Remember Paul

Color Lego Guy

** Paul Hansen: my boss, friend and mentor; husband, artist and Director of the CTC VISTA Project; passed away Monday night. Paul’s humor, optimism and vision have profoundly influenced me in the past two years I have known him.

Paul was an inspiration to me: in his design and art, his use of colors and contrast, his rediscovery of common (and uncommon) objects and his whimsy and delight in their placement. In our work Paul showed me how to stay sane in insane places and where to look for fun in the mundane. Most of all, Paul was a model for maintaining one’s sense of self in the most ego-reducing places.

Paul, you will be greatly missed and not forgotten.

Reading List


Tapioca Mobile Tour


Clippings for PEG Access TV


Presentation Zen Copy Blogger Brazen Careerist Life Coaches Blog


43 Folders Life Clever Personal Positivity Blog


The Long Tail Many to Many MediaShift A. Fine Blog apophenia Chris Garrett on New Media Pattern Recognition Mind Mob


NTEN Connect Confessions of a Nonprofit IT Director The World We Want Beth’s Blog Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology


Accidental Hedonist Fast Food News Great Taco Hunt News for Curious Cooks Menupages: Boston

Design, Art and Typography

Temple of the Golden Camels design.Principles Typographica ParticleTree


indexed xkcd Joe Mathlete on Marmaduke PHD Comics Achewood Stuff on My Cat


Earl Stewart on Cars This Girl Calls Automatic Win Schnier on Security Whiteboydancefloor halfwaythere

Hold the salt

When pan-frying or oven-frying potatoes, put on salt at the end. Salt will draw out moisture during cooking and keep the potatoes from crisping.

  • from Eric Martin while he was cooking delicious breakfast-potatoes.

Destructive rhetoric


I was having a hard time explaining exactly what Fred Turner means by the conclusion of his book, From Counterculture to Cyberculture, I wrote about earlier. It really seems difficult to explain things without using informationalist rhetoric.

This makes me think of the About Wealth Bondage page:

Wealth Bondage is pervasive, the horizon within which postmodern life, in every aspect, appears to us as a Market….

All interpretations of Wealth Bondage are themselves inside Wealth Bondage and as such are provisional, for there is not “outside” of Wealth Bondage.

I’m not entirely sure what the heck that means, but if I were to be all thinky, I could try to connect the idea of Bakhtin’s Dialogic:

everything anybody ever says always exists in response to things that have been said before and in anticipation of things that will be said in response.

with the idea of memes and suppose that certain rhetorical “memes” (like peer-to-peer informationalism or market exchange) are able to, within the diologic, competitively displace other rhetorical memes.

Design Analogies

I was having a talk today with Danielle about this proposal on “Open Source Engagement” on Milla Digitalia. Mostly I was being critical of the manner in which the authors sling around “open source”.

But back to Danielle, and the analogy. The fallacy of that proposal is that the authors are confusing design and process. The argument, as I can tell, is that Wikipedia and Open Source Software Development (like Linux) work a certain, so they will design their Project to work that way too (when I say “work”, I am intentionally being vague as to whether I mean design or process).

So here is the analogy:

Wikipedia/OSS are like buildings (Danielle is in an Urban Planning Program). They are designed to have as many doors as possible. All over the place. And it just so happens that people really like using the front door and the door into the kitchen, and mostly ignore the other doors.

Now, in this proposal, they make this argument: We’ve learned from Wikipedia/OSS that front doors and kitchen doors really work great, so we’re going to design our project to have a front door and a kitchen door just like they do.

My soapbox: Wikipedia/OSS work because they are designed to allow flexibility in how people interact with them. This has allowed the processes of interaction to evolve into what works best in that situation. Designing a project and limiting how people interact with it to inflexibly use a process that has evolved elsewhere will most likely not give the best results.

Of course, now that I’ve reread the proposal a couple times, I feel like I’m maybe being too harsh, but I don’t think the proposal is very clear with their Legitimacy Exchange.

Struck by Cain

…there are some guys who can return good for evil

Every brave man will think so. He will not want to live by passing on the wrath. A hit B? B hit C?—we have not enough alphabet to cover the condition. A brave man will try to make the evil stop with him. He shall keep the blow. No man shall get it from him, and that is a sublime ambition. So, a fellow throws himself in the sea of blows saying he do not believe it is infinite. In this way many courageous people have died. But an even larger number who had more of impatience than bravery. Who have said, ‘Enough of the burden of wrath. I cannot bear my neck should be unfree. I cannot eat more of this mess of fear-pottage.’

From page 214 (Penguin Classic Paperback) of Henderson the Rain King by Saul Bellow. That line seems to be often quoted, despite the preceding paragraph stating the hubris of it.

Preceding that is the statement of the human condition of continuity (not violence in and of itself):

Brother raises hand against brother and son against father (how terrible!) and the father also against son. And moreover it is a continuity-matter, for if the father did not strike the son, they would not be alike. It is done to perpetuate similarity.

King Corn

I saw the movie King Corn last night at Harvard. It was ok. The best part I thought was when they interviewed Earl Butz, a Secretary of Agriculture in the 1970s that instigated a major food production policy shift.

Earl said that his change in policy led to a decrease in the amount of money people spent on food (from ~40% to 15-20%) which led to the economic prosperity of today. (eg more disposable income, more consumption, expanded economy).

Clever. Though after reading his wikipedia entry, apparently he wasn’t so clever in other respects. Definitely didn’t mention that in the movie.

Cribbed Apple Salsa

One of my favorite haunts in Boston is Delux in the South End—mostly because a successive series of my friends have worked there.

One of their best dishes is the Quesadillas, which are made so in part by the fruit salsa. I’ve been working to deconstruct it, so this is what I think is in it:

(this isn’t proportional)

  • Apple (seems like something red, maybe a macintosh)
  • Red Pepper
  • Yellow Pepper
  • Red onion
  • Yellow Onion (maybe)
  • Jalapeno
  • Pineapple juice (like a tiny splash, maybe)

It’s all chopped up into maybe 1/4 chunks and amazing

vis-a-vis viz. vis-a-vis, viz.

viz. - namely, as follows, that is to say; introduces and element or list… an abbreviation for “videlicet”

vis-a-vis - (1) face to face with another (2) In relation to or compared with: Canada’s role vis-a-vis the United States in Afghanistan (3) as opposed to