- 07ntc (1)
- 1960s (1)
- ability (1)
- academia (2)
- academic (1)
- access (1)
- accessibility (2)
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- activism (1)
- actualization (1)
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- affirmation (1)
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- agriculture (2)
- airplanes (1)
- algorithm (2)
- Aliza (1)
- alternative (1)
- americana (1)
- AmeriCorps (5)
- amherst (1)
- amperlamb (1)
- analysis (6)
- analytics (2)
- animal (3)
- animals (1)
- apparel (1)
- apps (1)
- aquarium (1)
- architecture (2)
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- artificial intelligence (1)
- assessment (2)
- assistive technology (1)
- attainment (1)
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- authenticity (2)
- authority (2)
- authorship (2)
- autumn (1)
- bagpipe (1)
- baking (1)
- bank (1)
- bar (1)
- barbecue (1)
- bathrobe (1)
- baud (1)
- beach (1)
- becoming (1)
- bees (1)
- being-a-hater (1)
- belief (1)
- beliefs (2)
- bellyache (1)
- Berkman Center (1)
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- best-practices (1)
- bicycle (2)
- bicycles (1)
- big-thoughts (2)
- bike (1)
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- birthday (4)
- bits (1)
- block party (1)
- blog (3)
- bloviation (1)
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- boil the ocean (1)
- boilerplate (2)
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- bootleg (2)
- boring (1)
- Boston (24)
- both (1)
- bottles (1)
- brands (1)
- breakfast (4)
- broadcasting (1)
- Brompt (1)
- brompt (3)
- Brookline (1)
- budgets (1)
- buffoonery (1)
- bugs (2)
- bullshit (5)
- business (4)
- business-school (1)
- Cable Access (2)
- cableaccess (1)
- cake (1)
- California (5)
- Cambridge (1)
- camping (1)
- canals (1)
- canoe (1)
- cant-we-all-just-get-along (1)
- capacity-building (3)
- capitalism (1)
- career (7)
- careers (2)
- cartoon (1)
- cat (4)
- catharsis (1)
- catharthis (1)
- Central Park (1)
- change (1)
- character (1)
- charity (6)
- chart (3)
- charts (1)
- cheer (1)
- chemistry (1)
- children (2)
- choir (1)
- civic literacy (3)
- civics (1)
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- classification (1)
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- cleaving (8)
- cliche (1)
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- clothing (1)
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- commies (1)
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- constitution (2)
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- consulting (1)
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- contests (2)
- controversy (1)
- conversations (1)
- cookies (1)
- cooking (6)
- cool (1)
- Coolidge Corner (1)
- cooperation (1)
- copyright (4)
- corporate (1)
- counterculture (1)
- creative-commons (1)
- creativity (2)
- crime (1)
- critical-thinking (2)
- criticism (11)
- critique (1)
- cruise (1)
- css (1)
- ctcnet (1)
- culture (5)
- cybernetics (6)
- cyberutopia (2)
- Dandy (2)
- danger (1)
- Daniell (2)
- Danielle (7)
- data (9)
- data-leadership (1)
- databases (1)
- Dave Alpert (1)
- day-of-the-shirt (1)
- DC (4)
- Dean (4)
- death (1)
- deception (1)
- deduction (1)
- deep-thoughts (2)
- definition (3)
- definitions (1)
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- dialogue (3)
- dichotomies (1)
- dictionary (1)
- didactics (1)
- diet (1)
- digital-divide (2)
- digital-literacy (1)
- DigitalBicycle (1)
- disability (1)
- disease (1)
- dishes (1)
- dissembling (1)
- diversity (2)
- do-gooding (1)
- document (1)
- dogma (2)
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- donations (3)
- Dorchester (1)
- doubt (1)
- drawing (4)
- dreams (1)
- drinks (1)
- driving (1)
- Drupal (11)
- dulles (1)
- dumb (1)
- eating (1)
- economics (11)
- economy (2)
- editing (2)
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- eggs (1)
- elections (1)
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- Elisa (1)
- emo (1)
- employment (4)
- empowerment (1)
- encinitas (1)
- engagement (3)
- entrepreneurialism (1)
- equality (1)
- equity (1)
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- evening (1)
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- get-a-job (1)
- gifts (1)
- gimme (1)
- giving (2)
- GNU (1)
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- GoodJob (15)
- goodwill (1)
- goofy (1)
- govdata (1)
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- government (7)
- grant writing (1)
- grapes (1)
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- green (1)
- Greg (1)
- halloween (2)
- hanger (1)
- happiness (1)
- harbor (1)
- hard-times (1)
- Harvard Square (1)
- Harvard (1)
- health (1)
- help (1)
- heroism (1)
- highway (1)
- hiking (1)
- hip (1)
- hippies (1)
- hippostrophe (2)
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- hotness (1)
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- huh (1)
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- human-interface (1)
- humanism (1)
- humanity (4)
- humans (1)
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- ict4e (1)
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- imagination (1)
- imperative (1)
- implementation (1)
- in-memoriam (1)
- inane (1)
- Independence Day (1)
- indigenous-peoples (1)
- individualism (1)
- inequality (1)
- information (2)
- Inkscape (2)
- innovation (1)
- inspiration (2)
- intellectualism (1)
- interactions (2)
- internet (10)
- interview (1)
- intoxication (1)
- intro (1)
- intuitive (1)
- iphone (1)
- irony (1)
- islam (1)
- island-94 (1)
- islands (1)
- Jacob (1)
- Jamaica Plain (3)
- jamaica-plain (1)
- jargon (1)
- Jason (1)
- javascript (1)
- jeans (1)
- Jessica (6)
- jobs (1)
- journal (1)
- journaling (1)
- journalism (7)
- justice (2)
- keynote (1)
- kitchen cooking (1)
- knowledge (7)
- Labor Day (1)
- labor (1)
- land-speed-velocity (1)
- language (52)
- latin (1)
- launch (1)
- launch-day (1)
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- learning story (2)
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- leaves (2)
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- legitimacy exchange (1)
- leisure (1)
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- leverage (1)
- lewitt (1)
- liberalism (1)
- licensing (1)
- lies (1)
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- lighthouse labs (1)
- linguistics (1)
- Lisa (1)
- listening (1)
- literacy (3)
- literature (2)
- livelihood (1)
- location (1)
- logic (1)
- logo (1)
- long (1)
- looks-like-a-nail (1)
- love (2)
- Lowell (6)
- lying (3)
- lyrics (1)
- mail (1)
- management (10)
- manhattan (1)
- map (5)
- mapmaking (1)
- mapping (4)
- maps (6)
- maritime (1)
- Mark Twain (1)
- marketing (6)
- marriage (1)
- maslow (2)
- massachusetts (1)
- math (7)
- mathematics (2)
- mayo (1)
- mba (1)
- me (5)
- meal (1)
- meaning (4)
- medford (1)
- media (16)
- media-literacy (3)
- medicine (1)
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- memory (1)
- mentor (1)
- merchandise (1)
- mercy (3)
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- messaging (1)
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- metaphor-of-the-tube (1)
- metaphors (1)
- methodologies (1)
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- milk (2)
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- millennial (1)
