 9) | Leslie Lamport inventor of Paxos and developer of LaTeX introduces techniques and tools that help programmers think above the code level to determine what… |
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Policing by consent | In light of the ongoing policing situation in Ferguson, Missouri in the wake of the shooting of an unarmed man by a police officer and how the response to the… |
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I’m a cop. If you don’t want to get hurt, don’t... | A teenager is fatally shot by a police officer; the police are accused of being bloodthirsty, trigger-happy murderers; riots erupt. This, we are led to believe,… |
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Humans need not apply | This video combines two thoughts to reach an alarming conclusion: “Technology gets better, cheaper, and faster at a rate biology can’t match” + “Economics… |
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Email Is Still the Best Thing on the Internet -... | All these people are trying to kill email. “E-mail is dead, or at least that’s what Silicon Valley is banking on,” wrote Businessweek tech reporter Ashlee… |
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Inside Apple’s Internal Training Program | CUPERTINO, Calif. — Apple may well be the only tech company on the planet that would dare compare itself to Picasso. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| · The Terminal | narrative of osx terminal shell commands |
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Let’s talk about margins | CRAIG MOD |
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Not Safe For Not Working On | There’s an old Soviet saying: |
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Useful Factory Girl methods | CookiesHQ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Debugging Rails with Pry Console | Jack Kinsell... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Write a Git Commit Message | A properly formed git commit subject line should always be able to complete the following sentence: If applied, this commit will **your subject line here** |
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Delight is in the Details — Practical advice an... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The choices we make when we build startups | Startups, life, learning and happiness |
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Seeing Through the Illusion: Understanding Appl... | Apple CEO Tim Cook with former VP of Worldwide Communications Katie Cotton |
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Test your business model quickly and cheaply, s... | Did you know that PayPal, the world’s leading online payment system, actually started life as a company providing security on handheld devices? Or that Google… |
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Bill Barnett on Strategy: Learning Without Logic | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Here is How to Make Sense of Conflicting Startu... | buncha frameworks |
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American spy who led ring passing Soviets infor... | John Walker, a retired Navy Warrant Officer, died on Thursday at the Federal Medical Centre, a prison hospital, in North Carolina aged 77. |
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I am an Indie iOS Developer | Back in July, Brent Simmons asked “Who at the Table is an Indie iOS Developer?” I’d like to put my hand up. |
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Power Up Your Team with Nonviolent Communicatio... | … … … Why does one startup succeed wildly while another with a similar model and talented team fails miserably? Case studies might highlight the winner’s… |
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Heavybit Industries Video Library | Great lot of videos about the business of technology products. |
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What I Learned from Two Weeks in Seth Godin’s O... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to use Ruby’s English and/or operators with... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
AngularJS vs. Backbone.js vs. Ember.js | Book Uri In this article we are going to compare three popular MV* frameworks for the web: AngularJS vs. Backbone vs. Ember. Choosing the right framework for… |
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How to be Polite… for Geeks | “You’re so patient,” friends say to me, “I don’t know how you take it.” |
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Should you go forward with a project if the cod... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Big Ball of Mud | Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1304 W. Springfield Urbana, IL 61801 USA [email protected] (217) 328-3523 [email protected]… |
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The Old House at Home | McSorley’s occupies the ground floor of a red brick tenement at 15 Seventh Street, just off Cooper Square, where the Bowery ends. It was opened in 1854 and is… |
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Automated Testing Clinic follow-up: capybara-we... | poltergeist provides a handy method, page.driver.network_traffic, that one can call to see the network requests that were made as a page loaded. |
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Kern Your Enthusiasm (19) | HiLobrow |
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Love Me, Ferguson, I’m A Liberal | Jacobin | A 1979 Communist Workers’ Party-led rally against the KKK that would culminate in the Greensboro massacre. |
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A pragmatic guide to Backbone.js apps | A ranty, opinionated series of easily digestible tidbits |
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I Spent 3 Days With Sandi Metz – Here’s What I ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rails i18n: 3 quick tips and 1 crazy abuse | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Most Fascinating Profile You’ll Ever Read A... | Ariel Zambelich/WIRED |
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Finish more blog posts. Help people. Build your... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Rails Development Environment with Docker and... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Be Polite | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CSS at Plataformatec | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ita 2.0 as a Case Study for List App Design - T... | Last week we released a big update to our list-making app, Ita. For version 2.0 we redesigned the look of the app, but we also changed some of the interactions… |
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DefactoSoftware/Hours - Example Rails App | Hours - Time registration that doesn't suck |
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Mom Jailed Because She Let Her 9-Year-Old Daugh... | Lenore Skenazy|Jul. 14, 2014 9:10 am |
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Will I really steal your idea? | I’ve had a few conversations that started this way. Most of them, embarrassingly, as the person uttering those words. |
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How Microsoft dragged its development practices... | SEATTLE—For the longest time, Microsoft had something of a poor reputation as a software developer. The issue wasn’t so much the quality of the company’s… |
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The Fasinatng … Frustrating … Fascinating Histo... | David Sparshott |
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Land and liberty | Research and Destroy on the housing crisis,evictions and gentrification. |
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Code Responsibly | Day after day, innocent man and woman hours are wasted through reckless code. It doesn’t have to be like this! |
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The Lean Canvas - wrong tool for the job? | For early-stage and market driven assumption spotting, I’ve found Giff Constable’s Assumptions Exercise to be much faster and more effective. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| Dev Blog — Scalable code without blo... | Service objects and use cases |
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ankane/pghero | Database insights made easy View the demo Supports PostgreSQL 9.2+ For pure SQL, check out PgHero.sql Initial queries by Heroku |
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Star Citizen and the triumphant, record-smashin... | We fought, we traded, we braved witch space—and we’re excited about what’s to come. |
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Lean startup canvas: the wrong tool. || Create.... | Lean Startup Canvas: the wrong tool. I already rantedwrote about the Lean Startup Canvas last week . After giving it some more thought, I now realize that the… |
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Theme-Check | wordpress best practices checker |
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Looking Backward: Ten Years on Rails | By Luke Francl ([email protected]), as prepared for presentation at RailsConf 2014 |
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How we make RWD sites load fast as heck | Filam... | Posted by Scott on 07/30/2014 |
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The Most Dangerous Word In Software Development | by Anthony Colangelo · July 30, 2014 |
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The Case for Reparations | And if thy brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee.… |
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The Disruption Machine - The New Yorker | In the last years of the nineteen-eighties, I worked not at startups but at what might be called finish-downs. Tech companies that were dying would hire… |
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Game of Thrones - The New Yorker | Seven years ago, I flew business class on Qantas from Australia to California, a thirteen-hour trip. I hadn’t had much experience outside economy, but I didn’t… |
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Elad Gil (eladgil) on Twitter | black swan seed rounds: … |
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A Brief History of Money - IEEE Spectrum | In the 13th century, the Chinese emperor Kublai Khan embarked on a bold experiment. China at the time was divided into different regions, many of which issued… |
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How Chipotle transformed itself by upending its... | During a busy lunch rush at a typical Chipotle restaurant, there are 20 steaks on the grill, and workers preparing massive batches of guacamole and seamlessly… |
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The Shape of Everything: Being Indie in 2014 | There’s been a lot of talk lately about how it’s harder for folks to go and stay indie, or even make any money on the app store anymore (see Brent’s post, Jared… |
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an extended diatribe about VR | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Ten Myths of Innovation: the best summary | The idea of an innovation portfolio, where a range of risk is assumed across multiple ideas, is more honest. |
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Money Isn’t the Point | “I’d love to see this: no more income reports, no more launch revenue figures, no more bragging about anything money-related. Instead, let’s talk about qualitative factors: How much does what you do actually help other people?” |
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Most Common Mistakes On Legacy Rails Apps | “This way you’ll avoid doing Mental Compilation. “ |
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Issue 6.7: The Law of Demeter — practicingruby.... | This article was contributed by David A. Black, Lead Developer at Cyrus Innovation. David is a long-time Ruby developer, author, trainer, speaker, and community… |
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Similar images detection in Ruby - Part 1 | At AmberBit we develop Ruby on Rails web applications for clients that are start-ups in different areas. One of the clients required detection of near-duplicate images, which allowed us to explore… |
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George Packer: Can Silicon Valley Embrace Polit... | In Silicon Valley, government is considered slow, staffed by mediocrities, and ridden with obsolete rules and inefficiencies. Illustration by Istvan Banyai. |
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Pink fucking towels | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Zero Downtime Database Migrations | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Things we learnt designing ‘Register to vote’ |... | We recently launched ‘register to vote‘ on GOV.UK. It’s a service that will be used by a broad range of people, so we really tried to make it as simple and… |
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→ The Developer’s Dystopian Future | “I find myself more and more concerned about my future as a developer. … My tolerance for learning curves grows smaller every day. New technologies, once exciting for the sake of newness, now seem like hassles. I’m less and less tolerant of hokey marketing filled with superlatives. I value stability and clarity. “ |
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What are you drawing, Lily? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Leaving your options open sets you back | “The key to committing to a goal is to understand that you will not be trapped, because taking options away from yourself actually opens up more possibilities for yourself.” |
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A Roadmap To Becoming An A/B Testing Expert | Permalink / Edit | |||||
This Internet Millionaire Has a New Deal For You | The breakfast with Jeff Bezos started awkwardly and ended with an indignity that Matt Rutledge didn’t even catch at first. The waitress at Lola, a trendy… |
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Prof. Dr. Style | Professor Doctor Style old school website design |
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‘Maybe Smartness Isn’t Enough’ | “Impostor Syndrome is that voice inside you saying that not everything is as it seems, and it could all be lost in a moment. The people with the problem are the people who can’t hear that voice.” |
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Tinder's Forgotten Woman and Startup Creation M... | Photograph by Michael Buckner/Getty Images for GlamourWhitney WolfeWhitney Wolfe, a former vice president of marketing at Tinder, the wildly popular hookup… |
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Abstraction vs Encapsulation | A Stack Overflow article I find myself searching out occasionally. |
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Vim for people who think things like Vim are we... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Guardian beta · The container model and blended... | The anatomy of a container is as follows. A container contains multiple slices of content which can be combined in different ways. Inside a slice are different elements, each representing a single story. The content inside each container can be promoted differently through the use of volume controls and a container can also be skinned depending on tone. Building up each container from separate elements and then slices gives us an incredible amount of flexibility whilst reducing the amount of code needed to maintain it. |
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The Myth of the Design Studio Turned Product Co... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
70 Line Icons (Free PSD) | nice simple icons |
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A Good Spinach Recipe | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTfu... | Your data model has started to stabilize and you’re in a position to create a public API for your web app. You realize it’s hard to make significant changes to your API once it’s released and want to… |
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A badass list of frontend development resources... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Production-Quality Node.js Web Apps : Part II, ... | This is the second part of a three part series on making node.js web apps that are (what I would consider to be) production quality. The first part really just covered the basics, so if you’re missing some aspect covered in the basics, you’re likely going to have some issues with the approaches discussed here. |
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The Symptoms of Low Internal Software Quality | Everything is hard: Almost every feature or bug fix your team needs to do is hard. It was not always like that. You remember the good old days when your team was fast and everything ran smoothly. |
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Alex Payne — Dear Marc Andreessen | Unless we collectively choose to pay for a safety net, technology alone isn’t going to make it happen. |
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lankz/zangetsu · GitHub | up to date rails and cucumber |
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Tea-Driven Development :: What is BDD and why s... | I am constantly re-searching for these slides about the coupling between your problem domain and solution domain and how the act of programming is trying to find a comfortable process for bringing them closer together as they are in movement beneath you. |
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Did you say Complexity, eh? | TL;DR After introducing what complexity is, how it can be measured, and how to monitor it in Ruby - I'll get to the difficult part: how to reduce it in Ruby. The post is concluded with some thoughts and recap. |
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Simple tricks to clean up your Capybara tests —... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Most Common Rails Programming Mistakes | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Three Things To Know About Composition | A few days ago Aaron Patterson wrote a in interesting article about composition vs inheritance with Ruby. |
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A Comprehensive Guide To Debugging Rails | Feedback systems for finding errors in your web application |
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orats - opinionated Rails | i love opinions |
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How I increased conversion on my checkout form ... | Pretty simple payment stuff |
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6 Subtle Things Highly Productive People Do Eve... | A surprisingly not awful article. TL;DR: create distraction free times/spaces; build an opening and closing routine |
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★ What man, laid on his back counting stars, ev... | “I worry though, that as an industry we’ve become focussed so heavily on conversations about data-led design and subsequently implementation issues, that we’ve stopped talking about the aspects of design that give our work soul.” |
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Know Ruby: String Accessor | Awesome shortcut for regexing strings |
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The Subtle Magic Behind Why the Bootstrap 3 Gri... | How margins and padding all balance out. |
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The Right Way to Copy - David Smith | May 18th, 2014 |
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Why Apple doesn't do "Concept Products" | Everyone has a favorite “concept car.” Whether it’s the ’54 Firebird, ’64 Stiletto, ’80 Epcot or ’88 Sunraycer, these “flights of imagination” all have one… |
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How Not to Write Fortran in Any Language - ACM ... | by Donn Seeley | December 27, 2004 |
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Twitter / MarkusWinand: Every time I see "Oracl... | Every time I see “Oracle NoSQL Database” I check the calendar to see if it’s April Fools’ Day. … |
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Getting It Right By Betting On Wrong | “Make the change easy … then make the easy change.” |
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Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed ne... | In the third chapter of his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon gave two reasons why the slavery into which the Romans had… |
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Diary of a Corporate Sellout | You haven’t made it until someone calls you a sellout. |
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Making of Findings - The Guinea Pig in the Coco... | Findings has only been out for 8 days, and I am really proud of the launch, impressed by the response and excited about all the work that’s ahead. But before… |
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The Internet With A Human Face - Beyond Tellerr... | This is the text version of a talk I gave on May 20, 2014, at Beyond Tellerrand in Düsseldorf, Germany. |
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What Design Really Means - Six Revisions | Apr 28 2014 by Marcin Treder | Design is an imprecise term. Especially when used in regular language. |
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Frank Chimero – Only Openings | On May 14, 2014 I spoke at the School of Visual Art’s Thesis Festival presented by the Masters in Interaction Design program. The day’s theme was “open,” and I… |
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Single Element CSS Spinners | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Massimo Vignelli, 1931-2014: Observatory: Desig... |
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history of CocoaPods | “Why so much influence from Ruby? Here’s my pet theory: Ruby started gaining popular traction because of Rails, which hit 1.0 at the end of 2005. Given that the average duration of a startup gig seems to be about 1½ – 2½ years, the timing works out such that those first and second waves of bored Rails developers itching to jump ship would find a place in the emerging app space.” |
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What I learned about SQLite…at a PostgreSQL con... | “SQLite is not a replacement for PostgreSQL. SQLite is a replacement for fopen()” |
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The Dramatic Nature of the Easiest Bugs to Fix | “there was no relationship at all between the severity of the effects and the difficulty of the fix.” |
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Why Skepticism About Templated and Scripted Sites? | always tension between artistry and accessibleness |
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For the Love of the URL — Aaron Grando | URLs shouldn’t be obfuscated, as Google seems to think they ought to be. If we want to be heard, right now seems like the time when we should speak up and… |
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very interesting presentation | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Children’s Endearing Letters to Judy Blume Abou... | “Dear Judy, I want to ask you a very important question…” |
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Choosing a Web Framework/Language Combo for the... | nice overview of a winniwing process |
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Arcade Story | | This is a story about me and a video game. Although I have always been and expect I always will be a nerd, the events of this story take place when I was… |
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Heroku | The Heroku HTTP API Toolchain | Today we’re open sourcing the toolchain Heroku uses to design, document, and consume our HTTP APIs. We hope this shows how Heroku thinks about APIs and gives… |
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Britain Gives Medals to Brave Military Animals—... | pretty sad. |
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Clumsy-footed idiot | D3 is awful. |
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Everything is Broken | Once upon a time, a friend of mine accidentally took over thousands of computers. He had found a vulnerability in a piece of software and started playing with… |
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User Onboarding | A frequently-updated compendi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Free Business & Finance Vector Icon Set (EPS) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
No, America is not in retreat | Is America retreating from its global duties? That’s what a number of critics of the Obama administration would have us believe. In the wake of Washington’s… |
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The Rise of Nintendo: A Story in 8 Bits | Video Games |
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The Making of <i>Pulp Fiction:</i> Quentin Tara... | The first independent film to gross more than $200 million, Pulp Fiction was a shot of adrenaline to Hollywood’s heart, reviving John Travolta’s career, making… |
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Eve: The most thrilling boring game in the univ... | “All of it surprises me.” |
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Crafting link underlines on Medium | How hard could it be to draw a horizontal line on the screen? It seems wrangling a few pixels together to stand in a file would be something computers should be… |
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Why we moved from NodeJS to RoR | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Maintainable JavaScript: Don’t modify objects y... | “Don’t modify objects you don’t own” and other practical advice for maintainable JS |
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Chapter 1: The Profitable Side Project Handbook | Permalink / Edit | |||||
managers are awesome / managers are cool when t... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Log: What every software engineer should kn... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Link Dump from Practicing Rubyists | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Breaking Down Tech Privilege from the inside - ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bootstrap 3 Tips and Tricks You Might Not Know ... | nifty helper classes i was not aware of: inline-list, img-rounded |
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Manton Reece: The risk of a small platform | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Going Against the Grain | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Programming Isn't Manual Labor, But It Still Sucks | Peter Welch is a writer and programmer. He is the author of the book And Then I Thought I Was a Fish and the blog “Still Drinking”. Every friend I have with a job that involves picking up something… |
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Hacks! An investigation into aimbot dealers, wa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Not Dying Looks Like | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Great Smartphone War: Apple vs. Samsung | Permalink / Edit | |||||
RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Learn advanced Rake in 7 episodes | Virtuous Code | Permalink / Edit | |||||
12 Little-Known CSS Facts | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gourmet Service Objects | Building services with only a single interface: |
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Pakistan: Who's Afraid of the ISI? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Atari: The Golden Years -- A History, 1978-1981 | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
LRB · Andrew O’Hagan · Ghosting: Julian Assange | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Indieweb | Parallel Transport | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mojito Island & Entreporn, Revisited | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Fuck "Innovation" 2: Time is a Line, You Guys! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Write a Letter by Muriel Spark | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Write Code Every Day | Last fall, work on my coding side projects came to a head: I wasn’t making adequate progress and I couldn’t find a way to get more done without sacrificing my ability to do effective… |
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Superhero.js | Permalink / Edit | |||||
data analytics that matter | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
BreakpointTester | Test Your Responsive Design ... | Basically, It Let's You Check Responsive Designs By Breakpoints Rather Than Fixed Device Widths. |
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Backbone Antipatterns | Shine Technologies | In this post I’ll cover some of these anti-patterns, as well as some general advice for the new starter. I’ve ordered the anti-patterns roughly by significance from the major to the more trivial. Don’t be too upset if you’ve done something on this list – I’ve made most of these mistakes myself ;) |
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JavaScript MVC Style Guide | i was going to do a presentation on cleaning up our backbone. and it basically is this. |
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A Link Dump from Practicing Rubyists | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Our Enclosed Space | Permalink / Edit | |||||
In the Name of Love | “Do what you love. Love what you do.” The commands are framed and perched in a living room that can only be described as “well-curated.” A picture of this room appeared first on a popular design blog, but has been pinned, tumbl’d, and liked thousands of times by now. |
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The Passion Gospel | Virtuous Code | Warning: This is really long. Also, reading it may render you unemployable at some startups. In the beginning I started my programming career in the vast military-industrial complex. |
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7 slow and painful deaths by regexp | The road to hell is paved with regular expressions - Ilian Iliev 1. Dot is a special char Simple elegant, you read it, you understand it # process all ruby files process_ruby_file(file_name) if… |
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Our Comrade The Electron - Webstock Conference ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Write Rock Solid Rake Tasks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bootflat - bootstrap Flattened | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Almost Profound — Sass Snippets: The Almighty A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Missed Alarms and 40 Million Stolen Credit Card... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Cocoa A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An Entirely Other Day: The Empathy Vacuum | But we — the majority of us — apparently do not need help remembering to text our significant other. (Or — cough — think we don’t.) And that’s the difference, isn’t it? What we can imagine ourselves doing, or needing, or wanting. Those people who don’t need the help feel free to judge those who do. They judge us by our failures and not our desire to improve. They judge us by our tools and not what we can accomplish with them. They judge us by their own standards, without a breath given to the possibility that a different perspective might exist. |
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A look at Enumerators and Laziness | AppCasts | def data_entries(query_options={}) query_options[:page] = 1 results = {} do |yielder| loop do raise StopIteration if results[:last_page] == true results = call_api(query_options) results[:data_entries].each { |entry| yielder.yield entry } query_options[:page] += 1 end end end |
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‘VHS vs. Communism’ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The "blah blah blah on steroids" | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How do you know if you’re overthinking developm... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Primer on Startup Metrics – Which Analytics T... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rethinking CrimethInc. | | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Modern Front-End Workflow - From Start to F... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
All I know is how to work hard. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Validating REST queries with Rails - Ben Woodall | I’ve recently been working on a few RESTful API’s using Rails. One of the problems that I keep seeing with end users is that they usually don’t read the documentation very well and make simple mistakes when making specific requests and queries. This is easily solved with error handling and validation of the API. There are a few gems out there that will handle this sort of situation for you, but there’s already so much in Rails to help you get this done out of the box. |
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The Five Mistakes Startups Make When Building f... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
13 Successful Founders Share First Product Stories | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Content Marketing for bootstrappers - what shou... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Techtopus: How Silicon Valley's most celebr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Builder’s High – Rands in Repose | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A great example of outside-in testing from Ruby... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Development Hacks to Prevent Mistakes » Paul Gr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Go back to basics with your product and "fix al... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Test Driven Rails – Part 1 - Karol Galanciak - ... | Testing is still one of the hottest topics when it comes to developing maintainable and business-critical applications. Ruby on Rails community embraces the importance of writings tests, yet there are so little resources about the Test-Driven Development or Behavior-Driven Development in Rails applications from a wider perspective. How should we test our application? Which tests are valuable and which don’t provide any value? What scenarios should be included in acceptance tests? |
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ArticleS.UncleBob.TheThreeRulesOfTdd | Over the years I have come to describe Test Driven Development in terms of three simple rules. They are: You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass. You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures. You are not allowed to write any more production code than is sufficient to pass the one failing unit test. |
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Presenters and Decorators: A Code Tour | I gave a session titled “Presenters and Decorators: A Code Tour” at RailsConf 2012. The Presenter and Decorator patterns are very useful approaches to keeping your Rails apps clean. I wanted to talk about presenters for a couple of reasons. First, I think we don’t talk about the View layer in our Model-View-Controller apps as much as we should. And second, I think that although “Presenters” have been around for 5+ years, we continue to misunderstand them. |
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Ian Cooper: TDD, where did it all go wrong | This is all fine and dandy, but I believe that in order to get closer to that utopic dream of the perfect system, more drastic and profound changes must happen. We need an architectural change, that shakes the foundations how we approach the writing and thought process of a rails application. To this, Uncle Bob has called the Clean Architecture. |
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Clean Architecture, by Luis Zamith of Group Bud... | One of the hottest topics of the moment in the rails community is application design or architecture. There is an obsession (a good one, I think) with clean, decoupled code, that is easy to maintain and extend. This has led to things such as presenters, service objects, to some extent even rails concerns. This is all fine and dandy, but I believe that in order to get closer to that utopic dream of the perfect system, more drastic and profound changes must happen. We need an architectural change, that shakes the foundations how we approach the writing and thought process of a rails application. To this, Uncle Bob has called the Clean Architecture. |
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Why WeTransfer hired a disaster-obsessed experi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
north | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Early German Lutheran Pietism's | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to buy a suit - Permanent Style | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From jQuery to JavaScript: A Reference | Nettuts+ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Write a Book ◆ 24 ways | Permalink / Edit | |||||
It is never done. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An Opinion Piece On A Controversial Topic | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Gives Drew Magary... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ryan Lizza: Why Won’t Obama Rein in the N.S.A.? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Deconstructing PR: Advice From A Former Venture... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
If a Story Is Viral, Truth May Be Taking a Beating | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rbenv and Bundler - dan.carley | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Power Rake - Jim Weirich - GORUCO 2012 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How I Built Emojitracker — Medium | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Historical Present | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Chasing A-Rod | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Patterns in a Rails Gemfile | Brandon Hilkert | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTfu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Geeks for Monarchy: The Rise of the Neoreaction... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jay Porter | Observations From A Tipless Restau... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A new site design | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Is it a good idea to write tests for legacy code? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The American Scholar: Visions and Revisions - W... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Announcing The Profitable Side Project Handbook | Permalink / Edit | |||||
37signals isn’t mythical, you’re not paying att... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Myth of the Design Studio Turned Product Co... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | ||||| Vesper Sync Diary #6 - Merging... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Digital Foundry: the complete Xbox One architec... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The History of the Trapper Keeper | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Lose Funds and Infuriate Users: Couchsur... |
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How Mobile-Centric Design Delights Mayo Clinic’... | Interview with James Senior from Mayo Clinic on designing delight #DMIBoston |
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Out of the picture: why the world's best photo ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rails migrations with no downtime | |
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Food stamp cuts hit about 5,000 troops | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Slow-moving zombie technologies that refuse to die | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Citation Needed – blarg? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The seven deadly sins of | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Breaking Development: Designing with Empathy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
kapowaz: Cargo Cult CSS | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Guest Column: Categorizing Ecommerce Expenses o... | By far the most popular tax time questions we get over at have to do with “How do I categorize Expense X on my Schedule C?” And it truly can be difficult to fit square peg expenses like “web hosting” into Schedule C categories that haven’t yet caught up with the way ecommerce sellers do business. |
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OS X 10.9 Mavericks: The Ars Technica Review | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Unfashionably profitable | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Images | The Public Domain Review | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Category:Images - Wikimedia Commons | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Europe won’t save you: Why e-mail is probably s... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Maciej Cegłowski, Pinboard - XOXO Festival (2013) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Presentation Skills Considered Harmful | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Daring Fireball: Design Quality and Customer De... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Zynga Thinks You'll Like FarmVille 2. I'm Not S... | So one of the things that’s really funny in social games is learning how social actually helps relieve challenges or pinches in the game,” said LeTourneau. “Every game has a pinch, you know, Super Mario has a pinch, in that I only have so many lives.” (Again with the Nintendo comparisons.)P “MMOs don’t punish you that much either, for failure in the game. Because they want you to keep playing.” “I’d say first and foremost, in most social games, what you’re really combatting is time,” LeTourneau said. “For example, that your crops wither if you don’t come back and take care of them. So it is really positive, the pinch is really the speed at which we progress, or really, the loss of your effort. But I think that how these games are different is that in something like Sim City, I would continually be resetting the board. I wipe out my city and I start over. These [social games] are really different. I think they’re much more almost MMO-like in that respect. Which is, how much would it suck if every time I came back to World of Warcraft, if you’d been away for a while, or if you died in a dungeon, and all of a sudden you reset to level 40. MMOs don’t punish you that much either, for failure in the game. Because they want you to keep playing.” |
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Hacker Chat: Pinboard Creator Maciej Ceglowski ... | I believe that relying on very basic and well-understood technologies at the architectural level forces you to save all your cleverness and new ideas for the actual app, where it can make a difference to users. I think many developers (myself included) are easily seduced by new technology and are willing to burn a lot of time rigging it together just for the joy of tinkering. So nowadays we see a lot of fairly uninteresting web apps with very technically sweet implementations. In designing Pinboard, I tried to steer clear of this temptation by picking very familiar, vanilla tools wherever possible so I would have no excuse for architectural wank. |
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What Did You Just Say? Thoughts On The Art Of R... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to see through the cloud | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Structuring Rails applications - Karol Galancia... | “I prefer to call them (service objects) usecases and in /services I put some wrappers concerning third party APIs.” |
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Adactio: Articles—Beyond Tellerrand | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On using pen and paper to formulate algorithms | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Steamclock Software - Redesigning for iOS 7 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
And Then Steve Said, ‘Let There Be an iPhone’ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Massive Resistance in a Small Town | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Edward Snowden's E-Mail Provider Defied FBI Dem... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Most Startups Don't 'Get' Press | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rails' rescue_from | rescue_from is a very useful method in Rails. It lets us to catch exceptions and pass them to a callback or a block. A typical usecase is to handle ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound errors like in this example: |
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The Beginner’s Guide to CRO | Qualaroo - Behavi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cucumber + CapyBara + Poltergeist: Rockstar BDD... | Poltergeist can help to detect JavaScript errors on the page with very simple configuration. You just need to add an option to detect JS errors in the ‘env.rb’ file. We have already added that in out config. |
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iOS 7, thoroughly reviewed | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Computers Are Too Difficult and People Are Comp... | There is a risk in presenting facts as a neat story. The problem is often that storytelling is often too effective a tool for presenting ideas and ‘facts’, trumping data, statistics, and research. Turning the usual ‘kids know more about computers than teachers’ story onto its head is a neat story, especially since it happens to be terrifyingly true, but it also obscures important problems with how modern computing works. Namely, that computers are much too complex and difficult to use. |
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Tea-Driven Development :: TDD vs BDD |
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How Zynga went from social gaming powerhouse to... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Butterick’s Practical Typography | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The perfect RSpec | Permalink / Edit | |||||
I do not wish to be "reached out" to | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sheetsee.js | “A JavaScript library, or box of goodies, if you will, that makes it easy to use a Google Spreadsheet as the database feeding the tables, charts and maps on a website.” |
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This column will change your life: the guru who... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On being ‘right’ in science | The Student Blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Decoupling Your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — Phi... | In this article I’ll talk about how I’ve learned to decouple my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. From my experience and the experience of people I know, the best ways to accomplish this are far from obvious, often counter-intuitive, and sometimes go against much of the so-called “best-practices” out there. |
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Tomgram: Engelhardt, The OED of the National Se... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, How to Act Like a Bill... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An App Store Experiment | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How I increased conversion 2.4x with better cop... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Surveillance Speech: A Low Point in Barack ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Let's Be Ambitious, Adventurous and Unexpected:... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
White Courtesy Telephone: Peter Singer on the D... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
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How We Increased New User Registration 27% | St... | A few months ago, we upgraded the signup workflow. Despite asking for more information,the upgraded workflow increased our signup completion from 74% to 94%. Instantly. All we did was change the order of the four-step process. |
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Beams and potato chips - All this | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Lawmakers tasked with overseeing NSA surveillan... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Michael Lewis: Did Goldman Sachs Overstep in Cr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
LRB · Slavoj Žižek · Trouble in Paradise | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bootstrap 2.x to 3.0 Migration Guide | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Prophet | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gone in 30 seconds: New attack plucks secrets f... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Applying science to communicate science | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to turn everyone in your newsroom into a gr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Your app makes me fat — Serious Pony | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Seven-Month Wait for Lunch - Issue 3: In Tran... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The great fitness band shootout | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why YouTube buffers: The secret deals that make... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
a handy, searchable reference of platforms and ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GE Datalandia | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An anti-porn hack day, Mr Cameron? Be careful ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Blue cells of death mark the end of a worm’s li... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How HTTPS Secures Connections: What Every Web D... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Douglas Engelbart’s Unfinished Revolution | MIT... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Opinion: Stop trashing millennials - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jay-Z Is Right: Most Rappers Are Lying About Th... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Rules of Internet - Anil Dash | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Faith and Works at Apple by Edward Mendelson | ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
This Day in Labor History: July 17, 1944 - L... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Moxie Marlinspike >> Blog >> We Should All Have... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Great Wall of Texas: How the U.S. Is Repeat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
With new "news media" guidelines, White House e... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Interview with a US Air Force drone pilot - Boi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Men and Women Often Expect Different Things Whe... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Creating the Innocent Killer | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stay in the building. • Nathan Kontny | Permalink / Edit | |||||
top-ten-app-part-2-marketing-launch | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Language Turned Convict | The Junket | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gamasutra: Ramin Shokrizade's Blog - The Top F2... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
RSS commission new research into public percept... | The British public thinks it lives in Daily Mail fantasy horror world. |
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Links for 9 July 2013 | The British public thinks it lives in Daily Mail fantasy horror world. |
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How Thor's Hammer Made Its Way Onto Soldiers' H... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gift Hub: Sleepwalkers! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
David Simon | The banality of ideology | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The apps that get featured on the iOS App Store | Permalink / Edit | |||||
pw-interview-nathan-kontnys-draft-takes-on-goog... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
explaining-the-neglect-of-doug-engelbarts-vision | Permalink / Edit | |||||
i-was-manic-pixie-dream-girl-now-i%E2%80%99m-bu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
7 Patterns to Refactor Fat ActiveRecord Models ... | You’ll also note that many of the patterns described here are quite simple. The objects are just “Plain Old Ruby Objects” (PORO) used in different ways. And that’s part of the point and the beauty of OOP. Every problem doesn’t need to be solved by a framework or library, and naming matters a great deal. |
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Tale Of A Top-10 App, Part 1: Idea And Design |... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Partials: Abuse of them, don’t abuse them | 8th... | TL;DR; Use partials, they are key to reducing duplication (DRY) – and to keeping your front end maintainable. Apply the same logic to partials as you do to your back-end code – templates are code. |
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The science of animal consciousness â Brandon... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MacStories Interviews: John Siracusa | Permalink / Edit | |||||
First Look: OS X Mavericks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
At The Movies, The Women Are Gone : Monkey See ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Make a Vesper: Design « Vesper | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to innovate. Focus on jobs to be done. | Na... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Taste for Being Moral by Thomas Nagel | The... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Alex Payne — Letter To A Young Programmer Consi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Inside Pixar’s Leadership | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Going inside the machinery and machinations of ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Writing about the business of web development f... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CSS Architecture | Appfolio Engineering | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Divide & conquer makes quantum light a breeze t... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tomgram: Todd Gitlin, The Tinsel Age of Journal... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
NSHipster Quiz #1 : NSHipster | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mohawk Connects | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hypercritical: The Lottery | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Go Big by Going Home — The Year of the Looking ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Death of - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why I've Left the Media Business | Permalink / Edit | |||||
You don’t need every customer – | Permalink / Edit | |||||
High Scalability - High Scalability - Scaling P... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An Open Letter to Women in Technology — about w... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Bitcoin Bubble and the Future of Currency —... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
SP-4408pt1.pdf | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
You Lookin’ at Me? Reflections on Google Glass.... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Eighteen and Abandoned : The New Yorker | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How the Banner Ad Was Born | Digiday | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The PC inside your phone: A guide to the system... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Can Hospital Chains Improve the Medical Industr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
“I was an iPad skeptic” | Ars Technica | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How I became a password cracker | Ars Technica | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Story of Christoph Niemann’s Petting Zoo Ap... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Trials of Nadia Naffe - News Features | Permalink / Edit | |||||
beware-of-broken-glass-the-medias-double-standa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
273763 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The future of journalism: It’s time to pick a s... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Dangerous Logic of the Bradley Manning Case... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How We Built âMusic Looks Awesomeâ & How... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Flat UI Free - PSD&HTML User Interface Kit - De... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Amanda Palmer: The art of asking - YouTube | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The problem with online freelance journalism | ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
