Your Mid-Year Leadership Check-in – Rands in Repose
Are you a manager, manager of managers, or manager of directors?
How long have you been in that role? The prior role?
When was your last promotion, and what was your internal headline for that promotion? (Example: “Reliable manager finally gets the promotion to a senior manager after the successful release of X.”)
Who are your credible sources of actionable feedback? What the most recent memorable feedback from one of these sources? Why was it memorable?
What are your areas of strength? How do you know that?
Where are you focusing on improving your leadership skills? Why?
Have you identified your next role? If so, what is it, and what’s your current plan to get there?
What’s your current most significant challenge with your direct reports? (A specific issue with one of your directs or an overall issue with all/many)
What’s your current most significant challenge with your manager?
What do you want to be when you grow up?