Recently, March 16, 2025

  • We have promoted another cat to fostering: Merlin, the cat formerly known as Gray Cat.
  • I finished the latest Bruno, Chief of Police book. I read it for the food and culture, but it has some bad descriptions of hacking in this one. I started The Midnight Library, which as close as you can imagine to a TED talk but actually a novel. Next is Careless People, which I’m looking forward to; hopefully as exhilarating/vicariously-traumatic as Exit Interview.
  • At work the latest is that all planning must snap to 1-month objectives. “If you don’t produce a plan, someone will produce one for you” is an advice. Super proud of the work: doing Pitchfork, kicking the tires on ruby/json, adding more knobs to Active Record. My Incident Commander shift was this week too; 2pm - 8pm really destroys the possibility of pre-dinner errands. I did go to a Mustqche Harbor show while on secondary Friday night and nothing bad happened (though I was still 15 minutes from home should something have).
  • I bought a RailsConf supporter ticket. I submitted a panel discussion talk, so even if that’s accepted, I think I’ll still need a ticket. It’s for a good cause.
  • Some new Playdate games. Echo: The Oracle’s Scroll was the only one I’ve beaten so far, despite fiddly jumping puzzle, and the surprise ending by which I mean I was surprised when I went to chat with an owl-person and then the credits rolled.
  • I am recovering from pink eye, again. Reinfecting yourself is a thing that can happen. The last six months or so have not been my favorite, minor ailments-wise.
  • Folks on Rails Performance Slack asked about Cursor rules, which was an opportunity for me to consolidate mine from several projects. I dunno, it’s ok.
  • After about a month, I think I’m an iPad Mini person. The screen is very not good, but I guess “the best screen is the screen you have” when said screen is bigger than a phone, but smaller than 11 inches.
  • This is the most SF press release and I can’t wait.

Addressing it directly

Lost to time in my Code for America email’s sent folder was a list of reasons why deferring to software engineers can be problematic. It included this theme, from Will Larson’s “Building personal and organizational prestige”:

In my experience, engineers confronted with a new problem often leap to creating a system to solve that problem rather than addressing it directly. I’ve found this particularly true when engineers approach a problem domain they don’t yet understand well, including building prestige.

For example, when an organization decides to invest into its engineering brand, the initial plan will often focus on project execution. It’ll include a goal for publishing frequency, ensuring content is representationally accurate across different engineering sub-domains, and how to incentivize participants to contribute. If you follow the project plan carefully, you will technically have built an engineering brand, but my experience is that it’ll be both more work and less effective than a less systematic approach.

Sometimes you just do stuff.

Flattening the curve for the safety net, five years later

It’s been 5 years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. From my notebook, I found a brief presentation I gave at Code for America in April, 2020 about that first month of the pandemic and the positive impact that GetCalFresh had during the initial lockdown and economic turmoil. There’s a contemporary postscript at the end too.

The idea of flattening the curve is to create time and space to build up the system capacity and avoid a catastrophic failure leading to greater social disruption and deaths.

Within the social safety net, like the healthcare system, there is a limited systemic capacity to help people. Within the social safety net, catastrophic failure is not only that people aren’t able to apply for or receive benefits because the systems to receive and process their applications are overloaded, but also that they lose trust in society and government entirely as a result.

Demand for CalFresh / SNAP / Food Stamps has massively increased over the past month. Our digital assister,, has seen 6x the number of applicants, with a peak of over 9,000 applications per day.

The government and their contractors are beefing up the capacity of their own systems to deal with the increased volume but it’s taken them several weeks to marshal those resources.

During this time period of massive demand, these government-managed systems have suffered, leading to client-facing error messages, timeouts and service degradations.

GetCalFresh, independently operated by Code for America and funded by CDSS (California Department of Social Services) and private philanthropy, has been online, stable and accepting applications this entire time, giving CalFresh applicants a path for submitting their applications regardless of the stability or availability of the underlying government systems. GetCalFresh is able to accept and hold those applications until they can be successfully processed through the government systems, once their outage is fixed or during non-peak usage times like overnight.

GetCalFresh is a fantastic resource for Californians. And we’re seeing heavy promotion of GetCalFresh, likely because of the quality and stability of our system.

GetCalFresh is now assisting two-thirds of all statewide CalFresh applications.

And we’re maybe starting to see the government systems stabilize. Over the past 3 days we’ve observed a decrease in error rates and an increase in stability when interfacing with these government systems, which should also be comparable to how applicants would experience these government websites too. This implies that the government is successfully growing their capacity to address the increased volume of applicants.

GetCalFresh has been a critical resource in ensuring that people-in-need can get safety-net resources during this unprecedented pandemic and maintain trust between themselves, society, and government. 👍

Postscript (2025)

Here we are, 5 years later. Of what I remember of putting this presentation together, it came of a desperation to find a story, a meaning, to the grief and fear and exhaustion of that first month. It creates a narrative arc: that things were fucked, and through the specificity of our efforts, they became unfucked. I believe that discovering the tidy stories in what we have done is inarguably a necessary comfort. And such stories are, inarguably too, inadequate at giving certainty to what we must do next.

I’m immensely proud of what we accomplished during this time. It strengthens my conviction of what small, durable, cross-functional teams, supported by stable, well-funded organizations with long-term goals, can accomplish together. And every act and decision I see leading up to that, during the good times: every boring technology decision, every generalist full-stack hire, every retrospective and team norms and career ladder conversation… it was worth it, because we performed how we had previously practiced together: exemplary.

And what the fuck! I have to reflect on this in the contemporary context of DOGE and the gutting of 18F and USDS and everyone else and any sense of stability or generative capacity in our federal government and the trickle down it will have everywhere. My original presentation is rather bland in calling them “Government Systems” but in reality these are systems that have already been outsourced, for decades, to private enterprise. They fell over, badly. And us, some stupid nonprofit geeks playing house in silicon valley, we happened to be there to hold things together for 60 million Californians until the safety-net could be stood back up again. Whatever the fuck DOGE is doing is bad. To face the dangers of an uncertain world, we need more capacity in-house in government, not less. I am angry, still.

There’s so much more that must be done.

Ruby “Thread Contention” is simply GVL Queuing

There’s been a ton of fantastic posts from Jean Boussier recently explaining application shapes, instrumenting the GVL (Global VM Lock), and thoughts on removing the GVL. They’re great reads!

For the longest time, I’ve misunderstood the phrase “thread contention”. It’s a little embarrassing that given I’m the author of GoodJob (👍) and a maintainer of Concurrent Ruby and have been doing Ruby and Rails stuff for more than a decade. But true.