U.N.'s Drone Inquisitor: CIA Torture Was An 'In... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
WebKit for Developers - Paul Irish | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Thread safety for your Rails - ( | config.eager_load_paths « ”#{RAILS_ROOT}/lib” |
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Heroku | Idea to Delivery: Application Developm... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
heroku-chief-opens-up-about-rapgenius-legendary... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Credit and Risk - getting paid for your work | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Posnanski: The rise and fall of A-Rod - Joe Pos... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gamasutra: Phil RA's Blog - Why "Next-Gen Games... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ruby at ThoughtWorks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Unusually detailed report links Chinese militar... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Hackathons Really Are | zzolo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The StarCraft path-finding hack - Code Of Honor | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Readme Driven Development | Permalink / Edit | |||||
chinas-army-is-seen-as-tied-to-hacking-against-... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Many Questions: System Shock 2 Comes To GOG | R... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Crafts... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pope Benedict XVI’s leaked documents show fract... | Burke, well-liked and respected by reporters, doesn’t look like a Vatican operative. On a rainy afternoon, he showed up late at a restaurant near the Pantheon in a trench coat, swinging a long umbrella. With his thicket of auburn hair and ruddy complexion, he looks more corn- than cannelloni-fed. |
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Who needs HP and Dell? Facebook now designs all... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
EU data law draft uses languageâword-for-word... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Locking the bad guys out with asymmetric encryp... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
john-e-karlin-who-led-the-way-to-all-digit-dial... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Language Log » The cyberpragmatics of bounding ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Print - The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden... I... | The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden & the startling failure of the US gov to help its most skilled warriors carry on. - |
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Russia, in adding to new blacklist, blocks site... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Crooks steal security firm’s crypto key, use it... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
rubyist/ECSlidingTemplate · GitHub | A template for using ECSlidingViewController without storyboards |
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Featured Articles - Cocoa Manifest | Slides for CodeMash 2013 RubyMotion Talk |
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death-throes-of-a-massive-rare-burp-up-10-jupit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
the-quiet-ones.html | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The joy of Essex | Rationalist Association | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Proposed EU data protection reform could start ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Did antibiotics spur the sexual revolution? | A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Engineering and social science lead to plans « ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Texas, where science and history have become id... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Powerful stellar outbursts could be sign of dua... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mantia » About App Icons | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Facebook’s graph search and its useful discomfo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Testing Remote Services with WebMock and VCR (1) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ruby for Newbies: Working with Classes | Nettuts+ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My top 7 RSpec best practices | Dmytro Shteflyu... | I use RSpec in all my projects. It’s really hard to overemphasize how helpful it is and how much easier becomes your life if you have good specs coverage. But its outstanding flexibility enables many ways to make your specs awful: horribly slow, over-bloated, even non-readable sometimes. I do not want to teach you BDD and RSpec here, but instead I will give you some ideas how to improve your specs quality and increase efficiency of your BDD workflow. |
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the-programmers-shall-always-be-with-you | Programmers are NOT buggy whip manufacturers, typists, or newspaper delivery boys–not yet says @Phaseit. |
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Apple’s Churning Of The Gut « Elia Insider | Permalink / Edit | |||||
For Amusement Only: the life and death of the A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Slashdot: the problem with online dating | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Anatomy of Hype (Or, Why Youâre Going To ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Deconstructor of Fun: Clash of Clans - the Winn... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
procedural-british-countryside-generation | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Big, Brainy CSS | Gridset Blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ars readers pick the 12 most incredible webcomi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
gregorys-iphone-contract | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Programming for all, part 2: From concept to co... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Year That Civic Hacking Changed Everything ... | #opendata will be as disruptive to how govs provide service in the next 20 yrs as the Internet has been in the last 20. |
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Error Handling -- Eloquent JavaScript | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Libraries And E-Lending: The 'Wild West' Of Dig... | NPR provides a nice overview of public libraries, e-books and “Wild West of digital licensing.” Worth a read. |
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The CIA’s 1987 Damage Assessment Declassified: ... | The CIA’s 1987 Damage Assessment Declassified: The Jonathan Pollard Spy Case |
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[Updated] The rise and fall of personal computi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How London’s Silicon Roundabout really got sta... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why HP, Dell and IBM Are on the Wrong Side of I... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Our Moloch by Garry Wills | NYRblog | The New Y... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
It's always been true (Phil Gyford’s website) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Emily Witt · Diary: Online Dating · LRB 25 Octo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Times Higher Education - This could be huge... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Trayvon Martin and America’s Gun Laws : The New... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Links for 28 November 2012 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
christopher-stevens-and-the-problem-of-american... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
UChicago College Admissions, Indiana Jones Myst... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Government seeks to shut down NSA wiretapping l... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Better Master Passwords: The geek edition | Agi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Toward Better Master Passwords | Agile Blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Securing Your Mac: A Guide for Reasonable Peopl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An iOS user migrates to Android (with image, tw... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google's Lost Social Network | Permalink / Edit | ||||| · Behind The App: Twitterrific 5 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Civic Technology and the Calculus of the Common... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Macalope Daily: Fringe analysis | Macworld | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Loren Brichter: Designs on the future of iOS a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dear ITU, please don’t bill Internet use like p... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Paint it black: How Syria methodically erased i... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Science Behind Those Obama Campaign E-Mails... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How much Facebook is too much Facebook? A Spoti... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Subcompact Publishing | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rickshaw: A JavaScript toolkit for creating int... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
David Simon | Stray penises and politicos | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How I Was Drawn Into the Cult of David Petraeus... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Focus on Content, Not Screen Size With ‘Ish’ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Monopoly Is Theft | Harper's Magazine | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Built to win: Deep inside Obama’s campaign tech... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My Last Column About the Presidential Election ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Makes Countries Rich or Poor? by Jared Dia... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Walls Come Tumbling Down presentation slides an... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Plot to Destroy America's Beer - Businessweek | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Book Review: A Practical Guide to Web App Success | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On acquisitions, pricing and being part of an e... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Big Sugar's Sweet Little Lies | Mother Jones | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Big Bird is History: Why We Fund PBS — www.them... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Apollo Flight Controller 101: Every console exp... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
woolf-lse-report.pdf | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Review: Windows 8 core apps OK for tablets, dis... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Self-Destruction of the 1 Percent - NYTimes... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Report: iOS and Android apps fighting for reten... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Learnable Programming | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Did Apple and Google really spend more on paten... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Zero-day attacks are meaner, more rampant than ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
After five years, “dancing baby” YouTube takedo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Microsoft transformed Studio B into a real ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why I pay extra for “business-class” broadband ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
hackers.txt === 'I'm running a Mud so I can lea... | === Schedule versus Features versus Quality |
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(Saving...) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Tyranny of Stuctureless | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Protocol - MinecraftCoalition | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The easiest way to share localhost over the web... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Airline baggage tags: How their brilliant desig... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A List Apart: Articles: The Web Aesthetic | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Understanding Postgres Performance - Craig Kers... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How a rogue appeals court wrecked the patent sy... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Masterpiece: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Islan... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bookslut | WE WILL CONVERT THE KING IF POSSIBLE... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Off The Page â David Hepworth on magazines ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Chrome Web Store - Postman - REST Client | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Market demand knocks down regulatory barriers i... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hack attack on energy giant highlights threat t... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The (Secret) City of London, Part 2: Government... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The (Secret) City of London, Part 1: History - ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jonathan Meades: Architects are the last peopl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Erik Spiekermann at Creative Morning: Type on S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Developing with PhoneGap | These are maps | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The importance of not knowing: reflections of a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How changes to a kid’s privacy law could chill ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why are we idiots about taking care of our heal... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Endeavour makes its final rounds: a photoessay ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Scientists, what will your career look like in ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Review: Refined iOS 6 highlighted by stunning M... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Twitter / PhilipMichaels: Seriously, though: If... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Review: iOS 6 gets the spit and polish treatmen... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Black teenager 'stopped 50 times' plans to sue... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Newstalk Media Player | Permalink / Edit | |||||
AnandTech - The iPhone 5's A6 SoC: Not A15 or ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
485573a.html | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10-rules-students-and-teachers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Difference Between Apple & Amazon In One Chart | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Twitter won’t take down “giant food” photos, so... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hate-reads and how for-profit sites work | Offb... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
NYT’s Jackie Calmes’ “Grossly Inaccurate” Hit P... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Guaranteed minimum income: how much would it co... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tyler Hamilton on Lance Armstrong: The Secret... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Paul Ryan’s Influence on the G.O.P. : The New Y... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Write Your README Before Your Code | Webmonkey ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Michael Lewis Vanity Fair Profile: How Obama Ma... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Open the Future: Ten Rules for Creating Awful S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Welcome to the jungle: The best tech when going... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney | Po... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
David Conn · Follow the Money · LRB 30 August 2012 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Big Brother on a budget: How Internet surveilla... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Scripting News: What I wanted, part II | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pallets: The single most important object in th... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Washington Post | “There was a feeling that the Navy was back on its heels in dealing with Iran,” according to a Navy official prohibited from commenting in the media. “There was an intention to be far more aggressive with the Iranians, and a diminished concern about keeping Washington in the loop.” |
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Curious Rat - Home - Curious Rat 2.0 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Apple decisively wins Samsung trial: what it me... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Blow To HTML5 - Branch | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Under the hood: Rebuilding Facebook for iOS | F... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
venomous porridge - Is a federated Twitter even... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Classic English Shoemakers, Part 1: Introdu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Hollywood Is Encouraging Online Piracy: Sci... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Black Widow | Dustin Curtis | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Disciplined Pursuit of Less - Greg McKeown ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Scripting News: Protocols don't mean much | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bait and switch: What’s behind AT&T’s stance o... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
EA's revenge: A history of Zynga's clones and k... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The secret sauce of social games | The Verge | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Unethical Commentary, Newsweek Edition - NYTime... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why passwords have never been weakerâand crac... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
working with a designer | Imagine that you’re Christopher Columbus. You arrive in the New World and are so disappointed there are none of the oriental silks and spices you came looking for that you turn around and go home, missing all the wonders of the New World. That’s what happens when you have preconceived notions about design. You can end up with something that’s better, but NOT see or appreciate it because you’re only focusing on the fact that it’s not what had in mind. Remember you are a vital part of the design process. If you aren’t a good client, then you can’t expect good results. |
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Experiments in airborne BASICâ”buzzing” comp... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Defending Junk-Debt-Buyer Lawsuits by Peter Hol... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
If I Were The MPAA... How I Would Deal With My ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
'I'm sick to my stomach': anger builds in Illi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gamify Your Life « My Life Scoop My Life Scoop | Permalink / Edit | |||||
INCUBATE-special: Exclusive essay ‘Time-wars’... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Reggie Watts: A send-off in style - YouTube | Permalink / Edit | |||||
sock-face-look-back-gore-vidal%E2%80%99s-famous... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
William Buckley Vs Gore Vidal - YouTube | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hear, All Ye People; Hearken, O Earth (Part On... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An Unexpected Ass Kicking | Blog Of Impossible ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How a drug mule named “Big Wolf” helped create ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
White hats publish DDoS hijacking manual, turn ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From Altair to iPad: 35 years of personal compu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
One man’s trash: the state of modern waste | Ar... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Is it OK to replace optimized code with readabl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Review: Android’s “Google Now” can teach Siri a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Yesterday, I Went to the American Idol for Star... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
the TEDEd video embedded in this story (What d... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Good Math, Bad Math (What do Christian fundame... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"OMG LOOK WHAT THE FUNDIES TEACH KIDS" (What do... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dead When I Got Here (Film about Mexican mental... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Martini FAQ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
New fossils complicate human family tree | Ars ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Odgaard: “I will continue working on TextMate a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
As Mac Pro stagnates, PC workstations muscle ah... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Randy Wray: Why We’re Screwed « naked capitalism | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Let It Bleed: Libertarianism and the Workplace ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Some Practical Writing Advice From Douglas Coup... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Underworld's brief to 'frighten people' at the... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
london-2012-danny-boyle-opening-ceremony | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Emptyage — Yes, I was hacked. Hard. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
does-cybercrime-really-cost-1-trillion | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Kyro Beshay: Being Social Is About Being Private | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Chick-fil-A: Too “sinful” to fry chicken? - S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Log In - The New York Times | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How low (power) can you go? - Charlie's Diary | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Full Show: Capitalismâs âSacrifice Zonesâ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
First Neighborhood on Mars | Space Exploration ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Three decades of the Commodore 64 | Ars Technica | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ars staffers exposed: our home office setups | ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
I’ve inherited 200K lines of spaghetti code—wha... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Neil Gaiman, 7, Interviewed About Scientology b... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"Tom Cruise Worships David Miscavige Like a God... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"Tom Cruise Worships David Miscavige Like a God... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Scientology's Concentration Camp for Its Execut... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
building workers stories | Permalink / Edit | |||||
BuzzFeed’s strategy - Chris Dixon | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Require the Transportation Security Administrat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
$13,238.86 left in a NYC taxi - ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Developers dish on iCloud's challenges | Macworld | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Building a supermassive black hole in under a b... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TED talk by Susan Cain (Introverts UNITE!) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Superstitious Fund | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ayn Rand’s “The Lord of the Rings” | Slacktor... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
batman-movies-dont-kill-but-theyre-friendly-to-... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Michael Geist - Why the Supreme Court's Copyrig... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Apple to jury: iPhone changed everything—then S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
New Yorker Writer Jonah Lehrer Fabricated Bob D... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Heretic - The Morning News | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Log In - The New York Times | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dissent Magazine - Online Features - The White ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Your logo is bad and you should feel bad: From ... | Alright designers, it’s back to basics. |
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Thinking out loud in paragraphs « Snarkmarket | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Measuring the boss from hell | Ars Technica | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Microsoft Lost Its Mojo: Steve Ballmer and ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
PBS remixes Bob Ross - Boing Boing | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Very Superstitious - Lapham’s Quarterly | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stark contrast in LA news coverage - Boing Boing | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Millions of Americans now fall within governmen... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cruelty on the border - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
U.S. Admits Surveillance Violated Constitution ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How the HDTV killed rhythm action - Edge Magazine | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rolling Stone : Columbine: Whose Fault Is It? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tomgram: Engelhardt, The National Security Comp... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tomgram: David Vine, U.S. Empire of Bases Grows | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tomgram: Nick Turse, America's Shadow Wars in A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tomgram: Nan Levinson, Moral Injury and America... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Cheney Effect (in t... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Interview: Schafer's Millions | Permalink / Edit | |||||
notes on "we met on the internet" | Permalink / Edit | |||||
When Art, Apple and the Secret Service Collide:... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Real History of the @reply on Twitter | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Former Nokia employees start company to build n... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Canadian Supreme Court embraces fair use in lan... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Netflix’s Lost Year: The Inside Story of the Pr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Op-ed: TSA should follow the law | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ray Bradbury. The Murderer (Äàíèèë Ñåðåáðÿíûé) ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Did Roberts Change His Mind? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The future of flash memory: tiny (and extremely... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CodePen | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Peity • progressive <canvas> pie charts | Permalink / Edit | |||||
xdissent/ievms | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Steve Jobs on programming, craftsmanship, softw... | “One of the things that really hurt Apple was after I left, John Sculley got a very serious disease. And that disease—I’ve seen other people get it, too—it’s the disease of thinking that a having a great idea is really 90 percent of the work. And if you just tell people, ‘here’s this great idea,’ then of course they can go off and make it happen. The problem with that is that there’s a tremendous amount of craftsmanship between a having a great idea and having a great product.” |
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Libor: The Crime of the Century | The Nation | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Life After PCs, Retina MacBook Has Better Color... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
In Canada, app gamifies pain monitoring for you... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Louis C.K. addresses ticket scalpers: ‘It’s... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ron And Rand Paul: Net Neutrality And The Publi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Def Leppard Recording 'Forgeries' of Old Hits T... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Patent troll stalks travel site Hipmunk — Tech... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
World of Tanks dev’s trek from the kitchen floo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Widow Tamer |
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The Ultimate Counterfeiter Isn't a Crook—He's a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
BBC News - Angola's Chinese-built ghost town | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cisco’s cloud vision: Mandatory, monetized, and... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The distractions of social media, 1673 style « ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Count Robert de La Rochefoucauld - Telegraph | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Security vulnerability found in Cyberoam DPI de... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Job Insecurity: It’s the Disease of the 21st Ce... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Links for Tuesday 26 June 2012 (Phil Gyford’s w... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pixastic: JavaScript Image Processing | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How US software ended up powering Chinese assau... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
US proposes new copyright provision in major in... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Microsoftâs Downfall: Inside the Executive E-... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Testing Your Model with Mocha, Mongo, and NodeJS | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Lheurt's devblog: Listen to Postgresql inserts ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Starting a Node.js Express API to serve json, (... | Exporting sequalize |
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How “The Angel” helped 15,000 people steal broa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dungeon Defenders | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Republicans for Revolution — — ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Automated robbery: how card skimmers (still) st... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Awl | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Product Recalls Make You Less Safe - Popula... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Oatmeal v. FunnyJunk, Part V: A Brief Rev... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Falsehoods programmers believe about time - rif... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Duolingo | Learn English, Spanish and German fo... | With Duolingo you learn a language for free |
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Exoplanets in neighboring orbits have radically... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sorry future Moon colonistsânot much ice at t... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gamification helps orphaned intellectual proper... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
glitch jam – mammoth // building nothing out of... | NPR reported this morning on a traffic jam in California caused by an algorithmic glitch “accidentally summon[ing] 1,200 people to jury duty on the same morning”. An excellent reminder of the tendency of algorithmic dysfunction to manifest as physical dysfunction, and (at a relatively small scale) of the potentially disproportionate impact of glitches when they are translated from dataspace into an infrastructural system. The glitch may be as simple as having accidentally swapped the 0 indicating “do not come in” for the 1 indicating “come in”, but the resulting jam is rendered in aluminum autobodies and on asphalt corridors where it is much more difficult to clear than it was to create. |
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Unplugging the Computer Metaphor | Psychology T... | “A paradigm shift occurred in the 1960s: the cognitive revolution. Since that time it has become respectable to study cognition, although emotion and motivation were still considered suspect by many experimental psychologists. An integral part of the cognitive revolution was the computer metaphor for brain function. Psychological research during the past 40 years has been dominated by an information-processing model of brain function based on the computer metaphor. |
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The highly productive habits of Alan Turing | A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Elites Fail | The Nation | Permalink / Edit | |||||
rwldrn/idiomatic.js · GitHub | Permalink / Edit | |||||
necolas/idiomatic-css · GitHub | Permalink / Edit | |||||
n+1: Brothel, Washington DC | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jamming Tripoli: Inside Moammar Gadhafi's Secre... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
William Alexander Morgan in the Cuban Revolutio... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Perfected Self - Atlantic Mobile | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ted Sarandos’ High-Stakes Gamble to Save Netfli... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Cup Of Coffee Club: The Ballplayers Who Got... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Apple's Newton MessagePad PDA at Twenty | Techl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Print - In the Ruins of a Blue and White Empire... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stop Redesigning And Start Tuning Your Site Ins... | Bottom line: don’t redesign all of your content — focus on the stuff that people actually need. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| Wildcard DNS for Everyone | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Minicons: 1500 Vector Icons for Wireframes and ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pre to Postmortem: The Inside Story of the Deat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gist: An example NodeJS / Mongoose / Express ap... | An example NodeJS / Mongoose / Express application based on their respective tutorials |
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May 2012: Does Internet Activism Work? | Cato U... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
His story on the deaths is very much worth read... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
b-roll: Aaron maps some future bike share trips... | moving map markers |
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Fear and Loathing and Windows 8 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
wysihtml5 - A better approach to rich text editing | wysihtml5 is an open source rich text editor based on HTML5 technology and the progressive-enhancement approach. It uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML5 markup by preventing unmaintainable tag soups and inline styles. Features |
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‘Why Wasn’t I Consulted?’ | “Why wasn’t I consulted,” which I abbreviate as WWIC, is the fundamental question of the web. It is the rule from which other rules are derived. Humans have a fundamental need to be consulted, engaged, to exercise their knowledge (and thus power), and no other medium that came before has been able to tap into that as effectively. I first wrote about this in 2007, after 18 months of isolating and frustrating work on a website: Brace yourself for the initial angry wave of criticism: How dare you, I hate it, it’s ugly, you’re stupid. The Internet runs on knee-jerk reactions. People will test your work against their pet theories: It is not free, and thus has no value; it lacks community features; I can’t believe you don’t use dotcaps, lampsheets, or pixel scrims; it is not written in Rusp or Erskell; my cat is displeased. The ultimate question lurks beneath these curses: why wasn’t I consulted? |
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Verizon/SpectrumCo Spectrum Gap v. Spectrum Cru... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Testing Backbone applications with Jasmine and ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Towards a Socially Conscientiousness Lifestyle ... | So to reword an earlier question: can these sorts of minimalist businesses actually address serious world problems? I’m not sure. I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, but I’m sure someone out there can give us a few examples. The lifestyle design gurus themselves would say that they’re helping people live their dreams, have more free time to spend with their families, etc. and that those are worthy goals in and of themselves. There may be some truth in that – if the dreams sold by lifestyle design gurus is actually attainable. More on that later. |
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A Simple Git Rebase Workflow, Explained - Metta... | There’s a lot more that rebase can do, a look at the man page or The Git Book can tell you a lot more. As a summary: checkout a local private branch and work in it. git merge {branch}: brings in all commits/history from branch |
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Public speaking for the (formerly) terrified | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jenks natural breaks optimization - Wikipedia, ... | The Jenks optimization method, also called the Jenks natural breaks classification method, is a data classification method designed to determine the best arrangement of values into different classes. This is done by seeking to minimize each class’s average deviation from the class mean, while maximizing each class’s deviation from the means of the other groups. In other words, the method seeks to reduce the variance within classes and maximize the variance between classes.[1][2] |
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The Illusion of Value | When small start-ups I’ve spoken with do make money, they often find it difficult to recruit additional investment because most venture capitalists — and often the entrepreneurs they finance — are not interested in building viable long-term businesses. Rather, they’re interested in pumping up enough hype and valuation to find a quick exit through an acquisition at an eye-popping premium. |
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How to quickly start a single-page application ... | A problem I experienced while starting coding with NodeJS environment and Express framework is that I had difficulties to quickly make a well structured app. I spent too much time on organizing my modules and writing helpers. Paradoxally with Express, I like the fact that I am free to do what I want and don’t encounter too much constraints due to the framework. At last, it was harder to design front end code than back end code. |
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Learn JavaScript - The Hard way // Speaker Deck | lots of readi |
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Optical trap catches atoms swinging in time to ... | ” In most of physics—and, indeed, in all of science—we rely on theory to understand our results. We build mathematical models and fit them to our results. But usually there are some parts of the system that remain unknown, or are too complicated to model, so we approximate the parts we can’t model and leave the unknown parts as free parameters. Then, when the results don’t fit, we vary the free parameters to make them fit.” |
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Martin Sutherland’s server was recently hacked ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why is Estimating so Hard? | 8th Light | It turns out that we don’t know the procedure. We haven’t got any clue to just how difficult the procedure is. We aren’t computers. We don’t follow procedures. And so comparing the complexity of the manual task, to the complexity of the procedure is invalid. This is one of the reasons that estimates are so hard, and why we get them wrong so often. We look at a task that seems easy and estimate it on that basis, only to find that writing down the procedure is actually quite intricate. We blow the estimate because we estimate the wrong thing. |
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Facebook and Instagram: When Your Favorite App ... | When people write critically about Facebook, they often say that “you are the product being sold,” but I think that by now we all get that. The digital substance of our friendships belongs to these companies, and they are loath to share it with others. So we build our little content farms within, friending and upthumbing, learning to accept that our new landlords are people who grew up on Power Rangers. This is, after all, the way of our new product-based civilization — in order to participate as a citizen of the social web, you must yourself manufacture content. Progress requires that forms must be filled. Thus it is a critical choice of any adult as to where they will perform their free labor. Tens of millions of people made a decision to spend their time with the simple, mobile photo-sharing application that was not Facebook because they liked its subtle interface and little filters. And so Facebook bought the thing that is hardest to fake. It bought sincerity. |
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Essential JavaScript And jQuery Design Patterns | Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are both exciting and a fascinating topic to explore in any programming language. One reason for this is that they help us build upon the combined experience of many developers that came before us and ensure we structure our code in an optimized way, meeting the needs of problems we’re attempting to solve. Design patterns also provide us a common vocabulary to describe solutions. This can be significantly simpler than describing syntax and semantics when we’re attempting to convey a way of structuring a solution in code form to others. In this book we will explore applying both classical and modern design patterns to the JavaScript programming language. |
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A Baseline for Front-End Developers - Adventure... | Whatever it is, I think we’re seeing the emphasis shift from valuing trivia to valuing tools. There’s a new set of baseline skills required in order to be successful as a front-end developer, and developers who don’t meet this baseline are going to start feeling more and more left behind as those who are sharing their knowledge start to assume that certain things go without saying. Here are a few things that I want to start expecting people to be familiar with, along with some resources you can use if you feel like you need to get up to speed. (Thanks to Paul Irish, Mike Taylor, Angus Croll, and Vlad Filippov for their contributions.) |
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The value of our historical Instagram products | Matt Webb has an interesting post looking at the sale of Instagram to Facebook through the eyes of an aspect of Marx, particularly this quote from this very good article about Marx by John Lanchester in the London Review of Books: This idea of labour being hidden in things, and the value of things arising from the labour congealed inside them, is an unexpectedly powerful explanatory tool in the digital world. Matt applies this to Instagram: What is the labour encoded in Instagram? It’s easy to see. Every “user” of Instagram is a worker. There are some people who produce photos — this is valuable, it means there is something for people to look it. There are some people who only produce comments or “likes,” the virtual society equivalent of apes picking lice off other apes. This is valuable, because people like recognition and are more likely to produce photos. |
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Why the New Aesthetic isn’t about 8bit retro, t... | The New Aesthetics, or at least the aspect I’m looking at, is inspired by computer vision. And computer vision is at the point now that computer graphics was at 30 years ago. The New Aesthetics isn’t concerned with retro 8bit graphics of the past, but the 8bit graphics designed for machines of the now. |
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Books: Bits vs. Atoms | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Learn Vim Progressively | Permalink / Edit | ||||| for the iPhone and iPad :: Lorenzo ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Lessons learned building a multiplayer game in ... | I’ve uploaded Hoverbattles to its own server on EC2, and it has been running fine with an uptime of over 96 hours so far, and this is great! I’ve wanted to share a few of the mistakes/lessons learned writing and deploying a multiplayer game built entirely with JavaScript on top of NodeJS and WebGL for a while and this represents an opportune moment to do so. I’ve gone with a brain-dump of various related learnings, as well as a couple of periphery items - first off, we’ll go with the reason I couldn’t keep Hoverbattles up on the old server. |
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All about node.js: Using node.js and jquery to ... | I will write a simple application to capture details from various websites. The beautiful thing is Javascript has been handling DOM objects for years. In fact Javascript was created to handle DOM objects. No wonder that it’s more mature than any other html parsing library. Also, given that there are many elegant frameworks like Prototype, Mootools, JQuery etc. available to use, scraping websites with Node.js should be easy and fun. Let’s do it. Let’s write an application to collect data from various book selling websites. |
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Using Prototype Property in JavaScript | Packt ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Book: Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by John R... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to install Xcode, Homebrew, Git, RVM, & Rub... | After following many outdated and incomplete instructions for setting up a web development environment on a Mac, and spending a lot of time finding solutions to the problems I encountered along the way, I decided to put together detailed tutorials for both Snow Leopard and Lion. I started with a clean system, and the following are the steps that worked for me. If you run into an issue, or find an error in this tutorial, please let me know and I’ll update it. Up until recently, the only way you could get the Command Line tools required for web development was via the full Xcode package, which is almost 2 GB in size. For Lion users, Apple now offers the Command Line Tools as a separate, much smaller download, which benefits those who don’t plan on writing Mac or iOS apps. |
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railsbridge rails installfest | This InstallFest is a set of step-by-step instructions for installing Ruby, Rails, and other important tools on Mac, Windows, or Linux computers. Originally developed for the Railsbridge Workshops, it is a community-supported open-source documentation project. If you want to contribute, click the [git] link at the top-right corner of any page and submit your change on GitHub. |
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Marx at 193 | Sidenote: I have an objection to the Dyson Airblade in that previous generations of hand-driers encouraged me to move and play with my hands, attempting to find for myself some kind of expertise or intelligence in drying, but the Airblade, in order to achieve its own efficiency forces all of its users to adopt identical movements, removing autonomy from millions to save money for the owners of the establishments in which it is installed. I have been roboticised |
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behavioral advertising opt-out tool | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Covehithe by China Miéville | giant walking oil rigs |
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So Good It Doesn’t Need to Make Money | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The White Savior Industrial Complex - Atlantic ... | Let us begin our activism right here: with the money-driven villainy at the heart of American foreign policy. To do this would be to give up the illusion that the sentimental need to “make a difference” trumps all other considerations. What innocent heroes don’t always understand is that they play a useful role for people who have much more cynical motives. The White Savior Industrial Complex is a valve for releasing the unbearable pressures that build in a system built on pillage. We can participate in the economic destruction of Haiti over long years, but when the earthquake strikes it feels good to send $10 each to the rescue fund. I have no opposition, in principle, to such donations (I frequently make them myself), but we must do such things only with awareness of what else is involved. If we are going to interfere in the lives of others, a little due diligence is a minimum requirement. |
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Not a Click Away: Joseph Kony in the Real World... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using node.js and jquery to scrape websites « a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bones - The HTML5 Wordpress Starter Theme | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust that Soc... | The model of writing Liars and Outliers itself appears to be based on a limited set of rules: Provide a wide range of interesting examples of a complex ill-defined phenomena; refer to expert opinion from a variety of sources; identify a limited set of parameters and controls; make models; note the deficiencies of said models; form vague general principles; change the topic and repeat. |
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"The last time we redefined what it means to be... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Safecast Geiger Counter Reference Design | …the data collected by the instrument had to pass any scrutiny thrown its way, and the collected data had to be traceable to a given instrument so that if its calibration is incorrect, its data can be selectively excluded without poisoning the entire dataset. Radiation monitoring is a politically sensitive subject, and certain parties have interests to manipulate the data one way or the other to promote their views with the public. Ad-hoc data collection networks suffer from the possibility that their efforts can be discredited by institutions with big budgets who find that the readings represent an inconvenient truth. |
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jQuery.dotdotdot, advanced cross-browser ellips... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
0 Users Is Better Than 200,000 | When raising money, you may find it much easier if you haven’t written a line of code but have your pitching strategy down. Only build something that you know you can launch and monetize without outside investment. If you need to raise money early–stop building and start talking. |
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What does a reality producer do? | A ton of use... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Node Beginner Book » A comprehensive Node.j... | The aim of this document is to get you started with developing applications with Node.js, teaching you everything you need to know about “advanced” JavaScript along the way. It goes way beyond your typical “Hello World” tutorial. |
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Shapecatcher: Draw the Unicode character you want! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Anonymous 101: Introduction to the Lulz | Threa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Micropolis: MicropolisEngine/src/simulate.cpp S... | Source code for Micropolis / Simcity |
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Blog rolling with mongoDB, express and Node.js ... | In this article I hope to take you through the steps required to get a fully-functional (albeit feature-light) persistent blogging system running on top of node. The technology stack that we’ll be using will be node + express + mongoDB all of which are exciting, fast and highly scalable. You’ll also get to use jade and stylus for driving the templated views and styling! We will be using npm to ease the package management and installation issues. This article will be fairly in-depth so you may want to get yourself a rather large mug of whatever beverage you prefer before you settle down :) |
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Action button Dot Net: Angry Birds/Ziggurat | Tetris is about death, in a way, though it’s at least courteous enough to only star geometric shapes and not feature any abstract human scream sounds. |
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Badges by Ushahidi | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Create marker with custom labels in Google Maps... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Star Wars Saga: Suggested Viewing Order » A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Open Data Handbook — Open Data Handbook | This handbook introduces you to the legal, social and technical aspects of open data. It can be used by anyone but is especially useful for those working with government data. It discusses the why, what and how of open data – why to go open, what open is, and the how to do open. |
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NaturalNode/natural - GitHub | “Natural” is a general natural language facility for nodejs. Tokenizing, stemming, classification, phonetics, tf-idf, WordNet, and some inflection are currently supported. |
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Drunk Tweeting in Chicago | Permalink / Edit | |||||
slabText jQuery plugin for headlines | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why French Parents Are Superior | Permalink / Edit | |||||
❡ Design and content, sitting in a tree | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Build a Naive Bayes Classifier | Some use-cases for building a classifier: Spam detection, for example you could build your own Askimet API; |
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The Social Graph is Neither (Pinboard Blog) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cloud9: Node.js Environment Variables - Google ... | Here’s how I would do it… I’d have a config file that’s always loaded in my app, config = require(‘./config’)(express) Then I have my config file which has something like: module.exports = function(express) { oh and I just passed express because when I did something like this with a config file, I had some additional server configuration that needed it |
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CSS3 Image Styles – Part 2 | Previously I wrote two tutorials on how to style the image element with CSS3 inset box-shadow and border-radius. The trick is to wrap the image with a span tag and apply the image as background-image. |
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The Robot-Readable World – Blog – BERG | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Inside Instagram | Instagram isn’t just small; it’s tiny. It’s miniscule. It is famously located in Twitter’s old digs in San Francisco’s South Park neighborhood. But here’s the thing: Instagram subleases its space from another company. Instagram isn’t in Twitter’s old office, it’s in Twitter’s old conference room. The entire company is nothing more than a collection of desks arranged bullpen-style in a room that is smaller than most two-car garages. |
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Node.js Manual | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nodebits - Bits of inspiration to keep the node... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Forum - Discuss the daily cheap t-shirt and eve... | Teextile |
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Scraping Made Easy with jQuery and SelectorGadg... | A few days ago I was doing a TON of scraping, and as you know, without the right tools, scraping can be a REAL pain. Out of my pain comes your pleasure — here’s a list of scraping tools and resources which will make your life MUCH easier the next time you need some information from a crufty old website. If you’re short on time, skip to the end and read the tl;dr. |