- millennials (1)
- mind (1)
- mindfullness (1)
- minimism (1)
- missiles (1)
- mission (1)
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- MIT (1)
- mnn (2)
- MNW (1)
- model (1)
- modeling (1)
- models (1)
- modules (1)
- Molly (1)
- Monday Night Write (1)
- money (4)
- monkeys (1)
- morality (1)
- mortality (1)
- moses (1)
- mossy (1)
- motion (1)
- movie (1)
- mp3 (1)
- muse (1)
- museum (1)
- music (2)
- musings (3)
- Mystic River (1)
- nagging (1)
- narrative (1)
- national-interest (1)
- nature (3)
- navel gazing (1)
- navelgazing (1)
- navigation (27)
- needs (1)
- negotiation (1)
- neo-liberalism (1)
- nerd (1)
- nerdery (1)
- Net Neutrality (1)
- Netherlands (1)
- New York (5)
- news (2)
- newspapers (1)
- night (2)
- nightmares (1)
- nmba (1)
- node101 (1)
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- obesity (1)
- Object Oriented Programming (1)
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- office (1)
- oh-hai (1)
- olpc (1)
- omega (1)
- online (2)
- Open Source (2)
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- operations (2)
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- organizing (5)
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- ownership (2)
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- paper (2)
- parade (1)
- Park (2)
- parlor tricks (1)
- parsing (2)
- participation (3)
- participation-gap (1)
- Participatory Culture (1)
- party (1)
- patriotism (1)
- paul (1)
- pay (1)
- peace on earth (1)
- peace (2)
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- pedestrian (1)
- people (1)
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- perspectives (1)
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- philanthropy (7)
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- photos (27)
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- piano (1)
- pie (1)
- plagiarism (1)
- plan language (1)
- planes (1)
- planning (2)
- plants (1)
- pluralism (1)
- poet (1)
- poetry (3)
- policy (1)
- political (1)
- politics (34)
- pollution (1)
- ponty (1)
- pool (2)
- poor (1)
- portfolio (28)
- postage (1)
- postmodern (2)
- poverty (6)
- power (4)
- pr (1)
- practice (3)
- Presidio (1)
- press (2)
- pride (1)
- principles (1)
- privilege (1)
- privileged-debate (1)
- prize (1)
- process (4)
- produce (1)
- productivity (1)
- produsage (1)
- programming (2)
- programming-code (1)
- progressive (1)
- progressivism (1)
- project (5)
- project-design (1)
- project-management (1)
- propoganda (1)
- protest (1)
- provenance (1)
- psychology (6)
- public-data (1)
- publishing (6)
- punctuation (3)
- purpose (2)
- questions (2)
- quote (4)
- quotes (1)
- rabbits (1)
- racism (1)
- radio (2)
- Rails (6)
- rails (5)
- rain (2)
- random (2)
- ranking (1)
- rationality (2)
- re-imagining (1)
- reality (1)
- Rebecca (1)
- recently (1)
- recipe (11)
- recollection (1)
- recommendations (1)
- reflection (2)
- reform (1)
- regulation (1)
- relationships (1)
- relativism (1)
- religion (11)
- remembrance (1)
- reminisce (1)
- research (4)
- response (2)
- resume (2)
- review (2)
- rhetoric (13)
- Rhode Island (1)
- rights (1)
- risk (1)
- robots (1)
- rocks (1)
- roleplay (1)
- Ruby on Rails (1)
- Ruby (6)
- ruby (3)
- rules (1)
- running (1)
- safety (1)
- sailboats (1)
- sailing (2)
- salary (2)
- sales (1)
- salsa (1)
- sample (1)
- San Diego (1)
- San Francisco (3)
- sandwich (1)
- Santa Barbara (3)
- Sarah (1)
- sarcasm (1)
- satire (2)
- Saul (3)
- save-the-world (1)
- scenario (1)
- science (6)
- scrabble (1)
- scraping (1)
- screwed (1)
- search (6)
- season (1)
- secrets (1)
- security (1)
- seed (1)
- self (2)
- semantings (1)
- sensationalism (1)
- sentence (1)
- service (4)
- sexism (2)
- shadow (1)
- shelving (1)
- ship (1)
- shirt (3)
- shopping (1)
- shut-up (1)
- sick (1)
- silence (1)
- silos (1)
- sin (1)
- singularity (1)
- sketch (1)
- slant-rhyme (1)
- sleep (1)
- small things (1)
- smithsonian (1)
- smoothie (2)
- snark (1)
- snippet (1)
- snow (2)
- soapbox (1)
- social media (6)
- social networking (3)
- social-enterprise (1)
- society (3)
- software engineering (1)
- software (2)
- solar (1)
- solidarity (1)
- solstice (1)
- somerville (1)
- Sommerville (1)
- song (1)
- sour-grapes (2)
- Southie (2)
- space (1)
- spam (1)
- spectator_sport (1)
- speech (4)
- spooky (1)
- spreadsheets (1)
- spring (2)
- staccato (1)
- stacy-q (1)
- stages (1)
- starvation (1)
- statements (1)
- statistics (3)
- statuary (1)
- storm (1)
- story (2)
- storytelling (1)
- strategic planning (2)
- strategy (5)
- strawberries (1)
- striving (1)
- structure (2)
- stupid (2)
- subsidies (1)
- subway (4)
- subway. Germania Street (1)
- success (1)
- Sullivan Square (1)
- summary (1)
- summer (2)
- supervisory skills (1)
- surf-comparisons (1)
- surfing (1)
- synonyms (2)
- systemic-change (1)
- T (3)
- tableware (1)
- tacos (1)
- take-a-flying-leap (1)
- tao (1)
- taxes (3)
- taxonomy (2)
- teach back (1)
- teaching (4)
- teams (1)
- teamwork (1)
- techno-utopianism (1)
- Technology of Participation (1)
- technology (22)
- telecommunications (2)
- Television (1)
- terroir (1)
- textbooks (1)
- thailand (1)
- thanks (1)
- Thanksgiving (2)
- the-beatles (1)
- the-new-web-2-0 (1)
- the-revolution-app-will-not-be-be-approved (1)
- theming (1)
- theory (1)
- thesaurus (3)
- things (1)
- think-harder (1)
- thinking (2)
- thought (1)
- thoughts (1)
- time lapse (1)
- time (2)
- time-management (1)
- timelapse (1)
- trade (2)
- train (1)
- training (1)
- trash (1)
- travel (2)
- Travels with Lisa (1)
- trees (1)
- trendsetting (1)
- trust (2)
- turf (1)
- turkey (1)
- tv (1)
- typology (2)
- uncrime (1)
- union (2)
- unix (1)
- urinal (1)
- urls (1)
- vague-title (1)
- valentines day (1)
- values (3)
- vanity (1)
- vegetables (1)
- vegetarian (1)
- video (15)
- videos (1)
- VISTA (3)
- visualizations (2)
- visuals (1)
- vlog (1)
- vlogarm (1)
- Vloggercon (1)
- vocabulary (1)
- volunteer (1)
- volunteering (1)
- wages (1)
- walk (1)
- walking (2)
- warning (1)
- Washington DC (1)
- Washington (1)
- washingtonDC (1)
- water (1)
- watercolor (1)
- wealth (3)
- weapons (1)
- weasel-words (1)
- weather (2)
- Web 2.0 (3)
- web design (1)
- web (3)
- web-development (1)
- webdesign (16)
- website (4)
- wedding (1)
- weeding (1)
- weeknotes (8)
- weird (2)
- welcome (1)
- welfare (1)
- wet hair (1)
- whatever (1)
- wiki (1)
- wikipedia (1)
- will-it-blend (1)
- winter (3)
- wisdom (1)
- women (4)
- word usage (1)
- wordlist (1)
- wordplay (1)
- wordpress (2)
- work (1)
- worknotes (4)
- writing (14)
- yawn (1)
- you-should-ask-me-for-advice (1)
- youth channel (1)
- youth (1)
- youtube (1)
- zen (5)
- zilch (1)
- zuchini (1)
07ntc #
1960s #
ability #
academia #
academic #
access #
accessibility #
action #
activism #
actualization #
advertisement #
advertising #
advice #
- Straightforward Project Satisfaction and Fulfillment
- Slow Down
- Charting work success
- Pratfalls to writing authentically
- 3 Fortunes
- 18-25: moving from Becoming to Being
- Online Fundraising: please do it right
- How to make do with what you got
- Nonprofit Board Management, Governance and Advice
- Lessons for Nonprofitteers from Majora Carter
- Hold the salt
- Alternatives to a Nonprofit Job
- Google Relevance
- Two stories on a theme
- "Should I get a nonprofit job?"