I’ve been reading about thread contention for quite a while.

Through all of this, I perceived thread contention as contention: a struggle, a bunch of threads all elbowing each other to run and stomping all over each other in a an inefficient, disagreeable, disorganized dogpile. But that’s not what happens at all!

Instead: when you have any number of threads in Ruby, each thread waits in an orderly queue to be handed the Ruby GVL, then they gently hold the GVL until they graciously give it up or it’s politely taken from them, and then the thread goes to the back of the queue, where they patiently wait again.

That’s what “thread contention” is in Ruby: in-order queuing for the GVL. It’s not that wild.

Let’s go deeper

I came to this realization when researching whether I should reduce GoodJob’s thread priority (I did). This came up after some exploration at GitHub, my day job, where we have a maintenance background thread that would occasionally blow out our performance target for a particular web request if the background thread happened to run at the same time that the web server (Unicorn) was responding to the web request.

Ruby threads are OS (operating system) threads. And OS threads are preemptive, meaning the OS is responsible for switching CPU execution among active threads. But, Ruby controls its GVL. Ruby itself takes a strong role in determining which threads are active for the OS by choosing which Ruby thread to hand the GVL to and when to take it back.

(Aside: Ruby 3.3 introduced M:N threads which decouples how Ruby threads map to OS threads, but ignore that wrinkle here.)

There’s a very good C-level explanation of what happens inside the Ruby VM in The Ruby Hacking Guide. But I’ll do my best to explain briefly here:

When you create a Ruby thread (, that thread goes into the back of a queue in the Ruby VM. The thread waits until the threads ahead of it in the queue have their chance to use the GVL.

When the thread gets to the front of the queue and gets the GVL, the thread will start running its Ruby code until it gives up the GVL. That can happen for one of two reasons:

  • When the thread goes from executing Ruby to doing IO, it releases the GVL (usually; it’s mostly considered a bug in the IO library if it doesn’t). When the thread is done with its IO operation, the Thread goes to the back of the queue.
  • When the thread has been executing for longer than the length of the thread “quantum”, the Ruby VM takes back the GVL and the thread steps to the back of the queue again. The Ruby thread quantum default is 100ms (this is configurable via Thread#priority or directly as of Ruby 3.4).

That second scenario is rather interesting. When a Ruby thread starts running, the Ruby VM uses yet another background thread (at the VM level) that sleeps for 10ms (the “tick”) and then checks how long the Ruby thread has been running for. If the thread has been running for longer then the length of the quantum, the Ruby VM takes back the GVL from the active thread (“preemption”) and gives the GVL to the next thread waiting in the GVL queue. The thread that was previously executing now goes to the back of the queue. In other words: the thread quantum determines how quickly threads shuffle through the queue and no less/faster than the tick.

That’s it! That’s what happens with Ruby thread contention. It’s all very orderly, it just might take longer than expected or desired.

What’s the problem

The dreaded “Tail Latency” of multithreaded behavior can happen, related to the Ruby Thread Quantum, when you have what might otherwise be a very short request, for example:

  • A request that could be 10ms because it’s making ten 1ms calls to Memcached/Redis to fetch some cached values and then returns them (IO-bound Thread)

⠀…but when it’s running in a thread next to:

  • A request that takes 1,000ms and largely spends its time doing string manipulation, for example a background thread that is taking a bunch of complex hashes and arrays and serializing them into a payload to send to a metrics server. Or rendering slow/big/complex views for Turbo Broadcasts (CPU-bound Thread)

In this scenario, the CPU-bound thread will be very greedy with holding the GVL and it will look like this:

  1. IO-bound Thread: Starts 1ms network request and releases GVL
  2. CPU-bound Thread: Does 100ms of work on the CPU before the GVL is taken back
  3. IO-bound Thread: Gets GVL again and starts next 1ms network request and releases GVL
  4. CPU-bound Thread: Does 100ms of work on the CPU before the GVL is taken back
  5. Repeat … 8 more times…
  6. Now 1,000 ms later, the IO-bound Thread, which ideally would have taken 10ms is finally done. That’s not good!

That’s the worse case in this simple scenario with only two threads. With more threads of different workloads, you have the potential to have even more of a problem. Ivo Anjo also wrote about this too. You could speed this up by lowering overall thread quantum, or by reducing the priority of the CPU-bound thread (which lowers the thread quantum). This would cause the CPU-bound thread to be more finely sliced, but because the minimum slice is governed by the tick (10ms) you’d never get below a theoretical maximum of 100ms for the IO-bound thread; 10x more than optimal.

Living Parklife with Rails, coming from Jekyll

I recently migrated this blog from Jekyll to Ben Pickles’s Parklife and Ruby on Rails, still hosted as a static website on GitHub Pages. I’m pretty happy with the experience.

I’m writing this not because I feel any sense of advocacy (do what you want!) but to write down the reasons for myself. Maybe they’ll rhyme for you.

Here’s this blog’s repo if you want to see:


I’ve been blogging here for 20 years and this blog has been through it all: Drupal, Wordpress, Middleman, Jekyll, and now Parklife+Rails.

For the past decade the blog has largely been in markdown files, which I don’t intend to change. Over the past 2 years I also exported 15 years of pinboard/ bookmarks, and my Kindle book highlights into markdown-managed files too. I’ve also dialed in some GitHub Action and Apple Shortcut powered integrations. I’m really happy with Markdown files in a git repo, scripted with Ruby.

…but there’s more than just Ruby.


I’m heavily invested in the Ruby on Rails ecosystem. I think it’s fair to say I have mastery in Rails: I’m comfortable building applications with it, navigating and extending the framework code, intuiting the conceptual vision of the core team, and being involved in the life of the comunity where I’ve earned some positive social capital to spend as needed.

I don’t have that in Jekyll. I am definitely handy in Jekyll. I’ve built plugins, I’ve done some wild stuff with liquid. But I’m not involved with Jekyll in the everyday sense like I am with Rails. I feel that when I go to make changes to my blog. There’s a little bit of friction mentally switching over to liquid, and Jekyll’s particular utilities that are similar to but not the same as Action View and Active Support. Jekyll is great; it’s me and the complexity of my website that’s changed.

(I do still maintain some other Jekyll websites; no complaints elsewhere.)

Parklife with Ruby on Rails

I hope I’m not diminishing Parklife by writing that it isn’t functionally much more than wget. It’s in Ruby and mounts+crawls a Rack-based web application, does a little bit to rewrite the base URLs, and spits out a directory of static HTML files. That’s it! It’s great!

It was pretty easy for me to make a lightweight Ruby on Rails app, that loaded up all my markdown-formatted content and frontmatter, and spat them out again as Controllers and ERB Views.