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Reveal: jQuery Modal Plugin from ZURB - ZURB Pl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Affirmative action for women in math contests b... | The common feature in all three methods is an affirmative action approach: the active promotion of the underrepresented group. Passive methods (such as increasing potential rewards for everyone) do improve participation by women, but they also improve men’s performance as well, which leaves the gender gap in place. Affirmative action, on the other hand, not only changes the odds of success by women, but (according to the authors of a related study) also increases their confidence and willingness to compete in the first place. If the competitors know they have a higher chance of success before the contest even begins, the authors suggest, they are more likely to enter it with a positive view of their own abilities. In addition, excessive confidence in male competitors is reduced because they know rewards will be distributed in a different manner. |
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A favour from Goliath - The Bookish Blog | That’s the first reason we’re thrilled about the widget-microformat approach iBooks is taking — we can build to the spirit of the functionality, rather than just mimic the functionality. We can parse the intention of a microformat — it’s impossible to parse the intention of a chunk of JavaScript. We’re not forced to build an iBooks clone, which work would hold no attraction for us. The second reason is that the ebook experience is kinda shit. For lots of reasons. It has been worse, but it could be so much better. Right now a bunch of smart companies, including Apple, and including Amazon with their KF8, and also including, are hammering away at that problem. |
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Should science reporting have a standardized ch... | Nevertheless, I think some of Fox’s recommendations verge on censorship – their aim is to stop the public from being misdirected to unreliable findings, but the solutions are all oriented toward stopping the reporting of unreliable findings. I would prefer to see a change in emphasis away from reporting findings and toward reporting process. Scientists trust science without trusting every result, because they understand the process of science. The public will be better informed about scientific results when they see the process in action. A sharp reporter should not only attend to the immediate result of a study but the process underway to test and possibly reject today’s findings. |
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Viewports all the way down | Here’s the deal. Your grandma can now create a viewport. And so can the kid next door. These may not be ‘proper’ browsers, and they may not (yet) be fully interactive, but they can load a pretty sophisticated web page. A year from now, the most popular ‘browser’ may just be be the embedded web view full of ‘related’ links in a Stephen King iBooks bestseller. Basing breakpoints on popular viewport dimensions is clearly a foolish pursuit. |
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The Next Big Thing: Open311 Inquiry API | There is a very real, mesurable cost associated with calls to 311 contact centers. The Pew report mentioned above reviewed the budget allocations and call volumes of 15 large U.S. cities that run 311 centers. It estimates the average cost per call to 311 centers over these 15 cities at $3.39 per call. |
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The UX Research Plan That Stakeholders Love | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MCIC for Chicago non-profits closing - Chicago ... | Revenue earned providing low-cost demographic data to local non-profits and research for commissioned projects from larger philanthropic clients such as the MacArthur Foundation and the Sprague Foundation, isn’t enough to keep the organization going according to Carlson. In addition, funding from donors has declined in recent years. “Data infrastructure is a tough sell for a donor,” said Carlson. “We are hearing more that [donors] were choosing direct service organizations, which is understandable given the economy.” |
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Considerations for Mobile Design (Part 2): Dime... | To quote David Leggett, “The most reasonable case for omitting objects from a mobile site is when the object wasn’t essential to the desktop site in the first place.” |
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Content Strategy and Responsive Design « Brain ... | Don’t leave these decisions solely up to designers and developers. Chances are, we’re too concerned about things like browser compatibility and page-load time to give much thought to them. I happen to be a designer who believes that people visit websites for the content, not the design—but that doesn’t mean I want to be making decisions about content priority myself. |
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Office of the Chicago City Clerk -- Committee M... | The Committee on Economic, Capital and Technology Development has jurisdiction over those matters which directly affect the economic and technological expansion and development of the City and economic attraction to the City; and shall work with those public and private organizations that are similarly engaged. The Committee also has jurisdiction over the consideration, identification, goals, plan and approach to the annual and five year Capital Improvement Programs. The Committee may hold community hearings to determine the priorities to be considered in the formulation of such programs. |
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Will A Lack of Procurement Reform Smother Civic... | Responding to an RFP for the City of Chicago is a herculean task… this approach to an RFP results in proposals from one type of contractor: firms that are very large and able to jump through all the hoops that the City has to ensure the minimum amount of risk and liability for the City itself. |
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CSS1K Showcases How Developers Can Do More With... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
New High-Quality Free Fonts | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Create Custom Taxonomies In WordPress | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google Web Fonts: Good-Natured Grifting | Essential quality #3 Dilution: Open source makes things free. Reality: Open source redefines what is valuable. |
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Wild Nature, Free Radicals, and the Nerve Sell | Permalink / Edit | |||||
BIF-6 Ben Berkowitz | Business Innovation Factory | To this end, SeeClickFix promises to build a self-sustaining community that ultimately serves the greater good — a community that perhaps even Jefferson himself could not have imagined. |
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JumpstartLab - We Build Developers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Wirecutter: A List of the Best Gadgets | Permalink / Edit | |||||
xdissent/ievms - GitHub | Microsoft provides virtual machine disk images to facilitate website testing in multiple versions of IE, regardless of the host operating system. Unfortunately, setting these virtual machines up without Microsoft’s VirtualPC can be extremely difficult. The ievms scripts aim to facilitate that process using VirtualBox on Linux or OS X. With a single command, you can have IE6, IE7, IE8 and IE9 running in separate virtual machines. |
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How Not To Run An A/B Test | If you run A/B tests on your website and regularly check ongoing experiments for significant results, you might be falling prey to what statisticians call repeated significance testing errors. As a result, even though your dashboard says a result is statistically significant, there’s a good chance that it’s actually insignificant. This note explains why. |
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Amazon Mechanical Turk Survey Strategies | I recently crafted a survey to collect data on the consumption habits of gamers. I wanted to identify different types of gamers and drill down further with future surveys targeted at specific categories of game players. To do this, I used a combination of SurveyMonkey and Amazon Mechanical Turk. |
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Telling it like it is… but differently - | Terr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Want A Great Team? Focus On Talent, Not Hiring ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
You Are Not Alone. America Hates Electric Cars ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pearsonified’s Golden Ratio Typography Calculator | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Point Click Apparel | Wondering what the quality is like at On Demand shirt printers like CafePress, Zazzle and RedBubble? I’ve directly compared them, and you can see the results: |
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The New Professionalism (Florida deputies clear... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
David Karp discusses Tumblr’s growing pains | A... | Though it doesn’t address whether tumblr is revenue-ful. |
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Dead Media Beat: tech blogs | Beyond The Beyond | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Solarized - Ethan Schoonover | Precision colors for machines and people |
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Still “forgetting the styles of archaic technol... | High-end computers have been painstakingly programmed to mimic traditional techniques such as airbrushing or calligraphy, whereas the low-end machines force us to deal with more original, sometimes alien, manifestations. Coarse bitmaps are no more visibly obtrusive than the texture of oil paint on a canvas, but our unfamiliarity with bitmaps causes us to confuse the medium with the message. |
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Anonymous 101 Part Deux: Morals Triumph Over Lu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HTML5 Boilerplate: Default Browser Font Sizes | IE8, Win7: font-size: 16px, line-height: 18px |
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Front-end Code Standards & Best Practices | Iso... | This document contains guidelines for web applications built by the Creative Technology (front end engineering) practice of Isobar US. It is to be readily available to anyone who wishes to check the iterative progress of our best practices. If you have any feedback, please leave a comment on the announcement blog post. |
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The Dumbest Idea in the World: Maximizing Share... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Turning Small Projects Into Big Profit, A Case ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Don’t Be a Free User | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Christmas Message From America’s Rich | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Vanity Fair on the Uselessness of TSA | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HTML Elements and Attributes | Permalink / Edit | |||||
There Is a Flip Side | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Meet the 'Ikea anarchists' (Deterritorial Suppo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nerds and Male Privilege | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google’s Android Revenue | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Disabling the query cache and profiling MySQL :... | SET SESSION query_cache_type = OFF; |
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New Yorker on the origins of OWS | Permalink / Edit | |||||
LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS | Crimson Front | Permalink / Edit | |||||
omelas.txt | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Original Hover Effects with CSS3 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Steve Jobs’s Real Genius : The New Yorker | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Apple's Supply-Chain Secret? Hoard Lasers - Bus... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Irrelephant | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Facebook’s Zuckerberg: If I Were Starting A Com... | Darnit! |
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War of words breaks out over Silicon Valley div... |
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Who is Paul Fetch? (hint: not just the guy who ... | I just love this construction: “He also claims he went to Harvard Business School, which I wouldn’t doubt considering his alleged crimes, but which also appears to be untrue.” |
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Fleeced | I assume this is how Ponty spends his day when he escapes outside. |
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"….One of the most fatuous themes of mainstream... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Early indications: Weekend shuttle-bus service ... | It was great fun today hauling 40 lbs of e-waste and batteries, in a huge camping backpack, to the city’s once-a-year drop-off site at the Expo Center. |
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Traders talk back to Occupy Chicago |
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Haptic Lab | Soft Maps | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Citizendium turns five, but the Wikipedia fork ... |
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Rushkoff: OWS is not a protest, but a prototype... |
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‘Don’t Buy a Parrot Figuring That It Will Be a ... | This makes me think of “Catcher in the Rye”: every book report given by fellow high school students interpreted the character as weird; when I read it, I thought “yep”. |
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Triticum Fever, by Dr. William Davis, author of... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
This is Chicago (circa 1914). Something tells m... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Our 'Broken System' of Criminal Justice |
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BBC - Adam Curtis Blog: THE CURSE OF TINA | Permalink / Edit | |||||
first night as a married couple | The only thing I remember from “The Bell Jar”: |
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Petition to Google: don't kill Google Reader | I wrote: |
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Stephen Fry on Steve Jobs | A wonderful turn of phrase: “Only dullards crippled into cretinism by a fear of being thought pretentious could be so dumb as to believe that…” |
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The Don’ts of Infographic Design |
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Will The Demands of The Occupation be Funded? |
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Government. Arts. Agency. | We are agents for the public – for all the citizens of our state. |
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Links for 23 October 2011 | I love Adam Curtis. He’s a James Burke for the past half-century. |
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Graph Words: A Free Visual Thesaurus of the Eng... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
One dimensional news |
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"Everybody Poops" - a bad lip reading of the Bl... | Monday juvenile humor. |
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miscellaneous portmanteaux trois | Permalink / Edit | |||||
miscellaneous portmanteaux trois | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Robinince's Blog | On Ricky Gervais and ‘as Bertrand Russell warned us, “the idiots are cocksure, the intelligent are full of doubt”.’ (via Phil Gyford) |
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Animals Being Dicks | Angelina wanted this shared. |
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Steal this code: Presentation to Hacks/Hackers-... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sodexo opens first Star Ginger food truck | Consider my disgust registered. |
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be ba beee - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sketchy nights at Occupy Boston | Noam Chomsky AND Marshall Ganz this weekend. |
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SOCAP, Zizek, and Redemption of our Bond |
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Do you have the right kind of wife for a VW Mic... | I’m the best wife evah! |
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Climate Skeptics Take Another Hit | Mother Jones | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google redesigning Reader, removing existing so... | Looks like I’ll be spending my weekend exporting all my notes and starred items. This will also break the apps I use too (Reeder and Reeder for Mac) which I invested in because they support Google Reader’s social features. |
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Social Currency | Nonprofit Finance Fund | A good/sad case study in how funder priorities can create sector-wide instability. |
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Occupy Together: An Interfaith Prayer Service | “We are the 99 percent. |
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Thirteen Observations Made by Lemony Snicket Wh... |
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The median U.S. wage in 2010 was just $26,363 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Civic Symbol Suite: 40 New Icons for the Public... | Team Bully FTW! |
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Wall Street and Silicon Valley | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jon Stokes (How the tech boom is bad for innova... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Buying Coffee and Creating Jobs | Imagine the economy we’d have if everybody donated and nobody bought anything (and I don’t just mean at Starbucks). |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | A wild success and an utter failure | Summary - Wikipedia is about people, not technology, which is why Wikipedia is successful; but being about people is boring and repetitive, so Wikipedia should be more about technology because… umm… then they’d have even more success…. despite what I wrote earlier… just wave your hands over that… technology, that’s the ticket… yes, sir. |
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Apply or nominate for the Antonio Pizzigati Prize! | When I go, I hope y’all will make a prize celebrating people who make great effort to recognize lived human experiences within the context of technological “progress”. Use that section from the Port Huron Statement that warns about reducing problems to those most easily solvable by computers. Not that I have any intention of going soon, but that’d be real nice. |
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You can ride over on your stationery bike again | Yeah! |
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"I called Brooks to see if I was misreading his... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Boo-Boos in Paradise - Philadelphia Magazine - ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Neuroscience explanations are more believable t... | There is a pop socio-economics book in this somewhere: |
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Oil fields of Catan | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From the West Bank: When Brutality Enters the ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
“the K.G.B. of management consulting.” (Mitt, W... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
OccupyWallstreet is not a brand. Why does Occu... |
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Jeffrey Sachs and Dr. Zibneiw Brezinksi on weat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Holden Karnofsky + Peter Singer = Optimal Resul... |
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David Graeber in The Guardian helpful (Does Occ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
You Call me a Fucking 'Philanthropy Tyrant,' As... |
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Crowdsourcing a Good Conversation About Race | Yes, though I’d put extra emphasis on ‘AND’: “The discussion would be grounded in data and in the lived experience of discrimination.” |
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Rebuttal of the Californian Ideology | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Californian Ideology | Permalink / Edit | |||||
portland imc - 2004.08.28 - The Myth of Protest... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Discombobulated: Guardian iPad: Product challen... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Asymmetry | This should be required reading and discussion: |
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Science Code Manifesto | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How the tech boom is bad for innovation | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Put a whiteboard on your laptop with DrawTop | Permalink / Edit | |||||
When Maps Shouldn’t Be Maps « Matthew Ericson –... | via @stevevance and!/storm72/status/126336988512141313 |
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Betteridge's Law of Headlines: "Any headline wh... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Design Patterns and Refactoring | Permalink / Edit | |||||
[audio] Nation's Dogs Dangerously Underpetted, ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Broccoli-Basil Mac and Cheese | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Cycle Wherein Apple Creates a Product and P... | From the comments: |
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Meet Code for America 2012 | Look at that handsome Fellow. |
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Why Education Startups Do Not Succeed « Avichal... | Interesting article, especially in regards to government sales growth curves. Also, this reinforces my worldview: |
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Plugins/Authoring - jQuery JavaScript Library | For more complex and customizable plugins that provide many options, it’s a best practice to have default settings that can get extended (using $.extend) when the plugin is invoked. So instead of calling a plugin with a large number of arguments, you can call it with one argument which is an object literal of the settings you would like to override. Here’s how you do it. |
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Cookie Dough Cake | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Who killed videogames? How games are getting mo... | Just wow. (@Angelina, you should read this in advance of your Zynga interview). Zynga, social gaming |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | JS FAQ : Checking undefined, i... | if(typeof myVar !== ‘undefined’ || myVar) { |
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You Should Date An Illiterate Girl « Thought Ca... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Steven Poole: A personal attack | hehehe, “book review as magisterially persuasive demolition job”! I’m gonna download instapaper for my flight today, just for this. |
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Occupy Boston | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stevey's Google Platforms Rant | “But when we take the stance that we know how to design the perfect product for everyone, and believe you me, I hear that a lot, then we’re being fools. You can attribute it to arrogance, or naivete, or whatever – it doesn’t matter in the end, because it’s foolishness. There IS no perfect product for everyone. |
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25 Things to Do With Rotisserie Chicken | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Understanding JavaScript OOP — Sorella's Basement | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Grid Shots: Shopping without a car | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Toaster hack: grilled cheese | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Occupy Philanthropy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
#ONA11 #screwup recap and anecdote | This friend sounds familiar: |
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Doggy AT-AT | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Criticism of Civic Literacy « Island 94 | From the archives. |
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Seeing is believing- Motor Vehicle Theft Visual... | Seeing is not citable and “make accessible” can be such nonsense: |
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Photo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Common Elements of Oppressions at Eric Stol... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Videos: Seven Obscure Arrested Development Char... | No Gene Parmesan? |
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An Inarticulate Articulation of Why Occupy Wall... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Juggling “The Right to Be Forgotten” with commu... | She even emboldened the good part: |
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Open Is Dead. | …just don’t talk about power. Never talk about power. |
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White wall art | Permalink / Edit | |||||
#OccupyWallStreet: There's Something Happening ... | (At least) one of my former-Corps members is in the leadership tent. It was a running joke of saying when NOT to wear your AmeriCorps shirt (“don’t wear it to a bank robbery”); I told her I’d send her some shirts for her court-date if she gets picked up. |
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Cyclists in the City: Will 'hating' cyclists be... | I’m a follow-the-rules bicyclist, but I think Phil is wrong that scofflawism is what causes unpredictability (though I agree 100% that unpredictability is the problem). Bicyclists are “unpredictable” because most drivers have little relative experience both with bicyclists and as bicyclists. They know how to deal with bad drivers (who may blast thru a new red light, or cut an immediate left on a new green), but not so much bicyclists because there are relatively less of them than cars. Also because few drivers are bikers, they don’t know why a bicyclist may try to take a lane if they see you trying to aggressively pass them coming to an intersection (to stop a potential right hook), for example. A lot of “unpredictable” bicycle actions are actually defensive bicycling; becoming a clear target is sometimes the best way to avoid becoming a victim (“they can’t deny they didn’t see me”) |
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New iPod touch: cheaper, iOS 5, and now in white! | At least the Touch is now the same price as the Kindle Fire. Tho apparently the latter is really a rebranded Playbook, and no camera to boot. Hrm. |
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Daily Mac App: Clean | @Bec you still organize your desktop like this? |
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Palantir | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Minecraft: Oh, yeah! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
how to cure premature ejaculation of course | I look forward to working closely with Tubville next year. @_@ |
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VCs, Welcome to the Game Industry |
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Love you, Aly Brown. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Best (and Worst) of Django | I haven’t done anything with Django, but I really like how python programmers seem to be able to talk about “the one true” way of doing something in a non-dickish manner. No leering stockphotos here. |
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James Meek · It’s already happened: The NHS Goe... |
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A Story of GameLayers, Inc. | A great story. Though I had to read 2/3s of it before I found what I was looking for, or rather, knew I wouldn’t: “We had tooled around with innovation, piling features into our web browser game. But when it came down to it, we hadn’t baked-in monetization.” |
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Google CIO and others talk DevOps and "Disaster... | “a reflection of the necessities that come from trying to provide reliable systems based on increasingly complex and unreliable stacks of software and infrastructure.” |
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Book It! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
open source communities, social capitol is your... | “we bring people in based on their coding skills. We promote people based on their negotiation skills.” |
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Using HAML templates in JavaScript - How To Nod... | Ok, now that we know how to make layout templates by passing the result of one template as a variable to another, let’s learn how to do partials. Partials are pieces of templates that are shared between several pages. |
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"automation reduces institutional knowledge." | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Average Font | Permalink / Edit | |||||
say “I” — not “we” — in your interviews | Permalink / Edit | |||||
★ Amazon’s New Kindles | I’m kind’ve surprised Gruber doesn’t mention the iPod Touch. Then again, no one mentions the iPod Touch, but that’s the device that seems to be most competing with the Kindle Fire. And if the rumors are true that Apple is killing off the Classic and Shuffle, then the Fire might just kill the iPod Touch…. Leaving just the Nano. Amazon kills the iPod, you read it here first. |
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Wife's demand: Give her my email and facebook p... | From the comments, just liked the bit about the belief system. |
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Web Scraping with Google Spreadsheets and XPath | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TOSAmend: turn all online “I Agree” buttons int... | POST whatever you want. |
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Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Cat's Life | attn: cat ladies |
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James Michael Curley with a zebra wearing a hat | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What makes us worth defending | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Another sticker design to help defend public me... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Teradata goes after "big data" with Hadoop-SQL ... | My dad used to work for Terradata. He has a patent for “Method and system for transforming multiple alternative equality conditions” i.e. rewrite (1,2,3,4) as (1-4). |
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Super MBTA World | Permalink / Edit | |||||
thenewrepublic:<br><br>Fresh off announcing her... | That Scott Brown won’t take a public position on legislation before he votes will probably help her. Seriously, call his office and his aides will tell you |
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CSS3 Image Styles | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cupcake sprouts | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Study Finds Google Uses Racial Profiling to Del... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Failure to launch | How many ostensibly “civically focused” tech projects start like this? |
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Dish Draining Closet: Space Saver Every Home Sh... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Two million radio sets capable of broadcasting | Permalink / Edit | |||||
IMG_0962 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Zootool - The more you pay for a yearly subscri... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Zootool - The more you pay for a yearly subscri... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Shipwrecks of Boston Harbor | Nice use of Google Maps. |
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Dropbox - Download instructions adapt to your b... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dropbox - Download instructions adapt to your b... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Should you launch at a conference? | “The thing entrepreneurs often forget about news media: It’s supposed to be news. They want new things. As a startup, you are only going to have two or three new things that happen, ever: |
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Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Netwo... | ” …here are the top seven contributors to promoting Islamophobia in our country: |
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What is an Economy For (Gandhiian Answer to Fin... | “Onward Shared Value Creators.” |
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Judge worries recording police will lead to exc... | The ‘world’s most distinguished legal scholar’ [Richard Posner]: “I’m always suspicious when the civil liberties people start telling the police how to do their business.” |
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Complying with PCI DSS when using a hosted paym... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Do users change their settings? » UIE Brain Sparks | Author even emboldened it: |
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Study: Privatizing government doesn’t actually ... | Look at the contracts, not the salaries. |
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Tweet of the Day | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google Flight Search vs. Kayak - |
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Four prize winners from a 1922 beauty contest | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Civic Startups Wishlist #1: A Better Freecycle | FreeCycle is a great example of what I call overloading: taking a simple tool (like a listserv) and building a successful, vibrant AND popular service on top of it. It may be technologically backwards and involve, as author Jen points out, a lot of cognitive and communications overhead… and yet people grok and adopt it. |
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here’s an example of a great cover letter | Permalink / Edit | |||||
APNewsBreak: Chicago to publish crime stats onl... | Har har, techie types are so lame: |
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Sacrifice Is Overrated | Reading HBR and SSIR articles that discuss social benefit is always a game of hide and seek with sociopathy. At least this guy used it as a topic sentence: “Human beings act out of self-interest. “ TAG, you’re it! |
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Chicago’s first Cargo Bike Roll Call | Permalink / Edit | |||||
It’d be great to have an app that remembered ho... | Meta-hoarding. |
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Google Docs Continues Kicking the Butts of Paid... | I do not appreciate the new Complete Lack of Visual Contrast feature. |
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Code for Country, huh? | Prepare for downcount. |
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Phone Story — Anti-iPhone Game Banned From App ... | Other than the gross irony of the content violations, the app also violated the charitable donation guidelines of the app store |
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The Boston Globe Embraces Responsive Design | Too bad the redesign is BORING. It’s full of naked headlines with not even a byline or publication date/time. Sure, it makes me want to drag my browser window, but it doesn’t make me want to click, let alone return and have to re-scan all those headline lists to see what’s new. Maybe $4 will make me more captive, but I’ll probably forget about it like Readability (reminder: cancel that). |
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Daily Kos: Most of you have no idea what Martin... | From the comments of a Reddit post of Jackie O saying MLK was a “terrible man”: |
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Campus Party H4SB — Hacking for Something Bette... | Worst press release ever: |
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London 2012 Paralympic Games Campaign | Permalink / Edit | |||||
About - Cooking - Stack Exchange | A cooking exchange moderated by techies; if you can handle the lack of tact filters (especially in the moderation-process-heavy stack exchange format), it’s pretty good. |
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FUCK THE CLOUD | ASCII by Jason Scott |
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"NPR INTERVIEWER: It sounds like social media i... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"You can absolutely quote me on that. Seriously... | No one wants to look at the same gradient all day long. |
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Chicago Will Code of America in 2012 | Woot! |
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"And if you didn’t know more than 1,000 of your... |
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You just shared a link. How long will people pa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"Processing seeks to ruin the careers of talent... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Brandeis puts on a fat suit | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Carrots are orange for an entirely political re... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dumpster Gentry | Permalink / Edit | |||||
5 Lessons Learned Building The Daily Dot, a Med... |
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The 6 Faces of Bond | For the Islamaphobes… |
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Guy who is Muslim: “Muslims should stop apologi... | Ultimate troll: “Islamophobes need to put down the Quran and pick up a book on HTML programming and Flash.” |
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Freebie: Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin Flexsl... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Visits to gardening websites from search engines | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Semantic Grid System: Page Layout For Tomorrow | I am currently moving my personal boilerplate to Less (and Golden Grid System, and updating my integration off HTML5 Boilerplate to 2.0 which uses Normalize). Webdesign: good times. |
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Sampling error, the unspoken issue behind small... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Brain imaging studies report more positive find... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Michael Moore: I was the most hated man in America | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Untitled ( | @bensheldon here it is! :-) |
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Scott Chacon on the Interwebs | This is a great article about a team Git workflow using Github and Pull Requests within a single project for code review on named branches before merging into Master. |
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Pret A Manger, With New Fast-Food Ideas, Gains ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Taco Bell and the Golden Age of Drive-Thru - Bu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rick Perry's Free Market Paradise vs. My Social... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tower at new Old South not as old as rest of ne... | Check out this photo where South Huntington cuts thru Copley Square: |
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Opinion - Image - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Paula: "@bensheldon Yes, I just pu…" « | @bensheldon Yes, I just put them up this afternoon. In the AM I will take a photo & post tomorrow PM ! I pu… (cont) |
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(404) | @bensheldon Yes, I just put them up this afternoon. In the AM I will take a photo & post tomorrow PM ! I pu… (cont) |
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He Said, She Said – Extracting data from 5 year... | Guy trying to replicate Hack Tyler in Watertown, MA. |
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The Supply-Side Virus | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gathering data: a flow chart for data journalists | Permalink / Edit | |||||
smoked paprika-chipotle sauce | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What are your useful household tips? (I'll star... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Boston’s photographic colors | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Court Finds Fair Dealership Laws Applicable to ... | The ‘world’s most distinguished legal scholar’: |
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Bellstrike | 9.5% is pretty pricy for processing. Though can you rationalize it by saying “10% of all donations goes towards maintaining our website”… maybe if you’re under $5k/yr… Maybe. |
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Why keeping up with RSS is poisonous to product... | “Mark All as Read” |
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Google Translate - When translating a beatbox s... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google Translate - When translating a beatbox s... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Secular Humanism, Trashed | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A History of Bayes' Theorem - Less Wrong | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Altman’s Shoes | A Chicago shoe store; you know who you are. |
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iPhone Safari Viewport Scaling Bug | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Magic of Minecraft | Disruption: David Pakm... |
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Links for 31 August 2011 | The Gidsy instructions (1st Link) is very nice. |
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LukeW | Why Separate Mobile & Desktop Web Pages? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Lessons from a vegan August | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Feature: How AT&T conquered the 20th century | A new Social Media how-to satire: |
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Threadless When entering the website, a message... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Threadless When entering the website, a message... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Censored by the CIA - Laura Miller - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Postwar by Tony Judt | Permalink / Edit | |||||
20 Free Fonts Perfect for Logos and Headings | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Aunt Peaches: You can't argue with facts. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Grim Threat to British Universities by Simo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Science Says: Most Vegetarians are A-Okay! | Oh goody, “confirmation bias” has a new name: “anticipated reproach”. |
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Stefan Collini · From Robbins to McKinsey: The ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Boston Herald recently claimed in several a... | I’m probably more empathetic than average, but when I’m driving a car bicyclists give me acute anxiety of the “You or I make one wrong move and you’re dead”-sort, as well as the “am I doing this right?”-social anxiety (since driving near bikes doesn’t have strictly-taught rules like other aspects of road safety) and I know many people manifest their anxiety (especially social anxiety, which is rampant in driving: just watch for the “green light but nobody is going”-glance) as anger/aggression. |
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GetSatisfaction - Gives instant feedback when u... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GetSatisfaction - Gives instant feedback when u... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Informants | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Heaps Decent | Diplo’s nonprofit; .org is for the shitmunchers. |
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Golden Grid System | flexible dynamic grids |
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The little-known secret of how to actually choo... | This was in r/design yesterday. The consensus was that “web designer” is a bucket term and the specialization this blogger is looking for is “brand manager” or “web strategist”. And personally, I’ve done great working with folks on the artist spectrum–though that’s because I know my role is to do strategy and they know their role is to make the final outcome not look like shit; and the fun, though delicate, dance is fulfilling both our roles without acting like a turd. |
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Why sex ed doesn’t work | Gloucester is not representative. I don’t think teens want babies for unconditional love (WTF is that, anyways?). I think anti-pregnancy sex ed works better for privileged kids, for whom “children will screw up your future” holds meaning, but for those who don’t have a clear vision of opportunity in their future, it’s less beneficial; at least for the “this is a scrotum” type of sex ed I had. If sex ed actually demystified biology and socio-cultural constructs, as opposed to just defining them |
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Jumo and Good Merge | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Will Rahm Emanuel’s Merit-pay System Work Where... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Does It Really Matter That Amazon Can't Manufac... | “…an illustration of the mental guide-rails generated by cost accounting. There is an automatic assumption that when faced with a market challenge the way to be more competitive is to cut costs. The possibility of adding more value is unconsciously eliminated.” |
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Why Amazon Can't Make A Kindle In the USA - Forbes | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pseudonymity | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Weird Science protects its honor by dying in a ... | Ooh, a typology of nagging: “According to the researchers’ classification system, kids had several forms of nagging in their arsenal: juvenile, boundary testing, and manipulative.” |
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"On a recent weekday, she came home from her sh... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Adonit Writer for iPad 2: A smart keyboard case | I have the Adonit for my iPad 1 and it is wonderful and attractive, bringing the iPad about as close to a laptop replacements it’s gonna get. |
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Process design: a manifesto | “We are not in a crisis of technology, of environment or of conflict. We are increasingly the victims of crises triggered by failures of decision-making; failures to create dialogue and understanding, failures of holistic consideration of interconnections and influences, and failures of decisiveness – taking action where and when it is needed on emergent truths and evident threats.” |
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Couple of small infographics that I think will ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"The Russian polymath Mikhail Bakhtin, one of t... | It’s odd to describe the diologic using the language of the dialectic: “in a dialogue the position of primacy is with the person who listens rather than the one who first speaks.” |
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Since When Is It a Crime to Be Poor? | Mother J... | “In 2000, I had been able to walk into a number of jobs pretty much off the street. Less than a decade later, many of these jobs had disappeared and there was stiff competition for those that remained. It would have been impossible to repeat my Nickel and Dimed “experiment,” had I had been so inclined, because I would probably never have found a job.” |
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Economic inequality in America: how bad is it? | We’ll have to start playing sad piano music in public and organizing flash-queues for people to notice. |
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TOM THE DANCING BUG: Hey, Kids! The World You... | I like the progression of man part. |
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How to Use UTF-8 Throughout Your Web Stack | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Coco Chanel, Secret Nazi Spy? - UnBeige | fashion kills |
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pictures for sad children | yeah, that. |
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A footnote on novel H1N1 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"The abuse that fat people receive is terrible.... | Nobody gives a flying fuck about the health of fat people. Please. |
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Teenage girls' raunchy Facebook photos are Cons... | That was the most generational dynamics focused Ars article I’ve read. |
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Actor Wendell Pierce Takes To Twitter To Talk A... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
iA Writer - The icon adapts when it is displaye... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
iA Writer - The icon adapts when it is displaye... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Scripting language comparisons | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Scaling Our Movement | No offense, but it probably is: “Maybe it’s the engineer in me, but we’re really lacking tools for widespread engagement, coordination and replication.” |
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2AMt » Blog Archive » Whether To Adopt | GREAT article about “the people cost of #nptech change” from nonprofit ED |
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Kagi Sparks Controversy With $5 VisualHub Lion ... | We tried to hire Tyler at the DigitalBicycle; before defunction, that is. |
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The New Localocracy: Lessons Learned from the p... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Switcheroo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CakePHP User Auth Configuration | CakePHP install that generates user authentication models/controllers, including password reset tokens, etc. |
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Lurking or Legitimate Peripheral Participation | Great questions here and important ones to ask about supporting peripheral involvement. |
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Everything you ever needed to know about design... | Something like “I have not compromised, but recognized constraints.” |
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Stop Using Chimps as Guinea Pigs - | What an odd phrase: “…most of the 500 federally owned chimpanzees are idling in warehouses” |
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Why Twitter’s Oral Culture Irritates Bill Kelle... |
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The Meal that Ended My Career as a Restaurant C... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
US railway blocked phones to quash protest - Am... | BART spokesman: “I really is just a cost-benefit analysis of where your freedom of speech begins to threaten the public safety.” |
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Links for 30 July 2011 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Shapes of CSS | All of the below use only a single HTML element. Any kind of CSS goes, as long as it’s supported in at least one browser. |
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Server - Minecraft Wiki | I love when technical manuals delve into social issues. |
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How to Add HTML5 Microdata to Your Website | I don’t know how Opera is doing in a business sense, but for having a niche product (though I’m unsure on mobile). they have my goodwill as a web developer for their web training curriculum and developer resources. |
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LinkedIn opts you into being used in advertisem... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Watch Boston WordPress episodes on | The #wcbos videos are up at until the ones at are published! Enjoy! |
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Why Gift Hub Is Still The Best Blog On Philanth... |
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The Influence of Politics and Requirements on S... |
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Popular HTML5 Boilerplate Releases v2.0 | Cool, normalize.CSS support. |
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Soviet Gamification | Permalink / Edit | |||||
how researchers ran a placebo-controlled trial ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
BBC News - How did the shooting of Mark Duggan ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Appropriating Technology via Rural Hackspaces | “Rather than transferring technologies internationally ICT4D agencies might think constructively about transferring the location of their HQ, decision-making, and budget-holdings to developing countries.” |
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"Most House and Senate versions contain a provi... | War on Poverty? |
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"Google+ is not a charitable service run for th... | War on Poverty? |
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Austerity Survival Guide | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Use Cayenne Pepper to Stop Injuries from Bleeding | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Christian Helms | Permalink / Edit | |||||
JFK Signs The Cape Cod National Seahore Bill | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Happened to Obama’s Passion? - | “When Dr. King spoke of the great arc bending toward justice, he did not mean that we should wait for it to bend.” |
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Prince and Prince Charles | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Vonnegut library offers banned book to students... | I love that the Vonnegut Memorial Library refers to him as “a decorated war veteran”. |
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Downton at war! Britain's favourite drama is ba... | It’s coming. Also, I just learned that the first season was cut from 8 hours to 6 for American audiences. So there is another 2 hours to the Netflix/PBS version apparently having to do with the issue of the Abby’s inheritance, which was considered too complicated. |
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Threadless - The shopping cart face turns from ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Threadless - The shopping cart face turns from ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MinnPost - Don Shelby: Rush Limbaugh, global wa... | Paul Douglas explains why meteorologists are skeptical of climate models |
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Book Review: Why the "Green Revolution" Was Not... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Right Words | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Flat, simple icons for interface design | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TUAW's Daily Mac App: Mac Screen Rotate | @Bec, remember how you said you wanted more vertical space for coding ? |
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Murphy's Law: How Lasik Damages the Submarine F... | Parable on the growth of the nonprofit sector (and pretty much anything else) |
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French Paper - Construction Nightshift Blue | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Binding guide - The Print Handbook | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google are pussies | brian s hall | Other than the misogyny… |
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What People Don't Get About My Job: I Worked at... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names | Ka... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Aesthetics vs. Utility is beside the point,... | Oh snap! Are visualization crits finally addressing rational vs. experiential aims? |
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MBTA forced to hire back Green Line driver who ... | A comment in reply to another comment declaring “arbitration is broken”. |
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Squashed ducks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Working Class take on the Triple Bottom Line ... |
