• My mom entered hospice this past weekend. Medicare’s hospice benefits are pretty great, given the circumstances; American healthcare gets progressively better til you die. My mom has a story of her mom, in the 1990s, unsuccesfully convincing my mom of the benefits of single-payer healthcare. My mom says it took until herself going on Medicare to understand. With hospice, you call your caseworker and say “Can the nurse please bring over some blue chux next time?” and that’s all.
  • Angelina and I had originally planned to attend a big family trip to Germany and Amsterdam; we are in Santa Barbara, the American Riveria, instead. YMCA membership portability is the best.
  • I think many shared human experiences are of long boredom punctuated by short excitement or terror. Per the former, I finally added on-site search with lunr.js to this blog; no more Google.
  • I’m currently reading Moral Mazes. From my personal experience reading Bad Blood and Super Pumped, and starting yet not finishing a whole bunch of other non-fiction: I can only handle terrible business books that have no thesis or advice other than gratitude for not being there. I have a bunch of other book reviews to catch up on.