This blog is about 7k pages. For a complete website artifact:

  • Jekyll: takes about 20 seconds to build
  • Parklife with Rails: takes about 20 seconds to build

In addition to the productivity win for me of being able to work with the ERB and Action View helpers I’m familiar with, I also find my development loop with Parklife and Rails is faster than Jekyll: I don’t have to rebuild the entire application to see the result of a single code or template change. I use the Rails development server to develop, not involving Parklife at all. On my M1 MBP a cold boot of Rails takes less than a second, a code reload is less than 100ms, and most pages render in under 10ms.

With Jekyll, even with --incremental, most development changes required a 10+ second rebuild. Not my favorite.

The technically novel bits

  1. if you want to trigger Rails code reload with any arbitrary set of files, like a directory of markdown files, you use ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker (which has a kind of complicated set of arguments):

    # config/application.rb
    self.reloaders <<[], {
      "_posts" => ["md", "markdown"],
      "_bookmarks" => ["md", "markdown"],
    }) do
  2. Each of my blog posts has a list of historical redirects stored in their frontmatter (a legacy of so many framework changes). I had to think about how to do a catch-all route to render a static meta-refresh template:

    # config/routes.rb
    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      get "*path", to: "redirects#show", constraints: ->(req) { Redirect.all.key? req.path.sub(%r{\A/}, "").sub(%r{/\z}, "") }
      # ...all the other routes

In conclusion

Here’s this blog’s Parkfile. I did a little bit of convenience monkeypatching of things I intend to contribute upstream to Parklife. I dunno, maybe you’ll like the Parklife too.

How I’m thinking about AI (LLMs)

With AI, in my context we’re talking about LLMs (Large Language Models), which I simplify down to “text generator”: they take text as input, and they output text.

I wrote this to share with some folks I’m collaborating with on building AI-augmented workflows. I’ve struggled to find something that is both condensed and whose opinionations match my own. So I wrote it myself.

The following explanation is intended to be accurate, but not particularly precise. For example, there is ChatGPT the product, there is an LLM at the bottom, and then in the middle there are other functions and capabilities. Or Claude or AWS Nova or Llama. These things are more than *just* LLMs, but they are also not much more than an LLM. Some of these tools can also interpret images and documents and audio and video. To do so, they’re passing those documents through specialized functions like OCR (optical character recognition), voice-recognition and image-recognition tools and then those results are turned into more text input. And some of them can take “Actions” with “Agents” which is still based on text output, just being structured and fed into something else. It’s text text text.

(also, if something is particularly wrong, let me know please)

A little about LLMs

The language around LLMs and “AI” is fucked up with hype and inappropriate metaphors. But the general idea is there is two key phases to keep track of:

  1. Training: Baking the model. At which point it’s done. I don’t know anyone who is actually building models Everyone is using something like OpenAI or Claude or Llama. And even while these things can be “fine tuned” I don’t know anyone doing it; operating at the model level requires input data on the order of tens of thousands of inputs/examples.
  2. Prompting: Using the model, giving input and getting output. This is everything the vast majority of developers are doing.

That’s it. Those are the only two buckets you need to think about.

1. Training

The way AI models get made is to first collect trillions of pages of written text (an example is Common Crawl which scrapes the Internet). Then use machine learning to identify probabilistic patterns that can be represented by only several billion variables (floating point numbers). This is called “Pre Training”. At this point, you can say “Based on the input data, it’s probabilistically likely that the word after “eeny meany miney” is “moe”.

Then there is the phase of “Fine Tuning” which makes sure that longer strings of text input are completed in ways that are intended (never right or wrong, just intended or expected). For example, if the text input is “Write me a Haiku about frogs” you expect a short haiku about frogs and not a treatise on the magic of the written word or amphibians. Fine tuning is largely accomplished by tens of thousands of workers in Africa and South Asia reading examples of inputs and outputs and clicking 👍 or 👎 on their screen. This is then fed back into machine learning models to say, of the billion variables, which variables should get a little more or less oomph when they’re calculating the output. Fine Tuning requires tens of thousands of these scored examples; again, this is probabilistic-scale stuff. This can also be called RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback), though that sometimes also refers to few-shot prompting, which is Prompt-phase (“Learning” is a nonsense word in the AI domain; it has zero salience without clarifying which phase you’re talking about). A lot of the interesting fine-tuning, imo, comes from getting these text generators to:

  • Read like a human chatting with you, rather than textual diarrhea
  • Getting structured output, like valid JSON, rather than textual diarrhea

Note: You can mentally slot in words like “parameters”, “dimensions”, “weights” and “layers” into all this. Also whenever someone says “we don’t really know how they work” what they really mean is “there’s a lot of variables and I didn’t specifically look at them all”. But that’s no different than being given an Excel spreadsheet with several VLOOKUPS and functions and saying “sure, that looks ok” and copy-pasting the report on to your boss; I mean, you could figure it all out, but it seems to work and you’re a busy person.

Ok, now we’re done with training. The model at this point is baked and no further modification takes place: no memory, no storage, no “learning” in the sense of a biological process. From this point further they operate as a function: input in, output out, no side effects.

Here’s how AWS Bedrock, which is how I imagine lots of companies are using AI in their product, describes all this:

After delivery of a model from a model provider [Anthropic, OpenAI, Meta] to AWS, Amazon Bedrock will perform a deep copy of a model provider’s inference and training software into those accounts for deployment. Because the model providers don’t have access to those accounts, they don’t have access to Amazon Bedrock logs or to customer prompts and completions.

See! It’s all just dead artifacts uploaded into S3, that are then loaded onto EC2 on-demand. A fancy lambda! Nothing more.

2. Prompting

Prompting is when we give the model input, and then it gives back some output. That’s it. Unless we are specifically collecting trillions of documents, or doing fine-tuning against thousands of examples (which we are NOT!), we are simply writing a prompt, and having the model generate some text based on it. It riffs. The output can be called “completions” because they’re just that: More words.

(Fun fact: how to get the LLM to stop writing words is a hard problem to solve)

Note: You might sometimes see prompting called model “testing” (as opposed to model building or training). That’s because you’re powering up the artifact to put some words through it. Testing testing is called “Evaluations” (“Evals” for short) and like all test test regimes the lukewarm debate I hear from everybody is “we aren’t but should we?”

Writing prompts

This is the work! Unfortunately the language used to describe all of this is truly and totally fucked. By which I mean that words like “learning” and “thought” and “memory” and even “training” is reused again.