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Matt Damon explains non-financial motivations a... | From the comments: “People who say teachers don’t work hard, mainly care about themselves and the ideology that they personally identify with. Selfish people will always have problems understanding selflessness.” |
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abbyjean: Nearly 500,000 inmates incarcerated ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Lost Art of Postcard Writing | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Kill Charity, Solve the Budget Crisis? | This: “…many people who donate never see those tax write-offs anyways. I try to donate about five percent of my income to nonprofits each year, but I have never seen any tax benefit from my donations. I’ve never written them off because the amount I give is always less than the standard deduction (since five percent of what I make isn’t that much), and since I don’t have a mortgage, I don’t have any real reason to do line-item deductions.” |
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social media whiners of the 20th century | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TechCrunch | It’s less generic in context: |
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Redditor BINGO | Dagnabbit! I was just thinking how I never read Slashdot anymore because I can usually guess the comments. And now this. |
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Fear (and respect) the framework | istos - drup... | THIS, everywhere: “Up to a certain level frameworking is essential, beyond it is superfluous. It needs to stop and you actually have to solve the specific, mundane problem. … [eg] The risk of turning Rooms into a generic booking solution is that the distance from the specific problem would increase so much that we would then have to claw it back to re-adapt it to hotels.” |
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Planning & Executing the Mission to Get Bin Lad... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Day 67: Llama Drama | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Balkanizing America | “Being part of America means having some level of tolerance for people’s different preferences without constantly demanding to secede. Once you start down the road of demanding monetary exceptions for your private moral convictions, there’s nowhere to stop.” |
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Statistics has a new name | “You can become a top coder if you want. But the bigger task is to think about the data like a journalist, rather than an analyst. What’s interesting about these numbers? “ |
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Which Fish Are Okay To Eat? | Someone should take the foursquare thing, mix it with FoodGenius’s menus, and ping you when you arrive at a restaurant to tell you what fish is sustainable. …ahem… |
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Coda - When ordering and choosing the amount of... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Coda - When ordering and choosing the amount of... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Best Comic Ever: The Scientific Process | Permalink / Edit | |||||
30/10/10 | ‘One fairly common “law of web/mobile physics” is the ratio of registered users/downloads to monthly actives, daily actives, and max concurrent users (for services that have a real time component to them).’ |
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Medicare Signed Into Law By LBJ – July 30, 1965 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
your cat isnt cool | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Daily Show episode yanked from UK TV because Br... | There is something to be said for watching Prime Minister’s Questions yourself. It doesn’t need a satirical frame to be entertaining as hell. |
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VisualHub - Installation window: Put app inside... | Nostalgia… |
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Further proof reporters should leave math to tr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Impressions of Chicago from the head of the Bos... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
OLPC: Great intentions crippled by flawed philo... | Sounds like Western success to me: “Our interviews and observations in Paraguay suggest that a minority of youth are making use of the XOs in creative and cognitively challenging ways, and a majority using them only for simpler forms of games and entertainment.” |
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Links for 27 July 2011 | Wearing my designer hat, you’ll notice that when designers do their own thing alone in quiet room, they tend to produce minimalist garbage. Yet when they work within a project, with other people who have actual power differentials and competing goals, what comes out is much more complex. |
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Mancession Replaced With Hecovery | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Are Some Clothing Items So Universally Revi... | As a hater, I think it’s just a love of hating. Especially in a society where it’s acceptable (if not socially encouraged) to put-down other people. When people complain about scrunchies (or the USPS, or public transportation, or dorm food) they aren’t really attacking an entirety, they’re performing a dance of social acceptance seeking: “see, we are the same in our mutual contempt.” Should you reply “I love scrunchies” or “I’ve had great experiences with my mailpeople”, it tends to shock people into realizing they’re wasting their time on misplaced abuse. Or they’re just assholes. |
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Things That Tweet | “I believe that devices and sensors that broadcast their data via social media channels are an important source of social data and engagement.” |
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Open thread: Data as cake and frosting? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
US Postal Service to Issue a ‘Bike Commuter’ Stamp | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sharing the road in Santa Monica: These folks a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A real person, a lot like you | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The seamstresses behind NASA’s space suit | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nobody's Going to Help You, and That's Awesome | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Personal Touch | Permalink / Edit | |||||
BCU teaching urban bike safety skills to a hord... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MURDOCH. First little bit of design work for Fr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
4 ways technology can enable your inner introve... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Design View / Andy Rutledge - News Redux | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Real Change Requires Politics - | Whoops, meant to share this when I saw it: “These problems are not inefficiencies in need of smoothing. They are fights in need of picking. But picking fights is rarely the social entrepreneur’s way.” |
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The Campaign For Real Monopoly | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dark Roasted Blend: Exploring the Ruins of Gary... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Femme's Guide to Improvement: Overhead Lights | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Guest blog: High Schooler’s Perspective on Scho... | Memories. |
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BBC News - Americanisms: 50 of your most noted ... | I kinda love the idea of all these stuffy BBC readers cringing. |
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Negotiation fail. soupsoup: via @dancastellano | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Setting, avalanche of information creating smar... | I just like the graphic. |
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Quake | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Screenfly: The Easy Way to Test Responsive Web ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Earth | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tim Wu on the age of internet monopolies | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Texting for Access? | That’s a good accessibility thought experiment… that’s real. |
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A Measured Defense of Strategic Philanthropy | “We measure every student every year and now our society is run by people who have no moral or political tradition beyond pragmatism and expediency. They have been measured and managed for compliance with authority, now they assert it and call it leadership.” |
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Finally: BRA lets JP be JP | “As it should have done all along, the BRA now reports neighborhood census data based on neighborhood zoning maps. Zoning maps are drawn up with direct input from neighborhood residents, so they tend to match reality.” |
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Recess PHP Framework | Functional PHP 5.3 Part ... | This week I learned PHP has anonymous functions (and apparently closures). |
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Hidden Tunnels, Bugs, and Bigamy: A Strange and... | Minecraft LARPing. |
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I'm starting to think that the Left might actua... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Create WordPress Plugins with OOP Techniques | ... | Object-oriented code, among other things, can help organize and add reusability to your code. In this tutorial, I will teach you the basics of writing a WordPress plugin using object oriented techniques. We’ll be using Dribbble’s API as an example for this tutorial. Ready? |
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Our Technocratic Overlords | Gentrification seems to often be used as a stand-in for ghettoization. I could rationalize the need to increase the tax base thru targeted renewal if it was clear that increased revenue was being shared across the board to improve schools, low-income housing, policing, services, etc. And I could even (albeit weakly), overlook the absence of community input, rationalizing with those improved services as a result of the broader tax base democratic participation would increase. You know: a rising tide raises all the ships. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| Voicemail hacking... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Inevitability Of Techno Moral Panics: But T... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An in-the-works brewery goes off the grid | Foo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rubber duck debugging - Wikipedia, the free enc... | Or you can explain it to people. |
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Mandatory Drug Tests for Drug Dealers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An infographic about the past 11 years of the D... | Faretheewell. |
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Add a Little 3D ‘Tilt’ to Your Website | Drupal meets Minecraft. |
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Philip Gourevitch: Rwanda’s Cycling Team : The ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Simple Ways TSA Could Make Customers Happier | I think a primary purpose of the TSA is to create a context of fear, suspicion and power-projection, so I love the suggestion of “A Context of Friendliness” |
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SEIU Blasts White House Walmart Partnership | “Wal-Mart should not be celebrated for false contributions to our communities…” |
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Noah Kleiman | OpenSourcery | Yes! |
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@bensheldon - finally took a picture of one up ... | @bensheldon - finally took a picture of one up at my local @starbucks - @DonorsChoose #hackedu |
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Chrome Doesn’t Have Much Support for Lion Features | To get 3-finger swipe forward/back, change the Spaces gesture to 4-finger swipe, and the Page Turning gesture to 3-finger swipe. This works system wide (seems to invoke ⌘-[ and ⌘-]) so not only do you get browser-back/forward but also in the Finder, etc. |
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Arrington: Google Tried to Buy Color for $200 M... | It’s easy to hate on Color, but… at 4th of July in Boston this year I thought “if there is anytime/where I’ll find anyone else on Color, it’ll be now.” crickets |
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Ze Frank revisits the "Brain Crack" episode | Awesome (though “stumbling on…“/choice was better). |
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If your website's full of assholes, it's your f... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Backing My Way into a Cover Letter = Drawing | Will Code for America fulfill my dream job of doing stuff with all my friends? |
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Children's Hospital doctor to GQ: Leave my sist... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sarah Gay’s sweet illustrations for the BCU Spo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
B2M Community Maps design. The maps are big (ab... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
State runs a surplus | I am gonna miss Mass. |
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Why Teach For America Is Not Welcome in My Clas... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
some little images for prometheus | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Could Life In Prison Be Better Than Life Outside? | Cannot reference enough: |
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Grantmaking Strategy, Part 1: The Ur-Question i... | Just briefly on the thought experiment: I realize I put more thought into where I donate my actual $20 than where I donate my hypothetical $1M. |
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Walking home and I saw a homeless person with t... | Boy, people are dumb. Also, this: |
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YooouuuTuuube | i’m gonna guess this is what “the drugs” are like.. |
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Time to Create a Progressive Caucus in Teach fo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to use your phone | I always use the telephone as an example of social-media how-to ridiculousness. Though the content is essentially the same, the style has gotten worse. |
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Microsoft Office - When editing rotated text, r... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Microsoft Office - When editing rotated text, r... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
This Is Interesting: ‘The Start-Up of You’ | The NYT article is a bunch of Friedman-esque (ha!) nothings, but this remark is good: |
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July 12, 1979: Disco Demolition Night | White Sox story. |
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Readers won’t share ads | Felix Salmon | I’m looking at you retweeters (especially those of you who admit you don’t actually read the links you retweet… And the individuals where it’s implicitly obvious): |
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Designers: Consider the Icon | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Gen Yers don't know about themselves | Grist: “For the most part, Gen Y has the same religious attitudes as Gen X. It’s just that Gen X frames this as an obsessive drive toward creating inclusive family and inclusive work and communities, and Gen Y frames it as not believing in God.” |
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Edmund Burke Against Grover Norquist | “Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion.” |
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Out of Poverty, Family-Style - | This is inspiring, though i think it would have trouble in rural areas where there isn’t a diversity of opportunity. And of course, for the people this program doesn’t help, fault the program, not the people. |
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Slide Show: Mark Twain’s ‘Advice to Little Girls’ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
today on Freedom of the press … is not ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Campaign Monitor - The favicon shows a closed e... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Campaign Monitor - The favicon shows a closed e... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Q+A: Ben Sheldon, The Transmission Project | NAMAC | Ideas Exchange: me! |
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San Franciscans Are Too Negative - San Francisc... | Aww, crap. |
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CSA box: Week two (with a recipe) | Good warning about the first time you eat beats. I as well had a panic. |
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World map of useless stereotypes | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MemeCats: Nyan Cats From Around the World | Yes. |
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Fellow John Mertens, “Hacking Education” Winner | PHP category judge was Matt Mullenweg, of Wordpress. |
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Margins of Error | Permalink / Edit | |||||
(1) Education: What are some of the biggest pro... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Committee of Organ Donation in Lebanon | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Helpful is Teaching Nonprofits How to Fish? | It takes a lot more than sharing “the best way to bate a hook” to teach a person to fish. Then again, it’s difficult to develop the necessary coursework in hunger, for example, through a best-practices framework. And if we’re going evidence based, foundations probably wouldn’t be the best folks to develop it. |
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Photo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Communities For Start-Ups | “find products for your audience, not audiences for your products” |
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Tiny Confessions From Your Cat | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pro-Bono Design Work as a Protective Layer for ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Future of Digital Media. Content is Still K... | I would not pay $20 for this. |
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Propellerheads' Balance box promises clip-free ... | Will someone just build me a little box with a big, heavy vernier dial and an LED range that I can switch between linear and logarithmic scaling? No input/outputs, just a dial, a screen, and a switch. |
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What Would Reagan Do (or what did he do compare... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Diagram of Geek Culture helps you brush up on g... | @Soleil, I think I found you in there… |
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Is Google+ The Future Of Networking, Social And... | This is a poor bet: “…we’ll all have to ask ourselves why we would use the one with Farmville instead of the one with Google Apps. Or the one that facilitates collaboration and teamwork over branding and sharing cat videos. “ |
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Times curbs Pogue's P.R. appearances - | Excerpt. |
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When his moral compass faltered, Henry David wo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
logo for NAMAC’s Open Dialogue series. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A modest web-app proposal | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What I meant when I said "Data are new platform... | Argh,… |
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Why we should expect good giving to be hard | “… the wealthier the community, the more effective the first three items above (for-profits, government and locals) will be in addressing their problems. Therefore, if you want to find opportunities to provide help that isn’t already being given, you probably need to look at the world’s poorest communities - but doing that probably means helping people who are very far away and very culturally different from yourself, and you have to find opportunities that haven’t already been found by the big foundations or other donors.” |
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The pixel 'n' vector art camera collection | @Billy - dude, you hit BoingBoing. Congrats! |
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Your CMS as curator of your design and content | “…the biggest problem that I believe we have is that we seem to accept that content management systems are crap. We accept that they cause us to compromise our designs, we accept terrible editing environments, we accept them filling our pages with crufty mark-up and we accept the most unbelievably convoluted ways of doing things because, ‘at least there is a way to do it’.” |
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Googly-eye sequins! (I bet that this makes a g... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Fred Wilson’s 10 Golden Principles of Successfu... | I was trying to find the opposite example, but oh well. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| Expert Opinion: The New... | I’ll just leave this quote from Malkia Cyril here: |
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Make: Online | What Does it Mean to be a Woman ... | Fascinating |
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Expanded rules for Rock-paper-scissors | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nothing found for Blog Color-theme-espresso-lib... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jailbird Fundraising Toolkit | Hat tip: Ben. |
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Anyone Who Says this isn't a Business is Nuts. | Goal setting… |
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Lingerie model finds work despite having an odd... | @Angelina - There’s hope for you yet. |
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New in the Shop: Amp Tee | Gotta put amperlamb on a shirt. |
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My Summer at an Indian Call Center (Life in an ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Study Finds Benefits in Health Insurance for th... | If there is anything I believe without evidence, it’s that people living in poverty are not monsters. Glad there is data now to back that up. |
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1.USA.Gov Hackathon: Data On How We “Share” Gov | I have a bone to pick with bitly: they use both upper and lowercase letters in their shortened URLs which makes transcribing them hell (especially among folks with lower digital literacy): This is a major practical flaw of my Print & Share app (and also that we’re using helvetica which also makes ones and el’s ambiguous too). |
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Bourbon Orange Coriander Barbecue Sauce | Am I weird for enjoying photos of measured ingredients way more than finished dishes? |
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“We Always Give What We Have, Not What People N... | @eads Checkout the 5 points. Totally FreeGeek |
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The Grand Rapids Lip Dub | @Denise - ahh, this is what you were talking about. I see why people could consider it a poor response (and waste of money) to Newsweek calling Grand Rapids the 10th-worst city in the US. |
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Your Asian wasn’t quiet | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Turkey babies in Kendall Square | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hostages | Annalemma Magazine | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Collaborative Home | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cowboy Coding and the Pink Sombrero | Babcock &... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A List of Completely Wrong Assumptions About Te... | “…there is absolutely nothing inherently intuitive about satellite images. Most people on this planet have not been on an airplane or a tall building. So why would a bird’s eye view of their village be anything remotely recognizable?” |
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Non-Essential Mnemonics: “Michael’s ego redefin... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
sarcastic map of massachusetts | Apparently Brookline is quite serious. |
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Menwith Hill (Menwith Hill) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nike Basketball Roster - On the new section, as... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nike Basketball Roster - On the new section, as... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Andersson-Wise Architects | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mario World | Via |
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Bradley Manning's Army of One (Bradley Manning'... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Norvig vs. Chomsky and the Fight for the Future... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Zynga's IPO filing shows utter dependence on Fa... | Good stuff on the reality of social business models. |
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Job Sink: Spotting Psychopaths in the workplace. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why teacher pensions are a bad idea | @Bec & @Eads - this, exactly: “I hope you all understand, that I’m not coming at this from a politically motivated perspective. I’m not intentionally talking about ethics. I’m simply applying a little logic and math to a problem that seems to be driving some emotional reactions in this country.” |
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Republican mayor in the South becomes unlikely ... | Jay said, “This made me teary. In a manly way.” |
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North American Solidarity Agreement -- In These... | Great piece by Kari Lydersen – efforts like this, which stand a chance of influencing and even subverting global capitalism through labor organizing, are very appealing to me. The idea that steel workers in Gary and miners in Mexico could work to level wage and quality of life disparities (and see improvements for both parties) is also really compelling. When I hear about silliness like the Chicago group sending computers to and planning distance learning with Accra, I wish they were more focused on solidarity and concrete economic outcomes, like what Kari describes here. |
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Spotify - The “Added” column on spotify fades a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Spotify - The “Added” column on spotify fades a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Recipe: Black Beans and Tomatillos | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GelaSkins - Newsletter uses out of the ordinary... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GelaSkins - Newsletter uses out of the ordinary... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Monterey Bay (& Kittens) - 19 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
PwCSw.gif 500×261 pixels | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Preview of Gmail’s New Look | Too bad the only visual contrast is between the ads and everything else. |
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Mailinator(tm) Blog: How to get banne... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Godfather of Miso- James Brown. wnycradiola... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Notes on Feature Based Group Forming | Having spent tons of time on algorithm-based products: just fake it and spend your time on marketing. and it’s better to have a simple and satisfying first experience then creating an expectation for sustained data input over time. and if you can’t/won’t commit to mocking it up in Excel and running thru it a few times, why do you think someone else |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | project submitted! – we are LIVE! – @DonorsChoose #hackedu /cc @jorgeortiz85 @paulfryzel @johnkpaul |
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Hacking Education Data Analysis Submission: Tip... | Phew! Entry complete for the @DonorsChoose Hacking Education contest. My entry: “Tips for Success, By The Numbers” |
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DonorsChoose Print and Share | I built this. |
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Predicting Success on DonorsChoose | Civil Soci... | Predicting Success on DonorsChoose |
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DonorsChoose Signature | Testing out my DonorsChoose Hacking Education contest entry: (feedback appreciated) |
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Burton - The eyes beside the search box follow... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Burton - The eyes beside the search box follow... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
redlightpolitics: Apropos of the news that Chr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Proven Ideas for Giving Back to Wealth Bondage | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Evolving the Google Design and Experience | The way this is being rolled out makes me think Google realizes it’s prime market is design pundits, not technology ones. |
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Pronoun buttons | Dee made these kickass pronoun buttons and sold them at Pride this weekend. I’m suggesting she put these on a github repo with license info (and should probably also suggest she put the short URL – on the buttons). |
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Congress looks to tackle abusive e-waste exporting | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"Monkeys have been shown in previous studies to... | This study, and Monkey FIrehose ( form the foundation of my analysis of the human condition. |
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Yahoo! logo and an early Yippies logo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Apply to live in the Museum of Science and Indu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mark Twain's short story: How I Edited An Agric... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Massive FBI trove on Yippies released under FOIA | Today’s activists are so boring. |
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HS_10 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Did My Brother Invent E-Mail With Tom Van Vleck... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Did My Brother Invent E-Mail With Tom Van Vleck... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Did My Brother Invent E-Mail With Tom Van Vleck... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Racing ducks | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MIX Online: The Future of Infographics | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Imagining the future of information graphics | “Slobin continues with a decade-by-decade projection of what information graphics will be, complete with an evolving dog metaphor. It’s a future where interacting with data isn’t just for numerical nerds — a place where people don’t say they hated statistics in college as a knee-jerk reaction.” |
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Opinionated duck | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Awesome CSS3 Buttons to use on your website ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
NY State Passes Marriage Equality Act | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TOM VAN VLECK - Opinionator - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The invention of social computing | I love that the final aphorism is based on a fictional story ‘…and just as “nature finds a way” in Jurassic Park, “social finds a way” with technology.’ |
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Kickstarter - Click the scissors icon three tim... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Kickstarter - Click the scissors icon three tim... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Things You Should Know About Benefit Corpora... |
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One day, we'll all be programmers | If you’ve ever solved a word problem in math, you’re a programmer. If you’ve ever modified a cooking recipe, you’re a programmer. |
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What happened before the Vancouver riot kiss | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Brief History of the Corporation: 1600 to 210... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
4 words to remove from your resume | Permalink / Edit | |||||
mySociety Publishes Evaluation Reports | I love mySociety (their discussion list is awesome too… If you’re into British political process). They also have a consistent and accessible design aesthetic that I think is unmatched in the US. |
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redlightpolitics: Make feminism a threat again... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
>\ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rolling Stone Mobile - Politics - Politics: Mic... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Run A News Site And Newspaper Using Word... | Awesome. Though as reinforced in a recently defuncted project, the priorities in decreasing importance are people, content production, editorial workflow, then lastly tools. Though this article does a better job than most in speaking to each. |
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My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
yay everything is great | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Following A Web Design Process | “It’s a business, and the steps outlined here are basically the path to small-business management.” |
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Did Reason Evolve as a Persuasion Tool? | The beauty of the internet is that I can usually just quote my thoughts from the comments: “…reasoning was really a branch of rhetoric until Socrates and/or Plato started pretending otherwise.” |
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GitHub for Mac now available | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CBO: We’ll only have giant deficits if Congress... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TOM THE DANCING BUG: In which the President is ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How creative Gloucester lobstermen are beating ... | Great photo |
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From Elite to Rollercoaster Tycoon: 20 years of... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From Elite to Rollercoaster Tycoon: 20 years of... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From Elite to Rollercoaster Tycoon: 20 years of... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Feature: From Elite to Rollercoaster Tycoon: 20... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The history of fallout shelter signs | Fallout shelters were what got me started in online mapping. When I moved to Boston, I saw the signs all over town and thought, how can I track these? Which led me to geotagging (before flickr had the “add to map” tool, when you literally had to tag your photos with lat/lon coordinates) , to geoRSS, to Drupal’s googlemap module |
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CONELRAD Adjacent: AN INDELIBLE COLD WAR SYMBOL... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Big Media Can Learn From the New York Publ... | @AJ |
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The Core of Change | False metaphor of the tube: “Communication is essential yet there is a disconnect between senders and receivers.” |
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Information Bars (Information graphics in the c... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Another design for this project I’m helping Ben... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Locavorism Hatin' from an MIT PhD. | “…there is an increase of investment in local community to the tune of 25% versus spending on imported articles.” |
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Don't give bullshit advice - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"Glass says he needs a network that would give ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Wetmachine » Tales of the Sausage Factory » My ... | ” I also get one more real world example where I say to all the “property is the answer to everything” guys: “Ha! You think property is so hot? The rights are clearly defined here. Where’s your precious Coasian solution now, smart guys?” Which usually sends them back muttering that it’s not their fault no one in the real world follows the models that explain how it’s all supposed to work out in the world of rational actors and no transaction costs where unicorns frolic in the golden sunshine.” |
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the californian ideology - the hypermedia resea... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Californian Ideology | Foreboding |
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best greeting card I've seen in a long time - I... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
inspired by this tag line. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The importance of agriculture | Permalink / Edit | |||||
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gentrified Funny Pages | How to mark up Below the Fold placements: call it “BoFo”. |
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Homemade Arnold Palmer | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Miss Abigail DLDOW | Permalink / Edit | |||||
No Guarantee of Quality | Permalink / Edit | |||||
That's no city | “It will be a city of restaurants, flats (‘the highest residences in the UK’), offices and a five-star hotel. A city without a centre, no school of course, or church, or art gallery, town hall or library, just a great glass millefeuille of individuals getting on.” |
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You can always spot the Bostonian abroad | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Truth About The Economy In 2 Minutes | Move... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Photos for 17 June 2011 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Recapping CfA Summer Open House! | @Billy - our map is more comprehensive :-) |
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June 17 now the triple threat of Boston holidays | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Some Clouds Have a Golden Lining | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Some Clouds Have a Golden Lining | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Diversity | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bruins win Stanley Cup | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Review Of Customer Service And Support Models... | I’m thinking of creating a “royalty” program for Panlexicon with a low one-time fee ($10) that will give access to some special features… And give me the fund to hire an actual designer to improve design and usability. (contextual ad revenue sucks) |
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CfA Fellows Win at Apps for Good! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Yellow Peril | The closure tabs broke off of mine :-( |
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Where Have All the Bus Stops Gone? | Yep, Google sucks. |
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Some Arsenic With That Supermarket Chicken? | Ugh! Sorry, chicken-eaters. Also, just this morning I found Tom Philpott’s food writing for Mother Jones, and already I love it. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| Teacher: Mrs. Suzanne Mini | @bensheldon Thanks for supporting teachers & DonorsChoose. Would you consider my projects? Every $ adds up. |
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Teacher Page: Mrs. Suzanne Mini (teacher) | @bensheldon Thanks for supporting teachers & DonorsChoose. Would you consider my projects? Every $ adds up. |
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French Paper - Pop-Tone Whip Cream | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Make a No-Kill Mousetrap with a Jar and a Nicke... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Center for Media Justice : Why GLAAD Doesn’t Re... | “I think it’s because many groups have internalized a worldview that prioritizes getting our piece of the American pie, rather than one that seeks to remake the pie into something we can not only eat, but create and control.” |
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June 13, 2011. Crew survives crash of WWII B-17... | Maybe 3D will fuck this up, but I’m curious about how the relative stability of imaging technology (eg “color photos”) will effect people’s perceptions of near historical events. Cause I am way more empathetic to subjects in color photographs than in black and white. |
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losing weight & staying fat positive. | Yes. |
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Forgotten Presidents | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Vowels: A Ken Burns Parody | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Satanic Versus: Ayn Rand as Scarecrow (4) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Apple Store employee moves to create a union | Notice the article compares wages, but not the billions in profits Apple’s employees help the company earn. |
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The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why? by Marcia ... | Hm. |
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some school kids for a project I’m helping Ben ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
theworldwelivein: 170 exposures, captured over... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jamaica Plain store wins right to sell beer and... | City Feed can be pricy, but they know what to stock. |
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Orchestras, Musicians, The Concert Experience, ... | “learning best practices” is such an odd phrase. |
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Nonprofit Disruption: Evolving Models of Engage... | What an odd statement: “The traditional form for these type of findings would be a whitepaper. Instead, we are sharing them as slides (original and annotated) that not only conveys what we’ve found but also serves as a tool for sharing and discussing the conclusions with others. We do this not only to stay in the spirit of the participatory engagement styles that are now emerging, but also because the findings represent only the present moment in a story that is far from concluding.” |
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BBC’s The Human Animal | Desmond Morris (and James Burke) greatly shaped my worldview. |
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Palin’s Boston History | Evacuation Day usually involves evacuating out the other end. |
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Social Media ennui | Yes. Good list at the end of overlooked issues. |
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Huzzah pointless talent! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
At 'Fast Company' Event, Sam Kass Talks Let's M... | It’s sad (though at least in a hopeful context) that the government telling people to eat healthy is bad, but Walmart doing so is laudatory. Though if any entity can mandate less salt and sugar in processed foods, it’s Walmart. Markets > Elections, apparently. |
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*Fries with that:*<br><br>DALE MAHARIDGE: Last ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hyphenation on the web | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Johann Hari: It's not just Dominique Strauss-Ka... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My Food Plate | Harvard School of Public Health’s Healthy Eating Pyramid is still way better: |
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raw chocolately deliciousness that is a brownie. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
THE LOVER OF MAPS BY SHERMAN ALEXIE | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Restaurant wants its booze back; says the whisk... | Some delightful parsing. Of course, after learning about cordial laws from 10 Tables, I’m interested. |
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Licensing board agrees mixing vodka with ginger... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Does AT&T Really Own the Wisconsin Legislature?... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 City Finalists for CfA 2012 | My top choice is Chicago. |
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Why Ranking Charities by Administrative Expense... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Our medical system is so bizarro and fucked up ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gould's "Unconscious Manipulation of Data" | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Random Hacks of Kindness | Quote: ‘I said “Imagine if an earthquake or flood happened right now. What would we build to help coordinate food exchange?” I can definitely say that this form of thinking help to weed out some of the philosophical technological ideas that often inhabit the minds of developers like myself.’ |
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Web Cartography, or Putting Things on Top of Ot... | I characterize most “mapping” as spreadsheet charting. Which can be incredibly effective for analyzing datasets and supporting a narrative…but it’s still basically a spreadsheet. (of course, I’m just grumpy that I’m ineffective at hype-based fundraising) |
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NAS - The National Association of Scholars :: A... | A lot of words, metaphors and blustering to say “Khan is a [really] shitty history teacher.” |
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Painting a Mural Is No Longer a Crime | News | ... | Good journalism. |
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Just like that, a bit of Roslindale history dis... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ask Slashdot: Best Certifications To Get? - Sla... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Another design for Prometheus’ Radio Summer pro... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Facebook lets users opt out of facial recogniti... | Quote: When asked whether he [Hartmut Neven, Google’s engineering director for image recognition] would be frustrated if Facebook beat his team to releasing a face-recognition product, Neven said: “Let them get burned first. There would be some backlash.” |
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The World Needs a New Marx but Keeps Creating R... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
aeraspais: To be honest, I dislike how often d... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Profile of a GiveWell Customer | The irony: data-based giving service invests poorly in measuring it’s own theory of change. |
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Spread no. 1 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
TownMeetingships | Permalink / Edit | |||||
French Paper - Pop-Tone Sour Apple | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Debugging media queries | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Alex's Soapbox: Release Management Done Right | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Japanese basics: the anatomy of a Japanese meal... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stone age selectivity | “Technology is not merely a series of steps, it is a way of organizing behavior. The flowchart can trigger a totally different cascade of actions than the stereotype or ideal. Flexibility of procedure coupled with a flexible choice of procedures makes the relation of intention and material very complex.” |
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Show me your publics, and I’ll show you mine | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Apps can’t Transform Society « Laptop Burns | Author in the comments – the entire post is good too. |
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No more fish in the sea | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Another Harvard Square bookstore bites the dust... | Boo. |
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Why is "World Class" so Classist? | “I want to reclaim “world class” as a term that can celebrate the diverse ways that superlative cultural institutions serve their communities.” |
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Contest Entry - Iams cat food | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Trulia Crime Map helps you find safe living places | What a poor example of data leadership. |
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Hey Kids, Build Your Own Video Games With Stencyl | The problem with building kinetic games in Scratch (and maybe they solve it with this, though I’m dubious) is you have do write all your own geometry and physics modeling. Now I have a degree in math and am pretty comfortable calculating (or rather faking) vectors and transformations and crap |
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Carson Beach Lite: Whole Foods meeting in JP en... | Why you need professional organizers: |
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DHH on the Groupon IPO | Wow. And good stuff on Salesforce pushing non-GAAP numbers too. |
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Photo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
NYT's first woman exec. editor wrote in 2006: "... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
first draft of a poster for Prometheus Radio Pr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
fudge popsicles | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Broadsides: Showing Infographics... in the Street | Unfortunately crime and money aren’t individually actionable or transformative. But I guess that’s why I associate “awareness campaigns” with “art”. |
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LRB · Howard Hotson · Short Cuts | “…according to government statistics, the six-year completion rate at [University of] Phoenix is 9 per cent.” |
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China’s Glorious New Past | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mpemba’s baffling discovery: can hot water free... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
DOMPDF Web-based font prep tool / tt2 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Beautiful New (Government) Website | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nonprofits and the Work Made For Hire Doctrine | “Based upon the holding in CCNV, independent contractors hired to produce work do not necessarily give up their copyrights in the work. Therefore, nonprofits hiring artists, authors, technical writers, designers, website developers, programmers, and others need to ensure they take steps to secure the copyright in the work if that is their intention. “ |
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FCC's National Broadband Map needs more fixes, ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
May Update | This –> |
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I’ve found Wal-Mart’s weakness | Thom Allen Weblog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Creating Harmonious Color Schemes | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive,... | A Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development What Is It? Responsive Grid Down To Mobile Fast to Start Style Agnostic |
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Design Professionalism - by Andy Rutledge | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Wet Shavers Blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Repel Mosquitoes with a Bubble Machine [Clever ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Forgetting Why We Remember - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Logical Punctuation | Ahem, yeah! |
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“Me, Inc.” by John Edward | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Quick Lesson in CSS3 Animation | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Modern community building | “There are an awful lot of technology companies, founded by programmers, who think they are building communities on the Internet, but they’re really just building software and wondering why the community doesn’t magically show up.” |
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Man's Life Riddled With Continuity Errors | The... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
54th Massachusetts Regiment ~ Marches Through B... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Political Arts: The Quality School Day | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Me and my coworkers (pixelated) | Belinda, Erica, Billy, Howie, me, and Reebee. |
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"Literally Unbelievable" | A tumblr of “Stories from The Onion as interpreted by Facebook “ – this is funny, in a horrifying way. |
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5 Things Nobody Tells You About Being Poor | Cr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Wormholes | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Telling the Story of Our Camps | Permalink / Edit | |||||
One of today's futures | The New Aesthetic is weird: it’s retro realism. |
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Links for 25 May 2011 | The “How to merge two airlines” sticky-note photo is pretty cool. |
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"There are too many shoddy, unconsidered things... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google Announces Launch of Technology Corps | Couldn’t have written it better myself: |
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Copyfight: EFF co-founder enters e-G8 "lion's d... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Who Rules America? Power, Politics, & Social Ch... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
ecenter/jqplot - GitHub | @pamelafox also my Drupal jqPlot module includes javascript that generates jqPlot charts from HTML tables: |
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Still a single-name star: Roseanne | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Backblaze adds free Locate My Computer service ... | I am a satisfied BackBlaze customer. |
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My Name is Donna | “But in reality, the opportunity to really help someone – to be their only option – will be the most inconvenient thing in your life.” Amen. |
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Taco Bell and the Golden Age of Drive-Thru | “‘Go into the kitchen of a Taco Bell today, and you’ll find a strong counterargument to any notion that the U.S. has lost its manufacturing edge.’(WSJ) …As much as we talk about food in regard to Fast Food Restaurants, what they really sell, what they really thrive at is process. The quality of the food is secondary. The priority of these places is to squeeze as much profit out of every minute of being open as they possibly can.” |
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Corporate Sponsorship or Taxable Advertising? | IRS respect: |
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Humility and Trust in the Omidyar Network | Omidyar, TED, GBN. What am I missing? |
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Ben Stein Can’t Contemplate How a Man Without a... | The “people who commit crimes tend to be criminals” line cracks me up every time I think about it. Otherwise, what an asshole. |
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Comcast Restores Nonprofit’s Funding After Twee... | Good times yesterday. |
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A Softer World: 676 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Learning to be still, 5 strategies on how to no... | 5 strategies on how to not be tactical - Writing the title of this post made me chuckle. It reads like a… |
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Learning to be still, 5 strategies on how to no... | 5 strategies on how to not be tactical - Writing the title of this post made me chuckle. It reads like a… |