- Planning Strategic Planning
- Nonprofit Technology Sandwich
advocacy #
advocate-for-yourself #
aesthetics #
affirmation #
aging #
- 18-25: moving from Becoming to Being
- Being Wrong is Right, but not in the education system
- A millenial idea
- Perspective
agriculture #
airplanes #
algorithm #
Aliza #
alternative #
americana #
AmeriCorps #
- Nonprofit Budgeting Scenario
- Volunteer logic
- MeetAmeriCorps still a success
- MeetAmeriCorps is "social networking"!
- Radio Ga Ga: Discussing AmeriCorp*VISTA on WUML
amherst #
amperlamb #
analysis #
- The prevailing worldview of the present
- DonorsChoose Contest Update: Consolation Prize Edition
- Fierce editing
- Nonprofits and Political Activities
- More thoughts on an interesting thesaurus
- Copyright and the Nineteenth Century
analytics #
animal #
animals #
apparel #
apps #
aquarium #
architecture #
art #
- This image will save us
- Art, I hardly knew ye
- Criticism for everyone
- Amperlamb
- Moving Day
- The Nonprofit between Scylla and Charydbis
- Pod of Whales
- Drupal: theme override for Upload.module's attachments list
- lolart
- Woody Allen Assignment
- Germania St. #2
- Solar Powered Art
- My First T-Shirt
- Making Art with Inkscape
artificial intelligence #
assessment #
assistive technology #
attainment #
audio #
authenticity #
authority #
authorship #
autumn #
bagpipe #
baking #
bank #
bar #
barbecue #
bathrobe #
baud #
beach #
becoming #
bees #
being-a-hater #
belief #
beliefs #
bellyache #
Berkman Center #
best-practice #
best-practices #
bicycle #
bicycles #
big-thoughts #
bike #
biology #
birds #
birthday #
- Birthday Wishlist
- Happy Birthday to me
- Happy Birthday Rebecca
- 23rd Birthday/Thanksgiving Spectacular, Part 1
bits #
block party #
blog #
bloviation #
boat #
boats #
boil the ocean #
boilerplate #
book #
books #
boomers #
bootleg #
boring #
Boston #
- 7 years in Boston
- Notes from the City of Boston's Open311 / Citizens Connect API Developer Meeting
- T Shirt
- Boston Bike Crash Map
- Two videos for February 1st
- The John Hancock Building
- Puddingstone
- Spring arrives
- Valentines Day 2007
- Denim flashback
- Boston Obscura: A halloween story
- Meta photography in Powder House Square
- Germania St. #1
- Evening cruise on Boston Harbor
- About in Dorchester
- Meta photography in Boston
- Gone bicycling
- Making smoothies
- Canoes on the Mystic River
- Sails on the Charles
- Harbor Island info
- Charles on the 4th
- Trash piano
- Rubbed away
both #
bottles #
brands #
breakfast #
- Fairly fool-proof whole-wheat popovers
- Current Consumption of Currants
- Pancake Recipe
- Breakfast smoothie
broadcasting #
Brompt #
brompt #
Brookline #
budgets #
buffoonery #
bugs #
bullshit #
- Still Ferrari-less
- Ace Advertising
- Starvation begets starvation
- Social work is women's work, so we don't care
- But licensed in how many dimensions?
business #
- Where rhetoric is substance
- Chasing Best Practices
- Charting work success
- Thoughts on Nonprofit growth, management and culture
business-school #
Cable Access #
cableaccess #
cake #
California #
Cambridge #
camping #
canals #
canoe #
cant-we-all-just-get-along #
capacity-building #
- Similar message, wider audience
- Principles of Organizational Development Practice
- The essence of Capacity Building
capitalism #
career #
- Forces of Organizational Entry
- Charting work success
- Lessons for Nonprofitteers from Majora Carter
- Transitivity Fallacy
- Nonprofit Job Misconceptions
- Alternatives to a Nonprofit Job
- "Should I get a nonprofit job?"
careers #
cartoon #
cat #
catharsis #
catharthis #
Central Park #
change #
character #
charity #
- Maimonides' levels of charity
- Typology of Social Giving Transactions
- iPhone apps allow giving, just not charity
- Corporate social distractibility
- Gifts of Magnificence
- Charity, Mercy and Sin
chart #
charts #
cheer #
chemistry #
children #
choir #
civic literacy #
civics #
class #
classification #
cleanliness #
cleave #
cleaving #
- Management Theories and Interventions
- Zen and Postmodern Art
- Cleaving the visual experience
- In the beginning, God separated Heaven and Earth
- Satyagraha versus Duragraha
- Mission and Promise: there is a difference
- Using distinctions to create meaning
- Are you Ahw or Arr?
cliche #
clothes #
clothing #
code #
coding #
cognitive dissonance #
cognitive-bias #
comic #
commandments #
commies #
committment #
communication #
communications #
- Having and losing effective Crew Resource Management
- Speaking with and listening to authority
- A Commonplace Book
- "Describe the basis for your approach to this project. How did you determine the need for this project now and who was included in its design?"
- Goodbye Producers' Forum
- I am now a Technology of Participation facilitator
- Unions and the media
- Media and Radical Technology
- The (false) metaphor of the tube for communication
- How to write a cover letter for a job application
- Strengthening Organizations through Community Engagement
- Equally good alternatives to collaboration
- Understanding Beliefs (and how to change them)
- Consumption and deregulation
- Nonprofit Communications 2.0
communism #
community engagement #
community garden #
community mapping #
community technology #
community #
- Shifting beliefs, remaking the pie
- Apps off the approved vendor list
- A difference of a map
- Technology 2.0: Mapping Presentation
- Online Fundraising: please do it right
community-organizing #
compensation #
competiitions #
competition #
complaints #
computations #
computers #
conclusion #
conference #
- Welcome Grassroots Users of Technology
- Nonprofit Board Management, Governance and Advice
- NTC08: The Seven Things Everyone Wants: What Freud and Buddha Understood (and We're Forgetting) about Online Outreach
- Opinion on Nonprofits
- Nonprofit Communications 2.0
- Web 2.0 will save us
confessions #
confidentiality #
conflict resolution #
Connecticut #
connections #
consciousness #
- In the beginning, God separated Heaven and Earth
- Meandering thoughts on creativity, change and consciousness
- Self, Language and Consciousness
consensus #
conservative #
constitution #
construction #
consulting #
consumerism #
consumption #
containers #
contemporary #
contest #
- Print & Share: not everyone is a social media ninja (nor need they be)
- App contest submission boilerplate
- Data-driven, content-first design
contests #
controversy #
conversations #
cookies #
cooking #
- Fairly fool-proof whole-wheat popovers
- Kitchen Consensus Conjecture
- Vegan Baking Tips: Egg Replacement and Oil
- Hold the salt
- Pasta dough recipe
- Thanksgiving reloaded
cool #
Coolidge Corner #
cooperation #
copyright #
- Frames for Copyright
- My featured dead cockroach
- The Purpose of Copyright
- Copyright and the Nineteenth Century
corporate #
counterculture #
creative-commons #
creativity #
crime #
critical-thinking #
criticism #
- Hating is Lazy
- The prevailing worldview of the present
- Crime and Data Leadership
- Mediation journal pieces
- What does your computer symbolize?
- Do what I say
- Criticism for everyone
- Unions and the media
- Bees and Biology
- Close to the Machine
- Woody Allen Assignment
critique #
cruise #
css #
ctcnet #
culture #
- ...it was sexist when I got here
- Scientific disunity
- He thinks I'm working on parts. I'm working on concepts.