It’s all about simply writing a prompt that boops the resulting text generator output into the shape you want. It’s all snoot-booping, all the time.

Going back to the Training data, let’s make some conceptual distinctions:

  • Content: specific facts, statements and assertions that were (possibly) encoded into those billions of probabilities from the training data
  • Structure: the overall probability that a string of words (really fragments of words) comes out again looking like something we expect, which has been adjusted via Fine Tuning

Remember, this is just a probabilistic text generator. So there is probabilistic facts, and probabilistic structure. And that probabilistic part is why we have words like “hallucination” and “slop” and “safety”. There’s no there there. It’s just probabilities. There’s no guarantee that a particular fact has been captured in those billions of variables. It’s just a text generator. And it’s been trained on a lot of dumb shit people write. It’s just a text generator. Don’t trust it.

So on to some prompting strategies:

  • Zero-Shot Prompting: This just means to ask something open-ended and the AI returns something that probabilistical follows:

    Classify the sentiment of the following review as positive, neutral, or negative: “The quality is amazing, and it exceeded my expectations”

  • Few-Shot (or one-shot/multi-shot) Prompting: This just means to provide one or more examples of “expected” completions in the prompt (remember, this is all prompt, not fine-tuning) to try to narrow down what could probabilistically follow:

    Task: Classify the sentiment of the following reviews as positive, neutral, or negative.

    1. “I absolutely adore this product. It’s fantastic!” - positive
    2. “It’s okay, not the best I’ve used.” - neutral
    3. “This is terrible. I regret buying it.” - negative
      Now classify this review:
    4. “The quality is amazing, and it exceed my expectations” - [it’s blank, for the model to finish]

Note: Zero/One/Few/Multi-Shot is sometimes called “Learning” instead of “Prompting”. This is a terrible name, because there is no learning (the models are dead!) but is one of those things where the most assume-good-intent explanation is that over the course of the prompt and its incrementally generated completion that the output assumes the desired shape.

  • Chain of Thought Prompting: The idea here is that the prompt includes a description of how a human might explain what they were doing to complete the prompt. And that boops the completion into filling out those steps, and arriving at a more expected answer:

    Classify the sentiment of the following review as positive, neutral, or negative.
    “I absolutely adore this product. It’s fantastic!”
    Analysis 1: How does it describe the product?
    Analysis 2: How does it describe the functionality of the product?
    Analysis 3: How does it describe their relationship with the product?
    Analysis 4: How does it describe how friends, family, or others relate to the product?
    Overall: Is it positive, neutral, or negative?

Note: again, there is no “thought” happening. The point of the prompt is to boop the text completion into giving a more expected answer. There are some new models (as of late 2024) that are supposed to do Chain-of-Thought implicitly; afaik there is just a hidden/unshown prompt that says “break this down into steps” and an intermediate output that takes the output of that and feeds it into another hidden/unshown prompt and then the output of that is shown to you. That’s why they costs more, cause it’s invoking the the LLM twice on your behalf.

  • Chain Prompting: This simply means that you take the output of one prompt, and then feed that into a new prompt. This can be useful to isolate a specific prompt and output. It might also be necessary because of the length: LLMs can only operate on so many words, so if you need to summarize a long document in a prompt, you’d need to first break it down into smaller chunks, use the LLM to summarize each chunk, and then combine the summaries into a new prompt for the LLM summarize that.
  • RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Prompting: This means that you look up some info in a database, and then insert that into the prompt before handing it to the LLM. Everything is prompt, there is only prompt.

Note: “Embeddings” are a way of search indexing your text. LLMs take all those trillions of documents and probabilistically boils them down to several billion variables. Embeddings boil down further to a couple thousand variables (floating point numbers). Creating an embedding means providing a piece of text, and you get back the values of those thousand floating point numbers that probabilistically describe that text (big brain idea: it is the document’s location in a thousand-dimensional space). That lets you compute across multiple documents “given this document within the n-dimensional space, what are its closest neighboring documents semantically/probabilistically?” Embeddings are useful when you want to do RAG Prompting to pull out relevant documents and insert their text into your prompt before it’s fed to the LLM to generate output.

  • Cues and Nudges There are certain phrases, like “no yapping” or “take a deep breath” that change the output. I don’t think there is anything delightful about this; it’s simply trying to boop up the variables you want in your output and words are the only inputs you have. I’m sure there will someday be better ways to do it, but whatever works.

A strong opinion about zero-shot prompting

Don’t do it! I think it’s totally fine if you just want to ask a question and try to intuit the extent that the model has been trained or tuned on the particular domain you’re curious about. But you should put ZERO stock in the answer as something factual.

If you need facts, you must provide the facts as part of your prompt. That means:

  • Providing a giant pile of text as content, or breaking it down (like via embeddings) and injecting smaller chunks via RAG
  • Providing any and all input you ever expect to get out of the output

It’s ok to summarize, extract, translate or sentiment. The only reason it’s ok to zero-shot code is because it’s machine verifiable (you run it). Otherwise, you must verify! Or don’t do it at all.

Including Rails View Helpers is a concern

If you’re currently maintaining a Ruby on Rails codebase, I want you to do a quick regex code search in your Editor:

include .*Helper

Did you get any hits? Do any of those constants point back to your app/helpers directory? That could be a problem.

Never include a module from app/helpers into anything in your application. Don’t do it.

  • Modules defined in app/helpers should exclusively be View Helpers. Every module in the app/helpers directory is automatically included into Views/Partials, and available within Controllers via the helpers proxy e.g. helpers.the_method in Controllers or ApplicationController.helpers.the_method anywhere else.
  • Including View Helpers into other files (Controllers, Models, etc.) creates a risk that some methods may not be safely callable because they depend on View Context that isn’t present. (They’re also hell to type with Sorbet.)
  • If you do have includable mixins (“bucket of methods”) that do make sense to be included into lots of different classes (Controllers, Models, Views, etc.), make them a concern and don’t put them in app/helpers.

Some general background

Rails has always had View Helpers. Prior to Rails 2 (~2009), only the ApplicationHelper was included into all controller views and other helpers would have to be added manually. Rails 2 changed the defaults via helpers :all and config.action_controller.include_all_helpers to always include all Helpers in all Views.

Rails 4.0 (2012) introduced Concerns, which formalized conventions around extracting shared behaviors into module mix-ins.

Rails 5.0 (2016) introduced the Action Controller helpers proxy, and clearly summarizes the problem that I’ve observed too:

It is a common pattern in the Rails community that when people want to use any kind of helper that is defined inside app/helpers they includes the helper module inside the controller like:

module UserHelper
  def my_user_helper
    # ...