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WebKit hardware acceleration and type rendering | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Finding success as a web developer | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Feedback Process Inspires Surge of Support | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bro-merica Map | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CFD Holds the Line | What Bec said: “Consistent staffing levels allow an organization to build and maintain institutional knowledge. The funding “increases” illustrated in this article are in line with inflation.” |
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Designing for Designers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Newspaper Club now prints full colour from just... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Creating PDF files with CakePHP and TCPDF | The... | With CakePHP 1.2 creating PDFs with CakePHP has just gotten a lot easier. This tutorial shows how to combine CakePHP and the powerful TCPDF for easy PDF file creation. |
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Integrating Facebook Connect with CakePHP’s Aut... | NOTE: This post is out of date; working on an updated post to leverage the new Graph API I wanted to be able to leverage all of the advantages of using Cake’s built in Auth component in my latest application; problem was that the application needed to allow for both normal user accounts and Facebook Connect generated user accounts. I struggled for a while to find the most seamless approach, and then it clicked — dynamically set Auth->fields. |
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Ben Fry on visualization future and data literacy | “I think the real thing that’s going to change is that we’re going to start understanding that visualization isn’t this sort of monolithic thing… I like to look at it a lot like writing. You have novels and poetry and haikus. You know there’s lots of different types of writing and styles of writing — and I think the same thing happens in visualization… some things are tools for analysis and some things are purely for entertainment, and there’s not so much a spectrum that there is different ways of addressing it.” |
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Richard Cornuelle Meet Charles Koch | Grade-A Sociopath: ‘…he insisted that the human “desire to serve” was just as primal and powerful as the yearning for political power or material gain, and once unleashed, it could re-energize our voluntary associations and address our problems without oppressive bureaucracies.’ |
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Peter Karoff on The Poetry and Practice of Phil... | “untouched capacity” |
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More on Nonprofit Diversity: Rethink Your Rules | “Cultures that know inclusion are ones that can handle paradoxes, and one of those paradoxes is “dynamic stability.” These cultures have a certain consistent identity and direction–yet they are also comfortable with continuous change. “ |
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eLearning Update: Rocketship Funding Takes Off | The one good “dialogue” I have gotten from Quora was around booking investment as income. It has greatly colored my thoughts when reading about philanthropy. |
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Links for 12 May 2011 | “ is an experimental prototype of a single UK Government website. It aims to be as simple as possible, and to place the needs of citizens first. |
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Applications for Good SF: “All Income Foods” Ap... | “All Income Foods app: SMS-based service which you could text into with your location, and it’d reply back with the nearest grocery stores that accepted food stamps.” |
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Performance Tuning Apache and MySQL for Drupal | ‘ve been working on the performance of my Drupal site and thought I’d share my results to date in case they might help someone else. My baseline performance using out-of-the-box settings was around 28 requests per second, and the end result is a rate of 68 requests per second. The site,, is lightly loaded, with between 400 and 600 visits per day for a total of 3,000 to 4000 pageviews per day. The system is a dedicated 1.8GHz Celeron with 500M RAM and a 100M ethernet. It’s running CentOS. Apache is 2.0.52. Latest build of Drupal 5 and MySQL 5. I looked at three main areas for performance tweaking: Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Most of the changes are pretty simple but result in good performance gains. |
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Book: A Great How-To On Creating Social Content | I would say just start with Maslow’s Hierarchy: |
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Meanwhile, The San Francisco Public Library | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Make a self-standing staircase from a single sh... | Good for cat. |
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GameSave: hackathon to design emergency-relief ... | Good: “Ideally, teams will meet for a intensive hack-a-thon session in Seattle, Washington where they will meet with disaster relief personnel for vital information.” |
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Ta-Nehisi Coates On Affirmative Action | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dirty Jobs creator on the need for skilled trad... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
If You Haven’t Been On Food Stamps, Stop Trying... | Yes, yes and yes! |
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Governments on Twitter: It’s Not Just About Fol... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CityCampSF 2011 - Technology - Civics - Communi... | “City of #SF is officially sponsoring #CityCampSF ‘11 6/18 (eventbrite) #gov20” Great things will come of this! |
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Should Text Message Revenue be Consider Telecom... | Important minutiae. |
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3rd Grade Politicians Aren't As Cute As You Thi... | Don’t confuse Democracy for Power. |
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Location-based gaming: coming to location near ... | Location-based gaming: coming to location near you |
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Location-based gaming: coming to location near ... | Location-based gaming: coming to location near you |
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Location-based gaming: coming to location near ... | Location-based gaming: coming to location near you |
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Ships, terrorists, red tape, persons | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Art reproduction incongruencies | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Easy on the Sparktweets | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Control of Nature: ATCHAFALAYA : The New Yo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The New Outsiders | “[Developers] can use their skills to effect government change by building software that disrupts the standard way of providing effective services to citizens.” |
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Sparktweets | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Responsive design and FitText | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gluten-free Toasted Coconut Waffles with maple ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cyclists: Will You Pledge To Stop At Every Red ... | In Boston we’re focusing advocacy on getting cyclists to heed these laws. And the reason is that pedestrians are complaining to the city about bicyclists being hazardous |
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Apps for Education: Launching, Iterating, and T... | Pretty useful, I must say. (minor snark: hope they got some usability feedback cause that screenshot looks like a mess) |
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Speed Up Your Website Using CDN JS | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Free iPhone App Identifies Tree Leaves | I’ve been waiting for this app. Too bad leafshape is only one step in identifying a tree. |
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Classifying software developers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Flash vs. HTML5 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stay N Alive: Twitter and Facebook Both Quietly... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Menino to ask FCC for authority to set basic ca... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Turkle’s ‘Alone Together’ | To say nothing of the economics of technology. |
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The Trust Bridge | “How do you get to a place where you’re the trusted entity? The short response is that it doesn’t come at the time of an emergency. This applies if you’re an individual or a large organization starting something off; you have to have credibility and trust from others in order to gain traction.” |
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Want Social Media Results? Learn How To Use Dat... | I’m really surprised that I haven’t seen “Data-based Leadership” as a nonprofit practice. For all of this focus on using data, it’s like they throw out all of the foundation building for actually creating both practical and institutional change |
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LRB · James Meek · In the Sorting Office | A really deep article on postal privatization: |
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Founder of “Reason” magazine dies in Lowell | Permalink / Edit | |||||
uncle_sam.JPG 288×522 pixels | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Foodpairing: Identifying which Food Products Go... | I would love to create a markov-facilitated text generator that uses Panlexicon-like word clouds to let the user generate sentences based on a specific corpus (like Shakespeare or O’Henry). |
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A beginner's guide to freelancing (Phil Gyford’... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
"8 principles to build a grassroot" (by Bastien... | That explains why OLPC isn’t broadly active. |
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Animals with Stuffed Animals | there, now get nothing done all day |
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Gleick interview on information | Margaret Mead nails it. Not to mention anthropology would be lame if it merely detailed the prurient interests of adding machines. |
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Groupthink Not a Problem in Simulated Mars Mission | Heaven forbid we become Martians: |
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Kiev's Topless Protestors: 'The Entire Ukraine ... | “Yes,” sighs Anna Hutsol im Café Cupidon. “We’re different from classic feminists. In order to gain a voice, they had to become like men. But we want a real women’s revolution. Our naked protests are part of the fight for women’s liberation. We have the right to use our bodies as weapons. It was men who made breasts into a secret.” |
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Technology Widens Gap Between Rich and Poor | Or, technology changes labor and industrial practices. Social structures fail to adapt, widening the gap between rich and poor. |
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Updated: A Beginner's Guide to Freelancing | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Group claims to strike a blow for workers' righ... | Nihilistic jack-assery? “It got you to put another post about it on the web site, including a statement of purpose from the group. While this is certainly lower ambitions than the golden age of anarchist terrorism, it’s not really the nihilist jack-assery that you would like to pretend it is here.” |
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Scocca : Economist Asks, Why Can't Public Schoo... | Apparently someone has not heard of “food deserts” or noticed the statistics on food insecurity. |
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Copy Pasta of the Day: Who Deserves Credit? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Detect retina displays with javascript | Permalink / Edit | |||||
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"Operation Pumpkin" | @Angelina |
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Foreign Aid for Scoundrels by William Easterly ... | Wow- |
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Unintended Security Consequences of the New Pyr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Code for America: Interviews and Events and Ap... | Code for America: Interviews and Events and Apps, A Report from Month 2 |
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What I read on my holiday | “A society divided by wealth and inheritance cannot redress this injustice by camouflaging it in educational institutions — by denying distinctions of ability or by restricting selective opportunity — while favouring a steadily widening income gap in the name of the free market.” |
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WordPress » Assistance Changing Author Permalin... | function change_author_permalinks() {
add_action(‘init’,’change_author_permalinks’); |
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Advertisers Trademark the Phrase “Radical Media... | [shakes head] |
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Ms. Internet Manners | Nuts. |
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the first draft of a logo for one of NAMAC’s bl... | I take art direction credit :P |
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Subtle Patterns | High quality patterns for you... | Yes, they all tile! |
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Trump Says He’s Decided ‘In My Mind’ to Seek Pr... | Some people settle for Carolina. |
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Freefall 2028 May 2, 2011 | A waffle iron and a toaster: I call that a trip to the basement to reset the circuit breakers. |
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transition | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Times Roundup | Permalink / Edit | |||||
He Won | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What I Think I Know About Journalism » Pressthink | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Local IT Pro Launches Digital Consultancy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Scribble on Everything made some awesome wall d... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Letter Fountain, the anatomy of type from... | I bet they still won’t tell you what the optimal font-size and line-height is for longform standard written English in Georgia with 450 pixel line on a 72dpi display for a 70%/30% readership with 20/20 and 20/40 vision (corrected), respectively. |
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This is the process | Just wanted to note that I see Girl Scouts billboards that say “accomplisHER” and it makes me think of Mortal Kombat fatalities. |
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Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies | Picky Palate | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Facebook accused of removing activists' pages |... | This is awful. Though at the bottom it also looks like they’re using profiles for organizations (not pages). I message a group maybe once a month saying “Don’t use profiles for non-people”. ‘Course, Facebook shouldn’t be so assheaded either. |
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The House of David ← Mop Up Duty | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GameFAQs: Hot Springs Story (IP) FAQ/Strategy G... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
ecenter's Profile - GitHub | @mattfarina the tinymce + markdown modules are bsd licensed and avail at (#shamelessplug #drupal). |
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US Wealth-Income Pyramid | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Freelancers Union :: Benefits - Pages from Free... | That’s pretty cool. |
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The mafia and NYC pizza cheese | “Al Capone – who owned a string of dairy farms near Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin – forced New York pizzerias to use his rubbery mob cheese” |
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Looking for a drinking fountain? There will soo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Women’s dress sizes demystified | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Podcast: Freeway Rick Ross on the economics of ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Podcast: Freeway Rick Ross on the economics of ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jobs, Schiller, and Forstall Talk to Mobilized ... | Fun back and forth in the transcript: |
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‘It’s Going to Take A While’ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
uhuh-she-said: Mike Summers (The State Represe... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
2012 Fellow Selection Committee | I hope they like popovers. |
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April 27, 2011 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
WordPress Theme Developers Tip – Call Dynamic C... | While developing my Techozoic theme, I’ve progressed from adding custom CSS into the head section, to having an external file and using $_GET variables to pull options from the database, to now I believe is the right way to do it, using add_filter and a custom query in WordPress. By using this new method I’ve done away with unsafe $_GET variables and can now use any builtin WP functions in the external file. add_filter(‘query_vars’, ‘add_new_var_to_wp’); Now to actually setup the function that will call the external file. I found this gem when looking at how popular WP theme called Atahualpa handled it’s external CSS. add_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘my_theme_css_display’); |
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Boston: Fair and Square | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Attack Global Poverty? More Than Good In... | Respect: |
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Mobile technology is turning us all into feudal... | As much as I spout this kind of crap from time to time, it’s important not to conflate capital, freedom (liberty) and ownership. While interrelated, they are not the same. Also, this article claims the Digital Divide is dead (hah!), and lacks the awareness of the infrastructure that lies between our physical beings and the cloud |
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Christianity in a God-Dead World | Social media is nowhere near ubiquitous. Moon advertising; just wait. |
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511 - National Porcineographic: a Portrait of A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Shaq Attack - Reason Magazine | Shaq eats the 4th Amendment for breakfast. |
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Lhama Font | Still gotta add llomma to the menagerie: |
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Ups and Downs in Food News (with exclamation po... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Masshole mayhem on Cambridge Street: Motorists ... | This commenter kills it: |
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SimpleGeo Makes Location Data Free, Complicates... | SimpleGeo is great, but it’s also |
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Poor Jane’s Almanac - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Use CSS3 Pseudo-Classes - Smashing Magazine | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bundesrepublik Kitschland | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Salon writes about "Afroconservatism" | Every 6 or so months the media justice listserv light up with the same “whaah! why are the minority associations supporting big business? [anti net- neutrality, pro merger, whatever]”. And finally the big guns send the same “Look, if you aren’t working every day in minority communities, explaining how your proposals provides concrete help to their community in words that are meaningful to them, then fuck you and your high horse”. Same here. |
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Shepard Fairey: I see, I want, I take | “The exhibit is a nauseating example of wealthy liberal elites amusing themselves with anti-bourgeois play-acting, knowing full well that the rule of law and bourgeois values will secure their own fortunes against the radicalism that they pretend to embrace.” |
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the state of Florida thinks unemployed people n... | This was on one of this week’s “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” segments where you have identify the real news article among 2 other fake ones. Never bet against humiliating poor people |
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Alfred Kahn's brave 1977 bid for clear corporat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Enough Already | Permalink / Edit | |||||
peterwknox: via Flavorwire » Artists Remix Cla... | h/t Kyle. this is awesome |
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AT&T: T-Mobile sucks (and we'd like to buy it f... | Excellent bullshittery: “With sharply declining prices, dazzling innovation, soaring output, enormous product differentiation, new entr[ies], and fierce advertising, the intensity of the competition in the US wireless marketplace is extraordinary.” |
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City intent on Mass Ave bike lane, but challeng... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Everything old is new again; and nonprofits sho... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
I’ve been playing around with some noun project... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Fine-Tuning WordPress for SEO | Good tip about noindex metatag on archive pages |
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Show Me Your Nonprofit Dashboard! | I liked Beth’s Blog much more when it was her telling stories and describing the conversations she has with other nonprofits and strategists. Right now it’s standard self-help blogger jargoning (making up phrases then defining them) and general word soup. I guess the strategists won and the practitioners lost. |
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Loose Leaf | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Social CRM “Friend Discovery” will Revoluti... | A public service announcement that you aren’t saying “social graph” enough. Also that you can publish nonsense. |
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Immovable object meets unstoppable force | Not alone: “In short, seismic shifts in the environment led to an increasing disconnect between the Philadelphia Orchestra’s way of being and doing, and the support structures available to that model.” |
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Museum 2.0: One-Pager: A Simple Alternative to ... | The Isotope jQuery library is an amazing tool for creating 1-page whizzbang sites. |
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Is the MBA the Preferred Path for Slackers? | My college experience was that people who didn’t have a clear interest went into business (there were exceptions: I went into math). The cruel joke though was that our university (UCSB) didn’t have a business management program, just business accounting. I had hallmates who required several quarters to realize this (though to be fair, we were a 5 minute walk from a surf break). |
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Harvest Co-op to open Forest Hills location | A commenter says that Harvest originally wanted to move to a lot across from the Curley school… that is now a parking lot… which is why they are where they are now… and proposing to build this new grocery about a half mile away. |
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Diving deep into javascript logical operators | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Funding a Startup Without VC | Chris Rabb says you would never tell some high schooler off the street to apply to Harvard, so why tell every Tom, Dick and Jane “you should start a business”. In fact, you have a better chance of getting into Harvard (16% acceptance rate) than creating a successful business (<10%, success = hiring employees). |
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Twitter Community Organizing Rules for Non Profits | Ben’s standard pet peeve: nowhere does this transfer the real world organizing principles of building power, leadership and local structures. Heck, where is the one on one? |
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Nature to Get Legal Rights in Bolivia | Wired S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
EfXVb.jpg 1296×968 pixels | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Pizza Box Mystery - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Honest Logos | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Homemade Pistachio Pudding | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A (Draft) Map of "The Five Points" neighborhood... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Add Custom Taxonomy Tags to Your WordPress Perm... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
USA bokeh | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Show your support: Bike lanes on Mass Ave | In case you missed it: in 6 days we got 1,000 petition signatures (300 online, 700 from volunteers on standing on Mass Ave. over the weekend and in the evening rush hour) and we had 125+ people at the public meeting. We also added 600 people to our mailing list, had a Boston Globe editorial published from our Director (a Globe editor rode past our petitioning volunteers). |
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3 reasons why I’m a National Volunteer Week ske... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Getting the Rich To Give | Permalink / Edit | |||||
★ Cutting That Cord | I wish apple would just make a Syncing Bridge between CoreData and MySQL (or I guess a NoSQL). That being said, I wish anyone would make a syncing bridge library between HTML5 Local Storage and a webservice (mySQL), preferably with jQuery |
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Bottle Filler Waterfountain | this. |
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TUAW's Daily App: You Don't Know Jack | Scratch that “hell yes” squints… 1 player… what the hell is that? Why not put a buzzer on each of the edges so 3 people can play. C’mon! |
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David Pogue on the Curious Death of The Flip | Sorry to keep flooding the channel with Flip stuff, but it utterly bums me out since the Flip was a great example of accessible and culturally transformative technology. I remember when it was only sold at CVS as a “disposable” and I had cable access producers walk up to me and say “I just got this camera for $20, can you help me hack it?”. At conferences it was like Bam! everyone who was carrying a GL2 the previous year was now jamming a Flip in your face |
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Mental disorder graphics | Permalink / Edit | |||||
last week: NoGIS | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ford Foundation Grants $10 million to Fund Yes ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Flip Is Dead, Long Live Portable Video | As you can probably tell I’m bummed about the Flip being, well, flipped and abandoned. I think it could have served as the “my phone takes pictures but I’ll get something a little nicer |
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If You Want People to Actually Read What You Write | Writers who make self-help lists need to reflect more on what they’re trying to actually communicate (myself being in graphorhea recovery). Like what are you supposed to do with this: |
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provincia di Trento | @billybrown - seems like your kind of map (though yours would look even better) |
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photo - Boston Subway | The green line’s performance is accurately reflected in its anatomical placement. |
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How To Allocate Founder and Employee Equity | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Engaging with the public | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Recycling | Single stream recycling is a great example of iterative technological progress that is completely unlike the bullshit “digital nomadry”-whatever crap we normally get when we talk about technological progress: the whizzbang ability to reduce ubiquitous materials to their component parts for reuse requires an assembly line of poorly paid trashpickers. The untouchables of yesteryear have not gone away. |
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Peru’s new XO assembly lines | That’s interesting. I wonder to what extent they are involved in the manufacturing process (soldering?) |
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Foundations and Power: Beyond Advocacy | Thoughts that aren’t necessarily new, but impeccably synthesized. |
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Time On Site & Bounce Rate: Get the real number... |’s avg. time on site is 5 minutes with 4 page views. Not bad, could be better. ( 65% of traffic is direct which is good because that’s repeat visitors, and bad because that means my SEO sucks ) |
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The End: Cisco Shuts Down Flip, a $590 Million ... | I was just arguing on Sunday with a woman trying to explain that Silicon Valley juggernauts have too much excess capital that they use to hurt innovation by creating perverse incentives and bad (or nonexistent) business models among startups. This leads to VCs to ignore businesses with utilitarian products who actually could be revenue positive at scale, invest in (and hype) businesses with dubious value-creation or revenue streams, and encourage the spaghetti-on-the-wall approach of “we must buy them before our competitor does” without a clear benefit or plan to integrate them into core businesses. |
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Steven Sasson, Inventor of the First Digital Ca... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why ‘Post PC’ Doesn’t Mean ‘Sans PC’ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
“When It’s Not Your Turn”: The Quintessentially... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Probably not what the T had in mind when it rel... | Actually a pretty good site, and the section for the green line is disappointingly accurate commentary. |
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Homesense bikemap by Russell Davies | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Lost Tools of Learning | Permalink / Edit | |||||
We Need to Stop Google’s Exploitation of Open C... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What do people do all day? | This was my favorite book. Especially the paper mill. |
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fired for being too eager | This. |
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You Know This is True | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What it's like to share an article from one of ... | Phil Gyford calls this “friction” (and yes, I’m being sarcastic): |
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Not Quite Copenhagen | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Is New York Too New York for Bike Lanes? -- New... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sign the Petition + Tell Your Friends! « Boston... | I love working with designers. |
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A quick and comprehensive typeguide | Ahhh! monographic |
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Lazy Cakes | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A postcard I made for work to hand out at the N... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Links for 7 April 2011 | This is kind’ve awesome. UK only though. |
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Meeting about Mass Ave bike lanes next Thur (4/... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Real-Time Debate Feedback Distorts Democracy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Star Trek characters in pixel form | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Now You Know | Permalink / Edit | |||||
OpenStreetBlock Gives Geodata the Human Touch | Permalink / Edit | |||||
People Say They Won’t Shock Others for Cash, Bu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hubris | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Key Facts on Social Justice Grantmaking: An Update | How many of these grants went to organizations run by women, persons of color, persons with physical or mental disabilities, youth or aged, persons on public assistance, persons with criminal records, LGBTQs, or other marginalized groups? Reading the selected grants, it’s a bit of a crapshoot: Immolakee Worker’s Alliance (awesome!) University of Michigan (depends), Brookings Institute (jeez). |
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Videographer Behind NPR Videos Aims for Nonprof... | I would be honestly surprised if O’Keefe’s application for nonprofit status was denied. Unless the guy is an idiot (he’s clearly an ass) it is relatively straightforward to submit a 1023 for “newsgathering in the public interest”, demonstrating public support, and having clear compensation. To be honest, you have to be a real fuckup to NOT be granted nonprofit status these days (the only group I know who was temporarily held up was for software development). |
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Free Geeks Chicago 4/11 | Sweet, sweet photos of FreeGeek taken by Clear’s Mobile Citizen project (because we use them for backup internet). |
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danblah's Schedule | National Conference for Me... | We have 17 current and former Corps members, and their supervisors, speaking on different panels at the conference. |
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Be the Media: The Current State of Activist Med... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Does Cause Marketing Reduce Charitable Giving? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Amplifying impact through the California Counci... | This is the kind of awesome we make happen… for 4 more months. |
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Central U.S. prepares for earthquakes | Think of the consequences: I might have to rename my blog… |
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ThinkProgress » Blog Archive » Bristol Palin’s ... | 990s are awesome. |
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Islamic scholar: Difference is a blessing | Acceptance is where it’s at. |
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Is the Tipping Point Toast? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
348 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The November Criminals by Sam Munson | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Educational building blocks: how Minecraft is u... | “From day one, the kids are all playing together in a single world,” explained Levin. “They must share resources, take turns, work together, and, frankly, be nice to each other. This is usually the first time these kids have had to think about these concepts in a game, but it goes hand in hand with the big picture stuff they are learning in their homerooms. It’s amazing to see how many real world issues get played out in the microcosm of the game. Kids have territorial disputes over where they are building. Kids have said mean things to each other within the game or have been destructive with each other’s creations.” |
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Globe: Who needs all those branch libraries? | Idiots. |
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Curiosities for the Ladies... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Designing for illiteracy – a mass market access... |
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Boston Bicycle Racks Installed as of 01.18.11 | A nice use of a BatchGeo map by the City of Boston. |
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NYC Announces BigApps Winners Roadify, Sportane... | I have mixed feelings about (foursquare + health inspections). I’ve been wanting to scrape and clean up Boston’s restaurant inspection database (“The Mayor’s Food Court”) but I’m really worried that the resulting data would be used in this way: telling people not to eat there. I’m very concerned about decision apps and the “umbrellatoday-ification” of data. |
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Organizing 2.0 | To be a pedant, having someone who knows you shouldn’t email videos is not a “technology strategist” they’re a “technology tactician”. |
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Seismic Decentralization | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Diversity is Inefficient | The New Organizing I... | Diversity is the end, inclusion the means. |
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Announcing A Day Without Dignity – Counter Camp... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why “#StartUpBritain” is nothing more than a go... | The oligarchy discovers link farms and self-help spam. |
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The War on Young, Black Males | 100% who graduated went to college… Only 64% graduated (the district average was 70%). |
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Don't Do This No. 2: Validating With Purpose | Is there any problem this blog cannot resolve?? |
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Dragon Age 2's gay character controversial with... | I tipped Ben@Ars to the forum post (though I probably wasn’t the only one). |
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Love this futuristic vision of the El- in 1999.... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
SALTED CARAMEL ICE CREAM » Sprouted Kitchen | Permalink / Edit | |||||
No glow | Permalink / Edit | |||||
graphorrhea - definition of graphorrhea in the ... | Aha, I knew there was a word to describe self-help blogs. |
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I Can Awkward | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Shirky: A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy | A long way to get around to “have karma and badges” |
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Building a recommendation engine, foursquare st... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Yes, Virginia, there is a Newstead Montegrade | Right by the bear pits and raccoon pole. |
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DBC City Bike Design adds to the mix in Boston | A bit complicated but a nice looking bike: |
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CSS Typography: Examples and Tools | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CSS Typography: Examples and Tools | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Point Size and the Em Square: Not What People T... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
LePage to Department of Labor: Lobby mural must... | Winning quote from the chamber of commerce: |
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Comment to win a free HistoryShots print | I work with Reebee Garofalo who made this chart. |
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<br><br>jose.duarte has added a photo to the po... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Last Middle Class American | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Minority groups back AT&T/T-Mobile merger - The... | Every single one. |
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What is a fair price for Internet service? - Th... | The cost of one gigabyte of data four years ago was 12¢, two years ago it was 6¢, today it is 3¢. |
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Protest Oregon's Proposed New Fundraising Law | I pretty much agree, though this is a horrible example: “Since these investments take more than three years to bear real fruit — in the way it took Amazon six years to turn a profit — the proposed law kills the kind of growth needed to solve entrenched social problems.” |
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inbox hero | Most schools of whacko philosophy/ethics I can usually place into a time of my life when I experimented with that (even if I never knew it at the time). Objectivism happened when I was about 12-14 years old. |
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slavin: “If the world’s 6.9 billion people liv... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Revisit Hardboiled CSS3 Media Queries | Web, Mo... | /* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) |
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Don't Get Run Over By The Drupal Bandwagon -- I... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Town with population of 1,012 declares the righ... | Go Maine. |
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Giving More Power To The IRS | “Government so small it fits in your womb…” |
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Marco Arment on Twitter’s Dickbar | Good example of interface criticism. |
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Google TV remote out now for iOS | Cause that’s intuitive. |
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Visual history of hot haircuts in popular music | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hacking ATM Users by Gluing Down Keys | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Man sets fire to motel room he shared with the ... | “The Lost Room” was a good miniseries. |
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Three-decker diffusion | Ashmont Hill is perfect for triple-decker watching: there is a diversity of models, mirrors (since many are straight out of Sears-Roebuck, they are sometimes flipped for uniqueness) and modifications. Also, triple-deckers are one of my favorite things about Boston. |
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Etsy reacts to user outrage, makes changes to f... | Feel welcome to explore my love of floral pencil bags: |
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Slow Company | @eads - in case you needed some hip terms to describe freegeek. |
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User Interface Patterns for Dealing with Intera... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
YouTube - Arts of Life Band - Shark Attack | I saw them perform in Chicago. They were awesome. |
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AT&T inadvertantly and beautifully articulates ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A humble plea to Alan Moore and Banksy | I’d be curious how different modes and mediums would interact: Moore says he never edits while Banksy seems to iterate quite a bit (not that I know what goes on in his shop). |
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Boston Built: A Showcase of Boston Web Design +... | RT @refreshboston: Boston area web designer/developer? Show city pride with a Boston Built badge: cc @drunkenstumble |
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Outline of my talk at U.C. Berkeley: "America'... | I want to agree, but the problem with higher ed is not higher ed, it’s everything else: poor primary ed, lack of vocational schools and apprenticeships (NOT internships) and an overlooked community and city college system (not to mention a dysfunctional |
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Twitter tells third-party devs to stop making T... | Fuck that. The fun of building on top of Twitter as a messaging system is that people can interact with it and consume it in a wide variety of ways. |
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This Pile Of Bills Is Making Me Touch My Head | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Before I Die | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Video: Elephants Lend a Helping Trunk, Pass Coo... | How does this fit into game theory? Are elephants more cooperative and empathetic than those asshole humans? |
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Make A Wish | How much wax would 2 months of salary buy? |
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Who Is Setting the Rules for the Post PC Era?, ... | “Birds flying south for the winter is an intuitive behavior for birds. People, on the other hand, rely on learning and experience to develop habits that we then treat as intuitive.” |
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The Principles of the People's Party | Permalink / Edit | |||||
News Corp. assets | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Perfect Body, as Illustrated by Olympic Ath... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pricing your product | I’ve been thinking a lot about pricing lately (probably because I’ll be out of a job soon). It seems like the make-it-or-break-it piece of a lot of projects/startups is customer service |
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Craigconnects looks to connect altruism with go... | This smacks me as a little weird, but I guess if you launch a website, you make a press release |
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Why I've Cooled to Libertarianism | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Physics of Pruney Fingers Revealed | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My God, it’s Full of Internets | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Chocolate Beer Cupcakes with Irish Whiskey Butt... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
North America - Western Europe equivalent latit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Accounting for Computer Scientists — Martin Kle... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
NoteSlate, the $100 electronic drawing pad | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Weekly Pulse: GOP Campaign Against Birth Contro... | “Their attacks are all carefully aimed at the same critical juncture: institutions that work for people in their daily lives and in the political arena, those that connect people’s personal struggles across the country to the political struggle in Washington. “ |
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Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Another innovative bike seat… | Only in IV | Isla Vista, Santa Barbara, CA |
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Metrics for Revolution: Best Practices of Elite... | “Maintaining a high degree of inequality without setting off riots requires a gentle touch.” |
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Poutine goes to India, Indian poutine comes to ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MOVE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | “The City that Bombed Itself.” |
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Pay the homeless | I love to ask the question “why don’t you just give them the money?”Glad to see more people are. |
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Announcing … The Escape from Cubicle Nation Com... | Is Museo the new Comic Sans? I even saw it in print last week (it was used for titles in an American Repertory Theatre playbill) |
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Full Text RSS Feed Builder Rids You of Truncate... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Buy art? Prognosticator | Permalink / Edit | |||||
WordPress › Tweet Old Post « WordPress Plugins | @bensheldon It’s a secret. I mean, it’s called Tweet Old Post: |
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Digital Dead End: Fighting for Social Justice i... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Advocacy in print — Survival News for 2011 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Answer Sheet - What ‘Superman’ got wrong, p... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Can't Johnny Breed? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
(Saving...) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pickpockets are a Dying Breed | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Map of universities in Boston | Permalink / Edit | |||||
1 million workers. 90 million iPhones. 17 suici... | “We should encourage workers’ rights just as much as we champion economic development. We’ve exported our manufacturing; let’s be sure to export trade unions, too.” |
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Classic: Trust the police | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CSS3 Buttons | Simple CSS3 framework for creati... | CSS3 Buttons is a simple framework for creating good-looking GitHub style button links. UPDATE 26th of Feb. The icon sprite has been optimized and additional icons has been added. Scroll down to see what’s new! |
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Winners of the first-ever Boston Hack Day Chall... | Drunken Stumble was my team (Best Mobile App): |
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If climate scientists are in it for the money, ... | The real racket is what goes to universities in overhead. My university’s federal negotiated overhead (indirect cost) is 54%. That means for every dollar in federal grant money, only 46 cents of it comes to my project/program. (and people call nonprofits inefficient at 20% overhead) |
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Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup with not so vegan ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
stayinbedgrowyourhair: CHECK YOUR DAIRY PRIVIL... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ten Songs For Young, Active Cats To Force Their... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
AOL’s Patch enshrines the event anti-pattern « ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HTML5 — Edition for Web Developers | This HTML5 specification is like no other—It has been processed with you, the humble web developer, in mind. The focus of this specification is readability and ease of access. Unlike the full HTML specification, this “web developer edition” removes information that only browser vendors need know. |
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just kidding i love dustin | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HTML5 for Web Developers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using Media Queries in the Real World | The way I achieved this is by making the mobile stylesheet the default, and adding in the heavier page assets for the desktop theme using a media query: |
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Why Has Google Been Collecting Kids’ Social Sec... | Clearly software engineers: |
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Protest Sign of the Day: 'If You Want a Republi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Amazon Prime members can stream movies, TV show... | Netflix is (probably) Amazon Web Service’s biggest customer, too. |
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How to Save Ourselves From the 'Save PBS' Routine | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Technology Values | Dumb pipes |
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Solving The Hacker News Problem | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Other Parts of Walker's Bill | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Brighten up, Boston! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
New Map Plots Bicycle Accidents In Chicago | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Embarrassed Republicans Admit They've Been Thin... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Fred Phelps is a Con Man | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Life is too short for the wrong job. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
$490+ per XO laptop is the real cost of small O... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Someone In Egypt Ordered a Pizza For the Protes... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Linear metrics for nonlinear Predicaments | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Is this the start of the second dotcom bubble? ... | Nah, we can never predict a bubble. |
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How Broke is Wisconsin? Financially, Politicall... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail? | Rolling Stone ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Do You Have What It Takes To Be Working Poor? | Less commitment than a year of AmeriCorps. |
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Navigating the US National Broadband Map | From the comments: “Look at this as a somewhat flawed tool. It’s still leagues better than any publicly available tool we had before now.” |
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Imperial Scott Walker, the worker-hating AT-AT ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
This is from the movie Waiting for Superman. Th... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Planned Parenthood Funding Blocked In House Vote | ACORN all over again. |
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Cappuccino Cookies with espresso and white choc... | oh. em. gee. |
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Demo: CSS drop-shadows without images – Nicolas... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Radio Free Meredith - Programming languages and... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Move over, Southie: JP now serious contender in... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Egypt Leaders Found ‘Off’ Switch for Internet | “…the cutoff [to the international internet] also revealed how dependent Egypt’s internal networks are on moment-to-moment information from systems that exist only outside the country — including e-mail servers at companies like Google, |
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Photo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Drupal Module Hooks | An interesting explanation that is orthogonal to most traditional Drupal how-tos: it takes a framework approach rather than a UI-core-frankenstein approach that Drupal encourages. In other words: how to create a website on top of Drupal, yet not necessary with Drupal. Fascinating. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| - Boston Public Library | RT @bensheldon I love that the Boston Public Library has a sign by the elevator that says exercise and y… <–MAP |
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The black guy did it. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Have Media Companies Destroyed Their Copyrights... | Shared. |
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What Will the Girl Become? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Philanthropic Equity Performance Report | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Feature: Anonymous speaks: the inside story of ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Lendle — Kindle Book-Sharing Service | Nifty, but it’s just a matchmaking service: the lender must manually enter the lendee’s contact info thru And with any matchmaking service there is the issue of reputation: Lendle has a section in their FAQ about lenders who accept a request but don’t follow thru. |
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Columbian Exchange - Wikipedia, the free encycl... | This paragraph enchants and repels me somehow. |
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Rutherford B. Hayes: National Hero of ... Parag... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
‘Armed Humanitarians’ Kill People Between Sips ... | “Want to create a group of people comfortable navigating other cultures? Try doubling the size of the Peace Corps. It’ll cost you next to nothing, in larger budgetary terms. After covering defense, I’m pretty jaded about what a billion dollars can buy.” |
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The Camera Collection - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Governmental “Crowding Out” in Philanthropy | That won’t last long… |
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No true Scotsman - Wikipedia, the free encyclop... | “We’re great! …except for you, who shouldn’t have been invited.” |
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Square has billboard in Times Square, still slo... | That’s surprising because I have 3 readers: 2 old, 1 new design. …or maybe it’s my fault. It’s a great service. |