- Axemaker conclusions
- Thoughts on Nonprofit growth, management and culture
cybernetics #
- That Californian Ideology
- From Self-Actualization to Neo-Liberalism
- Bees and Biology
- Destructive rhetoric
- Close to the Machine
- Understanding Academia and Legitimacy Exchange
cyberutopia #
Dandy #
danger #
Daniell #
Danielle #
- Office faceoff
- Spooky baking
- Meta photography in Boston
- Vote Ben
- Making smoothies
- Canoes on the Mystic River
- Thanksgiving reloaded
data #
- Reimagining Chicago's 311 activity with Super Mayor Emanuel
- Hard data on the status of Open311
- The work itself isn’t inhumane
- Crime and Data Leadership
- Data divides and umbrellafication
- Data-driven, content-first design
- Notes from the City of Boston's Open311 / Citizens Connect API Developer Meeting
- Public data vs. Self-reporting
- Good enough data
data-leadership #
databases #
Dave Alpert #
day-of-the-shirt #
DC #
Dean #
death #
deception #
deduction #
deep-thoughts #
definition #
definitions #
delicious #
democracy #
denim #
design #
- Data-driven, content-first design
- Reductionist function and practice
- Belief-based design
- Advocacy in print - Survival News for 2011
- When all you have is a hammer
- The medium is the method
- Laying out latest layout
- Motivated design
- Graphical Organization of the Talmud
- Drupal: theme override for Upload.module's attachments list
- Design Analogies
- But it's just a logo
- A new look
- Making Art with Inkscape
dessert #
detective story #
development #
- DonorsChoose Contest Update: Consolation Prize Edition
- Competitive Collaboration or Collaborative Competition
- Print & Share: not everyone is a social media ninja (nor need they be)
- Irrefutable gerunds
- Developing intent
- Minimal Mass
- Data-driven, content-first design
- Apps off the approved vendor list
- Accessible leisure through technology
- Write first, outline later
- Geekout: Video on Maps for Cable Access TV
- Introducing Panlexicon.com
dialogic #
dialogue #
- Don't confuse "online" with "Twitter"
- Motivated design
- The (false) metaphor of the tube for communication
dichotomies #
dictionary #
didactics #
diet #
digital-divide #
digital-literacy #
DigitalBicycle #
disability #
disease #
dishes #
dissembling #
diversity #
do-gooding #
document #
dogma #
dogs #
donations #
Dorchester #
doubt #
drawing #
dreams #
drinks #
driving #
Drupal #
- A form from my favorites
- The 48 hour mobile web app: Drunken Stumble
- Drupal: Adding a geocoding failure message to Location Module
- Making ReCAPTCHA not suck
- Drupal: theme override for Upload.module's attachments list
- Conference notes: managing nonprofit technology projects
- Who is using Drupal?
- Drupal WYSIWYG Editors
- Unintuitive: check
- Geekout: Video on Maps for Cable Access TV
- A new look
dulles #
dumb #
eating #
economics #
- The Analog Divide
- Commodity work
- The motion of gifts
- Good advice to live by
- From Self-Actualization to Neo-Liberalism
- Business rhetoric
- How to create cross-sector nonprofit value
- A millenial idea
- Capitalism and Morality (Thai Beer and Monks)
- King Corn
- Consumption and deregulation
economy #
editing #
education #
- Productive Struggle
- A gentle & conceptual introduction to Node.js
- Apparently I'm nonprofitly conservative
- A difference of a map
- Learning styles and chemistry
- Unions and the media
- Intellectual activity
- A millenial idea
- Creating Models
- Education + Urinal = ...?
efficiency #
eggs #
elections #
elements #
Elisa #
emo #
employment #
- The work itself isn’t inhumane
- Social work is women's work, so we don't care
- How to write a cover letter for a job application
- Job qualification: Not a jerk
empowerment #
encinitas #
engagement #
- Put Your Civics Where Your Houseplant Is
- Ethics made easy
- Strengthening Organizations through Community Engagement
entrepreneurialism #
equality #
equity #
escalator #
ethics #
- Ethical omissions
- Corporate social distractibility
- Ethical flexibility for export
- Ethics made easy
- The Ethics of Awareness
- Plagiarism
etymology #
eula #
evaluation #
evening #
everything #
example #
examples #
existential #
experience #
- The point where creativity and invention occur
- Metaphors and diversity
- Academia on the experience of poverty
- Ethics made easy
- Love
experiment #
exposition #
facebook #
faciliation #
facilitation #
fail #
failure #
fall #
fashion #
favorites #
fear #
feminisim #
feminism #
- ...it was sexist when I got here
- The move towards empowerment
- Social work is women's work, so we don't care
festival #
fiction #
- Two stories on a theme
- New England Construction
- Love
- Boston Obscura: A halloween story
- Germania St. #3
- Germania St. #2
- Germania St. #1
- Run
- Zandvoort
fight #
filth #
first-amendment #
flour #
flowchart #
flower #
flowers #
food #
- Fairly fool-proof whole-wheat popovers
- Current Consumption of Currants
- 3 Fortunes
- Know your organic PLU by number
- PopCo Cake Recipe
- How to use a fridge crisper
- Vegan Baking Tips: Egg Replacement and Oil
- Tragic Food
- Enchilada Sauce
- Breakfast Cereals, oh my
- ORS amounts for a Nalgene bottle
- Pancake Recipe
- Hemp milk
- Boston's Best Tacos
- Nonprofit Technology Sandwich
- Spooky baking
- Making smoothies
- Breakfast smoothie
- Two, two, two yolks in one
- X Salad Sandwich
- Thanksgiving reloaded
forms #
frames #
framework #
freaky #
freedom-from-fear #
freedom-from-want #
freedom-of-religion #
freedom-of-speech #
freeway #
french #
friend #
friends #
- Radio Ga Ga 2: The role of nonprofits in constructing a better world
- Walkabout Trail, RI
- Spooky baking
frogs #
fruit #
frustration #
fun #
funders #
funding #
fundraising #
- Fundraising Tool Memo Boilerplate
- Online Fundraising: please do it right
- Nonprofits and the Economy of Free
- How to write a grant the way I want to be taught grant writing
furniture #
future #
gamification #
garden #
gardening #
gatekeeping #
geeking #
geekout #
geese #
gender #
generational #
generations #
generosity #
genius #
geography #
Germania Street #
get-a-job #
gifts #
gimme #
giving #
god #
- A temperance of words
- The poor, the dead, and God are easily forgotten
- Frames for Copyright
- Obviously not to scale
- God didn't do Best Practices
- Religion and individualism
GoodJob #
- Introducing GoodJob v4
- Solid Queue first impressions: Nice!
- Reflections on GoodJob for Solid Queue
- How to isolate I18n configuration in a Rails Engine
- Rebuilding Concurrent Ruby: ScheduledTask, Event, and TimerSet
- How GoodJob's mountable Rails Engine delivers Javascript importmaps and frontend assets
- Introducing GoodJob Bulk and Batch
- How GoodJob's Cron does distributed locks
- GoodJob, what's new: Cron, concurrency controls, and a dashboard demo (v1.12.0)
- GoodJob Updates v1.5 - v1.9: Dashboard, daemonize, async_server, and graceful shutdowns
- GoodJob 1.4: JRuby compatibility and more
- GoodJob v1.3: Web dashboard and full documentation
- GoodJob v1.2: Multithreaded queue isolation and LISTEN/NOTIFY
- GoodJob v1.1: async and improved documentation
- Introducing GoodJob 1.0, a new Postgres-based, multithreaded, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails
goodwill #
goofy #
govdata #
governance #
government #
- A reminder that it's still about power
- Apps off the approved vendor list
- Notes from the City of Boston's Open311 / Citizens Connect API Developer Meeting
- Proposals to change the tax-deductibility of donations
- American Press Subsidies
- Existential Charters
- Small Government / Small Paper
grant writing #
grapes #
graphic #
- When all you have is a hammer
- Easier drawn than said
- Academia on the experience of poverty
- Obviously not to scale
graphics #
- Life before the chart
- This image will save us
- Two of charts
- Charting work success
- Boston Vegetable Planting Chart
- Making Art with Inkscape
grass #
great idea #
greek #
greek-orthodox #
green #
Greg #
halloween #
hanger #
happiness #
harbor #
hard-times #
Harvard Square #
Harvard #
health #
help #
heroism #
highway #
hiking #
hip #
hippies #
hippostrophe #
hiring #
history #
- The prevailing worldview of the present
- Philanthropy's progressive legacy
- Life before the chart
- Scientific disunity
- What does your computer symbolize?