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  include UserHelper

  def index
    render inline: my_user_helper

This has problem because the helper can’t access anything that is
defined in the view level context class.

Also all public methods of the helper become available in the controller
what can lead to undesirable methods being routed and behaving as

Also if you helper depends on other helpers or even Action View helpers
you need to include each one of these dependencies in your controller
otherwise your helper is not going to work.

Some specific background

This has come up as a problem at my day job, GitHub. GitHub has the unique experience of being one of the oldest and largest Ruby on Rails monoliths and it’s full of opportunities to identify friction, waste, and toil.

Disordered usage of View Helpers and the app/views directory became very visible as we’ve been typing our monolith with Sorbet. Typing module mixins in Sorbet is itself inherently difficult, but View Helpers had accumlated a significant amount of T.unsafe escape-hatches and in understanding why… we discovered that explicitly including View Helpers in lots of different types of classes was a cause.

What’s the alternative?

I analyzed the different types of modules that were being created, and came up with this list:

  • Concerns are shared behaviors that may be optionally included into multiple other classes/objects when that behavior is desired. We can further break down:
    • Application-level Concerns are agnostic about the kind of object they are included into (could be a controller, or model, or a job, or a PORO)
    • Component-level Concerns are intended to only be mixed into a specific kind of object, like a controller with expectations that controller-methods are available to be used in that concern (like an http request object, or other view helpers like path helpers)
  • Dependencies are non-shared behaviors that have been extracted into a module from a specific, singular controller to improve behavioral cohesion, and is then included back into that one, specific class or object.
  • View Helpers are intended to be across Views (or Controllers via the helpers view-proxy method in Controllers or ApplicationController.helpers anywhere else) for formatting and presentation purposes and have access to other view helpers or http request objects. These are the only objects that modules that should go in app/helpers.

And this is what you might do about them:

  • Stop and remove include MyHelper from Controllers. Instead, you can access any View Helper method in a controller via helpers.the_name_of_the_method
  • Move Concerns and Dependencies out of app/helpers. If what is currently in app/helpers is not a View Helper, move it:
    • Application-level Concerns should be moved into app/concerns
    • Component-level Concerns should be moved into their appropriate app/controllers/concerns or your_package/models/concerns, etc.
    • Dependencies should be moved to an appropriate place in their namespaces hierarchy. e.g. if the module is only included into ApplicationController, it should be named ApplicationController::TheBehavior and live in app/controllers/application_controller/the_behavior.rb
  • Never include a module from app/helpers anywhere. Don’t do it.
  • Use the Controller helpers proxy or ApplicationController.helpers.the_helper_method to access helpers (like ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper) in Controller or other Object contexts.
  • Invert the relationship between Helpers and Concerns. If you have behavior that you want available to lots of different kinds of components and views, start by creating a Concern, and then include that Concern into a View Helper or ApplicationHelper. Don’t go the other direction.
  • Invert the relationship between Views and Controllers. If you have a private method that is specific to a single controller, and you want to expose that method to the controller’s views, you can expose that method to the views directly using helper_method :the_method_name . Use this sparingly, because it extends singleton View objects which deoptimizes the Ruby VM; but really, don’t twist yourself into knots to avoid it either, that’s what it’s there for.
  • (optional but recommended) Rename the constant too, not just move it, when it’s not a View Helper. Naming things is hard, but *Helper is… not very descriptive. While it’s the placement in app/helpers that brings the automatic behavior… so it’s not technically a problem to have a SomethingHelper that isn’t a View Helper living in app/controllers/concerns … it is confusing to have non-helpers named SomethingHelper. Some suggestions for renaming Concerns and Dependencies:
    • Use the “-able” suffix to turn the behavior or capability into an adjective. e.g. SoftDeletable
    • Append Dependancy to the end, like AbilityDependency
    • If you’re out of ideas, use Methods or Mixin, like UserMethods or UserMixin.

Keep your secrets.yml in Rails 7.2+

Ruby on Rails v7.1 deprecated and v7.2 removed support for Rails.application.secrets and config/secrets.yml in favor of Encrypted Credentials. You don’t have to go along with that! I like Secrets functionality because it allows for consolidating and normalizing ENV values in a single configuration file with ERB (Encrypted Credentials doesn’t).

It’s extremely simple to reimplement the same behavior using config_for and the knowledge that methods defined in application.rb show as methods on Rails.application:

# config/application.rb

module ExampleApp
  class Application < Rails::Application
    # ....
    config.secrets = config_for(:secrets) # loads from config/secrets.yml
    config.secret_key_base = config.secrets[:secret_key_base]

    def secrets

That is all you need to continue using a secrets.yml file that looks like this:

# config/secrets.yml

defaults: &defaults
  default_host: <%= ENV.fetch('DEFAULT_HOST', 'localhost:3000') %>
  twilio_api_key: <%= ENV.fetch('TWILIO_API_KEY', 'fake') %>
  mailgun_secret: <%= ENV.fetch('MAILGUN_SECRET', 'fake') %>

  <<: *defaults
  secret_key_base: 79c6d24d26e856bc2549766552ff7b542f54897b932717391bf705e35cf028c851d5bdf96f381dc41472839fcdc8a1221ff04eb4c8c5fbef62a6d22747f079d7

  <<: *defaults
  secret_key_base: 0b3abfc0c362bab4dd6d0a28fcfea3f52f076f8d421106ec6a7ebe831ab9e4dc010a61d49e41a45f8f49e9fc85dd8e5bf3a53ce7a3925afa78e05b078b31c2a5

# Do not keep production secrets in the repository,
# instead read values from the environment.
  <<: *defaults
  secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
  default_host: <%= ENV['DEFAULT_HOST'] || (ENV['HEROKU_APP_NAME'] ? "#{ENV['HEROKU_APP_NAME']}": nil) %>

Note: This only works for secrets.yml not secrets.enc.yml which was called “Encrypted Secrets.” If you’re using “Encrypted Secrets” then you should definitely move over to the Encrypted Credentials feature.

A mostly technical reflection on Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants

“Meteors are not needed less than mountains”

— Robinson Jeffers, “Shine, Perishing Republic”

I recently kicked off a new outside project to build on my experience building GetCalFresh, a digital welfare assister that’s helped millions of Californian’s successfully apply for billions of dollars of food assistance from CalFresh/SNAP. While going through my contemporaneous notes from that time, I realized I had never written about another project I was deeply involved with: Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants (DRAI) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Code for America published a little bit about DRAI in “Dismantling the Invisible Wall”:

DRAI was a modest but crucial lifeline for undocumented Californians. The program’s goal was to distribute $500 bank cards to 150,000 undocumented adults who had experienced some adverse impact from the pandemic—from those who lost wages or jobs and had kids home from school needing care, to those who had gotten the coronavirus or had to take care of a family member who did. The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) selected twelve community-based organizations (CBOs) that usually provide legal assistance to undocumented communities to distribute these funds. … Ultimately, the project succeeded in distributing every single bank card to community members, putting a total of $75 million dollars directly into peoples’ pockets.