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Bostovalentinography | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Weekly Pulse: New Anti-Choice Bill Suggests Mor... | Shoutout to the National Radio Project and their investigative reporting on dangerous chemicals in nail salons (they’ve got one of our Digital Arts Service Corps members) |
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Leg Shaving Flow Chart | The more I think about the reasons that I don’t shave, the more shaving seems like a really preposterous way to pass the time. |
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House GOP Looks to Slash Education Spending | Death spiral: a failure to invest today in what is necessary for tomorrow’s success. |
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Sanborn Fire Insurance Map Typography | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The nine stages of not eliminating public broad... | If you kill off NPR, that only leaves those Pacifica commies. |
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Business Cat | Permalink / Edit | |||||
‘This Is Who Egyptians Are’ | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Congratulations: You've just caught a mouse wit... | I release mine outside the church at the other side of my neighborhood. |
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Pentagonese: A Primer | I like the tasks/tasking/taskers differentiation. |
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Ask Ars: What are those symbols on the back of ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Typographic Bicycle | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Shades of 'Seinfeld': Maine bottle scam alleged... | Kittery, ME in the news. |
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The Mighty Charles | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What does the user see? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How did WordPress win? (Links for 10 February 2... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Where'd the Moon Come From | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why kids call homeless people hobos | Well, that’s offensive. |
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Charitable Solicitation Laws – Part 1 – Commer... | “In a 1999 promotion, Yoplait did not reveal on the outside of the lid its maximum donation, which was then $100,000. That prompted an investigation by the Georgia attorney general’s office, which found that 9.4 million lids were returned during the three-month promotion, which promised to pay 50 cents a lid.” |
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World of Goo for iPad outsells than Mac, PC, Li... | I have now bought World of Goo 4 times: independently, through a bundle, for the Wii, and for the iPad. I don’t regret it at all. |
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Announcing IssueMap: Copy, paste, map. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Community Supported Agriculture registration un... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookies | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Federal judge says unsearchable PDFs 'not suffi... | This is excellent news: not only that you can request data in useable formats (eg native Excel xls) but that you can request document metadata (creation/modification info) too. You of course can’t request data (or reports/analysis) they don’t have, but it’s good that judges recognize that agencies are not fulfilling their lawful obligations to provide what they do have in their native/working format. |
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KCET-TV Fined $10,000 on Public Inspection File... | You don’t f- around with the public inspection file. |
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Levi’s Debuts the ‘Ex-Girlfriend Jean’ for Men | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Daily for iPad updated with new feature: It... | Just wanted to point out the hilarity in the use of past-tense for a piece of software released just 6 days ago: “It was a great idea for a low-priced subscription newspaper, but over time I lost interest in the type of stories offered and the app was downright unstable.” |
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Weekly Pulse: Don’t Snort Bath Salts, Kids | Last brief is about hot coffee scalding lawsuit. |
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A bike. Think about it. v2 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
University of Michigan Legal Working Paper Series | American nonprofit organizations receive favorable tax treatment, including tax exemptions and tax-deductibility of contributions, in return for their devotion to charitable purposes and restrictions not to distribute profits. Recent efforts to extend some or all of these tax benefits to for-profit companies making social investments, including the creation of the new hybrid nonprofit/for-profit company form known as the Low-Profit Limited Liability Company, threaten to undermine the vitality of the nonprofit sector and the integrity of the tax system. |
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B-Corp. vs. Benefit Corporation | Interesting that a Benefit Corp (not B Corp) does not have to provide any public benefit, they just have to report their actual level of benefit (which may be none). |
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Salaries top out at age 40 | “So the first thing you can do to prevent your salary from flat-lining is choose a career that men dominate.” |
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What Went Wrong: The Betrayal of The American D... | “As for the long-held mantra from the 1950s on, that children will enjoy a better life than their parents, only the delusional believe it today. Virtually no one says it.” |
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Wanted: TechCrunch Europe Video Intern | All the comments are critical (tho only 1 is before Phil’s comment). |
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Hillary Clinton: We Can't Legalize Drugs Becaus... | Outlaw oil. |
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Isotope: jQuery Plugin for Animated Dynamic Lay... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Culinary Tools Poster | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Whoops! by John Lanchester | Permalink / Edit | |||||
In the Blink of Bird’s Eye, a Model for Quantum... | “How can a living system have evolved to protect a quantum state as well — no, better — than we can do in the lab with these exotic molecules?” |
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Gladwell Still Missing the Point About Social M... | When someone does something amazing, do we start by asking what tools they used? No! We start by congratulating the person on their accomplishment. Those who ask about the tools (or early on) are typically accepted colleagues of the person who built/accomplished X. They are doing something similar on a regular basis, which is clearly not the case here since most of the pro-“Twitter/Facebook/Social Media/Communication Tech Revolution” pundits haven’t actually done any real organizing, let alone organized people to stand against a government or powerful individual. The other common asker of “what tools” are those who have a vested interest in those tools and will benefit from the tools’ promotion or at the opportunity to point out alternative tools’ weaknesses (a common example being the companies who build the tools or an alternative). I’m pretty sure all the pundits who list “Social Media Expert” among their titles but mysteriously lack any title which implies they are capable of anything but rudimentary political or historical analysis fall squarely in this self-serving category. |
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5 Minute Website Upgrades: How To & Resources | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Wages of Reform | …which is exactly why we need campaign finance reform. The unions and management should be focused on eachother, not rigging the system for either’s benefit. But to see this as hypocrisy on the part of the unions is ridiculous. Just like criminal defense lawyers, their role is adversarial |
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computer time | I guess I take that slide the other way: humans have the equivalent of the solar system between our ears, while computers have to travel that whole distance. Not to mention that we don’t have to take multiple trips out there: if we recall Molly Ringwald, we get Ducky for free (not to mention Andrew McCarthy, Mannequin, and the episode of Sex in the City where Carrie jokes to Big about a watermelon at the courthouse). Sure, computers can free associate, but they’re nowhere near that good. |
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Can Congress Force Us to Buy Broccoli? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Transportation Alternatives: CrashStat: RFP | Anyone interested in collaborating on an RFP? I’ll probably be submitting one. |
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New Bulletproof Font-Face Syntax | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Oregon Trail pull-off | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Special Delivery: Mexican-in-a-Box | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Michele Bachmann promotes video smear of Planne... | It worked on ACORN…. |
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OkCupid May Have Hooked Up With, But ... | “[Match] didn’t ask us to take it down,” said [OKCupid CEO] Yagan. “We did it as a courtesy. Honestly, the post was getting no traffic.” |
Permalink / Edit | |||| buys OkCupid for 50 million. OkCupid ... | Lame. |
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Welcome to Android Market | Is it just me, or does the Android Market totally look like Google Spam? |
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‘The Daily’ Announcement Event Live Coverage Fr... | I know I’m urban, educated and (relatively) affluent |
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The last name effect | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Wages of Female Sports Fandom | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Can Readability Help Writers Get Paid? | Does Readability, by adding revenue sharing, remove the incentive for me to create a natively uncluttered and accessible design? Will Readability offer an “I read this” widget for users who visited my website, but didn’t need to use Readability’s bookmarklet. |
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Apple responds: we want a cut of Amazon, Sony e... | I’m normally generous to Apple, but this seems pretty indefensible. |
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Whole Wheat Tortillas | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Martin Luther King You Still Don't See on TV | We’re really good at embodying our own prejudices within others. |
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Bolt and fastener chart: what's that dingus cal... | sexy |
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Wikipedia Ponders Its Gender-Skewed Contributio... | Breaking News: Women are lazy |
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Venture Capital and the Decline of the Startup ... | The big startups are eating all the venture cash and not doing IPOs. If they aren’t actually profitable, i think it’s called a Ponzi scheme. |
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Adorable Wisconsin Man Adopts Treebound Cat | tree cat. tree cat! TREE CAT! |
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"Gutless" TV science | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nick Paumgarten: The Dos Equis spokesman's real... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Toilet paper orientation - Wikipedia, the free ... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| Security Flaw Accepts Passwords That... | The federal grants system I use ignores password case and does not support non-alpha-numerics. It also requires that you reset your password every few months to something you haven’t used before |
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What's Happening in Egypt Explained (UPDATED) |... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Peanut Butter Choc-Oat Cookies with Whole Wheat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
In Case This Comes Up... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rickshaw's Mini Commuter Messenger Bag | A nice looking bag, other than the overly-complex front pocket. Does anyone actually use all the pen-holders and zip pouches? I find I fill them up with pens and bandaids and such, then spill my coffee (or go on an airplane where all my pens explode) and have to empty it all out |
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Dyson DC35 reinvents the hoddoddodder | This comment summarizes all my thoughts on Dyson: “Dyson is the Monster Cable of vacuums.” |
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The Four Icon Challenge | Permalink / Edit | |||||
FTA - Modules | FTA - Free Technology Academy | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Sporting Scene: Those Non-Profit Packers : ... | It’s socialism! |
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Create your own rewrite rules in WordPress | Pr... | When you write your own WordPress plugin you might need to add new rewrite rules to WordPress. Some people add Rewrite rules direct into htaccess file, but when you open it you can see that WP don’t store rules into this file. All WordPress rewrite rules are stored into the database. |
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Passing Query String Parameters in WordPress UR... | Whenever possible, I prefer to use pretty URLs in WordPress, and the ability to adjust permalink settings in the WordPress admin makes that simple to do. However, what if you want to pass a query string to a page without muddying up the URL with that query string? In this tutorial I’ll show you how to add custom rewrite rules to WordPress to do just that. |
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RESTful Web Services in a WordPress Plugin? | M... | Here’s the details. I started writing a plug-in called “RESTful Services” with a goal of implementing URLs that behave in the following fashion; {format} could potentially be html, xhtml, json, xml, rss, atom, etc.:{format} |
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Geopastebin | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Minnesota Mothers Are Doing Pretty Good | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Turner gets three years | Best summary of the past few years of Boston political scandal, from the comments: |
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Should an 11-Year-Old Boy Go to Jail for Life? ... | Not written by a millennial? |
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A truly graphic adventure: the 25-year rise and... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Benchmarking HTML5 Games | Clearly Facebook didn’t get the memo. |
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A Check List to Make Your Compelling Proposal a... | Surprisingly good advice (surprising because most proposal advice is awful, e.g. “proof-read for spelling errors”) |
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DSM wars: the battle to define mental illness | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Braille Superstore | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Walgreens in Hyde Park gets it | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Obama Puts Dollars Behind Open-Sourcing Education | As someone who collects products from grantees, I’m looking forward to see how this will be gamed. |
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Clive Thompson on How Tweets and Texts Nurture ... | Good quote: “The real loser here is the middle take. This is what the weeklies like Time and Newsweek have historically offered: reportage and essays produced a few days after major events, with a bit of analysis sprinkled on top. They’re neither fast enough to be conversational nor slow enough to be truly deep. The Internet has essentially demonstrated how unsatisfying that sort of thinking can be.” |
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Michael Lopp Interviews Marco Arment | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Adopting the GeoDict Open Source Project | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Job Description for the Next Mayor of Chicago | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Inside Story of How Facebook Responded to T... | From the comments: |
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Massive income inequality named 8th Wonder of t... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Website Challenges You To 'Do Nothing For 2 Min... | You should see their monetization strategy. |
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Who is to Blame for OLPC Peru's Failure? An OLP... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
In The Thick Of It: kelsium: I’m not any sort o... | From the guy perspective: |
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The rich get richer, once more | I left a comment on this post. Basically, don’t try to limit the choices rich people have to spend their money, just tax it and put it towards democratic public institutions. And trying to limit nonprofits based on some subjective judgement of rightness will probably just come back to bite us in the ass (see NAACP v. Alabama). |
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Backblaze and Spotlight | That explains my 1 hour battery life… |
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Food for Thinkers: Online Advertising, or Where... | A real joykill. |
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Feature: Insert <discovery> here: the role of p... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How School Screws Things Up For "Real Life" | We should just hand our that manifesto from the high schoolers who were |
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The Value of People Over 50 | When you were 25 you weren’t outnumbered 1.3 (that’s general population, nonprofits are much grayer) to 1 with 50 year olds saying “You’re doing it wrong. Here, I’ll do it.” Just sayin’… |
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Idea to Market in 5 Months | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Character Justification using JQuery | HeyChina... | Justification using pure CSS can be achieved by setting the text-align property to “justify”. This will tell the browser to attempt to line up the words so that left the and right edges of each line are aligned with those above and below. This effectiveness of this property can be enhanced by inserting hyphens where necessary to maintain the alignment using Hyphenator |
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How To Make Custom Color Chalkboard Paint ... | Who paints their wall dark grey? |
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You’ve Got Ripped Off! AOL’s Scam Economics | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Concerns new MTV teen drama "Skins" may violate... | I greatly enjoyed the BBC version (at least seasons 1 and 2). |
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Rob Flaherty’s iPad View Source Bookmarklet | Permalink / Edit | |||||
iFixit releases iPhone 4 liberation kit for Pen... | For all the love of rapid prototyping, I’m surprised that there is not a solution manufactured already. |
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Lonely Planet Jamaica Plain | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Us... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Intro to CouchDB | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Options, firehoses & dossiers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Negotiation training & how I see my role | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Heavenly Day of User Experience Design | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Pepsi Contest Faces More Charges of Cheating - ... | Haters gonna hate. |
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America for Sale: An Exclusive Excerpt from Mat... | All about the Chicago parking meter lease. |
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The problems with the report claiming Boston te... | The Globe loves to bash on unions though this critique is pretty fair. (disclosure: I am a member of the MTA). Liked this note at the end: |
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Pumpkin Cream Cheese Quickbread | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Christmas gift from (and drawn by) my... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Comcast: $10/month Internet—and cheap netbooks—... | Wow, it’s like they wrote One Economy right into it: |
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Why You Should Never Search For Free WordPress ... | A few months ago I wrote about WordPress Security. Now, armed only with the words “free WordPress themes,” builtBackwards’ Theme Authenticity Checker Plugin and Donncha O Caoimh’s Exploit Scanner, I’m going to take a look through the first page of Google to see just how safe pages ranking for “Free WordPress Themes” are. |
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Links for 16 January 2011 | Note to self: should I ever have a regular column and have writers’ block, complain about double spaces, serial commas, and the necessity of the apostrophe for conjugation. |
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The Perfect Writer's Laptop | “When I think back over the last twenty years or so, what I realize is that I’ve spent most of it more unhealthily fixated upon the tools of writing than actually doing it.” |
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Public support for labor unions hits a new low ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Miles O'Brien: Is technology rewiring teens' br... | If something doesn’t rewire your brain, you’re probably dead. The real question is “will iPads make teens less likely to coddle old people and inherit untouched the old people’s world?” |
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A guide for scraping data | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Not .99 Method | Permalink / Edit | |||||
DOM Monster Bookmarklet | DOM Monster is our answer to JavaScript performance tools that just don’t give you the full picture. DOM Monster is a cross-platform, cross-browser bookmarklet that will analyze the DOM & other features of the page you’re on, and give you its bill of health. If there are problems, DOM Monster will point them out—and even make suggestions on how to fix ‘em. |
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Check out the racial, geographic and gender mak... | Awesome. |
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1915 - Suffrage | Good thing the “cmon, be like New Jersey” argument had little sway. |
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Pentagon declares war on rust | “More than three percent of the gross national product is spent de-corrosifying our infrastructure each year… this costs every person in the country around $1,000 on an annual basis. We’re talking about $300 billion here.” |
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FLY LIKE A G8 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tesla stopped by work today | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Today's Dinosaur News | Permalink / Edit | |||||
iOS 4.3 Adds New Features To iPhone, iPad, iPod... | “This ain’t your high school shopkeeper’s phone.” |
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Felt test pattern TV cover | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Your Social Media Strategy Sucks | Not bad. Still has the fallacy of “if you don’t succeed, you’re doing it wrong” but at least discusses the need to properly define success. |
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Stuff Expat Aid Workers Like | Permalink / Edit | ||||| Indexes The Links You and Your Friends... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Japan's Catch 22 on Whaling : Discovery News | As a nonprofit nerd, I’m fascinated by the diplomatic dialogue over revoking Sea Shephard’s tax exemption. Discretionary conception is dead, the only way would be if Sea Shephard was unlawful, which is unclear (and unprosecuted). Congress could issue a Bill of Attainder for federal grants (like with ACORN) |
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Report finds no health threat from PG&E SmartMeter | Well thank goodness. |
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How to Create Perfect Pre Tags • Perishable Press | If you operate a website that features lots of code examples, you know how important it is to spend some quality time styling the <pre> element. When left unstyled, wild <pre> tags will mangle your preformatted content and destroy your site’s layout. Different browsers treat the <pre> tag quite differently, varying greatly in their default handling of font-sizing, scrollbar-rendering, and word-wrapping. Indeed, getting your preformatted code to look consistent, usable, and stylish across browsers is no easy task, but it certainly can be done. In this article, I’ll show you everything you need to create perfect <pre> tags. |
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New media helped, but radio delivered for earth... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Guidelines for writing about development issues... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tom Servo MST3K Blank Card by TwoHungryBlackbir... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
List of common misconceptions | I would add “Eskimo words for snow”, but the page is locked (and apparently my 1 contribution to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam article is not enough to get my account confirmed) |
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A Brief History of Welfare for Middle-Class Ame... | “the American middle class is a direct product of targeted federal policy”–as is tr upper and lower classes, and the nonprofit sector, for that matter. To talk about taxes without redistribution is ridiculous. Unless we’re only worried about pirates in Tripoli. |
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scottlitch on "Homeless Man at I-71 and Hudson ... | Good for him, but I’m totally grossed out by the questions he gets asked, like “I bet you never thought you’d be here?” Because we all know once you go homeless, you’re hopelessly polluted unless you’re ungraciously rescued by the rich. |
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Rolling Stone Mobile - News - Politics: Matt Ta... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A List Apart: Articles: A Simpler Page | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What is Boston Brown Bread? | To make Boston brown bread, start by greasing two one-pound (454 g) coffee cans, or molds or cans of a similar size and shape. Combine in a large bowl one cup (237 ml) of whole wheat flour, one cup (237 ml) of rye flour, one cup (237 ml)of cornmeal — usually yellow — 1 1/2 teaspoon (7.4 ml) baking soda, and one teaspoon (4.9 ml) salt. If desired, one cup (237 ml) of raisins can be added at this stage, taking care to separate any raisins that are stuck together. Next, in a smaller bowl, combine two cups (473 ml) of buttermilk and 3/4 cup (177 ml) molasses. Stir this mixture into the dry ingredients, stopping as soon as all ingredients are moist. Fill the greased cans with the dough, and cover them with aluminum foil. To seal the cans, two layers of aluminum foil can be used, which can then be fastened around the can with string or rubber bands. Fill a pot with water, and put some type of rack in the pans, for the cans to rest on. Put the pot, with the rack and cans in it, over a burner on low, and add boiling water until the water level reaches halfway to the top of the cans. Cover the pot, bringing the water to a gentle boil. Steam the bread this way — adding more boiling water if necessary — for two and a half to three hours, stopping when an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Carefully slide the Boston brown bread out of the can. This will be much easier if the cans were well greased before adding the dough! |
Permalink / Edit | |||| - Google's decreasingly useful, spam-... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Know Your Bank's New Checking Fees To Avoid Get... | It’s pretty gross that these fees are not intended to recover costs but instead maintain profits. |
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Random image from 792c148b83ac81f91... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cartographes Sans Frontieres | It would be funny if it weren’t so awesome. |
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Election maps | classic |
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PICKED: Transit Maps of the World | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Directory of Food Pantries | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Shooting the MGM logo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sportello Spicy Tomato Soup | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Coop's typography and signpainting swipe file | I’m always more interested in designer’s and copywriter’s swipe files than their portfolios. A portfolio demonstrates competency, a swipe file demonstrates engagement, growth and critique. |
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Spokeo may know more about you than you realize | Interesting only in that it associates my phone number with a 70 year old middle-eastern man in lakeside, ca |
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SSSCat Cat Training Aid | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mars Journal Issue Inspires Hundreds of One-Way... | Apparently they didn’t read Kevin J. Anderson’s “Climbing Olympus” in which the first human visitors are freed Russian prisoners with vat-grown lungs grafted onto their backs enabling them to breath the thin atmosphere. Sterilized to prevent the birth of a natural baby who could not survive the conditions and banished to the mountains as the terraformed atmosphere becomes toxic to them, they watch with sadness and anger as the planet they created is inherited by newly arrived colonists. |
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Resolved: Stop Blaming the Pancake | This article doesn’t contain enough pancake references, so here it goes: you don’t spend all morning speculating if the pan is too hot, not hot enough, under greased, over greased; batter too thick, too wet, not sitting long enough; you just poor the first-pancake and then figure out what needs to change for the next one. |
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The Nonprofit Quarterly | @npquarterly | A Stra... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Voices From These Times: Edsals | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Open Letter to Arianna Huffington, Edward Roths... | Quote: “If you gasp when you see an artifact, I snap a photo, and another visitor texts her friend about the experience, is one of us doing it wrong?” |
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On Conformity | This is a rather privileged statement (not that, in my own socio-economic standing, I disagree): “As much as conformity is the currency of teenage years, an incredible thing happens afterwards and, all of a sudden, individuality is the currency.” |
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#Opensocietyfail - "relying on a 'civil society... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Guide to HTML5 Features You Can’t Detect | Permalink / Edit | |||||
‘Ibogaine’: A psychedelic cure for addiction? | If there was a drug for metacognition, I’d be interested: |
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Don Tyson, 1930-2011 | “He saw that if you added more convenience by further processing the chicken, consumers would pay for it.” |
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The Prehistoric Treasure In The Fields Of India... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
First South Carolina. Then New York? - | I like the part about Boston: |
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Sex in the wild | Permalink / Edit | |||||
People Problems Masquerading as Business Problems | “Only humans could routinely overlook human beings as an important part of the mix in the discussion about business. It should come as no surprise. These issues a) aren’t as academically fascinating to us as corporate ethics and finance, b) are messy, and c) often hit too close to home. It’s no wonder they get pushed aside.” |
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Dashalytics 3.05 Google Analytics Widget Not Wo... | A fix! |
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If You're Going to Soften Huckleberry Finn... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
slakebunny: allcreatures: Five of the 130 bab... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
benw:<br><br>Clearly Apple are keeping it a lit... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Clichés | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Cautions from OLPC's Experience in Marketing Te... | This is exactly what I said to someone at a coffee shop last night who had an XO from G1G1 and asked me how OLPC was doing: |
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Appeals court flushes FCC fine for NYPD Blue bu... | This was always my favorite quote from the FCC: |
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AJAX Form submission in CakePHP with jQuery « i... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Meanwhile, On Hoth: Fallen AT-AT Snow Fort | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Nieman Reports | Creating a Navigational Guide ... | In their new book, “Blur: How to Know What’s True in the Age of Information Overload,” Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, who previously partnered as the authors of “The Elements of Journalism,” explore the evolving relationships, responsibilities and roles of journalists and news consumers in the digital age. In their concluding chapter—“What We Need from the ‘Next Journalism’”—Kovach and Rosenstiel describe “eight essential dimensions or functions that the new news consumer requires from journalism.” With permission, we are presenting an adapted version of their words. |
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Center for Universal Design NCSU - Home | The Center for Universal Design (CUD) is a national information, technical assistance, and research center that evaluates, develops, and promotes accessible and universal design in housing, commercial and public facilities, outdoor environments, and products. Our mission is to improve environments and products through design innovation, research, education and design assistance. |
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Progressive media’s wrong turn: Adversaries vs.... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
requestAction considered harmful » Debuggable Ltd | For one, the speed penalty of using requestAction is quite prohibitive. The main slowdown is that every time you call requestAction, a full dispatch cycle takes place. This is pretty inefficient given that you probably already know what exact Controller/action you want to call up. A much bigger reason is that you will create a debugging nightmare for yourself. As soon has you have requestAction calls that invoke requestAction calls that invoke requestAction calls - you’re screwed. If somewhere along the chain odd things happen (like a bug in your Auth system, some controller’s / component’s beforeFilter) debugging is going to become a major pain. |
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america is for americans | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to add comments with AJAX in CakePHP | End ... | In today’s article we are going to create a very basic blog that allows people to create a post and posts comments on that post via AJAX. We are going to keep it extremely basic and just focus on that actual AJAX functionality. |
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My Support Profile | Permalink / Edit | |||||
my-CakePHP: Creating a Complete User Registrati... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Popular ‘CSS Reset’ Stylesheet Gets an HTML5 Ma... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Eat For Eight Bucks: Moroccan Red Lentil Soup | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Guide to Designing Cool URLs | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Works that would been public domain this year u... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Neil Crookes » OAuth extension to CakePHP HttpS... | An extension to CakePHP’s core HttpSocket class that supports OAuth requests in the same way HttpSocket supports Basic Auth. Provides a simple API with low level access and high flexibility. Usage instructions included with example for Twitter. |
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Nasty case of writer's block creates the most b... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Men and No Women of Web 2.0 Boards | In media literacy presentations, I always talk about the makeup of Facebook’s board to criticize the assumption that the internet-economy is more egalitarian than off-line economy. I’m glad to see it picked up in a major publication. |
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How Will Your Nonprofit Realistically Use Socia... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Stephen Colbert on American, Republican-style C... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
My New Year’s Resolution: Reducing Distraction... | Is “affluence” a technical or human approach? |
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Memeorandum Colors (Data Hacker Pageranks Membe... | colorcode political blogs |
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Wikileaks Exposes Internet’s Dissent Tax, not N... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
blech's collection | exquisite tweets | Permalink / Edit | |||||
brock craft » iPhone stereo line-in to mic Adapter | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How to Build a WordPress Plugin in 10 Minutes | This is an example of why the wordpress ecosystem is weak compared to Drupal. Not only is the tutorial empty, it refers to the codex which is a stubbed and outdated wiki format (unlike Also, it doesn’t propose good practices, like structuring your plugin with OOP, or even using the Settings API. Wordpress has an awesome hook system (actions and filters) and yet this tutorial doesn’t explore what it actually means on a functional level. |
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Lessons Learned from ReportingOn | A great example of why I’m skeptical of knight funded projects. Rather than focusing on critical mass, I’d rather see a requirement of “minimal mass” : Who do you need participating in order to demonstrate a proof of concept of the outcome/social effects? Fund it in Stages: |
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A restrained voice for social change | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The internal monologues of Orange Line drivers,... | This is better than the automatic Red Line announcements that are wrong. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | Quote |
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Making the Case For Capacity Building | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Rape rampant in US military - Features - Al Jaz... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Is This Real Life? In Defense of Our Virtual Co... | “Human relationships have many facets. When they’re real, they’re not real because of the things we use to cultivate them. They’re real because the human bond is there, the connection that extends beyond the means. “ It irritates me like no other when people say relationships arent real if they happen online. Right-cuz every person Ive met offline has been a doll and we’ve become BFFs? Hardly. Some of the most amazing people I know have come from the internetz. Thx. |
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College Students Are Less Empathic Than Generat... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
U.S. Diplomats Aren't Stupid After All - By Jos... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mobile bookmarklets (for pinboard) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Joy of Stats available in its entirety | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Escort probe skips 248 area code | ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Print Page | Permalink / Edit | |||||
In the life of the Foxconn young workers* / ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Matt Bors: Afghan Life, Part Three | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Matt Bors: Afghan Life, Part Three | Permalink / Edit | |||||
‘Like an Army of 41 Shades of Blue’ | Shared for the use of “lucrative exits”. |
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Chicago, USA | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Single Digits | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Tools of Disconnection | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Reinventing General Education | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Viral Me: Devin Friedman Investigates the N... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Elephant & Castle: Bakerloo Line | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Revenge of the Titans: Your new tower defense a... | I love this game, because of exactly the mechanic that is being complained about: unlike other Tower Defense games the baddies adapt to your defenses and will try to flank you. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| » De nada, Una Pequeña Casa | De nada, Una Pequeña Casa - |
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(500) http://boston.snowmag | RT @cozimek: RT @picnet: You asked for it, you get it: Boston gets dedicated @ushahidi Snowmageddon Clean Up site! … |
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Typograph – Scale & Rhythm | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Kecleon Color Theory | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Animal welfare charities | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Corporate Naming Rights in LA High Schools | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HOWTO make a pad of $2 bills | Permalink / Edit | |||||
An Executive Intro to Ontologies | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dinner. on Twitpic | @alinapaz - Dinner. |
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10 Pages Every Charity Website Should Have | Permalink / Edit | |||||
To Make Your Resume Rise to the Top of the Pile | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Facebook, Angry People Are More Popular (Plu... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
the show with zefrank | I finally started reading “Stumbling on Happiness”. Not that I expect to stop frequently referencing this video: |
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Trending Terms, Digital Books & Historical Data... | Ngrams researcher was Geoffrey Nunberg ( Though he wasn’t completely out of line :P |
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Google Ngram Viewer | Ngrams researcher was Geoffrey Nunberg ( Though he wasn’t completely out of line :P |
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Participatory Culture Foundation - PCF - Open-s... | We are hiring for 3 jobs! Sysadmin, developer, fundraiser. We are a great place to work, if I do say so myself. |
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// Textures and Reference Free High Res Image L... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Behind the scenes: Redesign - (37... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
excellent piece (Crisis Dominoes Start Falling ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ponoko - United States - Materials Catalog - Po... | On-demand printing/cutting |
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25 New Free High-Quality Fonts | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Speed Up Your Site with Delayed Content | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Steve's Ramblings | Using the new Facebook Grap... | One of the features of the old Facebook API was “off-line” access – basically where you could interact with Facebook in a “non-interactive” way : in other words a program or script could interact with Facebook on your behalf without you having to have a Facebook window open in your browser. |
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Settings API Explained | Press Coders | In this post I discuss the WordPress Settings API and how you can leverage them for use in your own plugins. Firstly there is coverage of the API in general and the various functions available together with their usage. After that there is a tutorial section with an example walk through of how to add options to a new sub menu page under the Settings Menu. |
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WordPress Settings API Tutorial » Otto on WordP... | When writing the Simple Facebook Connect plugin, I investigated how the Settings API worked. It’s relatively new to WordPress (introduced in version 2.7), and many things I read said that it was much easier to use. |
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PHP-Facebook-Authentication-using-oauth-2.0- at... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Paradigm shifts in marketing | Taken from that perspective, social media not only isn’t a paradigm shift, it’s not even remotely close to new. The idea that businesses could and should communicate with customers and have conversations with them stretch back to prehistoric times when merchants in local bazaars first figured out that telling a customer to tell a friend about their apple stand was a good way to build business. The channels have changed throughout the millennia and the scale with which you can do so has dramatically increased, but the method of two-way communication via Twitter is exactly the same as the apple merchant from 50,000 years ago. |
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MFA vs. NYC: America now has two distinct liter... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Michael Mace on What’s Wrong With RIM | Permalink / Edit | |||||
George Lakoff: Untellable Truths | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Wordpress: Separate trackbacks from comments [u... | This article describes a way of separating trackbacks from comments in your WordPress theme when you are using WordPress 2.7+. I have noticed that a lot of tutorials on the internet that explain how this is done are based on older versions of WordPress. These tutorials don’t work anymore because WordPress uses a different way of displaying comments now. This new way makes it easier to separate trackbacks from comments but the outdated tutorials can be very confusing for inexperienced users who want to separate trackbacks from comments in their own WordPress theme and rely on these tutorials. |
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Lulu: gutter size calculator | A gutter size calculator”What’s the best margins/gutter size to use for my book?” This is a common question I often see. While margins are more of an author’s general preference, the gutter case could use a calculator. The gutter calculator only works for perfect bound books of any type or size. Here’s the formulas, in C-programming style (there are two separate formulas, one for black and white (since it uses thinner paper) and another for color (since it uses thicker paper)): |
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Lulu: Book Bleeds | For an explanation of Bleed (Full Bleed) see our Glossary.Create one PDF with a page size .25” (.68cm) larger in both width and height than the book chosen. For example, a 6 x 9” book will need a PDF with a page size of 6.25 x 9.25”. The printer trims all four sides of the page equally. There is a .125 inch (.36cm) variation in the trimming process. Improperly sized or applied bleeds will result in a white strip or important parts of the image or text cut off at the edge of the page. |
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The War on Cameras - Reason Magazine | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Boston Subway / Squares Maps | Bill Rankin maps of Boston and elsewhere |
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The Project Gutenberg Copyrighted E-text of T... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Wordpress: Google Reader Shared Items Post | Shared Items Post is a WordPress plugin that automagically creates a blog post from your Google Reader Shared Items feed. You can schedule the post to go out daily, weekly, or monthly and even set the time of day. |
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Search State and Federal Campaign Contribution ... | Transparency Data is a central source for federal lobbying disclosure, federal grants and contracts, earmarks and federal and state campaign contributions. Here you can begin your search, find the information you need, and then download records of what a candidate has received, what an individual has given, how much an organization has spent on lobbying, and many other queries. |
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Wireframing Effectively on the 970 Grid System ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Beyond Web Mechanics – Creating Meaningful Web ... |
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Reflections on Organization Development for Soc... | How can our organizations be bold enough to alter the fundamental structural relationships in society, and wise enough to act according to the principles of organizational sustainability and community transformation? This article explores the tensions between these goals, uncovers potential points of unity and develops a holistic framework for change. |
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USA v. Crippen — A Retrospective « bunnie's blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Pac-Man Dossier | a detailed description of the mechanics of PAC man game |
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GameInternals | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Type study: A layered text shadow | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sight 1.0.1 Wordpress Theme - WPSHOWER - Free w... | Sight is a powerful WordPress theme, best suited for Magazines and Blogs. The theme was designed in modern minimalistic style with Golden Grid usage. It has two views to get information in the way you want – standard blog view & grid view. A big image slider on the top gives you extra ability to show the most important content. The theme supports the newest WordPress versions and has 2 Custom Menu Locations. 2 pagination types are available: Default with WP-NAVI support and Ajax-fetching, like in previous Twitter interface. The Sight theme supports Social Media. It has links to share each post to Twitter, Facebook, Delicious Digg, no plugins needed. It is also Search Engine Optimized, so you don’t need t o care about, just setup and get love from Google. |
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Online CSS formatting tools // Webdesign // chi... | If you have to work with CSS-files from other people (and I mean people who have a different understanding of code style) or with compressed files (and I mean big files), you need an automatic reformatting tool – that’s what this collection/review of online tools for css formatting is for. |
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Feature: Getting to QED, Part 4: Making Analogi... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HTML5Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 deve... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Smart Image Cropping Using Entropy | Basically, A) if the image is taller than it is wide (like the parent image), it B) goes through the image, slicing off 10px at a time off the image, either off the top or the bottom, based on which slice has a lesser entropy. |
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What is Critique? – A Platypus Affiliated Socie... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Beginning WordPress Development: A Look at Comm... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Feature: Getting to QED, Part 3: Analogies in A... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Feature: Getting to QED, part 2: deduction and ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Owltastic — by Meagan Fisher | Webdesigner with soft, organic designs |
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FortySeven Media ~ Kick Awesome Web Design, Gra... | Dirty design shop |
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Resume Redesign | For the new design, I wanted to show my experience and skillset in a more visual manner but still keep everything on a single printed page. I looked at various data visualization examples and decided on a two-column layout, with work history in one column and visual elements in the other: |
Permalink / Edit | |||| Mollusca & shells / | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Django Book | Welcome to the online version of The Django Book, a free book about the Django Web framework for the Python programming language. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | one site for all your daily shirt deals |
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Conditionally Sticky Sidebar : | If you use pretty much any browser except IE 6 (more on that later) when you visit this site, you’ve probably noticed that the dark-grey sidebar scrolls with you just until the banner and menu are off the page, and then locks itself into position or “sticks”. When you scroll back to the top, if the menu and/or banner need to be seen again, the sidebar politely resumes its normal scrolling duties. Go ahead, try it now, I’ll wait. Fun isn’t it? I’ve had a number of people comment on that, so I thought I would outline how I accomplished it. |
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Kelli.:.Anderson | Awesome website that uses media, google maps and photography. |
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How to: optimize wordpress blog for maximum speed | Today, the website speed is one of many factors that affect your Google ranking because like Google was talk: “Speeding up websites is important, not just to site owners, but to all Internet users” . So I’m very excited to share what I have learned about web performance (especially WordPress) with you and how to speed up your wordpress site in this article. |
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Tweeting Google Reader notes « matsu | I wanted to have a way for my Google Reader notes to be “automagically” tweeted, but not the regular shares (so I don’t flood my Twitter stream). I don’t know if there are already other solutions for this, I made this essentially to learn a bit more about Yahoo Pipes. It also uses twitterfeed, a very nice service which fetches a RSS stream and tweets a small blurb plus a shortened link for each item from that stream . |
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White Courtesy Telephone: Debunking Theories of... | RT @mbaizman: Theory of change, defined. Sort of. |
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Eight Hour Day | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Vertical Rhythm and sub/sub Tags | Olexandr Isayev | styling sup and sub elements |
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About Us : Fuzzy Ink, It'll grow on you | Fuzzy Ink is dedicated to the loving production of mustache clad apparel. Armed with a unique sense of style and an under-appreciated sense of humor, we work frantically to bring the freshest designs to the unkempt mustache kingdom. Each shirt, from the custom stamped tag to the artwork, is designed and hand printed in our underground lair. Additionally, we are committed to making and selling only clothing that we would proudly sport ourselves. |
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WhenWeWereKids — Welcome! | Fantastic tees from When We Were Kids a sweet brand that is focused on un-nostalgic youth sub-cultures like eighties skateboarding although not quite as un-nostalgic as a Leif Garret portrait, for example. That could be good though. Why not? |
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Blog templates: a case study in using HTML5’s s... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