- The move towards empowerment
- History is an art form rooted in scholarship
- He thinks I'm working on parts. I'm working on concepts.
- American Press Subsidies
- Notes of the first water
- Axemaker conclusions
- Frames for Copyright
- Not another Rogue's nest
- An ample account
- From Self-Actualization to Neo-Liberalism
- Marketing in Wealth Bondage
- Current Consumption of Currants
- The Purpose of Copyright
- Lessons from the 1960s
- The John Hancock Building
- Puddingstone
- Politics of Fear
- Copyright and the Nineteenth Century
- Boston Obscura: A halloween story
- About in Dorchester
holiday #
holidays #
home #
honesty #
hot #
hotness #
house #
how to #
huh #
human nature #
human resources #
human-interface #
humanism #
humanity #
humans #
hygiene #
hyperlinks #
hypocrisy #
i-5 #
ice #
ict4d #
ict4e #
idea #
identity #
ideology #
- The prevailing worldview of the present
- That Californian Ideology
- History is an art form rooted in scholarship
illustration #
imagination #
imperative #
implementation #
in-memoriam #
inane #
Independence Day #
indigenous-peoples #
individualism #
inequality #
information #
Inkscape #
innovation #
inspiration #
intellectualism #
interactions #
internet #
- State of the Shirt, March 2012
- Protest shirts
- Like Wikipedia, but before
- Harnessing inequality
- The (false) metaphor of the tube for communication
- Search is not Serendipitous
- Makes You Crazy
- Caring on the Internet
- Lumifi Search Widget
- A response for Net Neutrality
interview #
intoxication #
intro #
intuitive #
iphone #
irony #
islam #
island-94 #
islands #
Jacob #
Jamaica Plain #
jamaica-plain #
jargon #
Jason #
javascript #
jeans #
Jessica #
- Walking in Circles
- Word of the Day: Cankle
- Thanksgiving reloaded
- 23rd Birthday/Thanksgiving Spectacular, Part 1
- I, defender of democracy-ocracy-cracy
- First Light in Coolidge Corner
jobs #
journal #
journaling #
journalism #
- The event is a tyrant
- Towards advocacy-based media
- JFK accuses media of sensationalism, triviality
- Numerical Indifference
- American Press Subsidies
- The journalism landscape in a nutshell
- Scooped!
justice #
keynote #
kitchen cooking #
knowledge #
- A Commonplace Book
- Methodological Belief
- Crime and Data Leadership
- Like Wikipedia, but before
- Teaching through breakage
- Obviously not to scale
- The Ethics of Awareness
Labor Day #
labor #
land-speed-velocity #
language #
- Impenetrable legal language
- Clarity and Accuracy
- Where rhetoric is substance
- Irrefutable gerunds
- Social Media Community Architect and Manager
- Blue Ribbon Commissions in Print
- Metaphors and diversity
- Making language of meaning
- Wealth Parade
- Typology versus taxonomy
- Zen and Postmodern Art
- Numerical Indifference
- Frequency of occurrence of letters in English
- Cleaving the visual experience
- Quality of life, mind and language
- Mount Vernon, Port Huron and Sharon Statements in Comparison
- A temperance of words
- He thinks I'm working on parts. I'm working on concepts.
- Three Story Intellect Model
- Ace Advertising
- Gifts of Magnificence
- Metaphor death
- Why framing matters
- Kick in the baud
- Social work is women's work, so we don't care
- Intellectual activity
- Political Rhetoric
- Business rhetoric
- Satyagraha versus Duragraha
- Self, Language and Consciousness
- Notes on silence
- Using distinctions to create meaning
- Community Organizer = Community Outreach Minister
- Search is not Serendipitous
- Exploring Poverty: Participation, Practice, Imagination and Exploration
- How to make do with what you got
- Failure of confidence
- Cleaving Running Reds from Jaybiking
- Are you Ahw or Arr?
- Political News Coverage
- Other words for "Lie"
- Contextonomy
- Binaries and Teaching
- Progressive Terminology for Discussing Poverty
- Reject or Denounce
- To "decimate"
- Destructive rhetoric
- vis-a-vis viz. vis-a-vis, viz.
- Creating meaning through interaction
- Knorking
- Latin Transit
- More thoughts on an interesting thesaurus
latin #
launch #
launch-day #
law #
- But licensed in how many dimensions?
- The Purpose of Copyright
- Existential Charters
- Weingarten Rights
- Why are nonprofits tax-exempt?
- What is a nonprofit? A structural definition
- Copyright and the Nineteenth Century
layout #
leadership #
- Goofus & Gallant, MBA
- Leaders and privileged voices
- Attributes of Respected Chairs
- Individual Challenges for Nonprofit Leaders
learning story #
learning #
learning-styles #
leaves #
legalism #
legitimacy exchange #
leisure #
length #
leverage #
lewitt #
liberalism #
licensing #
lies #
life #
lighthouse labs #
linguistics #
Lisa #
listening #
literacy #
literature #
livelihood #
location #
logic #
logo #
long #
looks-like-a-nail #
love #
Lowell #
- Radio Ga Ga: Discussing AmeriCorp*VISTA on WUML
- No chirps for Lowell
- Ghost train
- A hole in the ice
- My pigeons in a row
- Autumn Pollution
lying #
lyrics #
mail #
management #
- Crime and Data Leadership
- Planning is timeless
- Reductionist function and practice
- Goofus & Gallant, MBA
- Management Theories and Interventions
- Stages of team development
- Different Strokes
- Charting work success
- Nonprofits and the Economy of Free
- DESC Scripting and Conflict Resolution
manhattan #
map #
- Project fecundity
- Boston Bike Crash Map in the News
- Boston's Best Tacos
- Rubbed away in DC
- Rubbed away
mapmaking #
mapping #
- Uncrime Mapping
- Boston Bike Crash Map
- Technology 2.0: Mapping Presentation
- Drupal: Adding a geocoding failure message to Location Module
maps #
- "What the fuck are you talking about?": The story of NodeTiles
- Public data vs. Self-reporting
- Boston Bike Crash Map
- Technology 2.0: Mapping Presentation
- Drupal: Adding a geocoding failure message to Location Module
- Piecing together Cambrige
maritime #
Mark Twain #
marketing #
- Good advice to live by
- Marketing in Wealth Bondage
- Press Release Rhythm
- Strengthening Organizations through Community Engagement
- Questions for external brand interviews
- NTC08: The Seven Things Everyone Wants: What Freud and Buddha Understood (and We're Forgetting) about Online Outreach
marriage #
maslow #
massachusetts #
math #
- No wonder you weren't good at it
- P, NP and Panlexicon
- Try it again
- Numerical Indifference
- Frequency of occurrence of letters in English
- Line up in order of your SSN
- Creating Models
mathematics #
mayo #
mba #
me #
- Project fecundity
- Similar message, wider audience
- Professional writing sample
- Birthday Wishlist
- Vote Ben
meal #
meaning #
- Making language of meaning
- In the beginning, God separated Heaven and Earth
- Using distinctions to create meaning
- Verb to do
medford #
media #
- A Ruby Meetup about Rails autoloading and 3 Podcasts
- Social Media Community Architect and Manager
- Towards advocacy-based media
- Mediation Journal, Version 0
- Mediation journal pieces
- Boston Bike Crash Map in the News
- JFK accuses media of sensationalism, triviality
- Ace Advertising
- Unions and the media
- The journalism landscape in a nutshell
- Good advice to live by
- Media and Radical Technology
- From "Web 2.0" to "Produsage"
- Caring on the Internet
- Digital Media Forensics
- Political News Coverage
media-literacy #
- Nonprofit Social Media Literacy
- JFK accuses media of sensationalism, triviality
- Lying in subtext and by omission
medicine #
meetamericorps #
meeting #
memories #
memory #
mentor #
merchandise #
mercy #
message #
messaging #
meta #
- A Commonplace Book
- Two tales of Island 94
- Notes of the first water
- An ample account
- Blog Action Day: Poverty
- Meta photography in Powder House Square
- Meta photography in Boston
metaphor #
metaphor-of-the-tube #
metaphors #
methodologies #
metro #
milk #
millenials #
millennial #
millennials #
mind #
mindfullness #
minimism #
missiles #
mission #
mississippi #
mnn #
model #
modeling #
models #
modules #
Molly #
Monday Night Write #
money #
monkeys #
morality #
mortality #
moses #
mossy #
motion #
movie #
mp3 #
muse #
museum #
music #
musings #
Mystic River #
nagging #
narrative #
national-interest #
nature #
navel gazing #
navelgazing #
navigation #
- Hard data on the status of Open311
- A modest web-app proposal
- Print & Share: not everyone is a social media ninja (nor need they be)
- Shirt sales, scraped daily
- The 48 hour mobile web app: Drunken Stumble
- Boston Bike Crash Map
- Fairly fool-proof whole-wheat popovers
- Find fresh perspectives at NonprofitMillennials.org
- Fondly remembered experiments in minimal webdesign
- Goodbye Producers' Forum
- I am now a Technology of Participation facilitator
- Numerical Indifference
- Laying out latest layout
- Good enough data
- Notes of the first water
- Easier drawn than said
- Nonprofit Budgeting Scenario
- Technology 2.0: Mapping Presentation
- Drupal: Adding a geocoding failure message to Location Module
- Radio Ga Ga 2: The role of nonprofits in constructing a better world
- Drupal: theme override for Upload.module's attachments list
- Boston Vegetable Planting Chart
- Brompt is a blog reminder
- Geekout: Video on Maps for Cable Access TV
- Introducing Panlexicon.com
- MeetAmeriCorps is "social networking"!