I wanted to write about my experiences with the technical bits, as I was the lead engineer at Code for America building that technical system to facilitate distribution of these vital funds during a global pandemic. This included building:

  • The digital intake form, which was used by frontline assisters to read a script and collect information
  • A review flow for supervisors to approve applications, screening out incomplete and duplicated applications
  • A disbursement flow to issue and activate payment cards and discourage theft of funds
  • Table stakes operational faff, like user accounts and supervisory dashboards, and audit logs and all the wayfinding and chrome and umwelt and pastiche for people to navigate from place to place in the system with as little intentional training as possible.

I no longer work at Code for America, but the code is on GitHub and I figured it would be fun to fill in some of the technical story. My screenshots contain faked seed data.

Some of the human bits

My pandemic timeline starts on March 13, 2020. That is the date San Francisco went into lockdown, as well as the date purchase offers were due on the home where I now currently live as a first-time homebuyer. That week was also fairly tumultuous at Code for America because it was in the last days leading up to CfA’s first-ever Summit conference to be held in Washington DC, and it looked like a contentious debate from my desk’s view outside the glass-walled conference rooms.

I was an engineer and manager on GetCalFresh then, and those first months of the pandemic were hard. Application intake quadrupled from ~2,000 a day to over 8,000 per day. Because the end-to-end process can take up to 45 days (even longer as government offices were overwhelmed), we were supporting an active caseload of more than 300,000 applicants every day. Code for America was then a strict pair-programming shop modeled on Pivotal Labs, and we were figuring out how best to move that culture to a remote one. And I remember, darkly, that all of us with people-management responsibilities each put together a “Continuity Plan” to document responsibilities and fallbacks should anything happen to ourselves or our reports.

My notes for DRAI from the period are somewhat sketchy about exact dates:

  • Late March CfA was in talks to build the DRAI portal
  • April 14 the first commit was laid down by myself and another GCF engineer
  • May 18 applicants could start applying through community partners
  • End of June all funds were committed
  • End of July all funds were distributed
  • August final reporting
  • September began tearing it down

The initial team was pulled from GetCalFresh. A program manager, a product manager, a designer, a client researcher, and two engineers, one of them me. We were a high-trust group having already been closely working on GetCalFresh.

There was some initial strain in responsibilities. On the very mature project GetCalFresh, we had highly structured responsibilities: the PM and researcher decide what to build, the designer makes it usable, the program manager checks correctness, and the engineers make it work. On GetCalFresh I had to learn to work that way: “Respect for colleagues is trust in their expertise”. I’d come from labs and fellowships and early-stage startups where as a developer you just did and questioned… well, everything. So that was an adjustment back to like “um, I don’t see anyone doing this. is it, ok for me to? I didn’t hear back so I’m doing the thing.” Given the short timeline and the evolving requirements, it was largely the designer working on the intake form (which was a beast!), and myself…. designing everything else, at least in the initial weeks: entities, roles, stages, states, and how users of the system would navigate through them. A state named “disbursement” is exactly the sort of thing that’s my fault.

A screenshot of the DRAI dashboard with various states of committed and disbursed

Of the requirements, I remember they were… vague, which is a function of the timeline, and also par for the course. I remember disambiguating “manager” from “supervisor”, asking what exactly constituted a duplicate identity and hard and soft matching and transparency (having GetCalFresh data was an invaluable resource here), and whether anyone cared to look at the specifics about how we implemented auth and 2FA and audit logging though they were (waves hands) required. Like most government-led projects during my CfA tenure, a lot more effort in the requirements was spent on ineligibility criteria than on how eligible people are expected to access the benefit or escalate when they run into trouble. And there were many calls with the frontline community organizations to understand what they needed to support and supervise their workers and administer the program. And this was during lockdown, remember.

All work is human work. My second engineer’s father, a doctor, passed away, so she stepped back and two more GetCalFresh engineers joined us. We also had a lot of help from other folks at CfA like data science and Client Success. Our CTO was totally ok whenever I asked for tens of thousands of dollars of expenditure, and our Director of Engineering had previously at no small effort streamlined our secure infrastructure with Aptible. And folks outside of CfA; a former CfA fellow and engineer at Twilio was able to get us a Short Code in under a week. Code for America has a sometimes unbearable abundance of financial and human capital, and I’m grateful and proud we were able to access it.

I wasn’t sleeping very well at the time, and had a lot of manic energy. I’d be writing Google Docs at 4am. I had started working on GoodJob just the month before. My wife and I were in the midst of IVF treatment cycles. My mom would get her first cancer diagnosis. We closed on our first home; the movers wore tyvek suits and masks. It was the middle of the pandemic. It was a time!

Of vocation, I can’t imagine working on anything better, either!

Pronunciation guide: We initially named it DAFI (Disaster Assistance For Immigrants; daffy like the duck) but then when it shifted to DRAI, no one ever was consistent in pronouncing it dry or dray. 🦆🌵🚚🤷

Onto the technical bits

Boring-ass Rails I shouldn’t be shocked by now, with so many proof points over my career, but I am: how simple it is, with experience, to respond to rapidly shifting requirements in fairly-vanilla Rails: CRUD, fat controllers, fat models, fat jobs, validation contexts, ERB, form builders, UJS, system tests, seeds, factories…. it’s not particularly difficult or mentally stimulating; it’s simply hands-on-keyboard time with the satisfaction of being done with that feature or capability and on to the next one, and the next one, and the next one. (aside: there’s a “Patterns vs Platform” thought floating around here)

A walking skeleton. It’s ingrained in me that you rails new and then immediately set up CI and a production deployment pipeline… but when I did it in pair with my second engineer for the first time, they were like “I wouldn’t have thought of doing that.” So I mention it.