SonSpring | 960 Grid System | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HTML5 Reset | Like a lot of developers, we start every HTML project with the same set of HTML and CSS templates. We’ve been using these files for a long time and we’ve progressively added bits and pieces to them as our own personal best practices have evolved. |
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Catch My Fame » jQuery Panel Gallery Plugin | I was mainly looking for a simple way to take a group of images and transition from one to the other in a smooth, visually appealing way. |
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15 Must Have Google Chrome Extensions for Web D... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Social Media Icons — Paul Robert Lloyd | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Hg Init: a Mercurial tutorial by Joel Spolsky | Mercurial is a modern, open source, distributed version control system, and a compelling upgrade from older systems like Subversion. In this user-friendly, six-part tutorial, Joel Spolsky teaches you the key concepts. |
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Setting Up Twitter Bots with OAuth | maSnun's logs | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What The Fuck Is My Social Media Strategy? | social media strategy generator |
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Two hearts one coop | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default for HT... | HTML5 Boilerplate is the professional badass’s base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site. |
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Don’t GetFireballed | brown blog | Nothing like kicking up dust about CMS platforms on a Monday, right? Well. I’m just a little fatigued by John Gruber (i.e. Daring Fireball) pointing out that the vast majority of WordPress-powered sites can’t handle the traffic he sends their way. |
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Inside Urban Green: A Personal Urban Food Produ... | Sub-irrigated (sub-aerated) planters (SIPs) like this one are the PCs and laptops of personal urban food production. You might also think of them as the iPods and iPhones of food. |
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slayeroffice | tools | Mouseover DOM Inspector ... | The Mouseover DOM Inspector, or MODI for short, is a favelet (also known as a bookmarklet) that allows you to view and manipulate the DOM of a web page simply by mousing around the document. |
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CSS3 Generator | Handy tool that spits out the syntax and associated vendor-prefixed CSS3 for properties like border-radius, box-shadow, multi-column layout and more. Especially helpful are the supported browsers icons with pop-up version numbers for each property. |
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Get Creative: 7 More Psychological Techniques —... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Boost Creativity: 7 Unusual Psychological Techn... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
ie7-js - Project Hosting on Google Code | IE7.js is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6. |
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How To Create Depth And Nice 3D Ribbons Only Us... | Yes, it’s possible to create a simple and nice (3D) layout playing with some CSS3 properties, only using code and without the help of Photoshop. |
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Simon Collison | Colly | The Celebrated Miscellany | Engineered in Nottingham, scaffolded by ExpressionEngine, steam-pumped by United & kept alive with tea and roll-ups. |
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CSS3 Examples and Best Practices | The CSS3 trend is getting more and more popular. In factCSS3 new features open a lot of new possibilities. Check out my previous post on “CSS3 Animation Demos” to see the things that you can do with it. However, don’t get too excited so soon because it is not fully supported by all browsers yet. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it at all. So, when should you use CSS3 new features? Well, continue on this post to see some excellent examples. |
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Analog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
x-ray delta one's photosets on Flickr | Nostalgic photos and ads. Goes great with Popular Science archive |
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CSS with vertical rhythm | | This tool will help you compute CSS that has a consistent vertical rhythm. If you are not sure what this is all about check out this great article about vertical measure. Feel free to leave a comment. Em, vertical rhythm calculator |
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Pure CSS speech bubbles – Nicolas Gallagher | The demo page for Progressive enhancement: pure CSS speech bubbles. For a detailed explanation view the CSS file. It is heavily commented. All examples use simple, semantic HTML. No empty elements, no unnecessary extra elements, no JavaScript, no images (apart from that Twitter logo). Have a look at the source code. |
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Wireframe Showcase - Home | Websites and the design sketches that led to then. |
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Well-formed data | Elastic lists | Nobel prize ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Arbitrary Stuff | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Glyphboard | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Port Huron Statement Analysis | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Implementing the National Broadband Plan | Bent... | I love the @benton_fdn’s new “Implementing the National Broadband Plan” tool: |
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Can themes style the visual editor? « Andrew Oz... | Can themes style the visual editor? |
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CSS with vertical rhythm | | This tool will help you compute CSS that has a consistent vertical rhythm. If you are not sure what this is all about check out this great article about vertical measure. Feel free to leave a comment. |
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The Hilbert Hotel - Opinionator Blog - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Group Think - Opinionator Blog - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Chances Are - Opinionator Blog - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
It Slices, It Dices - Opinionator Blog - NYTime... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Change We Can Believe In - Opinionator Blog - N... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Fix the latest Wordpress hack | Christopher S. ... | Both Marketing Over Coffee and my blog are getting nailed with this hack described by Chris Pearson. |
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WPA Posters - a set on Flickr | Of the 2,000 WPA posters known to exist, the Library of Congress’s collection of more than 900 is the largest. These striking silkscreen, lithograph, and woodcut posters were designed to publicize health and safety programs; cultural programs including art exhibitions, theatrical, and musical performances; travel and tourism; educational programs; and community activities in seventeen states and the District of Columbia. The posters were made possible by one of the first U.S. Government programs to support the arts and were added to the Library’s holdings in the 1940s. |
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LIFE - Google Books | Permalink / Edit | |||||
32 Coda Tips and Tricks | Mac Tricks And Tips | Anyway I have been collecting tips for over the last week or so about Coda. These tips and tricks are designed to help you work with Coda and get stuff done, as well as this some of the tips are designed to point out the obvious task to you, that aren’t quite as obvious. They are in no real order. If you have any more Coda tips and tricks please leave a comment. |
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My Blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Curried Lentils and Potatoes Recipe - MyRecipes... | Ingredients |
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Python Lists - Google's Python Class - Google Code | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Writing to be Read: A Post Digital Rhetoric | This is a guide for advanced students and research writers who want to master the protocols and structure of a successful, researched, analytical, or interpretive paper, article, or book chapter. Each written genre has some specific conventions that need to be followed, and this guide presents the top-level structures that must be completed for any professional or intellectual genre of writing to succeed. |
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Soma FontFriend • Soma Design | FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages. 2.0’s killer feature is instant drag-and-drop font previewing right in the browser (Firefox 3.6+ only), in any document you’re currently viewing. |
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LukeW | "Mad Libs" Style Form Increases Convers... | A while ago, I came across a unique registration form built by Jeremy Keith for his audio sharing site, Huffduffer. Though it asked people the same questions found in typical sign-up forms, the Huffduffer registration form did so in a narrative format. It presented input fields to people as blanks within sentences (Mad Libs-style, if you will). |
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How to Make a US County Thematic Map Using Free... | re are about a million ways to make a choropleth map. You know, the maps that color regions by some metric. The problem is that a lot of solutions require expensive software or have a high learning curve…or both. What if you just want a simple map without all the GIS stuff? In this post, I’ll show you how to make a county-specific choropleth map using only free tools. |
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PatternCooler | Cool Seamless Background Patter... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
24 ways: Make Your Mockup in Markup | In the past we’ve put up with Photoshop because it was vital to achieving our beloved rounded corners, drop shadows, outer glows, and gradients. However, with the recent adaptation of CSS3 in major browsers, and the slow, joyous death of IE6, browsers can render mockups that are just as beautiful as those created in an image editor. With the power of RGBA, text-shadow, box-shadow, border-radius, transparent PNGs, and @font-face combined, you can create a prototype that radiates shiny awesomeness right in the browser. If you can see this epic article through to the end, I’ll show you step by step how to create a gorgeous mockup using mostly markup. |
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29 Semi-Productive Things I Do Online When I’m ... | You don’t always have to work hard to be productive. Productivity can simply be the side effect of doing the right things. So here’s a list of 29 semi-productive things I do online when my mind is set on avoiding ‘real work.’ |
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Font Squirrel | Handpicked free fonts for graph... | ONLY THE BEST COMMERCIAL- |
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Applying Mathematics To Web Design | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Evolution of Type Taste | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Findings - People Share News Online That Inspir... | People preferred e-mailing articles with positive rather than negative themes, and they liked to send long articles on intellectually challenging topics. Perhaps most of all, readers wanted to share articles that inspired awe, an emotion that the researchers investigated after noticing how many science articles made the list. |
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Facilitating Online - Wikiversity | This course is designed to help people to access and interpret models, research, and develop professional expertise in online facilitation. After completing this course people should be confident in facilitating online and/or be able to critique and offer advice to other people in online facilitation. The next facilitated course started 27 July 2009 and runs to 4 December 2009. |
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Common Errors in English Usage | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Massachusetts Nonprofit Database - Urban Institute |
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Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs | Faculty | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Tax Foundation - How Do the Presidential Ca... |
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Women Who Tech | Women 2 Follow | We started #Women2Follow on Twitter one Wednesday in February of 2009 in response to the lack of women profiled on top 10 tech and social media lists. Now every Wednesday thousands of people recommend women in their Twitter community to connect and network work with. Below is a twitter feed that follows 75 women in tech. |
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What is the distinction between social media fo... | As a sector, we still have work to do to clarify the distinction between charity and social good/systemic change. The “Social Media for Social Good” panel, in particular, led off with stories of fundraising and good deeds on behalf of individuals, as opposed to scalable social change. |
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Asset-Based Community Development Institute :: ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
XLR History | Before my time in the audio industry Cannon (now ITT Cannon) made a Type O connector with an oval shaped body. The Cannon RJC-8-1955 catalog said “This series consists of a line of 3-contact oval-shaped plugs and receptacles, equipped with Latch Locking Device. Contacts are silver-plated, full-floating, non-twisting, with a 30 a. current rating. Solder terminals are tinned for ease of wiring. 30 a. contacts accommodate No. 10 stranded wire. 2400 v. flashover.” While Cannon sold these for microphones, they were no longer in use when I started in audio in the early 1960’s. |
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Misprinted Type Photoshop Brushes | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Southwest Museum Of Engineering, Communications... | Our Mission: Preserving Engineering, Communications and Computation History |
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Tiled backgrounds designer | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Black Cover | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Crucial Drupal Modules That I'm Just Finding Ou... | Because of some recent need I had to do some search engine optimization (SEO) and spam blocking, I’ve come across some really great Drupal modules that I wanted to mention. A lot of you out there who build Drupal sites may already know about them, but here goes… |
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Drupal: How to Remove the "not verified" Text f... | If you have comments activated on your Drupal site, and you allow non-members to leave comments, by default Drupal will append “(not verified)” to the names of people who leave comments and aren’t logged in to your site. On many sites (like mine, for instance), people aren’t even allowed to register accounts, meaning every comment has that pesky “(not verified)” text with it! I find that unfriendly, so here’s how you can change that. |
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Non Profit Website Design: Examples and Best Pr... | Non profit websites share many of the same best practices as any website. They need to be user friendly, easily navigable, and use appropriate fonts, colors, and other design elements. But often a non profit website needs to offer more than your typical corporate site. A non profit’s website needs to make it easy to find out more about their cause, to donate money, and to become more involved. It needs to make it easy for media contacts to find the information they need and the contact information of key personnel. And it needs to do all this in a way that’s inviting to the organization’s targeted donors and/or volunteers. Below are a list of best practices for designing non profit websites followed by some examples of non profit websites that are getting things right. |
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Pita Bread | The Fresh Loaf | 3 cups flour |
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Aardvark | RT @bucchere Check out (Aardvark) – great way to get answers to hard questions. #09ntc #cool |
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Designing Drop-Down Menus: Examples and Best Pr... | As a general rule, most Web developers, especially usability enthusiasts, say it is bad practice to use drop-down menus because they are confusing, annoying and oftentimes dysfunctional. From a design standpoint, however, drop-down menus are an excellent feature because they help clean up a busy layout. If structured correctly, drop-down menus can be a great navigation tool, while still being a usable and attractive design feature. Yes, that’s right: drop-down navigation menus can be user-friendly. Just yesterday Jacob Nielsen the results of his recent drop-down menus study, in which he found out that big, two-dimensional drop-down panels that group navigation options help users to avoid scrolling and can precisely explain the user’s choices with effective use of typography, icons, and tooltips. These panels appear temporarily and disappear on their own when users move the pointer to another top-level option or to a “regular” part of the screen. You can find more information about Ni |
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ephemera - Den Gamle Kro Restaurant placemat | Permalink / Edit | |||||
You and Your Research | At a seminar in the Bell Communications Research Colloquia Series, Dr. Richard W. Hamming, a Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California and a retired Bell Labs scientist, gave a very interesting and stimulating talk, |
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Advanced Latin | Lesson 1 | Imperfect - part 1 | Permalink / Edit | ||||| » 5 mistakes I have made | There’s an upcoming blog carnival on the theme of “mistakes consultants have made with their clients.” Another opportunity for us to walk our transparency talk. Can you just hear my enthusiasm? We try not to make the same mistake twice, but we’re human, and we screw up. Among some of the ones I personally have made at least once over the years:
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Nonprofit Online News: A Stack of Problems: Fiv... | When you’re driving and you have trouble in a turn, usually it’s how you entered the turn in the first place that’s the cause of the problem. When you’re in school and you’re struggling in a class, usually it’s what you did before the class itself that’s the cause of the problem. When you’re on a long flight of stairs and you can’t catch your breath, usually it’s what you did in the years before that’s the cause of the problem. Each of these is an example, with progressively longer time frames, of the same phenomenon: A problem whose solution best lies within an early stage of a process is often made manifest at a later stage of that process. Understandably, most people don’t like this fact very much. (The longer the time frame in question, the more they don’t like it.) Naturally, they don’t like it in the moment of discovering the problem. Nobody likes hearing that it’s too late to fix something. Nobody enjoys the sinking sensation that comes from paying the price for a mistake made |
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Nonprofit Online News: Asking the Wrong Questions | In every domain in life, the questions we ask shape the responses we get. Our questions reveal our frame of reference and impose that frame on our answers. As a result, much is revealed by examining the assumptions, the reasoning, and the logic models of our questions. I believe that most practitioners of nonprofit technology planning are asking the wrong questions. Because their questions are largely about technology, the results of these questions are answers dominated by the logic of technology itself, rather than by the mission or methods of the organization. Many observers will agree that common complaints about technology projects – resistance to change, long sales cycles, inappropriate technology, unexpected costs, unused tools – are often the inevitable result of this technocentric planning. The only way to unravel this problem is to go to the source and challenge the questions we ask. In this short essay, I will touch on three questions of my own: In general, what kinds o |
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Questions to ask when having a Startup Business |
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Painter Creativity -Top 10 Lies told to Naive A... | Top 10 Lies Told to Naive Artists & Designers Mark W. Lewis © 2005 1 “Do this one cheap (or free) and we’ll make it up on the next one.” No reputable business person would first give away their work and time or merchandise on the hope of making it up later. Can you imagine what a plumber would say if you said “come in, provide and install the sink for free and next time we’ll make it up when we need a sink.” You would be laughed at! Also the likelyhood is that if something important came along, they wouldn’t use you. This is a croc, unless the person is leaving the door open to cheat you out of your pay. Virtually every profession requres a deposit or incremental payment during anything but the smallest project. Once you have a working relationship, you may work out another arrangement with a client. But a new client should not ask you to go beyond an initial meeting and, perhaps some preliminary sketches without pay on the |
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Essays in Philosophy | Abstract |
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How Not To Sort By Average Rating | CORRECT SOLUTION: Score = Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter Say what: We need to balance the proportion of positive ratings with the uncertainty of a small number of observations. Fortunately, the math for this was worked out in 1927 by Edwin B. Wilson. What we want to ask is: Given the ratings I have, there is a 95% chance that the “real” fraction of positive ratings is at least what? Wilson gives the answer. Considering only positive and negative ratings (i.e. not a 5-star scale), the lower bound on the proportion of positive ratings is given by: (For a lower bound use minus where it says plus/minus.) Here p is the observed fraction of positive ratings, zα/2 is the (1-α/2) quantile of the standard normal distribution, and n is the total number of ratings. The same formula implemented in Ruby: require ‘statistics2’ def ci_lower_bound(pos, n, power) |
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My Dark Secret: How to write a murder mystery | Permalink / Edit | |||||
One Thousand and One Nights - Wikipedia, the fr... | The earliest known murder mystery[29][30] and suspense thriller with multiple plot twists[31] and detective fiction elements[32] was “The Three Apples”, also known as Hikayat al-sabiyya ‘l-muqtula (“The Tale of the Murdered Young Woman”),[33] one of the tales narrated by Scheherazade in the One Thousand and One Nights. In this tale, a fisherman discovers a heavy locked chest along the Tigris river and he sells it to the Abbasid Caliph, Harun al-Rashid, who then has the chest broken open only to find inside it the dead body of a young woman who was cut into pieces. Harun orders his vizier, Ja’far ibn Yahya, to solve the crime and find the murdererer within three days or else he will have him executed instead. This whodunit mystery may thus be considered an archetype for detective fiction. Ja’far, however, fails to find the culprit before the deadline.[34][35] Just when Harun is about to have Ja’far executed for his failure, a plot twist occurs when two men appear, one a handsome young m |
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CS193P - Cocoa Programming | Announcements | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CMU Pronouncing Dictionary | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Big Huge Thesaurus: Synonyms, antonyms, and rhy... | Synonyms, antonyms, and rhymes (oh my!) |
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WordNet | WordNet® is a large lexical database of English, developed under the direction of George A. Miller. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser. WordNet is also freely and publicly available for download. WordNet’s structure makes it a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing. |
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Class Wiki for Interactivity Design 1 YSDN 1006 | This wiki is the class community space for Interactivity Design 1 YSDN 1006, a first year course in the Bachelor of Design Program offered jointly between York University and Sheridan College Insititute of Technology and Advanced Learning. It also serves as central meeting point for the course including projects, updates, scheduling, resources, commentary and other relevant material that informs and promotes class activities. |
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Pixelmator Tutorials from abduzeedo | Permalink / Edit | |||||
DAYTUM | Hello… |
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Global Nerdy | Joey deVilla’s blog on nerdy life, work and play |
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bookoutlines / FrontPage | The Book Outline Wiki The purpose of this wiki is to allow readers to contribute to a community repository of book outlines. Whether you’re here because you’re too cheap to pay for Cliffs Notes, or because you want to be able to better remember your favorite books, welcome. |
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Strongspace™ Weblog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MyDellMini • Dell mini 9 Part numbers. Dell int... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Development Abstraction Layer - Joel on Sof... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
15 Must-Have Bookmarklets For Web Designers And... | Bookmarklets are a great way of saving time when used regularly. With just a click, they can provide so much information / help. Here is a list of 15 very handy web designer / developer bookmarklets which includes:
To use them, bookmark the “Get It” links. If no “Get It” link is provided, than they can be bookmarked from the author’s websites or: |
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Life's Lessons: Here we go again – Millennials ... | Friday, May 4, 2007 So why does this bother me so much? It’s mostly because when I see these kind of articles and studies, I see a group of people totally missing the point. I once took a philosophy class in college that focused on science and questioned the scientific method. The premise was that scientists already now what they what to find when they perform an experiment/study, so they tailor it to meet their expected results. I am sure this doesn’t happen all the time but I am a firm believer that it is a certainty in psychological studies. Twenge’s study is based on the narcissism personality inventory which is comprised of a bunch of questions like “ |
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The sting of poverty - The Boston Globe (margin... | The sting of poverty
IMAGINE GETTING A bee sting; then imagine getting six more. You are now in a position to think about what it means to be poor, according to Charles Karelis, a philosopher and former president of Colgate University. In the community of people dedicated to analyzing poverty, one of the sharpest debates is over why some poor people act in ways that ensure their continued indigence. Compared with the middle class or the wealthy, the poor are disproportionately likely to drop out of school, to have children while in their teens, to abuse drugs, to commit crimes, to not save when extra money comes their way, to not work. To an economist, this is irrational behavior. It might make sense for a wealthy person to quit his job, or to eschew education or develop a costly drug habit. But a poor person, having little money, would seem to have th |
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Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Vid... | “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” - Sir Ken Robinson |
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Birthday List | island94 | an awesome list of things I want for my birthday |
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27 Best Places You Should Visit To Get Incredib... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| - Fix an issue with the Firefox... | Fix an issue with the Firefox download folder location The solution is to open ~/Library » Preferences » with the Property List Editor (Xcode required), navigate to the Download Folder item, and delete the value (not the key; just the value under it), then save the property list fi |
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OmniGraffle Wireframe Palette | urlgreyhot | Permalink / Edit | |||||
WPDesigner » Web Typography: Column Widths | This is the first in a series of tutorials on how to increase the readability of your web design using available typographic knowledge. As noted previously, fluid or liquid designs can aid tremendously in the design of a page. But if you’ve ever tried to follow a long discourse that someone has posted on an internet forum, you quickly realize the major disadvantage: It’s hard to read. Column widths, or their “measure” in design-speak, have a tremendous impact on the readability of a particular design. While no hard and fast rules exist, there are two not-exactly-rules that you can follow to make your designs as readable as the daily news. |
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Supply, Demand, and English Food | Well, the whole point of a market system is supposed to be that it serves consumers, providing us with what we want and thereby maximizing our collective welfare. But the history of English food suggests that even on so basic a matter as eating, a free-market economy can get trapped for an extended period in a bad equilibrium in which good things are not demanded because they have never been supplied, and are not supplied because not enough people demand them. |
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Hermeneutics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | It is more broadly used in contemporary philosophy to denote the study of theories and methods of the interpretation of all texts and systems of meaning. The concept of “text” is here extended beyond written documents to any number of objects subject to interpretation, such as experiences. A hermeneutic is also defined as a specific system or method for interpretation, or a specific theory of interpretation. However, the contemporary philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer has said that hermeneutics is an approach rather than a method and, further, that the hermeneutic circle is the central problem of interpretation. |
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How to fight a rumor - The Boston Globe | Fighting rumors by publicizing them in vivid, high-profile locations is, to say the least, a surprising tactic. It’s hard to imagine someone victimized by workplace rumors summarizing them and posting them on the lunchroom wall. The conventional wisdom about rumors is to take the high road and not respond. When John McCain, during the 2000 Republican primaries, was plagued with rumors that he had fathered an illegitimate child, for the most part he opted not to engage with them at all. Why would anyone want to broadcast negative claims about themselves? |
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HOW TO BUILD A BALANCED SCORECARD - Intro | In Part 1, I will describe a 9-step process that assures the identification of a manageable and actionable set of BSC metrics that link directly to an organization’s strategic objectives. But organizational success - just like a coin or a magnet - has two sides: planning and doing. Successful organizations excel at both. They do the right things and they do them right. My focus in this e-paper will be on the planning side of that fateful coin. I refer you to my other writings on process management (see also my publications) for more on its control, improvement, and reengineering facets. Part 2 addresses the difficult task of translating strategically chosen stakeholder segment requirements into a prioritized list of internal process improvements. It is the improvement of these targeted processes and sub-processes that will make-or-brake the realization of strategic success. What makes identification of these vital few processes difficult are their many interdependencies and var |
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PPI: The False Choice Between National Service ... | Remarks to the Corporation for National and Community Service’s Board of Directors Meeting We at PPI and the DLC have been laboring in the national service vineyard for a long, long time and were “present at the creation” during the first couple of stabs at launching a national program in 1990 and 1993. As we saw the 2000 election approaching, we thought that there was both an opportunity and a challenge to move this enterprise onto bipartisan ground and to broaden the political support for it. In fact, there have been some remarkable successes here, as support has grown for national service among Republican governors as well as both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. And we’ve been working with Senator McCain and Senator Bayh on a bipartisan bill that would dramatically expand AmeriCorps. We were delighted by President Bush’s Freedom Corps initiative two years ago. We’ve always thought that national service synthesizes conservative and liberal values in a unique |
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Ministers to Defy I.R.S. by Endorsing Candidate... | Defying a federal tax law they consider unjust, 33 ministers across the country will take to their pulpits this Sunday and publicly endorse a candidate for president. |
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NICOLE & DANIEL's Wedding Website and Registrie... | San Luis Obispo and Atascadero, but there are certainly more options (pricier and cheaper) than provided below. Please contact Dan and Nicole directly if you need more help making arrangements |
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Markov Chain Algorithms | Markov Chain Algorithms How the algorithms work. Markov algorithms do not require either mathematics or computers. It is possible to perform a Markov text generation algorithm with a pencil and paper (I will discuss how to do this below). The only other thing required is an input text. There are mathematically oriented accounts available that also discuss such matters. This one will avoid equations entirely. To illustrate my discussion, I will use this paragraph. |
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Born To Run | Human Evolution | DISCOVER Magazine | The traits appear to be specifically adapted for running—and for jogging for long distances. So Bramble and Lieberman were not at all surprised that a man won the Man Versus Horse Marathon. It fits their hypothesis. Unlike many mammals, not to mention primates, people are astonishingly successful endurance runners, “and I don’t think it’s just a fluke,” Lieberman says. |
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Perjury in the DMCA | The perjury issue with the DMCA is something that confuses a lot of people, obviously including yourself. There are two cases where perjury is cited in the DMCA. First, a person must be authorized to work on behalf of the owner of the infringed property: (A) To be effective under this subsection, a notification of claimed infringement must be a written communication provided to the designated agent of a service provider that includes substantially the following: …. (vi) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. Note here that they sign that the information is accurate, but not under penalty of perjury. The perjury statement follows the ‘and’ and only refers to authorized representation. On the other hand, if you claim that the material was uninfringing, you have to sign under penalty of perjury that your i |
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Top 10 CSS Table Designs | CSS, Events | Smashi... | Tables have got to be one of the most difficult objects to style in the Web, thanks to the cryptic markup, the amount of detail we have to take care of, and lack of browser compatibility. A lot of time could be wasted on a single table although it’s just a simple one. This is where this article comes in handy. It will show you ten most easily implemented CSS table designs so you can style your tables in a zap! |
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Panlexicon | Panlexicon is a unique thesaurus that provides a quicker and more intuitive process for finding the words you want. |
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A corporate form of freedom By Norman Isaac Silber | Preview this book Buy this book Borrow this book |
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Moore_Law | This study will examine the development and evolution of semiconductor electronics, and in particular attempt to more completely explain “Moore’s Law,” a phenomenon unique to the rapid innovation cycles of this technology and thus the semiconductor industry as a whole. Gordon E. Moore’s simple observation more than three decades ago that circuit densities of semiconductors had and would continue to double on a regular basis has not only been validated, but has since been dubbed, “Moore’s Law” and now carries with it enormous influence. It is increasingly referred to as a controlling variable – some have referred to it as a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” The historical regularity and predictability of “Moore’s Law” produce organizing and coordinating effects throughout the semiconductor industry that not only set the pace of innovation, but define the rules and very nature of competition. And since semiconductors increasingly comprise a larger portion of electronics components and systems |
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Sesame Street Podcast | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Citizens Handbook Table of Contents | As far as we know, this is the best quick guide to community organizing on the web. We’ve separated out local information so it will be useful to people living in other places. |
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Pure template.php approach | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Sigma30 F1.4 EX DC Reviews at | Permalink / Edit | |||||
JW FLV Media Player | Permalink / Edit | |||||
gradus: visualizing the english language | INTRODUCTION: the overall shape of the structure made up from the individual words of the english language is apparent. the words are plotted along three axes: time, familiarity and alphabetic. the color of the words denote national origin. the shape of |
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La Mia Cucina: Two of My Favorite People and Th... | Kel’s Blueberry Mascarpone Pancakes 1 1/2 c. flour |
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GoogleReaderAPI - pyrfeed - Google Code | Google Reader API require :
https is only required for identification with Google to get the string called SID. You can rely on an external tool to connect with https |
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Coda Popup Bubbles | jQuery for Designers - Tut... | In particular, Jorge Mesa writes to ask how to re-create their ‘puff’ popup bubble shown when you mouse over the download image. In essence the effect is just a simple combination of effect, but there’s a few nuances to be wary of. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| » jQuery plugin: Tooltip | jQuery plugin: Tooltip |
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MediaWiki API | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Big Huge Thesaurus: Synonyms, antonyms, and rhy... | Let’s see… Setting, characters, events… Ah ha! Millions of possible story plots! Get some more » |
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OpenSearch: Add Your Site to Browsers’ Built-in... | The following HTML snippet displays a link to supporting browsers (for now, Firefox 2 and IE7) allowing visitors to add your search to the browser. Add this to your Big Medium template(s) where you would like the link to appear: |
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Hex Color Picker | Lets you get and edit hexadecimal HTML color codes |
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Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the Uni... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Panic - Extras - The True Story of Audion | Permalink / Edit | |||||
PDTool | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Setting up IMAP in AppleMail @ Dan Rubin’s Supe... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds | Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images |
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Journalism project takes reporting to the backy... | “It leads to a lot more diverse content than you would see in traditional journalism,” said Julie Adler, the NeighborMedia coordinator at Cambridge Community Television of the nine-month-old program. “We want to get the voices heard that aren’t us |
Permalink / Edit | |||| A blog reminer service | Brompt uses your blog’s RSS Feed (or any RSS feed) to check the last time something new was posted. If it’s been a while, we’ll send you an email. Simple. |
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Acrobat for Legal Professionals: Batch OCR usin... | What do you do when you have hundreds of TIFFs and Image-only PDFs file that you need to search for a big case? Working with these documents one at a time is not efficient. If you have Acrobat Professional, you can batch OCR and let you computer do the w |
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Myers Briggs Online, MBTI, Online Personality a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Features : Radar Online : One Millennial respon... | Get Off the Stage |
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Gen Y Enter Stage Left, Baby Boomers Exit Stage... | Do the once finite lines of the corporate firewall between work and personal start to fade?# Who is really an official spokesperson? Is there an unofficial spokesperson? |
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The seven key challenges for non-profit organis... | In this article John Wright, Yorkshire Culture’s Director of Policy and Strategy, identifies seven key challenges facing non-profit organisations in achieving sustainability. It challenges a number of assumptions commonly held by funders and support age |
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Top 40 Free Icon Resources for Web Designers (U... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
News from the Future of Public Media -- Center ... | Many maps of community media are straightforward in that they primarily show where community media stations, makers or organizations are located. Mapping Access, an online directory of over 200 cable access television stations in 28 states, uses a Google |
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Sharing a model for community technology center... | Resource Center |
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Hooman Majd: The Persian Question - Politics on... | “we don’t understand the Iranians because the Iranians don’t understand themselves.” An astonishing statement coming from an extremely bright journalist, and one that betrays the fundamental problem Americans, indeed Westerners, have with trying to figure |
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Unfiltered » Blog Archive » Akimbo’s End: An In... | kimbo always had its share of issues. Charging for hardware, then charging a monthly service fee, then charging for content, wasn’t exactly a recipe for success. But these issues could have been addressed by putting the Akimbo service on other people’ |
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Features : Radar Online : A Call to Arms Agains... | They’re naive, self-important, and perpetually plugged in. This is a call to arms against Millennials |
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Power On Self Test: Cargo Cult of Mac - Boing B... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices | The acronym, which stands for Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices, was designed as a handle for common usage — as in “Do an APC on reducing utility costs.” Each word in the acronym has slightly different connotations, but for practical purposes the |
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How to Change the World: The 10/20/30 Rule of P... | a PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points. While I’m in the venture capital business, this rule is applicable for any presentation to reach agreement: for example, |
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NAMAC: TeleSalon Podcasts | Sustaining Community Media through Mission Centered Service While traditional funding models for Community Media are eroding, the need for empowerment of local voices |
Permalink / Edit | |||| - Recipe - Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ben Sheldon « Laptop Deco | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A List Apart: Articles: JavaScript Image Gallery | Making an online gallery of pictures should be a quick process. The gap between snapping some pictures and publishing them on the web ought to be a short one. Here’s a quick and easy way of making a one-page gallery that uses JavaScript to load images a |
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Sample Job Descriptions for Members of Boards o... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 inspirational quotes, part 2 at Personal Dev... | Man is free at the moment he wishes to be. |
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SimpleXML | When people ask me “What is SimpleXML?” I often quip, “XML is the solution to all your problems; SimpleXML ensures it isn’t the root of your problems!” |
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Sox First: Nonprofits ethics: now nearly as bad... | When it comes to ethics, nonprofits have always been held out as organizations that have the moral high ground. Now there’s evidence showing that’s not right. A new Ethics Resource Center survey shows that non-profits are really struggling with it. |
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Seven Steps to Change the World | Looking at the lives of those who have changed the world before, a pattern emerges. There are seven distinct steps to changing the world. Not one of these steps are easy and each of these steps rely heavily on your ability to carry out the other steps |
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Open Google Notebook in Firefox Sidebar | Mitch... | I like using Google’s Notebook feature but the extension they give you is a little lacking. I think it is too small and doesn’t allow me to open and shut it very quickly. What’s the solution? Well I took the Google personalized homepage widget for G |
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Your True Calling Could Suit a Nonprofit - New ... | Q. What are the biggest misconceptions about switching from the corporate world to the nonprofit world? A. Many people are surprised to find the hours longer and stress greater than in the corporate world. Brian Olson, who left the private sector for a |
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~jk groupwise max | One of the common problems to solve in SQL is “Get row with the group-wise maximum”. Getting just the maximum for the group is simple, getting the full row which is belonging to the maximum is the interesting step. |
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Breakfast Cereals, oh my | island94 | Read a fun article about Breakfast Cereals via a comment on breakfast cupcakes, err, muffins. |
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The MaintainIT Project, a project of TechSoup | Don’t reinvent the wheel. Learn from the experiences of others and find out how libraries keep public computers running. We talk to hundreds of libraries and publish their tips and techniques in free Cookbooks and in Library Features. Download a cookbook |
Permalink / Edit | |||| - Welcome to - Imagin... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Unlock problems. - FixYa | I finally enabled my unlocked samsung SGH-T509 to receive multimedia (picture) messages on AT&T (cingular) with the help of the aforementioned *#87667# code. Under “Server settings” go to the second option Profile settings and select that. Profile name: |
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vB Easy Archive - T509 Unlocked: Anybody here a... | T-Mobiles Samsungs have the WAP/MMS Settings Menu hidden so that the customer can’t manually change them. You need to type *#87927# to get to the WAP Menu and *#87667# to get to the MMS Settings Menu to change the pre-existing one for T-Mobiles T-Zones/- |
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Stuff White People Like | that make them smarter, more competent, or more likable than you. The best thing you can do is to act impressed when a white person talks about critical theorists. This helps them reaffirm that what they learned in graduate school was important and that t |
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Scott Klarr >> Programming + Linux + Computers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A break-in to end all break-ins - Los Angeles T... | the bureau had gone beyond mere intelligence-gathering to discredit, destabilize and demoralize groups — many of them peaceful, legal civil rights organizations and antiwar groups |
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Technology in the Arts » Blog Archive » Hodgepo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Poverty Is Poison - New York Times | if a progressive wins this election, it will be by promising to ease the anxiety of the middle class rather than aiding the poor. And for a variety of reasons, health care, not poverty, should be the first priority of a Democratic administration. |
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Pope Instrument Repair » Ken’s Salsa Recipe | Ken’s Salsa Fresca! 1 Small Onion |
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Digg - Building a Life on $25 and a Gym Bag | He’s not taking into account the concept of “learned helplessness” that unfortunately is common among second, third, and fourth generation welfare recipients. He had hope if for no other reason because he has a degree, a family of some means, and a way ou |
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20 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out ... | “Everything has been figured out, except how to live.” - Jean-Paul Sartre |
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San Francisco magazine | The Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, which represents about 99.5 percent of U.S. common stocks, is a great one to start with. |
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Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets ... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| - 10.4: Create Spotlight indexe... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
PHP regular expressions examples | Big ol’ list of regular expression snippets |
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COLOURlovers :: Palette / Beach Umbrella | Permalink / Edit | |||||
8 Web Design Mistakes That Developers Make | An excellent website takes a particularly savvy blend of both great design and great code. Because of this, you often find designers having to figure out code and developers trying their hand at design. Speaking as a developer who spent his university yea |
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ISO 9000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | a set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business;monitoring processes to ensure they are effective;keeping adequate records;checking output for defects, with appropriate corrective action where necessary;regularly reviewing i |
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Tipping-point skeptic says that super-Influence... | Clive Thompson has a long feature in Fast Company about Duncan Watts, a researcher who disputes Malcolm Gladwell’s vaunted “Tipping Point” model of how social ideas spread in society. His experiments and computer models suggest that the spread of ideas is |
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my little kitchen: Mondays with Maida - Greenwi... | The brownies this week are truly over the top - 6 ounces of chocolate, 8 ounces of butter, 6 eggs, 3 cups of sugar plus some corn syrup for good measure, and 3 cups of pecans! Care to hazard a guess as to the number of calories in one brownie? |
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Feltron Eight: Designer's annual report | Annual Report |
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Lumity | Nonprofit consulting services |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | Building a .com in 24 hours | This is about how I spend 24 concentrated hours spread out over 4 days during Holidays to build the online service It is part of my ongoing learning process on how to run a successful web startup. |
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AkaSig » Blog Archive » Web scraping with pytho... | This series of messages introduces my current hacks that automate web sites crawling and data extraction from HTML pages. The current output of these scripts is a bunch of CSV files that can be further processed … in Excel. |
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The Nonprofit Consultant Blog | Blog of nonprofit consultant and freelance grant writer, Ken Goldstein. Contains funding and grant writing tips, management advice, nonprofit industry news and resources, links, etc. |
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The Nonprofiteer: Dear Nonprofiteer, Those darn... | “Serve as many people as possible” is not a strategic plan; it’s a mission–and a relatively uninspiring one, at that. You might try explaining the difference to your ED this way: the mission says what you’re going to do, while the strategic plan says ho |
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David Lebovitz: 10 Easy Ways To Improve Your Co... | Here’s 10 easy things you can do to improve your cooking. I’ve touched upon a few before and some apply to baking, some to savory cooking. They’re ways that I’ve personally improved my cooking and stocked my pantry, and all of these things are within the |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | write about many subjects in magazines and newspapers, but mostly in books and mostly about food, chefs, and cooking—issues also covered in this blog. |
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Show Numbers as Numerals When Writing for Onlin... | Summary: |
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40+ Excellent Freefonts For Professional Design... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
WANTS FOR SALE | each painting shows one thing we want and sells for the price of that thing |
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Boy Crisis | The Hippodrome | “We kind of hope that our music will somehow save the world.” Verbatim, this is the answer that Lee Pender of the New York based band Boy Crisis offered when asked why the band creates the music that they do. |
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The Curse of Knowledge Bogs Down Innovation | The idea that past experience could have negative value was a threat to their personal credos and their career strategy. |
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Bad Science » The Decision Hedgehog | “The Decision Hedgehog - Enhancing Contextual Knowledge For Group Decision Authoring And Communication Support” |
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Nonprofit Advice - 5 Tips | So let’s talk about your impossible dream. You need some miracles. Good luck with that. But I can give you, as a 10-year veteran, my five counter-intuitive and probably immoral success secrets.