- Web 2.0 will save us
needs #
negotiation #
neo-liberalism #
nerd #
nerdery #
Net Neutrality #
Netherlands #
New York #
- Solar Powered Art
- Youth Channel Blockparty
- Node101 Weekend in New York City
- Central Park Pictures
- NY nightlife
news #
newspapers #
night #
nightmares #
nmba #
node101 #
nonprofit #
- Fundraising Tool Memo Boilerplate
- Similar message, wider audience
- Advocacy in print - Survival News for 2011
- The benefits of age
- Proposals to change the tax-deductibility of donations
- Undermining nonprofit significance
- This is me not being cynical about nonprofit innovation
- Accessible leisure through technology
- Goofus & Gallant, MBA
- Professional writing sample
- Don't confuse "online" with "Twitter"
- Mystics, poets and best practices
- Kitchen Consensus Conjecture
- "...be manically participatory..."
- Commodity work
- Nonprofit Social Media Literacy
- Find fresh perspectives at NonprofitMillennials.org
- Zilch for a nonprofit
- Typology of Social Giving Transactions
- Forces of Organizational Entry
- Principles of Organizational Development Practice
- Laying out latest layout
- Metaphor death
- Starvation begets starvation
- Leverage your nonprofit status
- Social work is women's work, so we don't care
- Chasing Best Practices
- Millenial Nonprofity Exposition
- Nonprofit Budgeting Scenario
- Good advice to live by
- Attributes of Respected Chairs
- The essence of Capacity Building
- Harnessing inequality
- Thoughts on Nonprofit growth, management and culture
- Mission and Promise: there is a difference
- Online Fundraising: please do it right
- Tips for researching and applying to nonprofit jobs
- From "Web 2.0" to "Produsage"
- The Nonprofit between Scylla and Charydbis
- Strengthening Organizations through Community Engagement
- Equally good alternatives to collaboration
- How to create cross-sector nonprofit value
- Community Organizer = Community Outreach Minister
- Nonprofits and the Economy of Free
- Questions for external brand interviews
- Nonprofits and Political Activities
- Why are nonprofits tax-exempt?
- What is a nonprofit? A structural definition
- Radio Ga Ga 2: The role of nonprofits in constructing a better world
- How to make do with what you got
- How to write a grant the way I want to be taught grant writing
- Nonprofit Board Management, Governance and Advice
- Lessons for Nonprofitteers from Majora Carter
- Individual Challenges for Nonprofit Leaders
- Poverty as the singular moral challenge
- Facebook to Phone Trees: Nonprofit Technology for Everyone
- 7 Nonprofit Challenges
- Progressive Terminology for Discussing Poverty
- Nonprofit Job Misconceptions
- Criticism of Civic Literacy
- Alternatives to a Nonprofit Job
- Google Relevance
- "Should I get a nonprofit job?"
- Planning Strategic Planning
- Nonprofit Communications 2.0
- But it's just a logo
- Nonprofit Competition & Concept Map
nonprofits #
- Irrefutable gerunds
- Wisdom and discernment
- Nailed that response
- "Describe the basis for your approach to this project. How did you determine the need for this project now and who was included in its design?"
- Philanthropy's progressive legacy
- Social Media Community Architect and Manager
- Apparently I'm nonprofitly conservative
- That national interest thing
- ...it was sexist when I got here
- iPhone apps allow giving, just not charity
- Corporate social distractibility
- Ethical flexibility for export
- Social media is women's work
- The poor, the dead, and God are easily forgotten
- Gifts of Magnificence
- Opinion on Nonprofits
- Nonprofit Technology Sandwich
nostalgia #
notes #
- Lighthouse Labs retrospective note
- Nonprofit Board Management, Governance and Advice
- NTC08: The Seven Things Everyone Wants: What Freud and Buddha Understood (and We're Forgetting) about Online Outreach
nptech #
- This is me not being cynical about nonprofit innovation
- Social media is women's work
- Easier drawn than said
- My nonprofit Facebook strategy and tactics
- The essence of Capacity Building
- Harnessing inequality
- Facebook to Phone Trees: Nonprofit Technology for Everyone
- Nonprofit Communications 2.0
- MeetAmeriCorps still a success
- MeetAmeriCorps is "social networking"!
