Explanatory Name:

African American Shakespeare Company, San Francisco School Volunteers, Environmental Federation of California, City Carshare, San Francisco Breastfeeding Promotion Coalition


Asheville Global Report, San Francisco Community Television Corporation, Jazz Heritage Center

Pithy Phrase:

1-by-1, Buying with a Vision, Climate of Trust Council, Dance Through Time, Walk with Earth, Jews for Jesus, Unite Here, Single Step Incorporated, Eyes and Ears Foundation, Open for Children, Street Beats, Programs for People, The Playhouse, Healing Waters Wilderness Adventures, New Leaf Services for Our Community


Faithful Fools Street Ministry, MBAs without Borders USA, October Saints Foundation, Gray Panthers of San Francisco, Women in Literature, Youth for Creative Adventure Storytelling, Youth with a Mission, San Francisco Communities Restoring Urban Environments, Our Family Coalition, Tenants First, Team Pride


Amazon Watch, Death Penalty Focus, Utility Reform Network, Committee for an Independent Voice, Paths of Native Africa


BuildingBlocks International, OneHeart Productions, OpenHouse, Forest Ethics, Freedom West Computer Learning Center, Lighthouse Troupe, Reality House West, Network of Lovingkindness, TapFound, Push Dance Company, Planetwork NGO, UniversalGiving, Media Alliance, New Conservatory, Sound Safe, Sustainable Sciences Institute, Survival Exchange Network, World Love Manna Movement


Horizons Foundation, Jimena Inc, Hyperion Society, Pro Global & Charities, Go Productions, Project Bandaloop, Project Respect, The Gubbio Project


Amvets, Balletneo, Encorps, Exitheatre