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start [Jiggy] | Simply put, Jiggy is the easiest way to create applications for the iPhone (or iPod Touch). With just Jiggy and a browser, you’ll be able to write an awesome iPhone application in a matter of minutes. JiggyApps run natively on the iPhone, so there is no m |
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Trucker's Hitch | has the distinctive feature of providing a three to one purchase when being tightened. The variety of names for this hitch is a tribute to its widespread use. It is a valuable knot - particularly for securing loads or tarpaulins. |
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Resume Keywords & Action Verbs: Scannable Resum... | Electronic resume scanners are programmed to look for key terms in your resume. Without them, your resume could be discarded. Use the below as a starting point, however we recommend to read the job posting closely. The verbs they are looking for will u |
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25 Things You Should Never Include on a Resume ... | Before you decide to get too creative, there are some rules to résumé etiquette that you should follow. Read below for the 25 things that you should never include on a professional résumé. |
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PSDTuts - Photoshop Tutorials and Links - 9 Ess... | Web design can be deceptively difficult. Getting a design that is both usable and pleasing, delivers information and builds brand, is technically sound and visually coherent… |
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Are You Someone’s User-Generated Content? | Cop... | There’s a fundamental difference in the way people who build web properties for a living think when compared to those who publish online for other reasons. For me, there’s really no appeal in spending a lot of time creating “user-generated” con |
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Phone Recording Archive | Permalink / Edit | |||||
A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices | This book contains definitions and examples of more than sixty traditional rhetorical devices, all of which can still be useful today to improve the effectiveness, clarity, and enjoyment of your writing. Note: This book was written in 1980, with some chan |
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Rock and Write | His voice didn’t sound at all good, and I don’t think I knew his diagnosis yet, may have heard something general about his being sick. I’m pretty sure that if Ben Sheldon had taken over his post at that point, I didn’t know about it. But in any case, I wa |
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Carney Family Exchange: TWIMC | Permalink / Edit | ||||| ( hot ) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Media literacy after "The Simpsons" | Homer Simpson explains our postmodern identity crisis, whether we like it or not: Media literacy after “The Simpsons” |
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Drupal Podcast No. 50: 50 Drupal Tips and Trick... | The Lullabot team celebrates its 50th podcast with a list of 50 Drupal tips and tricks. |
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NPOKI - Performance Management for Non-Profit O... | We provide information management and support systems that can track the performance of large numbers of projects in a variety of countries against strategic goals, align financial investment with results, and allow NPOs to collect, analyze and share info |
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Effective Photo Keywording Step by Step | Make ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Parkour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How Your Creepy Ex-Co-Workers Will Kill Faceboo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Objectivism (Ayn Rand) - Wikipedia, the free en... | Objectivism holds that there is mind-independent reality; |
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The Secret to Raising Smart Kids | studies show that teaching people to have a “growth mind-set,” which encourages a focus on effort rather than on intelligence or talent, helps make them into high achievers in school and in life. |
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How Technology Almost Lost the War: In Iraq, th... | Noah Shachtman |
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800,000 Privileged Youths Enlist To Fight In Ir... | Citing a desire to finally make a difference in Iraq, in the past two weeks, more than 800,000 young people from upper-middle- and upper-class families have put aside their education, careers, and physical well-being to enlist in the military, new data fr |
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PodCamp Boston 2 » Audio from ‘Delivering kille... | The show was called “Delivering killer presentations at PodCamp” and featured Laura’s excellent advice for both first-time presenters and accomplished speakers alike. Laura also took several call-in questions from listeners. |
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Center for Complex Network Research @ Notre Dame | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What Hath Bakhtin Wrought? | The growing influence of critical theory in English studies has produced a host of difficult and confusing ideas about philosophy of language as applied to written texts. Especially frustrating for many has been Jacques Derrida’s theory of deconstruction, |
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Wealth Bondage: What is Wealth Bondage? | Wealth Bondage is pervasive, the horizon within which postmodern life, in every aspect, appears to us as a Market. |
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Roman à clef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | A roman à clef or roman à clé (French for “novel with a key”) is a novel describing real-life events behind a façade of fiction. The ‘key’ is usually a famous figure or in some cases the author. |
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No End in Sight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Among those interviewed are
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Eighth wonder of the world? The stunning temple... | Here, 100ft down and hidden from public view, lies an astonishing secret - one that has drawn comparisons with the fabled city of Atlantis and has been dubbed ‘the Eighth Wonder of the World’ by the Italian government. |
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10 Absolute "Nos!" for Freelancers : Freelance ... | Anyways, now four years later, my world (AND financial success) now requires ample use of the answer “No.” And here are ten questions I nearly always answer “No” to: |
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the show: 09-21-06 - zefrank | I wanted to talk a little bit about the science of happiness but it turns out that the science of happiness made me a little bit anxious. For example, psychologist Dan Gilbert just wrote a book called Stumbling on Happiness In it, he says that a lot of |
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Food - Supermarkets - Obesity - Nutrition - Cal... | So how is it that today the people with the least amount of money to spend on food are the ones most likely to be overweight? About Farm Bill |
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Chris Millward :: extended bookmark... | bookmarklets that I’ve found to extend functionality |
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HOW TO Quickie: Embedded Flickr Slideshows | Dig those flash Flickr slideshows? All that’s needed is a bit of code to embed them within your website to give your readers something dynamic. |
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A List Apart: Articles: Understanding Web Design | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Force-fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | used in folk magic practice in the Scottish Highlands up until the 19th century. Believers considered it an antidote against bewitching, as well as the plague, murrain and all infectious diseases among cattle. It is also known as Needfire or Neatsfire fro |
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Craigslist Foundation - Project Entry Point | Project Entry Point will include pathways and markers useful to emerging leaders and to anyone wanting to become engaged quickly and efficiently in the sector. In addition, it will be an indispensable resource for established leaders, as well as for those |
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Blessed Unrest | Permalink / Edit | |||||
New Adventures in Image Transfers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Basic Guide to Outcomes-Based Evaluation for No... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MuniWireless and Community Wireless | CTC VISTA... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Iraq War = Dollar Auction at The Gong Show by A... | Economics professors have a standard game they use to demonstrate how apparently rational decisions can create a disastrous result. They call it a “dollar auction.” |
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Indiana University School of Informatics | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Mammal ‘Zine Launch - THURSDAY 11/8 | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Medi... | I’m doing a session at Boston podcamp called the Social Media Metrics/ROI Game. I’m slightly out of my comfort zone here because I’ve only been following this topic closely for a short time, although I have co-authored a guide for nonprofits on technolo |
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The Wikipedia Knowledge Dump ( ... | “Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.” |
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How Apple Keyboards Lost a Logo and Windows PCs... | A variety of bloggers have been commenting on the removal of the Apple logo from the new aluminum keyboards on the refreshed iMac release this week. They’ve explained why Steve Jobs took the Apple logo off back in the mid 80s, but nobody explains how it |
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Phillyhistory | he Philadelphia City Archive is one of the country’s largest municipal archives, with an estimated 2 million photographs that date from the late 1800’s. These gorgeous pictures paint a stunning portrait of Philadelphia and its industry, architecture, |
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WordPress Theme Hacks | But now WordPress has grown so powerful that you can use it to create any type of website and use it as a Content Management System (CMS). In this article, I’m going to share some of my WordPress tricks with you on how to make a better WordPress theme. |
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Main Page - Touchdev | This website is dedicated to finding additional uses for the iPod Touch by (legitimately) enabling its potential capabilities, and is a place for the community to share ideas, discoveries and solutions. It is for informational purposes only. The iPod Touc |
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What's New With NOA - National Organizers Alliance | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bohemian Word Werks - Writing blunders | Anyway, here’s a list of errors I (and some editors I know) see over, and over, and over again, ad desperandum. Plus a few that maybe just bug me. Feel free to add your own in comments… |
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Octave Quick Reference | Here is a table of the operators in Octave, in order of. increasing precedenc |
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Seed: Scientific Literacy and the Habit of Disc... | The First Prize Winner of the Second Annual Seed Science Writing Contest answers the question: What does it mean to be scientifically literate in the 21st Century? |
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Charging a Motorola RAZR over USB | uckily, I know some tricks and someone told me the magic to get it to charge. I whipped up a little program that tells the RAZR (or any other Motorola cell phone) to charge over USB. My app is free to download. |
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7 reasons I switched back to PHP after 2 years ... | I spent two years trying to make Rails do something it wasn’t meant to do, then realized my old abandoned language (PHP, in my case) would do just fine if approached with my new Rails-gained wisdom. |
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The Center for What Works | The Center for What Works and The Urban Institute recently completed the initial phase of a research project to provide the first sector-wide framework for nonprofit program outcomes and indicators for success. The framework assists service providers to i |
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Building a Common Outcome Framework To Measure ... | he work described in this report first provides suggested core indicators for 14 categories of nonprofit organizations and then expands the notion of common core indicators to a much wider variety of programs by suggesting a common framework of outcome in |
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Shallow Thoughts: The Fibonacci Spiral and the ... | Back when I was in high school, I did a research project on Fibonacci numbers (their use in planning the growth of a city’s power stations), and for a while I had to explain the project endlessly, so I thought I remembered pretty well what sorts of visual |
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Spirals and the Golden Section by John Sharp fo... | Having been able to compare the different Golden Section spirals in Part 3, this section looks at the most enduring myth of Golden Section spirals: because a spiral is a logarithmic spiral it is a Golden Section one. |
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Mango Beta Launched! | . The first Free enterprise language learning course available on the Internet. Eleven of our courses are now available in our beta release. Each course has 100 lessons available. |
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MATHEMATICS and BIOLOGY | Permalink / Edit | |||||
New Ecotoxicological Model To Simulate Survival... | Aquatic nontarget organisms are exposed to fluctuating concentrations or sequential pulses of contaminants, so we need to predict effects resulting from such patterns of exposure. We present a process-based model, the Threshold Damage Model (TDM), that li |
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Jamaica Plain Historical Society - Home | Permalink / Edit | |||||
'And Then There Were None' by Eric Frank Russell | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Learning Perl | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Montana PRC : Frequently Asked Questions about ... | Frequently Asked Questions about Montana, VISTA, and the PRC |
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Introduction to social network methods: Chapter... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using the terminal with MAMP on OS X—Time Waste... | Recently I was going to take the promising Symfony PHP framework out for a quick test drive, but ran into trouble in the very beginning of the tutorial. I’m running MAMP for local PHP development, but the terminal is using the built-in PHP version for i |
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Selectors | In CSS, pattern matching rules determine which style rules apply to elements in the document tree. These patterns, called selectors, may range from simple element names to rich contextual patterns. If all conditions in the pattern are true for a certain e |
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Guide to Writing Job Descriptions | DESCRIBING THE JOB |
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Digital History Hacks | Legitimacy exchange helped transform cybernetics from a relatively local contact language suited to the particular needs of scientists in wartime Cambridge into a discourse commonly used for coordinating work across multiple research projects and mult |
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Performance and Security | Rasmus Lerdorf’s presentation slides from the OSCMS conference. XSS cross site scripting, code injection, sql injection. Goodies |
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Ontology (computer science) - Wikipedia, the fr... | In both computer science and information science, an ontology is a data model that represents a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts. It is used to reason about the objects within that domain. |
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Pascal's TechBlog: Extracting Fonts from PDFs | Have you ever come across a PDF, which uses some really cool fonts, but you can’t seem to get a hold of them… Here’s a solution, you can extract font from PDFs! It’s possible! There are some drawbacks though, in many (and probably most) cases it won’t b |
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Pages « WordPress Codex | Making your blog appear in a non-root folder Suppose you have Wordpress running at Suppose further that you want your blog to be located at and that you want other pages to be available at |
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Tools and methods for computational lexicology | This paper presents a set of tools and methods for acquiring, manipulating, and analyzing machine-readable dictionaries. We give several detailed examples of the use of these tools and methods for particular analyses. A novel aspect of our work is that i |
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Publications on thesaurus construction and use | This is a list of printed and electronic publications about the principles of constructing and using information retrieval thesauri. It is not a list of existing thesauri, although some thesauri have been included when they are good examples or illustrat |
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Graph Theory: Part I (Introduction) | 20bits | This is the first in a multi-part series about graph theory here on 20bits. This started out of me wanting to write about some of the mathematical aspects of Facebook, but I realized that many people might not have a sufficient background to just jump rig |
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Language Log | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Legend of FacilityFocus: An Underground Guide | These are some strictly unofficial suggestions, for residents of the College House system at Penn, about how to win at FacilityFocus, the new interactive adventure game system for entering repair requests. If you’ve got a repair emergency, forget the rest |
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Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus | The Visual Thesaurus is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus with an innovative display that encourages exploration and learning. |
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How Will Millennials Manage? — HBS Working Know... | Nothing seems to set off managers I talk with more than the topic of managing Gen Yers, otherwise known as “millennials,” those born beginning in the late 1970s. Here’s what they tell me: |
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Fast Random Walk with Restart and its Applications | How closely related are two nodes in a graph? How |
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Steps to an Ecology of Mind - Wikipedia, the fr... | a collection of Gregory Bateson’s short works over his long and varied career. Subject matter includes essays on anthropology, cybernetics, psychiatry and epistemology. It was originally published by Chandler Publishing Company in 1972. |
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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Wikipedia, the fre... | a French Jesuit priest trained as a paleontologist and a philosopher, and was present at the discovery of Peking Man. Teilhard conceived such ideas as the Omega Point and the Noosphere. |
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Program management: Different from project mana... | Many enterprise IT organizations are tackling large, complex efforts that combine the delivery of software elements, new and changed business models, and overall changes to organizational structure and capabilities. Typically these efforts involve several |
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kolb's learning styles, experiential learning t... | Kolb’s learning theory sets out four distinct learning styles (or preferences), which are based on a four-stage learning cycle. (which might also be interpreted as a ‘training cycle’). In this respect Kolb’s model is particularly elegant, since it offers |
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Ed Ricketts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Edward Flanders Robb Ricketts (May 14, 1897 - May 11, 1948) commonly known as Ed Ricketts, was an American marine biologist, ecologist, and philosopher. He is best known for Between Pacific Tides (1939), a pioneering study of intertidal ecology, and for h |
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Nature and Culture in the Age of Cybernetic Sys... | This essay explores the status of nature in the information age by examining the concept of the ecosystem, one of the most powerful models of nature to emerge after World War II, and one that helps illuminate the relationship among people, nature and tech |
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Solutioneering!!! | A Solutioneer is someone who examines a situation, explores its possibilities, determines solutions, and effectively actions them to completion. These web pages are a synthesis of ideas, ideals, philosophies and resources for empowering people worldwid |
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TRIZ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | TRIZ (pronounced [treez]) is a Russian acronym for “Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch” (Теория решения изобретательских задач), Theory of solving inventive problems or Theory of inventive problem solving. It was |
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"Whole Earth Culture" by Robert Horvitz | FUNCTION The Whole Earth Catalog functions as an evaluation and access device. With it, the user should know better what is worth getting and where and how to do the getting. An item is listed in the Catalog if it is deemed:
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Kevin Kelly -- Help Wanted | You live in the big here. Wherever you live, your tiny spot is deeply intertwined within a larger place, imbedded fractal-like into a whole system called a watershed, which is itself integrated with other watersheds into a tightly interdependent biome. (S |
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Greater Good Magazine: Hope on the Battlefield | Military leaders know a secret: The vast majority of people are overwhelmingly reluctant to take a human life. |
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Revolution Systems Blog: A Guide to Hiring Prog... | I was invited to a wonderful dinner party (I swear it wasn’t too spicy Sarah!) with some St. Louis Perl peoples this week while I’m here on business. At one point we were talking about hiring programmers, specifically Perl programmers. |
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Blueprint: A CSS Framework | Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing. |
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Correspondent inference theory - Wikipedia, the... | Correspondent inference theory is a psychological theory proposed by Edward E. Jones and Keith Davis that argues we use the consequences of a person’s behaviour as a basis for inferring intentions. For example, consider a third party who observes one pers |
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The World We Want: Update on The World We Still... |
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The Way Forward for Phil(anthropy) |
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The Personal MBA — Mastering Business Through S... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
EnCorps: VISTA Member Handbook | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Six ways to write more comprehensible code | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Derek Powazek – The Real Story of JPG Magazine | If there’s one thing I’ve learned about community-building, it’s this: Do Not Lie. People are too smart and well-connected to believe a lie anymore. So, with that in mind, the story I’m about to tell is absolutely true as I experienced it. |
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Intro to the Photoshop Curves command @ thegold... | Fundamentals of a powerful tool for improving the color and contrast of digitized photos. (Covers RGB and Grayscale; CMYK and detailed print-related issues are beyond the scope of this piece) |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | / Convert str to UTF-8 (if not already), then convert that to HTML named entities. // and numbered references. Compare to native htmlentities() function. // Unlike that function, this will skip any already existing entities in the string. // mb_convert_en |
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Plum Canary - Chirp - Project and task manageme... | Guy I met at Drupal Drop-In. Jay |
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Automatic Nodetitles | | This is a small and efficient module that allows hiding of the node title field. To prevent |
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» 25 Code Snippets for Web Designers (Part4) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Definitive Guide to Semantic Web Markup for... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GizBuzz » Making your own OpenSearch plugins | Well, I’m actually going to write a quick tutorial on how you make OpenSearch plugins (which is what that Gizbuzz one was). Normally, my tutorials are the realm of Gizbuzz’s sister site FOSSwire, but since this one has quite a lot of relevance to the web |
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Patch to add themeable markers | | I’m trying to theme the output of the node which gets loaded inside the gmap popup and have found instructions for theming gmap popups for NON-views pages, but unfortunately can’t seem to find anything about theming gmap popups on views-generated pages. |
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Redirecting Users After Submitting a Form in Dr... | The url returned from the form submit function, # which is overriden by #redirect, # which is overriden by destination passed in the url. |
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35 Designers x 5 Questions | Smashing Magazine | Permalink / Edit | |||||
PolicyLink - Research - Bridging the Innovation... | The“early adopters” of emerging technologies offer compelling evidence that ICT innovations can strengthen the nonprofit sector. Unfortunately, such success stories are too few and far between. While many nonprofits have entered the 21st century with |
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Radical Software | Welcome to the Radical Software Web Site. Our purpose is to make all the historic issues of Radical Software freely available to everyone. This site is designed for easy browsing and downloading, and hosts a sophisticated search engine to help you find th |
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PingMag - The Tokyo-based magazine about “Desig... | The past few years have been quite exciting for Iranian graphic designers. As Iran’s design gains more international attention, the graphic designers face new challenges and rewards. In winter 2002 a poster exhibition by Iranian graphic designers called |
Permalink / Edit | |||| How to Write Your Mission Statement | Every nonprofit organization must have a mission statement. It describes the purpose for which your organization exists. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | Written by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Copyright 1997-2007. Identifying or updating the mission, vision and values statements is usually done d |
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weaselwords | When Don Watson wrote Death Sentence* a torrent of letters and emails began from people rebelling against managerial language. Since then Watson’s Dictionary of Weasel Words, Contemporary Clichés, Cant & Management Jargon has been published and this sit |
Permalink / Edit | |||| National Directory | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Overriding Drupal's theme variables | Requires the taxonomy_image.module to be installed and enabled # Use a text editor like notepad.exe or equivalent to copy and paste the snippets below into your template.php file and node.tpl.php (or node-type.tpl.php) files respectively # Upload your e |
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/templates/drupal/themes/engines/phptemplate/ph... | phptemplate_node variables |
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Drupal Dojo | Drupal dojo was founded by Josh_k with the intent to gather a few Drupal ninjas and a couple dozen eager ninjannabees that would eventually form a series of training sessions. While these unscheduled sessions were originally teaching what Josh knew from h |
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Fractals of Change: Changes in Fractals of Change | The left sidebar is dedicated to things that make the blog more usable. The right sidebar is, in general, for ads. You’ll now find all the blog navigation aids like Search, Recent Posts, Category Archives, and Calendar Archives are in the left sidebar. |
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Creating Passionate Users: How to Build a User ... | Most user communities take a typical path–the newbies ask questions, and a select group of more advanced users answer them. But that’s a slow path to building the community, and it leaves a huge gaping hole in the middle where most users drop out. If we |
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A r c t i c V i S T A | This website is dedicated to collecting useful bookmarks for AmeriCorps*VISTA members serving in Interior Alaska. |
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Main Page - PepperAlley Wiki | This is the wiki for PepperAlley Productions. The following are elements of what we’re doing and/or trying to do. Check out the community portal for current projects and ideas. As we’re still pretty much a biz in development, peruse at your own risk…. |
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Design Notes: Similarity and Proximity | Similarity and proximity are two of the four grouping concepts in classic gestalt theory (the other two are closure and simplicity). Similarity refers to what items look like and how that effects grouping. Proximity refers to where items are and how that |
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Video | Indietrekker | A weblog of independent travel |
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Drupal Video Module Flash Transcoding | OpenPac... | OpenPackage Software is currently developing an extension to the Drupal Video Module to enable it to transcode any video into Flash format. This will enable any Drupal website to have YouTube-style functionality with complete codec compatibility, includin |
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Typotheque: Eric Gill got it wrong; a re-evalua... | Gill Sans is the Helvetica of England; ubiquitous, utilitarian and yet also quite specific in its ability to point to our notions of time and place. As a graphic designer’s in-joke once put it ‘Q. How do you do British post-war design? A. Set it in Gi |
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Web Typography Sucks | Slides and notes from Sx... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Garrett Albright's Ray Gun Robot — On Democracy... | I’m no expert on this matter, but it seems there’s a few things that are apparent when it comes to naming a product. Roughly in order of importance, they’d be… |
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Ian's Shoelace Site - Introduction | Fun, fashion & science in this quirky site about shoelaces. Whether you want to learn to lace shoes, tie shoelaces, stop shoelaces from coming undone, calculate shoelace lengths or even repair aglets, Ian’s Shoelace Site has the answer! |
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Re: What is meant by the term gimbal lock? | When a spacecraft makes a maneuver that a gyrostabilized instrument cannot follow, the situation is called a gimbal lock and the gyroscope looses the reference direction and it begins to tumble out of control (the spacecraft may also begin to tumble) and |
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Venice Beach Hostel - California Youth Hostel -... | This Venice Beach hostel is a hostel with hotel standards. The Venice Beach Cotel is a cool haven for the international traveler in the heart of Venice Beach, California. For affordable hostels in the Los Angeles area, the choice for a Venice Beach hostel |
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SXSW Panel: How to bluff your way in Web 2.0 - ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Heuristics for User Interface Design | These are ten general principles for user interface design. They are called “heuristics” because they are more in the nature of rules of thumb than specific usability guidelines. |
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Logoworks Small Business & Home Business Newsle... | Interviewing can be a tedious and stressful time. Which questions should you ask, which ones are appropriate? Are you going to pick the right person for the position? Below is a list of the top 14 interview questions hiring managers find most effective. T |
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Comma splice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | A comma splice is a punctuation error in which a comma with no conjunction joins two independent clauses. For example: It is nearly half past five, we cannot reach town before dark. |
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Oxygen Icons » About | Oxygen has one color palette with two parts (Figure 4). “Normal” colors have sober tonalities of the most needed colors. These are used mostly for mimetypes, folders, system applications and actions. Vibrant colors are more saturated used to emphasize |
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Accidental Hedonist - I'm just a girl who loves... | Really Easy Chocolate Pudding chocolate delight
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Overall Strategy « People First | Verizon has introduced a bill into the Massachusetts State Legislature which is a disaster in more ways than one could even count, and they are putting a full-court lobbying and media press on to pass it, with extraordinary local and national dollars behi |
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Nicenet | Nicenet’s Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA) allows virtually any classroom, even those with modest resources, access to powerful tools. Everything in Nicenet is offered free for public use, and Nicenet makes no profits from your participation. |
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Presentation Zen: Ira Glass:Tips on storytelling | Ira Glass:Tips on storytelling |
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Vienna | A Freeware RSS/Atom Newsreader for Mac OS X |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | Sleeping naked and a good clean layout. |
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Paul Soglin: Waxing America: Chad Vader Creator... | To take the success of two internet entrepreneurs and use that to make a case for gutting funding for public access stations is pretty shortsighted and frankly, dumb. (emphasis Waxing America) Public access stations strengthen communities and provide amat |
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Brown & Michaels - Comments of Mark Twain on Co... | With Mr. Howells, Edward Everett Hale, Thomas Nelson Page, and a number of other authors, Mr. Clemens appeared before the committee December 6, 1906. The new Copyright Bill contemplated an author’s copyright for the term of his life and for fifty year |
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Mark Twain's Copyright | MARK TWAIN’S COPYRIGHT |
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Book People: Re: Copyright Term Extensions (was... | unauthorized German translation of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin. (Stowe v. Thomas.) |
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Drupal OpenSearch Aggregator | Steven Wittens -... | I just committed a working version of my new OpenSearch Aggregator module to Drupal Contrib CVS. OpenSearch is a standard by Amazon which allows you to share search results through RSS. The feeds are valid RSS, they just contain extra meta-data for sea |
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Login problems on PHP 5.2 | | This problem manifests itself when visiting a new page after login; the system seemingly forgets that the user has already logged in. This problem occurs due to the way PHP handles objects in session handlers. It effects all Drupal versions upto Drupal |
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Center for Citizen Media: Blog » Blog Archive »... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
[drupal] Log of /drupal/.htaccess | default htaccess file |
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MySQL Tutorial - Introduction | Good MySQL tutorial (the one with the blue-gray background) MySQL is the most popular open source database server in existence. On top of that, it is very commonly used in conjunction with PHP scripts to create dynamic and powerful server applications. |
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Imagecache Example: User Profile Pictures | Lul... | called ‘imagecache_profiles’. Then create a new text file, ‘imagecache_profiles.module’ in that directory. Paste in the code belo |
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Seth's Blog: Free one-pager for non profits (or... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Native to a Web of Data (Tom Coates, plasticbag... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
moo | we love to print | Permalink / Edit | |||||
「あなたが気づけばマナーは変わる。」ワールド > 喫煙マナー広告 > マナー > SMOKER... | Smoking signs from Japan |
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Guillemets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Guillemets, also called angle quotes, are line segments, pointed as if arrows (« or »), forming a complementary set of punctuation marks used as a form of quotation mark. The symbol at either end — « or » — is a guillemet (pronounced [ˈgij:me]). |
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Quotation mark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | The American convention is for sentence punctuation to be included inside the quotation marks, even if the punctuation is not part of the quoted sentence, while the British style shows clearly whether or not the punctuation is part of the quoted phrase: |
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A Tribute to Molly by Gary Cartwright - The Tex... | Molly Ivins was an unabashed patriot, and it drove right-wingers nuts. Conservatives somehow got it fixed in their brains that patriotism meant being in lockstep with their ideology, that dissent was treason. Molly made a |
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Dashboard Widgets for Blogs… « searching4arcadia | since it looked like some hits were coming in regarding dashboard widgets for blogs, I will post here two dashboard widgets I have used to write here in the past, and a few comments regarding them as well… |
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The Tongue Untied | a guide to grammar, punctuation and style |
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TagCrowd | Tag clouds for any content |
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Photofeld - Jan Wildefelds Photoblog (Image ref... | Interesting reflection script with the photos |
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A List Apart: Articles: The Trouble With EM ’n ... | he dawn of the web has frequently been compared to the invention of the printing press. But the web has also destroyed one of the greatest features of nearly every press since Gutenberg: the ability to publish pleasing type. |
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Comment form in custom place | | As far as I understand it, by default the form is a part of $content variable, which is available in the node.tpl.php. But let’s suppose I don’t want the comment form right beneath my post (I’m putting together a blog). I want it in a sidebar or the foote |
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Interesting color chooser | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Collection of Handwriting Typography at No Enemies | Handwriting fonts are generally overlooked by print and web designers. Why not use them more? Here I’ve outlined all the best handwriting fonts on the web. |
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Net Business Blog » Blog Archive » Building a N... | One of the easiest ways to make money online today is by creating “niche minisites.” The internet is huge, and it’s growing bigger everyday. You can always make a site that attempts to compete in large content areas, and you can succeed if you put e |
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24 ways: Swooshy Curly Quotes Without Images | Speech marks. Curly quotes. That annoying thing cool people do with their fingers to emphasize a buzzword, shortly before you hit them.” |
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Hacks | Recently got an iSight camera and could not find a CLI capture utility around. Nobody ever needed or wrote this before ? Most unlikely. Anyway, here is my version, you may wish to download. Here is how it’s being used in a shell: |
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BEAM Circuits -- The QLF Ornaments | The Quad LED Fader family of circuits was created by Wilf Rigter, essentially as his part of an online conversation with Bill Bigge. This all started innocently enough in the summer of 2003 with Bill Bigge’s query about circuits to drive some number o |
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Momentarium - Life as Art Practice | Everybody was warmly invited to join unusual one-Momentarium - You’re part of it…hour experiences at everyday urban places in Kyoto, daily between September 11 and November 5 (over a period of eight weeks). In an effort to ignite our streamlined, hyper- |
Permalink / Edit | |||| Home of Software for Starving ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
wikiHow - The How-To Manual That Anyone Can Wri... | wikiHow is a collaborative writing project to build the world’s largest how-to manual. With your contributions, we can create a free resource that helps people by offering clear, concise solutions to the problems of everyday life. wikiHow currently contai |
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Turn Your Digital Camera Upside Down For Better... | he light from the flash illuminates your subject. Most people have circles under their eyes and when you turn your camera upside down the flash hits the skin at a different angle and helps diminish the circles and makes them look younger. The first photo |
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Slashdot | Norman & Spolsky - Simplicity is Out | guanxi writes ““As simple as possible, and no simpler”, you might have heard a few time, or KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). No more! The new hot trend is complexity: ‘[I]f you think simplicity means … “does one thing and does it well,” then I applaud your |
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ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive Project Blog:... | The International Animated Film Society: ASIFA-Hollywood has embarked on an ambitious project to create an animation archive, museum, and library for the benefit of the animation community, students and general public. The first phase of this project invo |
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Anti-Monopoly Book and Board Game | The economics professor and his tiny business takes on the Big Business system. The producers of the Monopoly board game assault the two popular games I invented. The aggression boomerangs and the corporate skeletons come rattling out of the closet. |
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Cooking For Engineers | Have an analytical mind? Like to cook? This is the site to read! |
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Bawarchi: Contributions: Freeze-Thaw Tofu Fried... | I read in a book devoted to the art of tofu-making that in areas of Japan that have a real winter (i.e.. Hokkaido), tofu would be set outside to freeze overnight. It inspired the aforementioned recipe. |
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Smashing Magazine | Blog Archive » CSS-Based Fo... | In Web 2.0 registration and feedback forms can be found everywhere. Every start-up tries to attract visitors’ attention, so web-forms are becoming more and more important for the success of еру company. In the end, exactly those web-forms are respons |
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Pen Spinning Wiki - Main Page | Welcome to the Pen Spinning Conclave at, a wiki dedicated to the art of pen spinning! Pen Spinning is a fast growing subdiscipline of contact juggling which uses only a pen or pencil, the fact it can be performed practically anywhere contri |
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Do you make these 10 mistakes in a conversation... | you don’t have that much too contribute. One alternative is to mix questions with statements. Continuing the conversation above you could skip the question and say: |
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Five simple steps to better typography : Journa... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Particletree » A Guide to Email Roundup | Email is fantastic. We use it to stay in touch with friends, contact clients, and handle support requests. It’s easy to use, low cost, and less intrusive than a phone call or meeting. But with email being such an integral part of our lives, are we using |
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Database of Greenspaces and Neighborhoods in th... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 Steps You Can Take To Guarantee Failure » Ac... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Common Knowledge: Selecting a Content Managment... | This report provides and overview of Content Management Systems (CMS) designed to support non-profit organizations. It offers insights on the definition of a content management system, outlines how they are valuable for a non-profit organization, and what |
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Regular Expression Tutorial - Learn How to Use ... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| :: banjo and guitar instruction f... | banjo and guitar instruction for everyone |
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freesound :: view tags | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Accidental Hedonist - Banana Bread | banana bread |
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Presentation Zen: Learning from the art of comics | Not great, but much better. |
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Food Pyramids: Nutrition Source, Harvard School... | As an alternative to the USDA’s flawed pyramid, faculty members in the Harvard School of Public Health built the Healthy Eating Pyramid. It resembles the USDA’s in shape only. The Healthy Eating Pyramid takes into consideration, and puts into perspective, |
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a liam show - videos | A Liam Show is a collection of funny short films, monologues, music videos and songs created by comic actor Liam Sullivan. My goal is to put on a show that people will enjoy, with characters that are fun to watch. My material could be described as “ |
Permalink / Edit | |||| :: funny lipsync webcam videos | Welcome to the numa project! Here you will find videos of people dancin’ the way the songs tell them to :) Use the top navigation bar to browse our database. Remember to subscribe to the RSS Feed for fresh videos! You can change the language b |
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» Lightweight data exploration in Excel - Juice... | We often are given a chunk of data in Excel that we need to explore. Of course, the first tool you should pull out of your toolbox in cases like this is the trusty PivotTable (it slices, it dices!). But at times we have to dig a little deeper into the too |
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MoveDigital | Bittorrent distribution service run by Prodigem |
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LifeClever ;-) » Tips for design and life | Permalink / Edit | |||||
10 definitions of Web 2.0 and their shortcomings | So hard to define… |
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Redesign famous logos in web 2.0 format! | Great examples of Web2.0 style and design, humorously used on traditional brand logos |
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Many-to-Many: a group weblog on social software | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Web 2.0 will save us | island ninety - four | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Canoes on the Mystic River | island ninety - four | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Piecing together Cambrige | island ninety - four | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Node101 Weekend in New York City | island ninet... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Matchmaking with regular expressions | Permalink / Edit | |||||
How To Write Unmaintainable Code | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Vitaly Friedman's Notebook: List of nifty tools... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Electronic commerce is widely expected to promote |
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Party supplies, banners, etc. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Yay Hooray | yh collab: redesign famous logos i... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
2.0 Culture: Style and Design | Great design and elements and styles for that Web 2.0 look |
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Wired 14.08: PLAY | Permalink / Edit | |||||
And now... | jamie |
Permalink / Edit | |||| A Project of the Federation of... | The Federation of American Scientists hopes to achieve two purposes with
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Krugman Economy Textbook | ics: Available Now Canadian Instructors Click Here! |
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GD Live on | grateful Dead |
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Mozilla Firefox - Have it Your Way! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Firelily Designs - Prototyping and the Software... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Baby Name Wizard: NameVoyager | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Worst Tech CEOs Earn the Most Money | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dead Cat In The Package Variant? The Stolen Com... | The Smith’s large dog died, in August, in New York, and during a |
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Open Guide to Boston: the free Boston Guide | Welcome to the Open Guide to Boston, your guide to anything and everything in and around Boston! This is a contributor-based wiki geared towards describing things and places to do and go in and around Boston. |
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Real Estate Bubble Map | Bill Wendell’s Real Estate bubble wiki |
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Pay a little now, pay a lot later | Freedom of choice is an ideal. It’s also increasingly obvious that it’s almost always the most pragmatic approach, whether involving economic issues that affect billions of people or comparison shopping for a pair of jeans. Unfortunately, the people w |
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Design Observer: writings about design & culture | output. No matter how cool your computer rendering is, no matter how brilliant your essay is, no matter how fabulous your whatever is, if you can’t output it, distribute it, and make it known, it basically doesn’t exist. Orient yourself to output. Sch |
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Free (and Legal) Resources for Your LTC Product... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Senuti - Download | get files from ipod |
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Ken Stone's Final Cut Pro | Permalink / Edit | |||||
/bin/false –help » Installing Ubuntu Linux on a... | Also, if what I have read is correct, Windows is going to need to be the last partition on you drive, or else it won’t boot. So You will prolly want your layout to |
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(((withoutsound))) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Fake Name Generator | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Music | Rautakoura |
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Alex Halavais » How to cheat good | So, to help students across the country cheat better, saving themselves both from easy detection and from incurring the wrath of insulted faculty, and leading to a much more harmonious school environment, I offer the following tips, based on recent experi |
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A More Perfect Product: Redesign an Everyday Ob... | A More Perfect Product: Redesign an Everyday Object friendly sissor You will need:
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Magic Groups - A ScreenCast | | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Prosper: The online marketplace for people-to-p... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bare Naked App » Blog Archive » Writing copy fo... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Building Icons for MacOSX and WindowsXP | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Books Channel » Lit Radio Podcast | nice 4 column layout |
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EasyRGB - Color harmonies, complements and themes. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
CSS Remix: CSS-Based Website Gallery | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Technology As If People Mattered : Weblog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content (Jakob... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
From DHTML to DOM scripting - an example of how... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dan's Data - PC hardware and gadget reviews! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
ex-bones - home page | “If I were a thetan I would get the hell out of Tom Cruise.” |
Permalink / Edit | |||| | Learning Center | Internet T... | The Internet Techniques Series is a collection of free learning topics published by to assist nonprofit organizations in making effective use of the Internet for fundraising, communications, advocacy and mission fulfillment. |
Permalink / Edit | |||| presents: How Much Is Inside? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Math for Programmers and why it's cool | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Web Innovators Group | The Web Innovators Group (WebInno) is comprised of people engaged in internet and mobile innovation in the Boston area. We aim to support entrepreneurs, visionaries, and creative thinkers in the field by holding events which foster community interaction. |
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Best Blog Ever! - Danielle Martin | Wish I could both write and look as good as she does. How does she do it, I wonder. |
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NetworkPrintingFromWinXP - Ubuntu Wiki | How to print from Windows XP to a printer being served from Ubuntu |
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iTunes Agent | mass storage mp3 player non-ipod itunes plugin |
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My Blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What is community media | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Qlist | Qualified List of Online Resources for CTC’s |
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Current style in web design | websites that look modern |
Permalink / Edit | |||| - MIDI Basics for Apple GarageBand ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Student Filmmakers, Student Films, Cinematograp... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
SimpleOCR - the only royalty free OCR engine! | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Using style sheets in HTML email newsletters | ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Beta Test Rollout > All Messages | DigitalBicycle’s basecamp page |
Permalink / Edit | |||| Forums / Digital Audio Players (... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
NVidia:Basic Installation - Linux 3D | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Learning to Use Regular Expressions | Permalink / Edit | ||||| // from a to b. through the T. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Re: Displaying an image with bmovl on TV with a... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
RVE: Realtime Video Effects | Permalink / Edit | |||||
On Point : The New Sense of the Web - The New S... | Submit Related Links Spacer Arrow Institute for the Future Arrow Yellow Arrow Arrow Arrow More links heard on this show… Spacer Spacer Spacer |
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Boston Community Health Centers by neighborhoods | Permalink / Edit | |||||
torrentocracy - home | Permalink / Edit | |||||
AMS Aluminum HDD External Enclosure VENUS-DS3R ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
General - HOWTO: Installing Azureus on Breezy -... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HOWTO: TV-out in Hoary (nVidia?) [Archive] - Ub... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
General - HOWTO: Peerguardian Installation and ... | peerguardian blocklist |
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Ubuntu How-To | mplayer codecs setup |
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General - HOWTO: replace totem with mplayer - P... | mplayer repositories |
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xpy - that is right, it is egg's pie | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Intro To CSS - Developers Digest | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Typographica. A Journal of Typography. | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Why Bananas are great | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MythTV w/PVR-150 Setup on Ubuntu Linux Breezy B... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
MySchizoBuddy | Sort’ve fun blog. Tagline: From Fasion to Technology |
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Black Russian Cake I - All Recipes - Cake | Steve Brogan made this at LTC and it was moist and delicious |
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Map Projects - GoogleMapki | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Web Developer's Handbook: developing web-sites,... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
collapsibletank | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Boxes & Arrows | Permalink / Edit | ||||| Namespaces in XML Adopted by W3C | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google Maps EZ - - Main | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Google Maps and PHP - | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Brewster Jennings Protects America: The Google ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bagel Recipe | recipe |
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Lorelle on WordPress » HTML, CSS, PHP, and More... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Kevin Kelly -- Cool Tools | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Accidental Hedonist | Permalink / Edit | |||||
43 Folders | Writing sensible email messages | Permalink / Edit | |||||
nedwolf - Free Software - Windows Freeware | Permalink / Edit | |||||
DreamHost - Emergency Status | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Bonsai Kitten | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Linux Courses | Permalink / Edit | |||||
What To Do for Junk Calls | Permalink / Edit | |||||
anti-telemarketing EGBG counterscript | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Seanbaby | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Slashdot | 10 Best Resources for CSS | Permalink / Edit | |||||
miniMinty MP3 -- build your own | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Health Care For All - Home Page | healthinsurance |
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Massachusetts Nongroup Health Insurance Plan Ra... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
VISTA Project at CPCS | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Photographer's Rights | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Overheard in the UK | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Jelly Ink Press: Kelly Link, Stranger Things Ha... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Slide Rules | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Music For America | Permalink / Edit | ||||| Is your MP working for you ... | Great style for servicespeak |
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Bryght Support | Support for Bryght Sites | Good Drupal stuff (like block paths) |
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Full Circle Online Interaction Blog | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Welcome to! | RSS feeds on your representatives voting record |
Permalink / Edit | |||| Ajax on Rails | Permalink / Edit | |||||
GBAX 2005 Coding Competition Results | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Installing PHP5 - DreamHost | Permalink / Edit | |||||
NDS Homebrew | Nintendo DS Demos |
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The 'Groove: Digital Picture Fram & Control | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HOWTO Create a DVD - Gentoo Linux Wiki | Permalink / Edit | ||||| - DS at E3 2005 - and others! | Permalink / Edit | ||||| - Steven Wittens - more fun than a car... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Gourmet Geek | Permalink / Edit | |||||
AviSynth - AviSynth | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Real-Time Forecast of Earthquake Hazard in the ... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Leadership Development | Permalink / Edit | |||||
gumstix - tiny computers | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Shelby's Life and Whatnot | Permalink / Edit | |||||
eBay Store - DataAlliance: Wireless Cards-lapto... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Q Daily News | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Ipowerweb Website administration | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Comcast New England - Local Boston offices | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Slashdot | Is HTML E-mail Still Evil? | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Professional Master's Degree Programs in Enviro... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Texas Plains | Great Wordpress design |
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JREF Forums - Are attacks on evolution just the... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Math, Puzzles, Magic, Mazes, Illusions | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Paul Graham | Great essays (the one about highschool & Startups) |
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DrunkenBlog: Deconstructing Maui X-Stream | Permalink / Edit | ||||| | Fun projects |
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Harish Narayanan's Work Pages :: The Graduate S... | Helpful discussions about grad school relatedthings |
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a c t u a l i t y . l o g | Permalink / Edit | |||||
DLN Consulting, Inc.- strategic planning, nonpr... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
HiveMinds - International Web development commu... | Permalink / Edit | ||||| : The Largest BitTorrent Community | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Dimension Engineering | Voltage Regulator, Accelerometers |
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Canon A80 Images | Permalink / Edit | ||||| » Blog Archive » Active CSS Navigatio... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Pirate Bay | Permalink / Edit | |||||
OpenTTD (Transport Tycoon) | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Participatory Culture Foundation | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Color design tutorial | Permalink / Edit | |||||
Huddled Masses | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Chronicles of Stuffed Guys | Permalink / Edit | |||||
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - The Adve... | Permalink / Edit | |||||
AtomicWorkshop | Permalink / Edit |