- Nonprofit Technology Sandwich
nten #
- NTC08: The Seven Things Everyone Wants: What Freud and Buddha Understood (and We're Forgetting) about Online Outreach
- Nonprofit Communications 2.0
numbers #
nuts #
obesity #
Object Oriented Programming #
ocd #
office #
oh-hai #
olpc #
omega #
online #
Open Source #
open311 #
operations #
organic #
organizing #
- Developing intent
- Typology versus taxonomy
- Welcome Grassroots Users of Technology
- Perspectives on Building Power
- Weingarten Rights
oss #
osx #
outcome #
outreach #
- Strengthening Organizations through Community Engagement
- NTC08: The Seven Things Everyone Wants: What Freud and Buddha Understood (and We're Forgetting) about Online Outreach
ownership #
painting #
panlexicon #
panorama #
pants #
paper #
parade #
Park #
parlor tricks #
parsing #
participation #
participation-gap #
Participatory Culture #
party #
patriotism #
paul #
pay #
peace on earth #
peace #
pedagogy #
- Learning styles and chemistry
- No wonder you weren't good at it
- Ethical omissions
- Teaching through breakage
- Intellectual activity
- Binaries and Teaching
- Two stories on a theme
pedestrian #
people #
perception #
percussion #
personal-development #
perspective #
perspectives #
pet #
philanthropy #
- A reminder that it's still about power
- iPhone apps allow giving, just not charity
- Ethical flexibility for export
- Still Ferrari-less
- The poor, the dead, and God are easily forgotten
- Gifts of Magnificence
- Charity, Mercy and Sin
philosophy #
- Authenticity and such
- This is not a website
- Art, I hardly knew ye
- A definition that is good enough
- Principles of Organizational Development Practice
- The author function and the internet
- Motivated design
- Gifts of Magnificence
- Religion and individualism
- The (false) metaphor of the tube for communication
- Self, Language and Consciousness
- Perspective
- Struck by Cain
- Creating meaning through interaction
- Creating Models
photo #
photography #
photos #
- Small things of Spring
- Valentines Day 2007
- Denim flashback
- Spooky baking
- Travel: Amherst
- Meta photography in Powder House Square
- Evening cruise on Boston Harbor
- Central Park Pictures
- Night scenes
- Night and Day
- Meta photography in Boston
- Piecing together Cambrige
- Vote Ben
- Canoes on the Mystic River
- Sails on the Charles
- Charles on the 4th
- Views of Isla Vista
- Santa Barbara Summer Solstice 2006
- San Francisco nights
- Now that's a lot of mustard
- NY nightlife
- Ghost train
- Trash piano
- A hole in the ice
- Somerville Community Mapping
- My pigeons in a row
- I, defender of democracy-ocracy-cracy
php #
piano #
pie #
plagiarism #
plan language #
planes #
planning #
plants #
pluralism #
poet #
poetry #
policy #
political #
politics #
- That Californian Ideology
- Shifting beliefs, remaking the pie
- Planning is timeless
- Philanthropy's progressive legacy
- Lovingly reimagined, progressively remade
- That national interest thing
- Towards advocacy-based media
- JFK accuses media of sensationalism, triviality
- Mount Vernon, Port Huron and Sharon Statements in Comparison
- Good advice to live by
- From Self-Actualization to Neo-Liberalism
- Media and Radical Technology
- Moving Day
- Three Americas
- Political Rhetoric
- Business rhetoric
- Lying in subtext and by omission
- Existential Charters
- Small Government / Small Paper
- Nonprofits and Political Activities
- Exploring Poverty: Participation, Practice, Imagination and Exploration
- Get a Government Job
- Failure of confidence
- Poverty as the singular moral challenge
- Political News Coverage
- Other words for "Lie"
- Free society
- Writing my Congress Critter
- Reject or Denounce
- Perspective
- King Corn
- Consumption and deregulation
- Politics of Fear
- Vote Ben
pollution #
ponty #
pool #
poor #
portfolio #
- Reimagining Chicago's 311 activity with Super Mayor Emanuel
- Put Your Civics Where Your Houseplant Is
- Hard data on the status of Open311
- A modest web-app proposal
- Print & Share: not everyone is a social media ninja (nor need they be)
- Shirt sales, scraped daily
- The 48 hour mobile web app: Drunken Stumble
- Boston Bike Crash Map
- Fairly fool-proof whole-wheat popovers
- Find fresh perspectives at NonprofitMillennials.org
- Fondly remembered experiments in minimal webdesign
- Goodbye Producers' Forum
- I am now a Technology of Participation facilitator
- Numerical Indifference
- Laying out latest layout
- Good enough data
- Easier drawn than said
- Nonprofit Budgeting Scenario
- Technology 2.0: Mapping Presentation
- Drupal: Adding a geocoding failure message to Location Module
- Radio Ga Ga 2: The role of nonprofits in constructing a better world
- Drupal: theme override for Upload.module's attachments list
- Boston Vegetable Planting Chart
- Brompt is a blog reminder
- Geekout: Video on Maps for Cable Access TV
- Introducing Panlexicon.com
- MeetAmeriCorps is "social networking"!
- Web 2.0 will save us
postage #
postmodern #
poverty #
- The poor, the dead, and God are easily forgotten
- Academia on the experience of poverty
- Blog Action Day: Poverty
- Exploring Poverty: Participation, Practice, Imagination and Exploration
- Poverty as the singular moral challenge
- Progressive Terminology for Discussing Poverty
power #
- A reminder that it's still about power
- Blue Ribbon Commissions in Print
- Perspectives on Building Power
- Intellectual activity
pr #
practice #
Presidio #
press #
pride #
principles #
privilege #
privileged-debate #
prize #
process #
- Apps off the approved vendor list
- Clarity of hindsight: law vs. policy
- Types of Facilitator Interventions
- Design Analogies
produce #
productivity #
produsage #
programming #
programming-code #
progressive #
progressivism #
project #
- Boston Bike Crash Map
- Straightforward Project Satisfaction and Fulfillment
- Laying out latest layout
- Brompt is a blog reminder
- MeetAmeriCorps is "social networking"!
project-design #
project-management #
propoganda #
protest #
provenance #
psychology #
- Social Media Strategy and the Dodo Bird Effect
- Marketing in Wealth Bondage
- Medicalization
- Understanding Beliefs (and how to change them)
- Cold Reading
- Nightmares
public-data #
publishing #
- Print & Share: not everyone is a social media ninja (nor need they be)
- Advocacy in print - Survival News for 2011
- Mediation Journal, Version 0
- Adding hyperlinks to print publications
- Laying out latest layout
- An ample account
punctuation #
purpose #
questions #
quote #
quotes #
rabbits #
racism #
radio #
- Radio Ga Ga 2: The role of nonprofits in constructing a better world
- Radio Ga Ga: Discussing AmeriCorp*VISTA on WUML
Rails #
- Seeing like a Rails and Ruby platform team
- The secret to perfectly calculate Rails database connection pool size
- Notes from Carrierwave to Active Storage
- Introducing GoodJob v4
- Solid Queue first impressions: Nice!
- The Rails Executor: increasingly everywhere
rails #
- Including Rails View Helpers is a concern
- Spectator Sport, a brief introduction to an upcoming Rails plugin
- Replacing Devise with Rails `has_secure_password` and friends
- The answer is in your heap: debugging a big memory increase in Ruby on Rails
- Prevent CDN poisoning from Fat GET/HEAD Requests in Ruby on Rails
rain #
random #
ranking #
rationality #
re-imagining #
reality #
Rebecca #
recently #
recipe #
- Persian Tahchin-inspired crispy chicken rice
- PopCo Cake Recipe
- Vegan Baking Tips: Egg Replacement and Oil
- JP Cafe Brownies
- Enchilada Sauce
- Hold the salt
- Cribbed Apple Salsa
- Apple and Green Papaya
- Pancake Recipe
- Pasta dough recipe
- Zuchini harvest
recollection #
recommendations #
reflection #
reform #
regulation #
relationships #
relativism #
religion #
- The prevailing worldview of the present
- The poor, the dead, and God are easily forgotten
- Charity, Mercy and Sin
- God didn't do Best Practices
- In the beginning, God separated Heaven and Earth
- Religion and individualism
- Notes on silence
- Graphical Organization of the Talmud
- Nonprofits and Political Activities
- Exploring Poverty: Participation, Practice, Imagination and Exploration
- Poverty as the singular moral challenge
remembrance #
reminisce #
research #
- A deucedly outrag* wordlist
- Tips for researching and applying to nonprofit jobs
- Get a Government Job
- Fears of death
response #
resume #
review #
rhetoric #
- Where rhetoric is substance
- Goofus & Gallant, MBA
- This is not a website
- Leaders and privileged voices
- Numerical Indifference
- Three Story Intellect Model
- Ace Advertising
- Social work is women's work, so we don't care
- Three Americas
- Political Rhetoric
- Business rhetoric
- The Purpose of Copyright
- Destructive rhetoric
Rhode Island #
rights #
risk #
robots #
rocks #
roleplay #
Ruby on Rails #
Ruby #
- Seeing like a Rails and Ruby platform team
- A Ruby Meetup about Rails autoloading and 3 Podcasts
- The Rails Executor: increasingly everywhere
- Reflections on GoodJob for Solid Queue
- Writing Object Shape friendly code in Ruby
- Service Object Objects in Ruby
ruby #
- Replacing Devise with Rails `has_secure_password` and friends
- The answer is in your heap: debugging a big memory increase in Ruby on Rails
- Rebuilding Concurrent Ruby: ScheduledTask, Event, and TimerSet
rules #
running #
safety #
sailboats #
sailing #
salary #
sales #
salsa #
sample #
San Diego #
San Francisco #
sandwich #
Santa Barbara #
Sarah #
sarcasm #
satire #
Saul #
save-the-world #
scenario #
science #
- Life before the chart
- Scientific disunity
- He thinks I'm working on parts. I'm working on concepts.