An expert system. Code for America did not do expert systems, and the contemporary design system, Honeycrisp, was woefully inadequate as it was intended for big, fresh, juicy, low-cognition wizards and not tight, dry, high-density, familiarized workflows and reporting. I got to design all that! Which in practice meant running out the same thing I did at Pantheon where I also managed the usability testing program (startups!) so I felt confident in what we laid down: 🎶 Tabs and dropdowns, tables and lists; horizontal, vertical, click, click, click! 🎶

A screenshot of the dashboard with various tabs and tables

Building the plane while flying it. The most joyous, stressful part of the whole thing was that we launched the Portal with only the intake section, and then each week we frantically fixed the bugs and built the next step in the workflow process. The tabs are numbered in the order we built them, and we just had them disabled in the UI with their contents not even designed yet. I remember surprising so many folks cause we’d get an inbound email with a bug report, I’d zing back out an email confirming it, us engineers would pair on the fix, deploy, and send another email back out to confirm within minutes. Expectations in this field are so low. I think we sent had a telephone bridge and emails on Friday with like “You can now click on Step 3 in the portal”; everyone was so wired! 😰 Also, in this metaphor, the plane itself held no enduring value, we were building it to safely land at the destination.

A screenshot of the intake form with numbered tabs along the screen

ApplicationTexter. There was space (not a lot!) for some experimentation from experience building GetCalFresh. I have a deeper dive to write about this, but briefly: we used Action Mailer to also format and send SMS messages via a custom Twilio-based delivery method. It made sending SMS messages look the same, in code, as sending an email. I’m really proud to have upstreamed one part of it: Action Mailer deliver callbacks.

Streaming CSV. One of the needs was to generate 10k+ row CSVs so that the administering organizations could do analysis and oversight. We were able to stream them directly from Postgres.

Typheous. One of the most unique aspects of DRAI for me was that our system was activating payment cards. A supervisor would type in the number on the physical card packaging, and then the system generated a unique activation code and sent it to the card issuer, Blackhawk (who were just the best partners 💖), who’d assign it to the card, and then we’d send a message to the client with the code. Everything worked great in the validation environment with curl, but we could never get it to work with net/http or any other Ruby HTTP library. We spent way too long poking at it, together with Blackhawk engineers. And then, because we had to move on, we just used curl via Typheous. Never figured that one out.

Localization. While there wasn’t a public, client-facing part of the system, there was a lot of localization we did to make it easier for bilingual assisters to read off the application to an applicant. This meant we had a lot of mixed language pages which I had limited experience with until then, as well as incomplete translations because we were building and pushing and translating all at the same time. I had a particularly difficult time with Arabic, which is a right-to-left language and we had to patch translate to get missing-translations working properly, and I remember difficulty getting all form-inputs to be LTR regardless of the surrounding content. We did make some awesome i18n-tasks tooling for importing and exporting translations to CSV and then into Google Sheets for translators and back again.

Multiparameters. Active Record’s worst dark magic is multiparameter attributes, which is how Active Record can decompose a single Date attribute into a 3-part datefield form and back again. It’s wild! And a huge source of 500 errors when users not-unreasonably choose invalid values (“February 31”). But I also not unreasonably believe that decomposing dates is just good UX, so there’s a patch for that.

Metabase. Metabase was one of the tools I had previously introduced to Code for America, and it was invaluable on this project. We were using paper_trail gem for auditability, which produced a very rich event stream. I got real good at COUNT FILTER, JSONB querying, and some neat Metabase features like trendlines, variables, and reusing SQL questions. I’m particularly proud of how many other people were able to build wicked-good dashboards with Metabase.

Rufus-scheduler. This was my first project using rufus-scheduler as a container-compatible replacement for cron on VMs. It worked really well, and that experience was a source of my initial reluctance to build such functionality into GoodJob. (I did eventually relent in GoodJob and am happy with that too).

Factories and Seeds. A quality-of-life thing: we spent some intentional time optimizing FactoryBot factories with associations and traits to make test setup as direct as possible. And having comprehensive seeds made it no-fuss to reset one’s development database, or set up a Heroku Review App for acceptance.

Overusing Scenic Views and SQL Counts. There were several features near the end of the project that we fit in without significantly rearranging the data structure, specifically around reporting precision and a fifo-waitlisting feature. There were several messy Scenic-powered Views that used Window Functions and other complex queries; this was the source of the only significant outage I remember: joining a relation to a database view that resulted in a table scan that kicked over the database. There was also several places where we made complex association counters as optimized database queries rather than counter caches, in the spirit of this, that were messy but ok; 50/50 would do again.

Telecom Outages. The most out of our control, there was a major telecom outage during the most critical part of the project that required a lot of recovery work to ensure SMS activation codes were delivered.

ZIP to FIPS. Ok, not truly technical but when I was writing this and refamiliarizing myself with the codebase, I was reminded of how much of the work is interpreting between geographic data systems and the overrides on overrides because different parties are using different data sets from different providers and provenances. Yeeesh! This is why you save your innovation tokens by writing boring-ass Rails… to spend it on this nonsense.

Open Source. I don’t imagine I would even be writing this if the project code wasn’t publicly available on GitHub. I’ve frequently linked to bits when folks on Reddit ask for Rails examples, and for every story here I can find a reference to: a PR, a commit, a piece of code (the ticket backlog was in Pivotal Tracker RIP). In my contemporaneous notes, I discovered I had written “Week of March 9, 2020… Org Open Source Strategy Plan… license… contributing… marketing… talent”; clearly that didn’t happen at large (someday GetCalFresh, someday?) but it probably had an effect in this small, for which I am grateful to the many people who let it happen.

Spectator Sport, a brief introduction to an upcoming Rails plugin

Hi! 👋 I’m Ben Sheldon. I’m the author of GoodJob, an Active Job backend that I’ll humbly share is mildly popular and known for its broad features and ease of use. I’m working on a new plugin for Rails: ✨

Spectator Sport creates and replays video-like recordings of your live, production website, via a self-hosted Ruby on Rails Engine that lives in your application.

Spectator Sport uses the rrweb library to create recordings of your website’s DOM as your users interact with it, from the perspective of their web browser’s screen (html, css, images, dynamic content, mouse movements and clicks, navigation). These recordings are stored in your Active Record database for replay by developers and administrators to analyze user behavior, reproduce bugs, and make building for the web more engaging, satisfying, and fun.

Here’s a proof of concept demo. It’s very, very, very, very rough and early, but everyone I have demoed it for says “wow, that is totally different and much better than I imagined it when you first explained it me”:

🚧 🚧 This gem is very early in its development lifecycle and will undergo significant changes on its journey to v1.0. I would love your feedback and help in co-developing it so fyi it’s going to be so much better than it is right now.

You can help:

Who is this gem for?

I’m writing this on the weekend following Rails World 2024, on eve of Rails 8’s release. The Rails team is tackling the hard problems of making it easy to deploy your website into production with tools like Kamal, and addressing operational complexity with the Solid suite. What comes next?

