Gladwell Still Missing the Point About Social Media and Activism
When someone does something amazing, do we start by asking what tools they used? No! We start by congratulating the person on their accomplishment. Those who ask about the tools (or early on) are typically accepted colleagues of the person who built/accomplished X. They are doing something similar on a regular basis, which is clearly not the case here since most of the pro-“Twitter/Facebook/Social Media/Communication Tech Revolution” pundits haven’t actually done any real organizing, let alone organized people to stand against a government or powerful individual. The other common asker of “what tools” are those who have a vested interest in those tools and will benefit from the tools’ promotion or at the opportunity to point out alternative tools’ weaknesses (a common example being the companies who build the tools or an alternative). I’m pretty sure all the pundits who list “Social Media Expert” among their titles but mysteriously lack any title which implies they are capable of anything but rudimentary political or historical analysis fall squarely in this self-serving category.