- Axemaker conclusions
- Digital Media Forensics
- Biology cliche
scrabble #
scraping #
screwed #
search #
- Blue Ribbon Commissions in Print
- A deucedly outrag* wordlist
- Search is not Serendipitous
- Get a Government Job
- Lumifi Search Widget
- Google Relevance
season #
secrets #
security #
seed #
self #
semantings #
sensationalism #
sentence #
service #
- Nailed that response
- Millenial Nonprofity Exposition
- Community Organizer = Community Outreach Minister
- Volunteer logic
sexism #
shadow #
shelving #
ship #
shirt #
shopping #
shut-up #
sick #
silence #
silos #
sin #
singularity #
sketch #
slant-rhyme #
sleep #
small things #
smithsonian #
smoothie #
snark #
snippet #
snow #
soapbox #
social media #
- This is me not being cynical about nonprofit innovation
- Don't confuse "online" with "Twitter"
- Nonprofit Social Media Literacy
- Social Media Strategy and the Dodo Bird Effect
- My nonprofit Facebook strategy and tactics
- From "Web 2.0" to "Produsage"
social networking #
- Facebook to Phone Trees: Nonprofit Technology for Everyone
- MeetAmeriCorps still a success
- MeetAmeriCorps is "social networking"!
social-enterprise #
society #
- Do what I say
- Nonprofits and the Economy of Free
- Radio Ga Ga 2: The role of nonprofits in constructing a better world
software engineering #
software #
solar #
solidarity #
solstice #
somerville #
Sommerville #
song #
sour-grapes #
Southie #
space #
spam #
spectator_sport #
speech #
- Insufficient funds
- Invoking the first amendment
- Welcome Grassroots Users of Technology
- Latin Transit
spooky #
spreadsheets #
spring #
staccato #
stacy-q #
stages #
starvation #
statements #
statistics #
statuary #
storm #
story #
storytelling #
strategic planning #
strategy #
- Nonprofits and the Economy of Free
- Alternatives to a Nonprofit Job
- "Should I get a nonprofit job?"
- Nonprofit Communications 2.0
- Nonprofit Competition & Concept Map
strawberries #
striving #
structure #
stupid #
subsidies #
subway #
subway. Germania Street #
success #
Sullivan Square #
summary #
summer #
supervisory skills #
surf-comparisons #
surfing #
synonyms #
systemic-change #
T #
tableware #
tacos #
take-a-flying-leap #
tao #
taxes #
- Proposals to change the tax-deductibility of donations
- Why are nonprofits tax-exempt?
- Line up in order of your SSN
taxonomy #
teach back #
teaching #
- No wonder you weren't good at it
- Like Wikipedia, but before
- Teaching through breakage
- Binaries and Teaching
teams #
teamwork #
techno-utopianism #
Technology of Participation #
technology #
- The point where creativity and invention occur
- Ambiguous URL
- Nailed that response
- "Describe the basis for your approach to this project. How did you determine the need for this project now and who was included in its design?"
- Assessment of needs-assessment needs
- This is me not being cynical about nonprofit innovation
- Accessible leisure through technology
- The Analog Divide
- What does your computer symbolize?
- Criticism for everyone
- He thinks I'm working on parts. I'm working on concepts.
- Easier drawn than said
- Axemaker conclusions
- Welcome Grassroots Users of Technology
- Media and Radical Technology
- Graphical Organization of the Talmud
- Facebook to Phone Trees: Nonprofit Technology for Everyone
- Conference notes: managing nonprofit technology projects
- Why I like Apple Computers
- Bees and Biology
- Close to the Machine
- Nonprofit Technology Sandwich
telecommunications #
Television #
terroir #
textbooks #
thailand #
thanks #
Thanksgiving #
the-beatles #
the-new-web-2-0 #
the-revolution-app-will-not-be-be-approved #
theming #
theory #
thesaurus #
things #
think-harder #
thinking #
thought #
thoughts #
time lapse #
time #
time-management #
timelapse #
trade #
train #
training #
trash #
travel #
Travels with Lisa #
trees #
trendsetting #
trust #
turf #
turkey #
tv #
typology #
uncrime #
union #
unix #
urinal #
urls #
vague-title #
valentines day #
values #
- Belief-based design
- Principles of Organizational Development Practice
- Thoughts on Nonprofit growth, management and culture
vanity #
vegetables #
vegetarian #
video #
- Geekout: Video on Maps for Cable Access TV
- Nonprofit Communications 2.0
- Airport Vehicles
- Self-photography
- The Future of Cable Access
- Happy Holidays 2006
- Happy Birthday Rebecca
- Gone bicycling
- Making smoothies
- Two, two, two yolks in one
- Two minutes for Paul and Liz
- Chase Palm Park
- Hot Slow Sunday in JP
- 23rd Birthday/Thanksgiving Spectacular, Part 1
- Pool Soup
videos #
- MeetAmeriCorps is "social networking"!
- Radio Ga Ga: Discussing AmeriCorp*VISTA on WUML
- Harbor Island info
visualizations #
visuals #
vlog #
vlogarm #
Vloggercon #
vocabulary #
volunteer #
volunteering #
wages #
walk #
walking #
warning #
Washington DC #
Washington #
washingtonDC #
water #
watercolor #
wealth #
weapons #
weasel-words #
weather #
Web 2.0 #
web design #
web #
web-development #
webdesign #
- Project fecundity
- Shirt sales, scraped daily
- A form from my favorites
- The 48 hour mobile web app: Drunken Stumble
- This is not a website
- Find fresh perspectives at NonprofitMillennials.org
- Fondly remembered experiments in minimal webdesign
- Goodbye Producers' Forum
- Making ReCAPTCHA not suck
- What to ask before building a website
- Drupal: theme override for Upload.module's attachments list
- Brompt is a blog reminder
- Who is using Drupal?
- Introducing Panlexicon.com
- MeetAmeriCorps still a success
- MeetAmeriCorps is "social networking"!
website #
- Print & Share: not everyone is a social media ninja (nor need they be)
- Goodbye Producers' Forum
- Introducing Panlexicon.com
- MeetAmeriCorps is "social networking"!
wedding #
weeding #
weeknotes #
- Recently, January 3, 2023
- Recently
- Recently, March 12, 2023
- Worknotes: November 13, 2022
- Worknotes - October 23, 2022
- Weeknotes: September 19, 2022
- Weeknotes: Aug 29, 2022
- Weeknotes: Week 0
weird #
welcome #
welfare #
wet hair #
whatever #
wiki #
wikipedia #
will-it-blend #
winter #
wisdom #
women #
- ...it was sexist when I got here
- Advocacy in print - Survival News for 2011
- The move towards empowerment
- Social work is women's work, so we don't care
word usage #
wordlist #
wordplay #
wordpress #
work #
worknotes #
writing #
- Impenetrable legal language
- The event is a tyrant
- Mediation Journal, Version 0
- Professional writing sample
- Making language of meaning
- Fierce editing
- Write first, outline later
- Speak up for democracy
- My use of the comma
- Lying in subtext and by omission
- Pratfalls to writing authentically
- How to write a cover letter for a job application
- Verb to do
- First Monday Night Write
yawn #
you-should-ask-me-for-advice #
youth channel #
youth #
youtube #
zen #
- Failure on balance
- Zen and Postmodern Art
- A temperance of words
- Washing of dishes requires great peace of mind
- Criticism for everyone