Spectator Sport intends to transform your relationship with your website after it is deployed to the web and real people have the opportunity to use it:

  • See how people are actually using your website, directly.
  • Remove the necessity of defining funnel metrics or analytics up front, or the necessity of interpreting user behavior through a limited lens of aggregated or averaged numbers.
  • As a developer and product-maker, more fully engage your sympathetic senses, in addition to your analytical senses, to ultimately be more effective and fulfilled when building for the web.

Launching a website kinda sucks. I’ve been a solopreneur, and web-marketing consultant, and “founding” engineer, and “growth” engineer at VC backed startups and product labs, and a participant and mentor in entrepreneur communities and mastermind and accountability groups for 19 years. People are not ok.

The fast development feedback of imagining and building the thing locally, the dopamine rush of making something nice, one step at a time, for other people to use… that all drops off a cliff once, well, you put it out there for other people to use. The post-launch and release feedback: it’s not there.

It sucks! People feel it! They’re confused, they’re sad, sometimes mad, looking for help, wanting to be seen by others, spinning on valueless technical changes, sharing tangential hot takes and engagement baits. Developers are going anywhere but directly to the people they’re building for. One reason, I believe, is because their visitors’ and users’ activity on their website is largely invisible and unknowable, and the only way to see it is through a foggy, confusing and deeply unsatisfying window of abstract metrics and aggregation.

Building for the web should be a spectator sport. More than only a fantasy game of metrics and aggregates and guesses and spread-table gambles. It should be fun and engaging and direct. We should simply be able to observe and react and cheer and cry and fall on the floor and get up and make it better and go again. Believe.

There are constraints to what I can do to achieve this vision, with this gem. I’m focused on building for Ruby on Rails. And specifically hobbyists, soloprenieurs, small teams, SMBs (small and midsize businesses), and unique applications, including:

  • applications with limited budgets or the inability (because of geography or policy) to contract or procure a 3rd party service.
  • applications in government or healthcare or on an internal intranet with unique data or privacy constraints who don’t have the budget for a BAA (business associate agreement) or other compliance contracts
  • applications for which operational simplicity is paramount and don’t have the resources to operate a more complex self-hosted solution

We have the technology

Browser recording isn’t new. Fullstory was my own introduction to it nearly a decade ago, also Tealeaf and Sentry and PostHog and Highlight and Matomo and many others, some of which are no-cost self-hostable as a separate service, though often with complex dependencies. Many of them use rrweb too.

I believe Spectator Sport is the first no-cost, self-hostable browser-recording tool that works anywhere your application runs (Heroku being the narrowest target I can imagine). Tell me what I’m missing!

If my adjectives themselves aren’t compelling and your website already has massive scale and a rich revenue stream and/or no concerns about 3rd-party data subprocessors, I highly recommend checking out PostHog (just $0.005 per recording!) or Sentry (enterprise gated, but integrated into Sentry’s other features which are fantastic).

A good job, again

I mentioned in my introduction that my other gem, GoodJob, is well-regarded. I think we can do it again with Spectator Sport:

  • Focus on solving a class of problems developers experience over a long period of time, not building a specific technology tool and calling it a day.
  • Serve the vastly more solo and full-stack dev teams with limited time and budgets who will benefit from something tailored to their largely consistent needs (easy, good, inexpensive) and are nice and appreciative when you deliver, than the very small number of experienced folks with big budgets and unique needs who inexplicably have time on their hands to be outspoken in telling you it will never work for them.
  • Provide a wide offering of polished features, using boring, existing tech to do the complex bits (like Postgres advisory locks in GoodJob, or rrweb in Spectator Sport). The value comes from the usability of the integration. A full-featured, cleanly designed web dashboard really impresses too; Dark Mode is the epitome of a non-trivial feature to maintain that demonstrates care.
  • Maintain a narrow compatibility matrix, focus on “omakase” Rails (Active Record, Active Storage, etc.) with a sensible EOL policy. Complexity kills. Relational databases are great. Squeeze the hell out of the system you have.
  • Be exceptionally responsive and supportive of developers who need help and meet them where they are. Be personally present because the library can’t speak for itself. Make mistakes, change direction, communicate intent, move forward.
  • Keep the cost of change low, release frequently, build up, iterate, document and test and provide deprecation notices, follow SemVer, and defer application-breaking changes as long as possible.

I do want to try one thing new compared to GoodJob: I want Spectator Sport to be compatible with Postgres and MySQL and SQLite. I believe it’s possible.

Front-running the criticism

Here are the things I have worked through myself when thinking about Spectator Sport, and talked about with others:

Is it creepy? Yes, a little. There is overlap with advertising and marketing and “growth” tech, And many service providers market browser recording as a premium capability with premium prices and sell it hard. Realistically, I have implemented enough dynamic form validations in my career that I no longer imagine any inherent sanctity in an unsubmitted form input on a random website. Conceptually, Spectator Sport observes your website as it is operated by a user, it does not observe the user. Every webpage deserves to be a place, and this just happens to be your CCTV camera pointed at it, for training purposes.

Is it a replacement for usability research? No, of course not. Spectator Sport can only show you half of the picture (or less) that you get from real usability research. When you do real usability research and ask a subject to do something on your website, you ask them to explain what they’re doing, in their own words, based on their own understanding of the task and what they see through their own eyes. Browser recordings alone can’t give you all that. You still have to fill in the blanks in the story.

Is it safe? I think so. I intend all user input to be masked by default, be secure by default, and provide comprehensive documentation that explains both the why and the how to lock down what’s stored and who can access it. Spectator Sport is shipping the DOM to your own database, and it’s likely the same data already lives in the database in a more structured way, and is already reflected back through your application too.

Does it use a lot of storage? Not as much as you might fear. If people’s big scaling worry for GoodJob was “it will be too slow” I already think Spectator Sport’s is “it will be too big”. I’ve been running the proof of concept on my own websites and 1.5k recordings took up ~500MB of storage in Postgres. Retention periods can be configured, data can be compressed and offloaded to Active Storage. I believe it is ok, and worth the squeeze.

Can it do xyz? Maybe. Open an issue on GitHub. I’d love to discuss it with you.

Wouldn’t you rather do something with AI? I dunno, man. I freaking love watching recordings of my websites being driven by people and thinking about how to make the website easier and better for them. I think this is an immensely satisfying missing piece of building for the web, and I think you will too.

Tell me what I’m missing or overlooking!

The call to action, a second time, at the bottom

Something I learned a long time ago, from watching browser recordings (true story!), is that visitors will go deep below the hero’s call-to-action, read all the lovely explanatory content, get to the bottom… and bounce because the call to action wasn’t reinforced.

So, please:

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